Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 May 1926, p. 4

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THE LIBERAL Circulating in Canada‘s Greatest Suburban District PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY by the LIBERAL PRINTING CO. - Limited .5. EACIIERN SMITH Manager and Editor Advertising Rates on Application THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1926 DAYLIGHT SAVING Richmond Hill will officially adopt Daylight Saving on May 29. A1- ready several citizens are operating on the new time and it will be a re- lief to many doing business when_all people in the community are going by the same clock. It has been said that nothing is finally settled until it is settled right, and this seems to apply to this question Whose discus- sion every spring is as regular of late years as the coming of May flowers. The idea of tinkering with the clock “To save daylight” first found defin- ite form in England duringithe war years. The innovation spread pracâ€" tically to all the civilized world but, it has apparently never met with un- animous approval anywhere, and es- pecially in rural districts has been unpopular. It quite clearly is of no apparent benefit, and is not wanted by the farmers. The dew remained on the sheaves in the harvest field long after the daylight saving clock announced that workmen should be busy; moreover six o’clock has no special signifigance on the farm in harest time. - Even in the cities many mothers complain that their children’s health sufl’ers, because they cannot put them to bed through the daylight hours. Although to this is replied that one. extra hour spent in the open air will weigh heavily in the balance against one hour robbed from their sleeping hours, which far too often must be spent in hot and stifling rooms. However, despite the many argu- ments against the idea it is true, that an extra hour of daylight is very wel- come to city workers who toil long hours in ofiices, stores, or factories. Therefore it is possible that those of us who constitute that fortunate ma- jority which lives outside of that con- gested Metropolitan district do not fully appreciate the blessings of an extra hour of recreation in the open air. And if a change to ‘Summer time’ were made all over Canada, or better still, all over the continent. we are of the opinion that it would find more ‘ ,tinuance therein. general favor and the few that it would then inconvenience no doubt would be willing to become reconciled if it would benefit the majority. BY-LAW NO. 361 To provide for t" a clminc; of the .lc hereinafter mentioned places, of i)Ll.\l- pr, ,p. noss on Wednesday afternoon of each week except during the inonlli of IRâ€" ceinber in each year. and cznzp’. when Wednesday lllill‘iftlli’lFIIfJ i l(‘- cecds a public holioay, liv-ll o'clock p.111. until nvc o clock a.m. of. the following day. _ Whereas a petition agricd by ‘ number of the busiiit» 4 nit-n M Li‘. village has been presented to ‘Illc council, praying that a liy-lriw so}. be passed providing for the clos as above set forth of all _ ' drygoods, hardware and prOVISioii liu‘w. \H-vi £|.'.A: ;i. cycle riding on the sidiwz “Way From the Issue of Illa)" 2:2. 1901 The following lll‘t‘ the newly elm"..â€" cd oiliccrs for the South York Teach- crs' Association: Silent. i). l“(Illl("l‘lll,Q’ll:lill; Vice- .. i. L‘r 12::‘ttec. Tilessrs. 1.i'i,'"li:-li. ..‘:i‘.'. .'./l .il... Illjz'l E'wjir’liililc “L:»' l .‘w‘i-i‘al not?!” in lo 1‘ ltl‘WI Lat he has instructed the county unlit-e Io rigidly enforce the by-latvs 'if the iiiiinicipiilitics: {is regards lii» , (lilfil'f‘f‘if‘ “inpniage. and furious dri'...:p:. Dominion Parliament will priv- gmwrv‘ ‘2'of3iie toâ€"day. Ilis Majesty King I‘:tl‘.\lll'.l :i.i:‘:'..:r- ' stores in the village of Richmond sly escaped death by drowning yea- Hill, and, whereas the Clerk of the ltzi‘daj'. lie was on board the Shamâ€" said village has certified that the rock 11 when a squall struck the 'said petition is sufficient under the ,:,'?1(‘ilt and swept the masts away. Statue in that regard. Now therefore the Municipal Coun- cil of the Corporation of the village of Richmond Hill enacts as follows, under and by the authority of Clipt. From the Issue of May 24, 1906 Mrs. Geo. Cowie, with her one-year old son, Jim, left Tuesday morning for a three months’ viSIt With her 15. George V. Section 2. Subsection father, mother, brothers and sisters ('4a.): . lst. That all business places in the village of Richmond Hill carry- ing on the business of a Grocery, Drygoods, Hardware or Prov1s10n Store. shall be closed from one o’clock on Wednesday of each week until 5 ing day. except during the month. of December, or when Wednesday im- mediately preceeds a public holiday. 2nd Nothing in this by-Iaw shall render unlawful the continuance in a shop after that hour appointed for the closing thereof. if any customers who were in the shope immediately before that hour, or of the serving of such customers during their con- ,o’clock in the morning of the follow- 3rd That the contravention of the provisions of this by-law shall be punishable upon conviction before any Justice of the Peace by a fine not exceeding the sum of $10.00, for the first offence and $25.00 for each subsequent offence, and every such penalty shall be recoverable under the “Ontario Summary Convictions Act” all the provisions of which shall apply. This by-Iaw shall come into opera;- tion and be of full force and cite- ni Wednesday, the 26th day of May, 1926. Read a first, second and third time and passed, the 12th day of May. 1926. J. LUNAU, REEVE - ' A. J. Hume, CLERK Failing to pay your grocery bill will keepyou from eating to heavily during the coming warm spell. __‘ Richmond Hill FIRESTONE A few of these Firestone, gum dipped cord tires 30 X 3%; while they 33 SPARK PLUGS Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 650to$1.25 TUBES 3.0X3l/2J.......... . . . . . . . . . . . ,. $2.65 REBUILT TIRES 30 x 31/2, each . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.75 Balloon 29-440, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.00 32x4,each........ . . . . . . . . . $12.00 BICYCLE TIRES Each Tubes, each . . . . . . v. . . . . . .............$2.00 . . . . . . . . . 90 cents We also have a complete line of Bicycle Accessories. COOL in Aberdeen, Scotland. They will I lsail on the Corinthian which pliesl 'between Montreal and Glasgow. May Mrs. Cowie and son have a pleasant trip and safe return. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barker at tended the raising at Mr. William, Ness’ farm Dollar, Tuesday. The last spike in the Tames Bay Railway was driven Thursday even- ing, uniting the southern or Toronto Division with the Northern or Parry Sound Division. The work of bal- lasting will now he proceeded with and it is hoped the formal opening of the line between Parry Sound and Toronto will take place on the first of July. The Agricultural Hall was struck with lightning on Thursday last. The bolt struck the ridge board, cleaned off a large square of shingles, went through the ceiling, followed the iron rod on which a lamp hangs, shatter- ed soveral seat supports, bored through the asphalt floor and buried itself in the earth. curviee S ation Telephone 1395 STORAGE BATTERIES First Class, guaranteed 6 volt, 11 plate, regular $18.50 for TAKE THAT CHATTER OUT OF YOUR FORD BANDS Let i s flush your Ford Car and refill with our Foerene Ford Chatterless Oil. BUY YOUR COAL OIL FROM US A special price to farmers in quantity. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW. OF, SPECIAL :iiOTORCY LE AIR ED OIL. HALL’S SERVICE STATEOA FI'LL LINE OF MOTOR ACCESSO tiES. m. as. Li (3 TIIORNHILI. . zmmnmmwm mamâ€"n, (Special t.) The Liberal) Thornixill nunili l - :iii‘i-iidvd the union l‘l(""llil‘;‘ Mrs. ll. ii. \‘Conivii's liven t:.‘ The . INllllli“. if. Rail: Secretary. W. \i'ilson; in,» Richmond Hill last \'~‘(‘(‘l{. ‘ lltldl‘i‘ss on tho sillsiccl. “Tho :-~.' of lJCIlIL‘: a. Woman". was ' 'ier splendid person- a lilll’ii‘ a great iriâ€" S-ilos were sion (:1 her audience. Miss McDonald of .\iir- Bales of Lansing. close of the meeting ii:i....,' refreshments were served and a socâ€" ial hour much enjoyed. Regrets \‘z'Cl'L Plewman’s :i this district notifying the public p“ . l by ‘\l r-z. At the cxpre for Mrs. a!» suice through illness. and \li'.;. Wyatt are moving inâ€" o‘s licuse. (rflicial opening of Thm‘itliilé l'ol'i' Club took place Saturday. large number remained for the dance in the evening. Rev. ._. ._v____ I‘OI‘. SAJlE~r(l..-\.(‘. hum-(id rock (Wm: ‘o l\’i The Eli.“ of Rosseaa preached an eloquent sermon in the United Church Sunday evening. Horticultural their monthly meeting and entertain- ed the school children to moving pic- instructive. Mr. Conning The Society held which and amusing. tures were both STALLION REGISTER GENERAL KEYNOTE â€" Pure-bred imported Clydesdale, the property of T. A. Bowes and A. Boucock, Concord and Lansing, will travel East Markham, through York, Vaughan, etc. Terms $17. A. C. HENDERSON PLU 'lBING AND TINSMITHING Hot Water Heating and General Repairs THORNHILL, ONT. RENTICEâ€"‘firâ€"PRENTICE T AUCTIONEERS J. H. Prentice, 415 Balliol St., Hud. 1347W. G. Prentice, Milliken. We are prepared to conduct sales of every Farms and farm stock sales a specialty. Farms bought and sold on commis~ All sales attended to on shortest notice. and conducted by the most approved methods. Toronto. description. sion. SAVE THE BABY CHICKS lake them ,strong, sturdy, productive, ECG~LAYIXG I’iilk ts, with Pratts Baby (.ilii ;! but is CHEAPEST in the e extra. chicks you save and misc, more than [my for 11 , sf " Pratt; illy (‘hicklrz-odyr‘iiusc. ' ' here's one near you. dice-'3. It costsatrilie more I, judged by results. your dealerâ€"w now N." l‘. .ri.‘2Â¥~ - ,1...,=.r- V .57 .21, "s/\" mm. li’ritc for Pratt: Pour'i‘ry Bookâ€"AIRF'E PRATT FOOD (30., OF CANADA, L i D. Carl-aw Ave., Toronto {tin-limos:er ': ., Hall-2 "HQ .3 i mi: ' v Â¥.4‘~‘1,,:24 _.4 Classified A dvertising I l‘Uli iii'i.\l*‘llilll5(‘ cmnti' LUilgt' and Wright. sin-zit: elev‘rfc liglgt, clean and newly dew:‘;ii...i. Lio‘il garden and garage. Apply I‘l I". C. llill. Phone 35. R-ll. Richmond llill. “\I l'nUSC i‘l‘. .ll.1:.'l liill. I'UK lil'li‘v Iâ€"r SLV l‘i. lil\'i‘.i‘l ind Sfi'i -. ,. .,\i. mu role rental; iimiicdiatc posses- ion. Apply . I}. Glass. U'Uil bi.‘~.i.t‘}»('lin (nhidioli lziillis. Biixcd pc‘ di :‘mn. Bil cunts; named \';Ll‘iCtl:‘S cash at Kinidci‘d cats.- logiic pi'icc'. Apply Mrs. Scott 4 . McNaii‘, telephone Map].- 2.nii., Elâ€" gain Mills post ori‘I‘r-c. Rb 75 cents per and chickens. l', "as. setting. chickens. cents each. Senator Ilunlop :. .xvlierry plants 88.00 per thousand; also Cutliherz‘. raspberry plants. Apply G. Yerex, Elgin Mills, phone 2‘9 Maple Ont. SALEâ€"vSatiirday, May 22, Auction sale of House and Lot, Centre street, Tliornhill, opposite the United Church; the property of Mrs. Mary Chapman. The prop- erty will be sold subject to reserved bid. 10’,} on day of sale; further conditions made known after sale. Prentice 6’; Prentice, Auctioneers. OLI) FURNITURE WANTED You can turn your old rope beds, chests of drawers, corner cupboards, chairs, couches, needlework, etc, into ready cashfby phoning Tliornhill 18 ring 1-2, or by sending particulars to Box 99, Liberal. Wantedâ€"A man to take care of gar- den and lawn. Apply J.H. Dunlop Richmond Hill. FOR SALEâ€"Quantity Seed Potatoes. I. J. Walder, Mill Street, Richmond Hill. . FOR SALE--Combination dresser and wash stand, also a writing desk. Apply at The Liberal Office. FOR SALEâ€"2 garages, one 24’x21’, other 15’x9’. Quick sale will please owner. L. H. Clement, Richmond Hill. FOR SALE”6R“R'ENT A store with a four roomed apartment at Stop 24 Yonge Street. Apply E. H. Sharpless. WAN"EDâ€"Man to do work in gar- den. Apply at the Liberal ofiice. WANTEDâ€"Woman to do house- cleaning. Apply at the Liberal otlice. SALE REGISTER Auction Sale of farm implements, under instructions of C. S. Holmested, trustee, there will In: sold by public auction on Tuesday, May 25, 1926, at 2 p.m., standard time, on the‘pre- mises, Lot 20, Con. 1, North York, half mile west of Finch’s Corner, large list of farm implements, the property of Napoleon Ouellette. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. Auction sale of Imam ture at the residence of Mrs. Mary Chapman opposite the United Church Thornhill on, Saturday, May 22, 1926, at 3 p.m. Prentice and Prentice Auctioneers BUSINESS WRIGHT & TAYLOR Undertakers RICHMOND HILL - UNIONVILLE ‘ and THORNHILL BERT HUMPHREY Undertaker and Ambulance Service $9 Black or Grey Casket FUNERAL COMPLETE Other Funerals to your requirements. Courtesy and Consideration my Motto. Telephones: Willowdale G9 and Hudson 3676\V Stop 5, Yonge Street, Lansing JOHN R. CAMPBELL Veterinary Surgeon THORNHILL R. MACDONALD, B.V.Sc. Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College Address: Yonge St., Richmond Hill Telephone 132 J. T. SAIGEON MAPLE Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended to on shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited WILSON'S (‘ARTAGE Express and Long Distance Moving Sand and Gravel Delivered Dump Trucks for Hire Dy Hour or Contract MAPLE Telephone 1535 CHARLES E. HOPPER Cartage and Express Centre St. W. â€" {iclimond Ilill Pro::'.:-t Service. Rates Reasonable. ’Phonc 119. A. STONEHOUSE ('ARTAGE AND EXPRESS Plowing and Garden \Vork Sand and Gravel, Concrete \Vork. OAK RIDGES ELECTRICIAN L. A N S l N C3 11'.) ESTIMATES ' Li l:::'l.:.:ifrc. FREE. ‘ Op: .7: ;; STAN. ‘ll/‘(l'ilh CARTIVILLL MEDICAL DR. .I. P. WiLSON Office hours: 9 to 11 a.m. 6 to 1‘.:;1.. and by appoiiitiiicnt., OIiiCc: 4. wire and Church Sts., Riclixioni I'iil' Phone '11 .____ _ V--.‘ Y DixS.- LANGSTAFF North \onge St. - Richmond Hill i/i‘. iiom-ii i. I..\\IGS'i‘-\l'li‘-â€"â€" (mice llllillhi 5:1” a.m. - l 6: r‘ [v.m. DR. Lll.l.l \N C. LANGS‘I JI‘ lv‘ - (I)l~l 'l ('s in .' omen till.l tililiII'L‘lI‘ Oflicc lion's. 1.;2 [Llll I I’lmm‘ loo DR. CHARLES“ S. DUNNING i’oyntz Ave, Lansing. \Villow. lil). Oilice hours: 124.15: (L715. (‘apitol Bldg, \onge €22. IIud. 1.133; Rand. 2121. Ollice hours: 3.3; 91'i; 7.30-9. DENTAL DR. W. T. MciNTOSH Dentist RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Office: Over Da/‘es’ Dry Goods Store TELEPHONE 111. i \ _ DR. L. R. BELL . Dentist -' Office: Trench Block, two doors north of Standard Bank. Hours: 9 a.m. to 5.30 pm. Telephone 32 ._â€".__ , DR. J. A. C. MacDONALD DENTIST STANDARD BANK BUILDING THORNHILL Consultation and Diagnosis Free Open Evenings by Appointment Telephone 61 DR. MACLAREN DENTIST \Work Done Quickly a Bank of Commerce, Opposite EATONS MUSICAL ~N ADELMO MELECCI AND MISS ROSALIND BUSH, L.T.C.IV'. I‘li‘rom the Toronto Conservatory of Music. ivid accept 11. number of pupils iu Piano. V oval and Theory. Richmond Hill - Prlday and Saturday For information Phone 58] MRS. MYLKS M Ifrpi’irritk 391111211 yiaziiat-Ewrhf 1' STUDiOzâ€" Care of Mrs. Joseph Graham, Arnold S Richmond Hill Phone 48-2' 3 MCDONALD’S ORCHESTRA TIIORNHILL Popular throughout the district for music suitable for all kinds of dances. ‘Open for engagements. Telephone: Thornhiii 62. ASSOCIATED STUDIOS OF MUSIC, TORONTO Piano & Singing F. PELHAM. CHAFFEY Phone 941 Richmond Hill Studio at first house North of St. Paul’s United' Church H JOHN T. ANDERSON Piano Tuner 35 Years’ Practical Experience . 378 Beresford Avenue, \Vest Toronto Junction 0072 Telephone Glenn’s Drug Store, Rich- mond Hill, for appointment ' ENâ€" LEGAL â€" WILLIAM COOK, COOK & DELANY (William Cook F, Gordon/Cook Thomas Delany) Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Toronto Office: 810 Federal Building. 85 Richmond St. \Vest Richmond Hill Office (Liberal Office) every Thursday foreiioon. Maple, Thursday after- noon. “'oodbridge, Saturday afternoon. Money to loan at Current Rate NAUGHTON & JENKINS ~ Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries , ’I‘clcphniie Adelaide 2108 Offices: 85 Richmond St. West, Toronto Naiightou Block. Aurora Solicitors for: Aurora. Richmond Bill. King. \l'hitcliiirch, Markham and North Gwillimbury. » \l'rillcr Jenkins, Res. Phone Hill. 50”. J. IIarry Naughton, Res. Elgin Mills, Res. Phone 127.2 HENDERSON & MCGUIRE Barristers, Solic'itors, Etc. (David Henderson \\'. H. McGuire James A. Boles) Omces: 93-95 Sun Life Building, Adelaide and Victoria Sts. High: 5301 . . - Elgin 5303 TORONTO HENRY S. MULLO‘VNEY, M.A. Banister, Solicitor, Notary Public Toronto OFfice: Standard Bank Biiilding, 2453 Yonge St. (Eglintou Branch). Phone Ilizdson 321 8 Richmond Hi‘ll Ufflc'e: Over Davies Dry Goods Stoi'eâ€"â€"E\cry Saturday Money to Loan at Current Rates Phone Richmond Hill 119 A. CAMERON: MacNAUGHTON BARRISTER 511 McKinnon Building, Corner Jordan & Melinda Streets Toronto. Phone: Elgin 4875; Denton, :‘Jfifil‘li‘; .. c; Dcnton Barristers. Solicitors, &C. Herring Arcade. King St. ,_ 'l‘th‘IiIiL-I. Canada ‘ in 0311 1th” )..-,«~,-; I l :»".'.‘." 2 its" “PIER licensed Auctioneers I' ,11'.' o" You; Pure lli’ '. ‘ is L'. ."j‘i'i‘{‘ifil‘.". Phone 2703 S'i‘UL'I‘l“l'I!.l.E

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