Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Dec 1925, p. 1

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General Admissionâ€"Adults 25. Children under 12, 15c. Skating parties may be arranged on application. Richmond Hill Arena GENERAL SKATING Wednesday and Saturday (Special to The Liberal) L Willowdale, Dec. 31.â€"Hockeyists are now holding regular practices and getting into form for the Junior O.H.A. games scheduled. Players are being recruited from the district be- tween Thornhill and the city. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, January 4, 5, 6 TALMADGE “ 0 0 Her Sister From Parts” COMEDYâ€"“THE INNOCENT HUSBAND" {WI w (I; _ \n . RAMOI‘LNOVARROV :‘n‘THE MIDSHIPMAN’ COMEDYâ€""SOUP TO NUTS." Topics. Fables.' The Baptist Church at Finch 7.30 to 10 o’clock. AND IN ATTENDANCE. Willowdale Commencing at 11 o’clock. VAUDEVILLE : SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS. Matinee New Year’s Day ~,2.30. Usual Saturday Matinee 2.30. Thursday, Friday, Saturday December 31, January 1, 2 Covering Canada’s Best Suburban District Vol. XLVIII. RAMON NOVARRO NORTH TORONTO “The Midshipman: CONSTANC V TH EATRE YONGE AT CASTLEFIELD :apitol IN ners held an entertainment Tuesday night. A dance is being given this (Thurs- day) evening in the Municipal Hall, Willowdale, by the Ladies’ Orange Benevolent Association. North York’s municipal candidates addressed a nleetifg'WVednesday night in Municipal Hal. Call and see these popular seisu-have one installed in your home on approval Complete fine of Radio Sappies. HALL‘S SERVEC “In Essentials, Unity; In Non-assent ials, Liberty; In All Things, Charity.” RICHMOND i-EILL, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1925 Candidates Present View: At Largely Attended Nomi- nation Meeting. FOUR IN FIELD FOR REEVESHIP With almost a record number of ratepayers in attendance, nominations for reeve, councillors and school trus- tees for Richmond Hill took place Monday evening in Masonic Hall. David Hill pointed out his extended service on both the Council and School Board. He had now considerable time which he would be glad to devote to the service of theyillage. With regard to the question of Yonge Street improvement, he recognized that it would be years before the thorough- fare could be put into completely sat- isfactory condition and he did not favor expenditures upon it now beâ€" yond those necessary to keep it in a good state of repair. Mr. Hill indi- cated that he favored a policy of strict economy combined with a pro- gressive outlook. As forecast in the last issue of The Liberal, four candidates entered the field for the reeveship, giving promise of the liveliest municipal contest in the history of the village. Problems confronting the municipality in 1926 were dealt with earnestly and ably by the speakers, all of whom received attentive hearings, indicative of a quickened public interest in municipal affairs. Mr. Lunau presented an interesting review of the work of the Council this year, citing the fact that 670 feet of walk had been laid. The North Yonge Street sewer had been con- structed, relieving the dwellers in that section of gruch annoyance an dam- age. ?he expenditure upon e new fire truck had increased the security of the whole village and had obviated the necessity of building new mains at a cost probably in excess of that of the truck. As a solution of the water problem, he suggested piping between the head of the stream and the intake. With a paper like The Liberal alert to serve the interests of the village, the speaker believed that the School Board should report to the public its various activities as they were related to the Village Council. Mr. Lunau was opposed to expenditures on Yonge Street improvements at this time be- yon those necessary to maintain the roa way in good repair. Henry Moyle sought to present to the speakers an inquiry relative to their position on the prohibition ques- tion, but the interpellation was ruled out of order by the Chairman. Following the announcement of the nominations, A. J. Hume, Clerk and Tre surer, took the chair on motion of . H. Trench, retiring Reeve, sec- onded by J. H. Sandenson. Mr. Hume in a few introductory re- marks dealt analyticaâ€"lly with the Treasurer’s Statement for the present year, pointing out the heavy deben- ture payments now being borne by the village and sounding a word of warning of the need to keep a sharp watch on expenditures. J. Lunau. David Hill. James McLean. W. H. Pugsley. FOR COUNCILLORS W. G. Baldock. J. R. Herrington. J. A. Greene. Albert Chapman. G. H. Sloan A. J. McLatchy. FOR SCHOOL TRUSTEES (Apclmnalial) Garnet Duncan. George Cowie. Frank Atkinfion. NOMINATIONS FOR REEVE xys i1 Continued on Page 8 0'11“ ML'L. L. Nichols of Victoria. Square sends to The Liberal the following interesting sequel to an item which appeared last week : In reading "The Lihpral” of Inst week we notice An account 01‘ n spelling match twenty years ago. While scanning the list of numes mentioned in it. we are compelled to think that this earth is not our abiding home. The chairman of that gathering and four others who contributed have gone to their long homP. The boys and girls who wok pin-t are scab tered fur and wide. many of them hold positions of Lrust, and res onlibili- ty. One of the star spellers of No. 6 remain! with us and the as ever sinde been u. good speller, Miss Ethel Morison. Heine Hill Cemetery Records Diatlose Remarkable ln- stance: of Longevity. 12 AT GORMLEY LIVED llll YEARS son and Sister Cora, with their famiâ€" lies, at their Christmas dinner under the parental roof of Mr. and Mrs. Jabes Thompson. W. B. Henderson, after spending Christmas Day with his family and returning to his duties on the York Radial, and while crossing the C.N.R. at Gormley, successfully avoided a collision with the motor coach by heading his machine for the ditch, from which it required half a dozen men to extricate it. Something that cannot be found in every community by way of continu- ous succession of land title and resi- dence can be found near Gormley, where in two cases the sixth genera- tion is now resident on these two farms without interruption covering a period of one hundred and twenty- one years. A galaxy of talent has been as- sembled by Manager McClelland, gor the big New Year’s Eve. show at he Capitol Theatre, North Toronto. With a long list of vaudeville acts and two feature pictures, the crowd at the Capitol is certain to greet the New Comparativer few people reach the age of ninety years. There are, howâ€" ever, buried in the “Heise Hill Ceme- tery” twelve people whose combined ages aggregate 1,111 (one thousand one hundred and eleven) years, an average of 921/2 years. Surely, “Thou carriest them away as with a flood.” A lifelong resident of Gormley recently gave us the fol- lowing information: During his recol- lectiOn, covering a period of 60 years, there lived on either - side of the Fourth Concession of Markham in one mile and a quarter south from Gorm- ley, no less than 215 people of various ages, all of whom have passed into the Great Beyond, in addition to quite a number that at one time were resident on this thoroughfare that have moved «elsewhere, of whom it is not known by (9411‘ in‘tor'mant whether they are still living or otherwise. Surely, “when a few years are come, then I shall go the way whence I shall not return.” In this connection our informant stat- ed that one family personally known to him, comprising five generations; the first (pioneers), the second and the third have all passed away, a considerable percentage of the fourth, and quite a number of the fifth, all within the recollection of the writer. Mrs. M. A. Baker (Grandma) spent her Christmas at the home of D. W. Heise, in her 91st year. Grandma has been preserved in a very remarkable way both physically and mentally, and is able to discuss matters of communâ€" ity history intelligently indeed, conâ€" sidering her advanced years. worth while. (Special to The Liberal.) Gormtey, Dec. 28.â€"-Fxfan}c _'1‘hpm;_)- Mrr. Editor-Ive cfimmend you in yoler efforts to m Ike The Liberal so *for more than 30 ycars a leading school for Business Training. STATEGN Our expert teachers, individual instruction and most up-to- clatc methods. combined with intensive study on your part. beginning in January, will lead you straight to a good position by mid-summer. When writing for information include the details of your past education and we will gladly outline our plans to give you greatest results in the shortest possible time. We will give you credit for your present educational stand~ ing when arranging your course of studies. and promote you to a more advanced class just as soon as you are ready for it. There is no holding back for others. Sequel to the Spelling Match 'onge'and Alexander Streets AT THE CAPITOL SAVES SATUDENT’S TIME Girls Present Sacred Playlet (Special to The Liberal) Thornhill, Dec. 31.â€"The Sunday School Christmas entertainment, held in the United Church, was a decided success. The programme 0 ened with a splendid chorus by e school, “Hark, the Herald Angels Sing." A sacred playlet by several girls, por- traying the heralding of the birth of Christ, was very well interpreted. Another play was given, showing how 'the Christmas spirit should prevail in every home. Recitations, a piano solo by Dorothy Train, and several songs, were all well received by the large audience. Santa Claus made his ini- tial appearance at the close of the programme, giving the usual delights to all the little folk. Rev. Mr. Strang- ways and Superintendent Galbraith were presented with Christmas tur- keys. The generous offering received will establish a gift fund for the scholars' annual entertainment. Do not forget the second annual entertainment given by the Young Men’s Class in the United Church New Year’s evening. A splendid proâ€" gramme has been prepared, consisting f a play. entitled “An Economical Boomerang"; a pantomime, “Merin- da’s Beaus.” Miss Marguerite Boyle, elocutionist; Miss Aileen Atkinson, violinist; Miss E.- Barker, soprano; Miss R. Strangways, contralto, and Mr. Cecil Martin, cornetist, will as- sist in the programme. The admis- sion is 350. for adults and 25c. for lchildren. The many friends of Miss F. Bowes re pleased to hear her health is im- proving. Next week, Constance Talmadge, in “Her Sister from Paris,” will provide spice and fun for the Capitol’s patrons. Ronald Colman heads the support in this rollicking picture story ofifa man who elopes with his own w1 e. Mr. Rutherford Farr, of Chicago, is spending the holiday season with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Farr. Year in merry fashion A large number attended the Pres- byterian Christmas tree and enter- tainment. A good programme was given by the scholars of the school, consisting of dialogues, solos and reci- tations. Santa. Claus aggin played his favorite role. It looks as if Thornhill is going to pass another uneventful winter as far as hockey is concerned, as our players are practising with Willowdale. A quiet wedding took place on De- cember the 19th, at the home of Mr. Stanley B. Elson, when Cora L. Kirby, of St. Thomas, became the bride of Reginald H. Arnold, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Arnold, of Ivy, Ont. The Rev. Newton St. John, of Clinton Street United Church, officiated. Mrs. O. Brillinger held a family re- union Christmas Day. Mrs. W. D. Scott, and daughter Irene, have gone to spend the winter at Lakeland, Florida. 'oronto Single copy, 3 cents. LlVELY CONTESTS IN YORK COUNTY Elections In Markham, King, North York and Two Gwillimburys Nominations in York County Mon- day brought forth few surprises. In several municipalities the councils were re-elected by acclamation, not- ably Aurora, Vaughan and Whit- church. In addition to that in Rich- mond Hill, contests of a more or less lively order are in prospect in King. Markham Village and Township and North Gwillimbury. Nominations were as follows: Except Councillor W. H. Dennis. who retired, the present Council was returned by acclamation: Reeve, Mor- gan Baker; Deputy Reeve, George H. Leary; Councillors, Abner Baker, Wils liam Crawford and Herman Kidd. For Reeveâ€"Wesley G. Gohn and George P. Padgett. For First Deputy Reeveâ€"J. R. Campbell, W. H. Lapp, R. A. Smith and J. A. Mitchell. For Second Deputy Reeveâ€"R. L. Stiver. R. A. Smith and John Turner. For Councillorsâ€"J. S. Haney, E. J. Jarvis, Fred poakwell, Edgar Nye (with- rdrew) and John Tume (withdrew). Present Council returned by mation: Reeve, Berwick We First Deputy Reeve, George K Second Deputy Reeve, James H son; Councillors, Thomas M. and Arthur W. Farr. VILLAGE OF STOUFFVILLE Reeveâ€"S. W. Silvester (acclama- tion). For Councillorsâ€"J. Borinsky, J. W. Cleaver, S. W. Silversides, H. W. Sanders, W. Brillinger and J. Davey (withdrew). For School Trus- teesâ€"A. E. Booth, E. Lloyd, F. Winn, F. H. Sangster, Edward Baker, A. V. Nolan, N.rStoufi'er and A. J. Ward. For Reeveâ€"S. A. Osborne and George Broaerick. For Deputy Reeve â€"J. A. Cole and Ira Norton. Coun- cillors (elected by acclamatinn)â€"-J. Harrison, W. Lewis and W. Wilmott. Reeveâ€"W. J. Mitchell (acclama- tion). Councilâ€"Major A. A. McKen- zie, Dr. G. D. McLean, F. Baggs, Thos. Cole (acclamation). Hydro Commisâ€" sionerâ€"L. Wallace (acclamation). School Trusteesâ€"W. J. Blake, W. Fragkham, Bert Cousins (acclama- tion . MARKHAM VILLAGE For Reeveâ€"A. F. Wilson, George W. Wilson and T. W. Underwood. For Councillorâ€"G. W. Crosby, W. A. Fer- rier, James Torrance, Albert Wide- man, Alex. Douglas, Frank Latter, James Malcolm, W. H. Myers, Frank Nighswander, James Peake and J. W. Phillips. For School Trusteesâ€"James Malcolm, William Payne, H. S. Sny- der and G. L. Williamson. Mr. Edgar Wall will have char of the services on the Richvale C Reeveâ€"E. W. Legge, King City; Alex. McMurchy, Strange. First Dep- utyâ€"Thomas McMurchy, King rural route; A. B. Wells, King rural route. Second Deputyâ€"Thomas McMurchy, King rural route; Joseph Duggan, Lloydtown; Alex. Cameron, Schomâ€" berg. Councillorsâ€"Elton Armstrong, Newmarket; Cornelius McCae, Sohom- berg'r F. A. Egan, King City; Henry Hambly, King City; G. S. Fox, Kettle- by; J. J. Edwards, Schomberg (two to be elected). For Reeveâ€"John E. Hopkins and Charles E. Willoughby. For Deputy Reeveâ€"Ernest Morton (acc1.). For Councillorsâ€"Robert Davidson, Russell Glover, Frank Williamson, Barton Ward, Charles Willoughby, Frank Williamson and Jack McPhie. cuit on Januar Kell, ls attem ference m Eva For Reeveâ€"Arthur Pugsley and Walker Heiborn. For Councillorsâ€" Frank Burroughes, James Burch, Arthur Saunders, H. R. Osborne, H. Cameron, H. Burnham and John King. UNIONVILLE VILLAGE Trustees (three to be elected)â€"H. Parkinson, T. O. Harding, A. G. Gorm- ley, Milton Findley, Dr. Kennedy, L. NEWMARKET For Mayor, J. E. Nesbitt (acclama- tion); for Reeve, P. W. Pearson (ac- clamation);‘First Deputy Reeve, Fred A. Lundy (acclamation); for Second Deputy Reeve, C. S. McCauley (ac- clamation); for Councillors, Harry Doyle, George Barker, W. J. Riley, F. N. Smith, A. J. Davis, A. B. Cu.- rie, W. W. Osborne, Fred Bowser and George Lewsby; for School Trustees, Dr. S. J. Boyd, Frank Bothwell and R. E. Manning (all three elected by acclamation). Limau. The whole Council received an ac- clamatidn as follows; Mayor, Jesse M. Walton; Reeve, T. R. Legge; Deputy Reeve, Hancock, and Councillors An- drews, Bilbroug‘h, Knowles, Taylor and Thompson._ $1.50 per year in advance. WHITCHURCH TOWNSHIP WOODBRIDGE VILLAGE MARKHAM TOWNSHXP NORTH GWILLIMBURY VAUGHAN EAST GWILLIMBURY KING TOWNSHIP NE‘VTON BROOK ,endm AURORA SUTTON No. 27 TOWNSHIP Illinoi by accla- Weldrick; e Kellam; :s H. Rob- M. Baker «I 1‘

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