)1 .m-rrJ-ï¬azsgm 1. , 'I‘H’fl LTBERA L tircnlatinv: Canada‘s. treat it in i’t iél.lfii.l‘.i) Hello information! What a great convenience it is to you when you want to know something to be able to pick up the telephone and call “Hello informatimtâ€. Within a minute you get the facts you are seeking. Likewise. every time you pick tip your newspaper you are in touch with information. You want to buy something; you are not sure when or where to get it. Turn right over to the advertising: columns of the Liberal. and there you are. Could anything be more etlicient'.’ An “All Canada" supplement of the Christian Science Monitor has been widly distributed in the tit-limond lIill district, This supplement. is a product of a great deal of time. thought. and money and the achieveâ€" ment is to be credited entirely to Canadians. Fortyâ€"eight pages of ma~ terial with regard to Canada covering the country from coast to coast is presented in the issue. in handsome typographical form. Published at Boston. the Monitor has always mainâ€" taining" its own correspondents in this country. The present supplement should be most helpful to Canada from the standpoint of publicity as. more than 100.000 copies were distri~ bttted within the ['nited States: $01110 10.000 were sent overseas. while Canadians themselves received a quarter of a million. As the annual fair day is approach- ing‘ and we are all looking forward to its coming it would be well for all who contemplate attending: to ser- iously to ask themselves this quesâ€" tion: “Do I get as much out oi my Visit: as I should?" Fairs and Exhibitions provide a means of social intercourse and en- tertainment for the people of the surrounding community but tund- amentally they are educational, parâ€" ticularly to the rural community. Their main object the improve- ment ot agricultural conditions by comparisons of interior and superior live stock. crops. etc.. and by donat- ing of premiums to the latter class. The pleasure of the social and litre of the entertainment features should not be allowed to supersede the inâ€" terest that slionld be taken in the educational features. livery auriculâ€" turist or should be. interesttal in making the most of his business and he can ï¬nd numerous aids in a day well spent at the Fair. . Speaking more intrticularly from. the live stock unit‘s point of view. he shwuld make a point of seeing :is intnh ii‘.‘ the live stock as possible as it is l‘t'lllif ital-cred sit li‘»? he can >tk‘ is is. the stand and i» types and correct ll:> t"»\".‘. i‘l'\‘k‘\llll‘: u_~-:'.‘:ttii 11s .Lcc ‘l‘>l- ntely. l'iitlmxbtcdip' '3 c s *tt't‘ ‘ ‘1‘ will ' l‘t‘\‘ 1‘ \ tl~ l . tr. t ' it The only item of business tran- sactt-d by the North York Township PRESBYTEEIAN CHURCH Re llydro Electric Commission. on Mon» ti:l_\'.l\\':l> the -|il't)\’ltilll§;‘ repairs. etc. undertaken passing“ of accounts salaric:-. construction. No new work has been for the past few weeks. for but it is expected that construi-iion Work will be rccrnnmcnccd in the near future. t‘,\l{l) Hi" THANKS James II. I‘mth avid l'aiiiilv wish to thank their friend.- and neighbors t'or their many uctslu’r kindness ing their recent licrcavcment. ilt:“~ v. .'l. ‘. Campbell. M..\.. Minister Ordination Service on Sunday. May the 16th. On Sunday morning l1 a.m.. Mesrs. John Ireland. Cairns Mash and Joseph Otkinsoii will be ordained Elders in this congregation. EIJ(')C IT'I,‘ i()N MISS Marguerite Boyle Professional Graduate of Owen .\. miley Studio. CONCERT EN'I‘ERTAINER .\.\'l) TEACH ER ADDRESS Boyle Studio â€"Telephone 2â€"â€" THORNHILL l I‘rom the Issui- Flay H. lf'flti. i .-\ lmlilit'ul tat-cling was lli‘lil .Maplc. when N. t‘. Wallace. rcpiw sentativc for West York. clashed in vcrhal battle wilh .lolii Iil'i‘\\'ll. the I’atron candidate. l'lach spoke l'or about an hour and the audiet‘iie diâ€" vidi'd about equally in applardinir their favorite. A meeting: of football enthusiasts was held at King. and the York County league was organized. The oliicers \verc: hon. pres. Wm. Rinlock. president .I. ll. V‘z'altou. \i pun-tâ€" dcnt .l. \‘i'. Larkiii. sec. trcas. ll. 1‘. Hogan. Teams were entered In the league {torn Aurora. Kettleby. King: City. Noiilcihn. Markham. Dairy ToWl‘. Weston and \\oodbridgc. {mg .l. A. tirant i'n'cupicd the piti- pit at the Presbyterian church on Sunday. The annual meeting: of the Metho- dit church was held with Rev. J. Vickery presiding. The election of otlicers resttlted as follows, secretary. \Vm. Harrison; treasurer. J. A. E. Switzcr: pew steward. Wm. Ilarriâ€" son; ushers. Thos. French. and Iames Wright: collectors. Messrs. Savage. Glass. Crosby. Sanderson. Hooper. Hicks. and Storey; envelope committee. W. A. Sanderson. C. Mason. J. H. Sanderson; auditors. I. Crosby. and R. E. Law: organist. Mrs. A. J, Hume. assistant. Austin Law; management committee. John Sanderson. P. (‘1. Savage. .I.:\.E. Switzer. From the Issue May 16. 1901. Charcoal 10 cents per bag: or three for a quarter at C. Mason‘s. Owing: to the press of business at Mae‘ee's foundry. the proprictor :17l~ . I‘llilt‘ed that he;would not chop grain at his mill until further notice. The Seliomberg and Aurora Railâ€" way. fifteen miles in length. was granted a subsidy by the Dominion Government: of $3.200 per mile. Dynamometer tests prove I l My; « - e 7 «~ a CH] 97 r Rte mil? 1 tr . n. a 's _i “it 1.4-: i it. .. nae... m tie : tuna- .ic, . (' A 1. ‘ii ii . i . l' \I l 1 ' l i ‘ i' ‘ l’: . z s " t ‘- ' i .l_ - v | i i ll. ll ."i' in \‘i'nl' l‘it ii t. .‘.I.i‘.‘ i- :1. iltll t . i i l 'iiiis iii 1 t V... V... l l \ l l i it. 1- i 3 , â€" .i" i . it i i l‘ . ll ‘1 ‘ ' . ‘ i .,i ‘ .v . 1 1 t i .‘i'. ' ~iv"‘ ‘lfx'lf'f'. ' ad i i. " ‘ 121-. i i _ l i; . l < v i ii. ' . ‘ l . .. A . 1 i i 5 ‘7 " 'll- t . i l U ' . _‘.,. ; ll' I“, i .‘ l i r \ . ii I i l all i l_tl H i. l 9H l.’l f.'. ‘I 1 .iii. n i. t 3,, _ i. I.“ ll iiiiv‘ i .it' . , i . twiniv' iii . i l» ;»l I l_.i.pli- in to: x \Vl ‘ “1 Emma" l‘: .; i~ -‘-i t ‘ ‘ Mid; .i i , i i :t , ‘ ' " ’ t i i ' .i | i -.. -_ .. , I t l ,‘t t ...i I. _ _ hi; 1) iiw (mun. iii . t.ii l I \ it I, H {.1 "H‘ til “' I_:' it‘ ’ 'i'w' ti‘ \ i l _i in iii, z'tmil. i-l l‘~ll1‘lll"tl It i i “‘ 1- - l i public lilt‘l'llll‘: in th‘ «Mini " i “ . i-. l ,‘ compared \‘Cl'b "3.7501101? L‘itll-‘ll‘i 121E lining )l'itl'io \\:- t.""l"l 1-‘vâ€"‘lv I-It'l 3"‘lvtl-‘t'l‘0" undue 0- li'ltt ‘1 ti l't li-r the I own >tltm~i % Fe ll 11%.; Q L r r .7 7â€" lsc- .i- i. In [‘lntv oi. the l.zli‘ hl‘iiti 0 1"" 1 4 - ’ . .. ll..,.. I'.\h.\l‘.ll .‘.({'»'ll .\l.\ ‘-""‘ H ..... .. . . ' (ll’lt)ul.ilili’xl .'\.\.II It! H( I \T" (bps-fairs tlpgmdte fishy. op'si itiii -‘ i I. tiï¬jfl‘ >ll‘t vi. ’l'vil‘iill'i) Eight 1%“ NUTICl‘i til" AI’PI.I(‘.\’I‘T(';V til“ DIVORCE Notice is hereby given that ucl Stanley Nt'Neely. of the ('ity of Toronto. in the County of York. Acâ€" countant. will apply to the I’arlia- ment of ('anada at the present scsu .s’itil'i ilu-l‘f‘til' lwlll‘ 2". Bill til) I)I'.'t‘ll'l‘t‘ from his V'it‘e. I'Idy‘the Victoria Mc- Necly. of the City of Peterliorouzh. in il." (timty til» I’t‘itll‘lwiriiiigjli. on the grounds of adultery. Dated at the said City of Toronto this IL’th day of April. All. 102'â€). \VILI’RID F. HUYCKE. ï¬lthâ€) Water Street. Peterborough. Ont. Solicitor for the Applicant. STALLION REGISTER GENERAL KEYNOTE #â€" Pure-bred imported Clydesdale. the property of T. A. Bowes and A. Boucock. Concord and Lansing, will travel through East York. Markham. Vaughan, etc. Terms $17. A. C. HENDERSON PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING Hot Water Heating and General Repairs THORNHILL. ONT. PRENTICE & PRENTICE AUCTIONEERS "U'Ilice. 4‘." Ral‘i ' Toronto. Hud.134‘7VV. K. G. Prentice, Millikcn. We are prepared to conduct sales of every description. Farms and farm stock sales a specialty. Farms bought and sold on commis- sion. All sales attended to on shortest notice, and condinteil by the most. approved methods 317 that the NEW i 4 STAR car has more developed horsepower than any other car in its price Class. The. ‘7 NEW' STAR has also demonstrated the quick- est acceleration and pickup in traffic; from 2 miles an hour to 25 miles in a few seconds.‘ The NEW STAR car renders STAR PER- FORMANCE. The NEW STAR is "supreme in the low cost ï¬eld". Ask your STAR dealer about the Continental ' \uJ’a 1...“.- M522 . Red Seal Motor, lapped piston rings, honed cylinders and other STAR car features. w. Durant Motors of Canada, Limited TORONTO (Leaside) ONTARIO DAVID HILL Richmond Hill I .7- .« J‘an .s‘am- A A l Lr’V 1 ° 1“ a , ' ' i t“, “T «o r“? ~11 r “\ASch‘ORE Lu ; .. - .4 A 3 - ' ~ ; \:‘+:!l.‘tw:‘-:» i A..Llwé.itnt}tir., : . l é ,. . . J.“ .i » . m»- i ' .. 5, . i ii 1, l 2 i i- . . n i , r I 7 7 If T 7" - A 7 " l . \i . i . ‘ .,_._.-..-.,__,_. ,L_ -_k. l i i, i i . ll ' i l . ' l . . . . 7 . .7 i l. oi: ;~. ti;~77 “7 T" i T" T . - i t i l (I _\ .‘ . '1. i ‘ l.'l i .r i i _\ tl ll ‘ . E.‘. 'i ll. llrll ‘ n1! lwt. i‘l'll r ; i 'l'iioiii .ii tzlllit'rs, .- . . ll: iii‘.‘ \ liil‘" i; ll propcrtv t-l \ii's. \Zarj: the The prop t‘l'} \ ill llt’ .‘tri.l_ 3H l't‘st'l'Vt‘tl viid, l0 in ilrtj ti' rill": i'urtlr-r willtllil'rfi lilftti‘ l.:l".\’tl atfi-r sale. l‘rcniiiw- é.†l‘icnlicw. .\u«lionccrs. ULI) I’l'ltNlt‘l'ltI‘l WANTED ‘i'oii tilll tun your old rope beds. cl.- w‘s' irl' drn ‘t/l‘i. corner cupboards. «‘llaii‘:;, t'ltlll'll' '. llt‘L‘tilt‘\‘.'lll‘lC. etc. into “curly cash, lllltillil‘ff Thornhill l8 tint: lâ€"Z. .eudine' particulars to l.. til‘ i)) ling: ‘J‘J. liberal. litllt .‘ .\.I.l‘)mt)nc tractor With one Li-lurrow plow. in good r‘pair: would cxi hanu’c for «mac stock and cash. llr. \tcsley. llllltJl‘iiillll. Tel-- phone “it, For. sAMTZW‘iiiiiw iiizziiafvTT potatoes. II. McBride. Phone King City. t-‘on sA[ï¬xagminiity <1 rumor: I. -l. \Valdcr. Mill .‘s'troet. {ichiiiozal IIill. FUR SALEwtme Baby Carriage and one Iliin Chair. Mrs. Hurst. "1" Street. Richmond llill. FOR SALE~0ne bah]: carriage. in .iiril good conditit‘in. Mrs. H. Davis. Mill Street, Iiit'iiiizond Ilill. Teleâ€" phone 1t’)>\fw. APARTMENTS To {EXTâ€"Aiijin- veniences. ttnftiiziished. heated. Apply T. II. Trench. Richmond Hill. FOR SALE 7â€"7 It‘ivc»Roometl house and one acre Ian" in village: elecâ€" tric lighted; soft water pump i1. house. good soil for gardening. Apply T. Il. Trench. Iichmond Ilill. FOR SALEâ€"~Reg'istcred Jersey Bull. Yongo-I'Iurst; Orange Prince. six months old. Apply E. II. Sharp- less. Stop 31 Yonge St. BUSINESS 'V'RIGII‘T 8; TAYLOR Undertakers RICHMOND it LI. UNIONVILLE and 'l‘iit‘lllNiIILL BERT IlliMl’HREY l‘ndertakcr and Ambulance Service Iflack ci' tiz'vy (‘askxt $9 It‘llNl'IIEA . (It‘lll’ldi'l‘l‘l Uthcr Funeral: to your rcrptiromcnts. Courtesy and (itill'lilt’l‘ililtill my Motto. 'I‘elcpliones: \\illu\‘.ulale (31' and lltiil‘on iliiitivf Stop 7:. Yonec Street. LansingY JOHN R. CAMPBELL Veterinary Surgeon THORNHILL R. MACD NALD. B.V.Sc. Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College Address: Yongc St. Richmond Hill Telephone 132 J. T. SAIGEON MAPLE Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended to on shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited Vi'ILSON‘S (‘ARTAGE Express and Lone; Distance Moving Sand and Gravel Delivered Dump Trucks for Hire Ily Ilonr or ('ontract MAPLE Telephone 1.9., CHARLES E. HOPPER Cartage and Express W. Hill R"'.t>“::fll)l0. Richmond Il-d 141i. t‘cntre St. I’D-girl. :' rx'ic ‘I’lirvrr‘ A. STONE HOLSE e, (',\I(T.\tili .\Nl) EXIZRI’HS l“. " is? and tiarilwu \‘Ci rl: Stu d it U V ' li' \Y-Vi'li. .1! (Mil: It’llt'ltt-‘i lliitj i‘i’ltï¬r'xf‘. 5-. A. i“! 5: i M "Vi‘i’gi .‘ Wï¬â€" â€"‘ - ‘V ‘7 ’ l l ' L i i I It i '_ STAN. l; t ":1; w . ' ':.‘ an. ._’.~ :12: 3. r «'1‘ f. .“1'mxs'w .mygnmmgr ":rzx'czasvvu .m l’m'xx:mmï¬mmnmmw < MEDICAL ’ it). r. musing " ( , til .I ‘ ll .il t) it).\ i l: ‘ . . ._, liillit'l t .» ‘ L'l oh 7-» . \i‘.‘ i i‘ ii", 1‘ i ii ‘ i. v. . . _-| ' ~ 1‘ . . It i y. i i . . ‘ r. x , t t lt \ 5 ll .. Ht. i up ; . . i l i nil» north of Hours: 9 art. to 5.3.30 p.m. Telephone 32 UP. I. .A\. C. MacDONALll DENTIST S'l‘.\.\'l);\T-II') BANK lil'ILl‘INti 'I'IIORNIIILL Consultation and lllllfl'i'lllni... Fri-r ()pen Iavemngs by .»\ppointmcnt Telephone 61 DR. MACLAREN D E N T I S T ""oi‘k Done Quickly \Rank of Commerce. Opposi tc EA TONS MUSICAL ADELaIO MELECCI AND MISS ROSAIJND BUSH. L.'I‘. LM. From (lie Toronto Conservatory of Music. will accept a number oi pupils Piano \oenl and Theory. 1 Richmond Hill - Frliiay and Saturday For lnlormation Phone 58) MRS. NYLKS Ill M; ifrvhprirk ï¬t. ï¬liallptt ‘éiauiat-Q’parlipr STUDle~ Care of Mrs. Joseph (iraham. Arnold 5 Richmond lIlIl Pinon“ 48-" T‘ I MCDONALD'S ORCHESTRA THORNHILL I’opular th.i.u;:hout the district for music suitable for all kinds of dances. Upcn tor engagements. telephone: Thornhill 0‘2. ASSOCIATED STI'UIOS OT‘" rill sz. TORONTO I’iano & Singing I‘. Iflil.ll_\.\l (:‘IIAFFEY Phone 91:) Richmond llill Studio at; first house North of l‘aul‘s United Church JOHN T. ANDERSON Piano Tuner _ 'nats' Practical Experience 3.5 I}. re: lord Avenue, \Vest Toronto ‘ Junction 0072 TL‘lt‘l'lA‘tlt- tiltxiii's Drug: Store. Rieiis- iwvnil Hill. for appointment f‘t. h- ,.-J ï¬m .sv-o , WILLIAM COOK, COOK & DELANY (William t'ml; I“. Gordon Cook 'l'iionms llelnny) Barristers. Solicitors. Etc, Toronto Hint-iv r10 Federal Building. #3 Richmond St. West {it'limond Iltll Ul'ticir ilAliIPTfll 017MB) QVGZV 'I‘hiirsdar I-v’I't‘HU/tn .‘ilaiplo. Thursday 232:2: noon. \\'iio.‘iiiriil;c. Suraraay afternoon. Mom-y to loan at ('iirrent Rate BALGHTON & JENKINS Barristers. Solicitors. Notaries ’I'elerrlione Adeluide 210d “:3 Richmond St. ‘Vest. Toronto Naughtou Block. hirora for: Aurora, Richmond Hill. ()Jll m : Solicitors Kin-z. \‘Y'l-‘ltli'lrcll. Markham and North Uxtillimliury. Walter S. Jenkins. Res. Phone Hill. 5345 J. Hurry Naughton. Res. Elgin Milli, lies. Phone 11:7 2 HENDERSON & MCGUIRE Barristers, Solicitors. Etc. (Dnvid Henderson W. H. Mcflviiira James A. Boles) Ofï¬ces: 08-95 San Lite Building. Atlelmde and Victoria SM. Elgtn 6301 - - Elgtn 5.502 TORONTO HENRY s. MULLOWNEY. M34: Barrister. Solicitor. Notary Public Toronto Ofï¬ce: Standard Bank Building, 2463 Yonga Ft. (Eglinton Bramhi. Phonn Hal-on lrs' Richmond Hill “View (Iver D Goods SP’II'C'i‘T‘;'r‘r'\' Hit! zri' .r Money to Loan at Cirrent Rates. Phone liminnonl IIill llii .m A. CAMERON L‘iiacNAt II' 351 BAHRIS’I'ITK 511 3L'I‘iilllltdl Building. Corner Jordan 3: Melinda Stir-8“: Toronto. I‘ um. ‘Jf . I,“ t m TLC. I: on e: Eli: . in [1.: Dentrm. Barristers. 4... t); it for“. 8:6.