Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 May 1926, p. 1

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f Covering Canada’s $.l‘50dper year Best Suburban m a vance' DiStl'iCt Single copy, 3 cents “In Essentials, Unity; In Non-assent ia/s, Liberty; In All Things, Charity.” Vol. XLVIH. RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 13 1926 _ No 46 3p . THEATRE 2492 YONGE, initial lung . With the regularity of the seasons, 5 , comes the question of Daylight Sav- AT CASTLEFIELD ‘ ‘ ) ' . . . r1 0 mgr. So far as Richmond Hill is con- - I corned it vas (let‘inatcly settled at. the ‘*â€"" ("ouncil meeting? on Monday night. when it was decided that: the new time should become effective lure at midnight on Saturday, May 21‘. Reeve Lunau reported that he anrl Mr. Trench had interviewed Hui. (ice. 8. Henry. Minister of liie‘hv ‘j, for Ontario with reference to :1 1câ€" liaie of money paid to the county on iaccount of roads repaired last year, and that they had received any-uranv-i- This Thursday, Friday, Saturday ' May13,14,15 ‘ Josesh i7 S that the village would rocrive the amount in question. W. Middleton appeared on l‘I.‘l‘.£lil' v of the llocke, (lull 3rd axkul for ‘ sonic l'cbntc of the runny p 7‘ the town as it \m‘ nerd-yd to meet th' financial obligations of the club. A rebate of $25.00 was, given by the “Lord jinn” council. A letter was received from Mrs. W. H. Graham, asking.r for a crossing in front of her residence on Church Street. The requesthvas granted and .t was decided to build a crossinr at Dr. Wilson‘s l'k‘~l(iL‘li'cL‘ acros illitre Street. ' Permission was granted the Aurora Salvation Army Corps to hold a Tag Day here on Monday, May :14. It was sua‘gested that the army oliicers ask permission of the Agricultural Soâ€" ciety to tag: on the fair grounds. The Clerk was instructed to com- municate with the Weights and Mea- sures department and ask for an in- spection of the village scales. A Byâ€" Law will be drawn up to provide for the appointment of a local inspector of Weights and Measures. Pupils Gave A Splendid Rental Special Vaudeville ' Attraction: Metropolitan ’lllinslrels Comedy: “I'llaid in Morocco”; To ics Fables. P ; PERCYTMARMONT m . JOSEPH CON RAD‘S “LORD JlM‘ A PARAMOUNT PlCTURE Pupils of Miss Marguerite Boyle and Miss Annie Cooper Pro- vided A Delightful Program Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday May, 17, 18, 19 The i’rince oi We es Toni“ . A hundred guests ‘ embled at the studio 01' Miss Marguerite Boyle. “Homewopd Hall”, 'l‘hornhill, on Saturday last, to listen 1.0 a delight- ful programme or" readian given by her advanced pupils, and piano numâ€" bers by pupils of Ni. x .; "ooper. he p!;‘.ti’orn‘.. xxi' round of green, in: " pring‘ "haw mm“ flowers made an art tin” for the entertainers who hurt". Misses llary Hi.lop. Mary Pal‘crwn Dorâ€" othy liislop. Mildred \l’right, Mary ; DISCOVEQS T51: " G , Farr, Jean Allen. Eleanor Drury. l Dorothy Duncan, Jes-. McLean, Esther Johns, Florence \Yells, Barâ€" bara Forester, Edith Davis, Doris Cook, Isabel Farr, Irene Chick. Wil- kie Hooper, Audrey Coleman; also, Sidney Teare. John Ross. Hugh Mc- Donald, Harvcy Smith. A pleasing note of variety was. a clever little playlet given by Misses Jean McDonald and Lottie Ball. Miss Cooper and Miss Boyle were presented with beautiful bouquets of flowers by their pupils at the close of the programme. after which the guests were invited to the tea room. where Mrs. Carleton poured tea. OF .1 UAZZ” New President For Women’s Organization Mrs. Geo. MacAllister Replaces Mrs. C. J. Catto as Head of N. York Conservative Asso. A meeting: of the North York Township, “(Hunt's Liberal Conscr- vative ASSOCltitlUll. wan held at -the home of .\ll‘>‘. Anderson. \‘lillowdale. on Wednesday afternoon last, for the purpose of electing a mu’ president. Comedy: “Between Meals” COMING: icant position. SI Mrs. R. 1.. Bram-3;.- of York .lllls, i. ‘i Mrs. C. J. Can havan recently moved out of the 'l‘mvnship. ‘ After mand expr ' of regret o: W trom the members at l<)>lll_L" all so able a leader as ', Catlin .\i‘;‘s. I m llit’”. 3111L’:\lll5l.l' "ll llxli'lul". \‘.'Li> a iurauinn-usly elected I» ".c va- IX W 4 IN . ‘Wednesday May 17, 18, 19 ‘ (ran; inns then Clcctvtl second viceâ€"presi- . dent in place 01' Mrs. MacAllichr. é; leports were given of several “ins GET homer mTH LOIS WILSON members having given card parties | in their homes during the winter himonths. making a very welcome adâ€" I‘.;..1‘lli-' 11.-»1 ..... is 1.2: .‘v-. o =.:i~:.. ,v. s, .. . . 9., -v; â€".». RICHMOND HELL DAYLlGHTSAVlNG An n o u n c c m c n t \Vith this issue. the Liberal comes under new management, and we take this opportunity to solicit the co-operation and patronage of the people of iii. ..mnnd Hill and the surburban district served by this paper. In return we will at all times strive to produce a weekly nenspancr which will be in credit to the community and which will keep pm".- with the growth and [development m" this section. shrangemcnts have becn made for the c-xicnzaiow of our plant to make room for additions to our equipment to provide to“ (he pry-{tram we have in nzind. \‘v' believe that Richmond Hill and surroundi :3: mslriets will have :‘ cr nsistent and healthy; but at the same time 1», wonderful growth and it (‘ . iis fur the purpose of catering to the newspaper needs of such a community, uhat v e have taken over the Liberal, and we believe that it will be poss’blc to produce a lit‘\\’.°l\;\‘l'l(‘l‘ that Will find its way into most or the homes of this :‘lsurban district. .>( :‘al will at all times be essentially ;! llL‘KV':})i;All'l‘y and ul'l‘ aim will be lo give the locality a paper of local interest ain to this end v.” solicit the cramp!“ to assist us in The extent of sending“ in local itci s, '\'Cl‘ll‘il‘.£ letters to (he (whini- for publication and in hundred: of mh' r v‘ t:.s doin’r their part to rid» the Liberal a real community ncwxspapr . 'il;-~ Lil-Hal. under our nianaggmucnt \‘,lll cont. ".uc in general principles. 1h-~ mu;- \.'hiih is part and parcel of the ll‘fl'clltlllil‘ ni'_..i.s paper; but is ‘41., "l t of outside interests or political party and will not hesitate to ’ ‘ ‘ its opinion on questions which we consider ol‘ interest and imâ€" )1\. . lMd'lLdlt‘C to this district, and the country as a whole. On such questions we will have opinions which we hope to place before the, public in an honest and fearless manner without prejudice or harshness. To the business men of the district we appeal for their advertising patronz’ige and we will do our part, to give them a fair return for their inâ€" vestmut. That continuous advertising; pays rich dividends is a generally aCccpic-il fact in this day in which we live, and therefore we look to the busi- ness men to make good use of the Libero-l columns. We in turn will lend evciv zi":istancc we can in the preparation of copy it' we will be called on to do 2 Next, to the people generally. we are ambitions to greatly increase our circulation: a remarkable increase is shown in our lists for the past six months. and in a short time We lmpe to be reaching the large majority of homes in this district. Lastly, remember a newspaper we structive criticism. The more you make use of your next consistently you support it, the more its benefits will be r greater service it will be able to render for the increased prosp field in which it labors. Yours For A Happy and Prosperous Community J. Eachern Smith. “Tanager and Editor. Av \,l‘ lcomes suggestions and thrives on corn paper the more calcd, and the crity of the liltllllltlllh in MR ii on a hill angi- ‘ An institution Closely linked Willi The History ill The District .\___.___.._.____. 'limitcd number of lhzc the important The severty-Seventh annual exhibi- tion. of the Richmond Hill Agricul- tural Society will he held on Mon- day. May 'Jt. The " which part an ;;i' upbuildinr.‘ or community, with the result that men Fair plays in the lélll‘ is linked indelibly with the history of the district is an even: which every resident may well feel proud of. as it is one of the oldest and best known exhibitions in the province of On- behlnd these institutions That the Richmond Hill Fail alter serve. is still going strong [record of the years tells a tale of in- Idomitable courage and of never fail- ling faith on the part of those who have guided its destinies throughout the past. ‘ The event has always been one 01 interest and enjoyment for the peo- ple of this district since its inception . Kn petition and in z of the fittest. of the big event. . . \ally makins" an investment that i 'l .‘ ~ear 1' mue.‘ to be 0 cx- 1“. A 0 * . . .‘ v v I - md U h 3 p U k l n will help to promote an institution £10m the Olpheus Quartette 0f To‘ ception, as we have every reason to belicvc that it will be bigger and better than ever. The officers and directors have been working hard in preparation and they are now in a position to predict that the fair this year will eclipse all preâ€" that will benefit not only themselves but the future generations. .‘vl .\.l’l.l-I (Special to the Liberal.) \vious records. Several attractive mun Wm, given in Um Comlwmiw to the Lodge Room, where there features have been added including {hm 1,15, 1.~,.;d.u, ,_.'L_ning bV-v‘ the was a varied and entertaining pro- trials of specd in which many promâ€" unh’g ,,,\_‘“[;1(,‘(;,-‘ “glhruwidg” ‘Uuited gram. ineni horsemen oi' the province have '(‘hur’th' Tim; mm. “M”, fdxjupdcd in During the (‘YCDlHF-{y D.D.G-M.. R. signified their intention to take 1uzii‘t.,,,‘.,,).l,,<imd Luwji. .\,.,,'.’.‘._.‘_,] ,.e‘coi\.(_d W. Bl'u. Barber presented Mrs. An entirely rev: attraction will be the l i A ' ' ' ‘The Drake, wife of the ‘vV.l\I., with a pair ,all parts being v;cll taken, horse droning: contest with two . , ,z \. , . .. v events. one limited to farmers and Uiisi'c‘Igljiifénlsllyj,”,2 Ugo,“ the mar Pl‘et‘é'llmtl‘m “'35 by 1116 W.M-, BIO. another opcn cvcnt. This centest has whim ihf mm”. 'WH] M. “(w P. T. Drake, to Mrs. Barber, wife of proven a very successful attraction in RUNS “101.11 t h ‘ the D,D.(l..\l., of a beautiful console other tarts of thc province and many I cm. :1“; mm,“ 2-, E. Mum“,- Dm‘ Set. Mrs. James who replied so ably arc lookingr fi.:l'\'~'1il’(l to an cXcitingr . '3; ,3, ,.,,,m,,w,jl A}, to the toast to the ladies was preâ€" ccmpctitiun. .\l;:1\.j‘ other :1'.tl'.‘.t‘tio‘i1>hum“,SS m i, the tum“! scntcd with a fine bouquet of roses. two I)‘.ll‘ll(â€"1‘!‘Li> to mention here. are in 'fhuw), 1M, 1),: “A”? ‘ , RMMQR The ladies. were unanimous in de- ~wrc for ail \-.'l'.' :.‘.t- Jul 131‘ ML" full‘l RH» “my 2,3)”: WW, I , - .,,. clarina‘ the evening: the lli"'."‘t enjoy» and Iht direct are i okirtt‘ for a ,3 mwwin,’ ‘ able “ladics’ night" they had (yer at. RUN pump,” “11(0),: Tm. tcnzlul. (will.t'UlfiDlln‘lt'illwll the mom- 1, _‘ P“, h fl”: ‘ V ’1: Lu” Wigwam bci. vc;.*_j: highly in their nu: and ol' tl.c- town arid distric: wli \_ ‘ ‘ ’3Uilllil’1'J‘IUS Wkly.“ ‘lUi‘l‘i‘li. ii ‘ 3A 1‘“ ~ """"' " " IV ‘1‘ lii: "11V- _n;'7’4“ . . ~. . s-lin ' .3. . . \. ;.::.: A-I‘Uli‘ii ichlzirlrleltl Ah}; For ‘T'URRVHITG‘ l: I‘.» and making an :uldttinn to the rear ori‘lzgclilne‘ flay 1’:‘__T “'3 bad“ l-m A r v“, M). hm“ ward weather is not causmg much i; ‘ . l . , , A, l' . , worry among farmers of this disâ€" Tll'i‘.’ ‘1 21.." til... '. rl'lzt THU-I icie- ‘ilild' In 1i” l’l‘lz' Mi" Swim“ 1"” 1,“, IA Liv “in. ' l. ‘ wx-tilza-Il in bumper l The Change in Tariff has a n agaprums, ‘We are now able to q .‘svv imited ill Plldl’llltl hi hilllikltl people seem to re .- .‘al a do not re- CCch the support that they justly de- seventy- tario. Not without trial and strug- . t _ . glc. not without years of depression seven years. is a brilliant testimony and almost despair did the exhibi- of {Le ability and foresight of the ,' 11L '.' f ,_ _ F ' L0“ mil“. 1‘3"” ‘1 Sma“ ‘-'9Â¥3“““‘%’,~° directors and othccr: oi the organiza- the pos1tion it now occupies. lhe . m ' Lion. ihcse are days of keen com- .seâ€"-thc survival Let every member (.l'. the communâ€" ity from now until Victoria Day, be a personal missionary for the success ivory person who pays an adnnssicn fee at the gate is v The play, “An Old Fashioned )10- l‘\.‘ - tive Complete range 0 J. FACHERN‘ SMITH "'Manager and Editor of the Liberal. Mr. Smith has had several years’ exâ€" perience in all branches of news- paper work .and enters the new field with confidence in the people and the possibilities of the district. He is taking up residence in the village at 01109. Wâ€" Village By-lawhllul- laws Fire Works I We do not want to dampen the ardour of our youth in celebrating Victoria Day; but the more boister- ous element might take warning from the following: According to a by- law passed by the Municipal Council in the year 1873 and duly signed by A. Law and M. Teefy, Reeve and Clerk of that day, it is unlawful to ring a bell, or shout, or make any unusual noise, or fire a gun, or let 1 off a fire ball, squib, cracker or other fire works in any .015 the streets of this Village. The Byv . Law makes provisions for the ring- ing of the village bell at stated times, for the school bell, and for church bells, although Reeve Lunau, in bringing the By-Law to the atten- tion of the Liberal, stated that there no church bells here in the year the Ly-Law was passed. The Coun- cillors oi" the day mu: have i'oi‘sec‘ the development in :"..'.l:' the pro- " ' a; that they did. However, the f note is that; no ex- mption from the By-Law was al- lowed to small boys who delight to throw fire crackers about the streets at this season of the year. The By- Law, although passed fiftyâ€"three years ago is still in force. Patterson Lodge 'Hod Ladies’ Night The Annual Ladies’ night of Pat terson Masonic Lodge,,Thornhill, was celebrated in fitting style on Wednes- day evening, May 12th, when mem- bers and their wives and lady friends assembled to the number of about one hundred and forty. After the re- ception in the Lodge Room, where old friendships were renewed and new ones found, and a few selections ionto, enjoyed, all repaired to the banquet room where a sumptuous re~ past was served. After a few toasts, especially one to the ladies, proposed by KW. Bro. J. E. Francis, and re- sponded to. by Mrs. James, wife of R,W. Bro E. A. James, all returned of handsome vases, and a second iderahly l s edu ed L! .C E . :3 0 4-K one (I \l 3., us LANSENG

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