Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 May 1926, p. 3

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Dividing Line of Seasons Diminishing in Bermuda Hamlltxm. Bermudaâ€"Tho Ber- muda Islands are sometimes called the “Somer‘s Isles," after Sir George Somers, whose party settled there in 1609, and from this arisen the name “Isles of Summe r.“ This is not a misnomer, because Bermuda is a land of unending sumâ€" mer. Even in winter the tempera- ture is never exc&sively low nor in summer is it excessivly high. However. until lately there has been a dividing line between the sum- met and winter seasons, the winter guests leaving during April and the summer guests arriving some weeks later. Now. however, it, is quite eviâ€" dent that the lines between the sen- sons are becoming obliterated. so that not only is the summer itself unend- ing in Bermuda‘, but the summer sea- son or winter season or whatever one may wish to call it. is more and more assuming a continuous charac- ter. "Qmamd? ' Fawn-38% aV/éheawly 501° w ; Efifpdmh / an; - MONARCH %%§I%§¥ J.J.Deane Government, Municipal and Corporation Bonds a Bought, Sold and 6 E xchanged MONARCH GREEN STRIPE I-IOSIERY DAVIES’ DRY GOODS STORE RICHMOND HILL All business strictis' confidentml HEN you got double protection against “runs"â€"and the lasting beauty of pure thread silkâ€" and the long «war of fibre silk “reinforcement”â€"â€"and still pay only filâ€"then you’ll have the equal of this hos- iery! But try and et it!â€" outsidc of Monarc Green Stripe. All good dealers carry Monarch Hosiery. Private Phone: 78 Woodbridge Save 1/3 to V2 Your Com You lose from E5 to X the food value of your corn by feeding it to your cltlle as dry fodder. Corn Itored in a TORONTO Wooden Stave Silo will give an l00‘70 of tho value. Good ensilage will improve the health of your cattle and will incrcane the quality and quantity of your mill: returns. Good silage must be made in an airâ€"tight silo. The TORONTO Silo in made of nclectecl spruce. double tongued and grooved to exclude the Air. and Ipecially treated with creosote to lengthen its life. l5% extra capacity with the TORONTO llip Roof. let me show you how to save on forage. and increase the health and value of your herd Information and 5; full particular. gladly given. J. LUNAU SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR Head Office RICHMOND HILL Last summer's season continued right into November and December without a break. the hotels being fui-l all the time, while this spring saw. a continuation of Bermuda‘s popuS {arity right through April into May. Unfortunately the steamship com- panies were unable to supply enough boats to handle the traffic orders, even though extra sailings were reâ€" sorted to in order to relieve the sit- uation. It is expected that by next year at least one more large steam- ship will be in the Bermuda service, and meanwhile hotel accommodations are being enlarged to take care if the expected new hosts of Americans. Pninters Not Anxious to Portray Miss 1926 Londonâ€"Why don "Miss 1926'?" This question ton Tayler in NeWS and has in other journu months. Gal cellent vnked tried to rmaln the into a masterpiece. Older painters fc hardene cold wa B LOW'I 3‘ say mo inatir Dunnville, Ont. aintings are 5 ures of girls Several port 8W painters for the most part s-rn fashions are so inattistic possible to make a discrim- public accept them on canvas. tion is raised by E. Eas- in the London Evening has appeared repeatedly mu}; within the Inst few Galieries. where modern ‘9 shown, dispiay few pic- ‘15 in the latest fashions. m-traits of young women mdern gowns have pro- derable comment, most of hip. in spite of the ex- teticn of the painters who 311‘ the modern flapper ucepa ew bS‘ and >11: uu-v Plu" Iment, most of M0069 Jaw.â€"â€"Teddie, 4-year~oid son ‘te 0f the ex-Iof Mr. and Mrs. __Char1es F. Jones, 6 painters \vho‘Was drowned in six inches of rain modern flapperl water in a barre‘. on the farm 9f his grandfather, T. C. Bu‘chsnan, on the Regina Highway. _ the most part 15 should be being put into vessel, brouRht baited fast for tL' If artists paint OPEN VERDICT ON THOROLD MAN’S DEATH Died of Strychnine Poison Ad- ministered by a Person Unknown. Thoroid, Ontâ€"The jury’s verdict at the inquest into the death of George Wills, held in Thorold by Cor- oner Herod, was “that George Wills died at. ’l‘horold on Sunday, Apri1 18th. of strychnine poisoning, but from the evidence we are unable to idebermine by Whom administered.” T. D. Cowper, of Welland, represent- ed the Crown, and M. A. Seymour, of St. Catharines, represented Mrs. Katie Melnyk. Evidence was given by Mrs. Wills. wife of the deceased; Mrs. Ryckman, her sister; Fred Grenville, a friend; Provincial Police Constable W. B. Elliott and Mrs. Katie Melnyk. Ac- cording he the evidence Wills} agcomâ€" panied by Granville, visited the house of Mrs. Katie Melnyk on the fatal Sunday morning, and secured a drink of liquor, and on their return to the Wi-lls’ home they had another. Later in the day Wills comnlained of acute pain in the jaw, and soon ‘went into convulsions, dying about seven o'clock that evening. Samples of liquor were taken, two from the Wills’ house and one from Mrs. Melnyk’s house, and together, with some of the internal organs Were sent by Constable Elliott to Professor L. J. Rogers, associate professor of chemistry in Toronto University. He reported that he found oneflfth of a grain of strychâ€"l nine per liquid ounce in the sample designated D-118, and had recovered from the stomach the alkaloid strychnlne. Sample D-118 was taken from liquor secured from the Wil‘ls’ home by Dr. Herod, and sealed in his presence and that of Constable ‘Ellliot. Rangers Fighting Nine Fires In Sault Ste. Marie District Sault Ste. Marie, Ont, May 16.â€" According to the number of bush fires which have engaged the atten- tion of the fire rangers during the past few days, a busy season is in prospect for the Forestry Depart- ment. Of nine fires which the ran- gers have fought and are still fight- ing, the most serious perhaps is one‘ in Aberdeen Township, which has swept approximately 700 acres and is still burning. Fires are also burn- ing in Gould, Rose, McMahon and Cobden Townships, but in most in- stances the rangers have them pretty Well in hand. Not for several years has the brush been as dry as it is ‘today. Three Alienists Will Test Sanity of Russell Scott Chicago, May 16.â€"â€"Russell Scott, who three times escaped the gal- lows on the eve of his execution, is to be examined by three alienists to determine if he had regained his sanity since being sent to the Ch-cs- ter Insane Asylum, several months ago. If he is found sane, death on the gallows awaits him here, but lawyers said that before that time the State might try to use him as its witness in the trial for the same murder of his brother, Robert Scott, recently returned here from a Cali- fornia prison, \where he had been while Russell fought to escape the gallows. Queen Maud of Norway Writes Modern Novel London.â€"Queen Maud of Norway has added her name to the list of royal authonesses. She has written a modern novel, but it has not yet been published. Her friends explain that this is due to her shyness. frificess Marie Louise; cousin of King George, is one of the few Eng- lish royal personagez} to publish a book. Her letters from the West African coast have been read with avidity by those who enjoy notes on travel. 8-Year-Old Boy Killed, An- other Hurt in Auto Accidents Windsor. Ont.â€"Two boys were in-“ jured here on Thursday in auto 36-; cidents, one fatally. Gordon Tum- bull, aged eight, living in Ford, was struck by a motor car when he dartâ€" ed out into the street in front of the machine. His skull was frac- tured and he died an hour later in Hotel Dieu. James Dube, 20, driver of the automobile, was exonerated by police of biame. The other victim was James Robertson, seven, whose skull is believed to be fractured. He was taken to Hotel Dieu. Four-Year-Old Boy Drowns In Six Inches of Water Londonâ€"The family longs gig ‘h_a§ probably been broke seven brothers and_ si_stgrs iti‘eVa‘ciéns Bottom, Buckingharnzhi the first of whom has just died the age of 94. His oldest brother 98 and his youngest 75. First in Family to Die is 94. broken by the isters Ing. of ckingharnéhire. ; just died at (lest brother is ’5. Rare Armor Collection Given to Nice Museum Parisâ€"The world’s finest collectionI of ancient arms and armor, compris-l ing hundreds of pieces and vaiued atl over $1,500,000, has been presented} to Nice by Mr. Felix Jonbert, noted English coillector. The collection is‘ installed in the Massena Museum ini the room adjoining the famous Chap-} 531 jewels. I One of the rarest pieces in the Jonbert collection is the Jeanne d'Arc rapier, dating from the eariiest part of the fifteenth century. The blade was found some twenty years ago in a Lorraine chateau and is beiieved to be the only one owned by the Maid of Orleans that has ever been discovered. The collection ofv ancient armor contains many priceless pieces, not,- ably an inlaid suit dating from the time of Maximilian I. which was man- ufactured in Nuremburg in 1460, and the celebrated casque which was made for Philip II of Spain by Weifl' of Landshut. re- the Mayence Cathedral is in Danger of Collapse Berlinâ€"Close on the heels of the discovery that the Coiogne Cathedral was in danger of crumpling to pieces comes the announcement that the beautiful Mayence Cathedral is also in jeoparcfy. The Cathedral, parts of which are‘ 900 years old, is known as the “H00- doo house of worship” because of the numerous misfortunes it has suffered through fire, earthquake and war. The Cathedral’s unlucky streak start- ed on the day in 1011 when Arch- bishop Wllligis dedicated the edifice as a, completed tho-le. Fire destroyed a oonsi-derabl'e portion of the interior. Now the pile foundation supports have rotted so that one engineer said he was amazed that the edifice has not collapsed. Twentieth Child Born to Couple in France Parisâ€"There is at least one fam- ily that is helping to ward off a de- clining birthrate. At Meterern, near Hazebrouck, the twentieth child of Monsieur and Madame Duperber Gakiere has’just been christened, with M. Hudelo, the prefect of the depart- ment, as godfather. Seventeen of these childmn are liv- ing, fourteen boys and three girls. The father, who was a mason, aided by his sons, of whom the eldest is 26. built the house after the wa: where they are all living. Look beneath 1 QTAP CAR £53119 ZCbm/o/efe/Véw z’zze Save yourgelfi at our expense Lakeside 5280 French Fishing Sacred; License Plan is Rejected Paris.â€"â€"A1though the average' rurnmr Vauu‘c‘ "1" French angler never catches any fish.‘ Dies Following as any observerof the banks of the{_ ---â€"-- Sei‘ne' 'can‘ readily observe, the sport' Yarmouth, N.S.â€"Hon of Isaak Walton is sacred in France. ney, aged 75, widely 1 With great indignation the Senatelof Yarmouth, and a me has just turned down a suggestion portfolio of the Mei; that, in order to bolster up the frangiment, died at the Deaco fishing permits be issued, like hunt-‘Boston, Thursday morn inlg permits, for the sum of 100 an operation. Two sons francs. ing in Chicago, and E “Hunting is a pleasure only for those who have certain means,” de- clared Senator Brenier, Socialist. “The sport of fishing is the sportof the most humbie. To impose a tax upon them would risk depriving them of a modest pleasure and a da} in the open air.” The Senate agreed with Look beneath the beautiful exterior of the NEW STAR CAR and you will find the hidden reasons for NEW STAR durability. Members Spicer Universal Joints Longer Springs Pressure Chassis Lubrication If you look upon a car as an investment, you will be interested in the NEW STAR - Four or Six - The low prices will surprise you. If you will have laundry ready when driver calls. ynu will assist us In giving good selvice. If you only have driver call when phoned (or. call up as early us cum’enlent to insule prompt attention. All: for a Demonstration Durant Motors of Canada Limited TORONTO (Lcaside) ONTARIO Don’t try to do the heavy parts of the fam- ily wash Let us help you. This new plant was designed and equipped for that very purpose and can give you as much or little help as you desire by means of live differ- ent kinds of laundry service---all moderately priced. We use only soft water and pure soaps, etc No marking, no starching, and each wash done separately. WE CALL IN RICHMOND HILL DISTRICT Wednesday and Saturday DAVID HILL Richmond Hill A Powerful Continental Red Seal Motor Force Feed Lubrication Morse Silent Chain Drive Dry Plate Clutch New Rugged Steel Frame with Five Cross The New Star Car is Supreme in the low cost field. ‘b ofszzrs 212075132569 him, and fhe fishing license proposal lwas promptly thrown out. iFormer Cabinet Minister { Dies Following Operation 175 Ossington Ave., Toronto Yarmouth, N.S.-Hon. E. K. Spin- ney, aged 75, widely known citizen of Yarmouth, and a member without portfoiio of the Meighen Governâ€" ment, died at the Deaconess Hospital. Boston, Thursday morning, following an operation. Two sons, Arthur, liv- ing in Chicago, and Eric, at home, and one daughter, Katherine, who was with him when he died, survive. Mr. Spinney was born Jan. 26, 1851, at Argyle, Yurmouth County. A Liberal in poiitics, he was elected to the House of Commons in 1917 for Yarmouth-Clare as a Union- ist Ont.

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