J. A. Greene. LD Man Procrastination is not only the thief of time but the avowed foe of building operations. If you have some building to do, buy your lum- ber now and get busy. Work is getting to be the popular naâ€" tional sport, anyway. Phone 133 Richmond Street OPTOMETRISTS _ EYESIGHT SPECIALIS Thorough Eye Exam and Glasses That Fit E Special Attention to Childre Opén Evenings. Phone Hudson 0461 for Appointment ‘F‘ YOUVE A BURDSNG‘ .NSWRQTION -‘ AWN? OLD PROCRASWNATEGN $133 ,M4 ('31; l »‘ o: imple Mixture 1! Stomach Fee THE BIND OPTICAL CO. 2513 Yonge St. « North Toronto. (Opposite the Capitol 'Theatre) w a nave m Swim? “1.911%? 0131' E21323. Ready; mple as n L. INNES & SONS RECHMGNED Tmasse SUI Also OUR PRESSING CLUB lit per month; . . . . . . . . . . litS per month . . . . . . . . . . zits per month . . . . . . . . . . S and ia-Wea: 523 31 Children's Eyes Examinations Fit Perfectly. Telezahom SJ 02' 1111 .Vldl‘ amp 1t ercoaï¬mgs several lpifs which 533%?“ Â¥ 5:9- ' Kama}. 1"? am Biii hgads Lam? Heads; Q'eria’é’QE/‘E OUR SPRING STOCKâ€" Of Men’s Hats. in plain and fancy bands, 1 latest style, at $4.00 and $4.50. ‘ Hill properties. P.0. Box 229. Phone 78 W Over 40 years practical experi- The Richmond Hill Furnishing Store Auctioneer, Valuator and Business Agent of 111 KiI‘ng St, Toronto. a? W.VV&E& Price Tine Liéeral Broadcloth shirts with ‘ttached or without, who is living in Miss McNair’s residence on Yonge Street, op- posite the R. C. Church, begs to 3559 E Service at Moderate Cost for all kinds af (Jammercial Printing. HUBQTQEEQ a? €216 ence in the Real Estate Estimates cheerfully Given. ad or w1tnout, $2.253, Lfrom $1.85 up. Men’s or brown oxfords in first calf, $6.00, latest last. Eâ€"me Oi Richmond Hill fc UBIEHWU for the perties Residence 49W Ric]- Business die you to mi in hand. season from 60c rm"! patter 165 119mg ‘DS' c011 nei to $50 per month. A Temperanceville correspondent reports that the farmers on tth line are meting the milk truck at the side road instead of losing an hour’s sleep by meeting the car on’ the' “fast time.†Presbyterian W.M.S. was twenty- eight. The attendance at the meet- ing was thirty-eight. F..Clarke has been serving on the jury at the York County court ses- sions this week. Seedï¬ng: , operations throughout York Couï¬ty are pretty well com- pleted, but the dry weather has con- s‘dcrably retarded growth. Farmers The Liberal ofï¬ce will be open on Monday morning and evening and any one wishing to pay their su'n- scriptions or subscribe for our paper may do so by calling at the ofï¬ce. Fair prizé lists vmay be from the secretary or at the C} there Empi the d at 2. come play Thur both ma good things Miss Nell iat her in h lic formerly Mrs. town last wee} After succe: M M .0 rvec gilied men. Some correspondents hate that owing to the high cost of elp, more land will be seeded to miss this year and that there will e more exchange of work between eighbors. Wages range from $25 f the ‘ he pla mu HUI 5e an Chur M 1' I‘} Th 11'); . that a wonders wee k ted ltreal (11 air subjects by t :"ferent classes. \Vomen’s Asso 'terian Churcxh w ent R ichmond Hail N , c'andy- etc. and all are in 3 call and have a share of th rvic nex at the public se days with r chool gardens. method of in? generation in hurc h TOTO Rev.) McIn was mc f much hurc r sorrow. . 1ttersby of St. Marys’ Ang- rch will conduct the Sunday and will be assisted (in the )y Rev. H.H. Marsh of St. m n PIC 11V llie Hopper wishes to ex- sincere thanks and apprec- t. Johns United Church for bouquet of flowers sent to operations throughout ;y are pretty well com- the dry weather has con- etarded growth. Farmers the ground worked well few warm showers would ll‘Ch ( 11‘ me last week we reported It the atendance at the JDDI May Han Star 1da been ‘ report ; of fancy dances and will be provided. traffic on North ‘Yongc ccptionally heavy on ideal spring weather otorists in large num- ,(‘Intosh will p in St. Paul’s unday. Mornin theer.†Sundaj my Aid ercises will be held 01 on Friday. There rogram of patriotic dress, after which pecial reference to by the teachers to 1 Mr kfns ', May 2 a (under ill ntosh attended Mc- graduation exer- n Tuesday night. of guaranteed ger- imported Leaming‘, I] over the Icoun- to whether 01' not 9f farm labor, but to the scarcity 01’ 1e correspondents o the high cost of _11 be seeded to post} .VIcGill 1 M. Kerr .ome in I1 {Id inc passir Hardy I’Ve C131 Will Elf art fair grounds serve light ice and hoe This is the Testing the horticulture {all the scm ion of the the Elgin 1 Friday. estra sup- will be it Leaming, varieties. )reach at 5 United 1g theme Ly School ade wel- iie mv m a; secured Liberal hes mu 13’ th e l on last the .bers and the fiv th1 on 'au 111 nt are caught in a raid on a cabaret sent to jail for thirty. days. He 1 by means of letters, to convince that he is selling hymn book: South Sea cannibals, and his ta‘l most works untilâ€"but then, 1 better see “Let’s Get Married.†An Ace Production There is little doubt that “Ir is the big picture from Co Moore this season. Everybody who has seen the thinks so â€" even Colleen! And : her own harshest critic! Speaking about the gorgeous gt worn in“lrer.e,†Colleen said: "Aren’t they wonderful? r showing at th Thursday, Frit good. They sa thL abode in Gr Advanc ard Dix’ ture, “Le After scrubbing t put out a “smallpox‘ won’t track it all up Mill Street A car will leave the Richmond Hotelyfor the Races in Toronto daily at 11 a.m..Daylight Sav- ing Time. Closed car for hire at all hours. Calls may be left at Richmond Hill Motors, Phone 109. Flower and Asters loose different var D] n n+0 ‘Fnu Flower and Vegetable Plants, Asters loose and compact, and different varieties of Annuals. Plants for window boxes and hanging pots. Tomatoes, ,Cauliflowers, Cabâ€" bage and Celery. Eyes Examined Glasses if Required 'olleon Let These gas have not award their d‘ publish the C» her néxt wee lowing. Eiyiésewmdflaiéam . bride’s he need by c} 31x ese are the , m a boy a fish hool- OMI BY THI nd DI NIT OMPETITION S. Belgrade 8W8 H. DAVIS Artiï¬cial E M oorc turgiay xt the 25 Rumble Ave. set Richmond Hill Telephone 108 W. TAXI tar )t yét been able decision. We hop complete resulis Capitc v and L\’ O“ or the v )ST MODERN .‘HODS learned†ay Comedy Luke rrie( HEY ene on. nu s tha .moun itted 1C PTICI gowns [SO They on '11 WECTOREA DAY Mmï¬w SPECIAL ATTR ACTIONS Horse Racing, Hmse Drawing Conâ€" test, Soft Ball Games, Music by Stouffviï¬e Brass Band Hive Complete Frames per 100 Supers . . . . . . . . I AURORA, ONT. , . WE HANDLE ALL REQUIREMENTS FOR BEEKEEPERS Marvelube GEE is TRY IT. CUT RATE †BEEKEEPERS SUPPLIES W. R. PENNOCK, 23 HARRISON AVENUE Dd; Yeleplzcze 109 RICH 5min»; :- . sauna Uur coal is prepared and scs Scratch Feed, Blatchford’s Laying Mash for poultr Cracked Corn and Corn Meal. Government Standard Re-ground Screenings in ba‘ at $28.00 per ton; cheaper than oats or barley. ‘ Pocahontas Coal and Coke. Cut Hardwood and 8131 )urc How Abeut" Y0! HQYaX AGREE also Pa Best 521 Ericuï¬iï¬mï¬ gflgi knees Qualit the The 77th Annag'a} DRIVING PARK RICHMOND HILL Sample Prices of a few articles, viz: Jive Stock, Poultr and Ladies’ Work Enquire for Pric ade of Bread F loui‘ in cotton $9.00 1 Very Flour S8.00.by the barrel. supply of Gluten Feed, Bran, Shorts, GOD SAVE THE KING Richmï¬Ã© I. D. RAMER iven in the z Will Be Held In The ay 24 Gluten Feed, Bran, Shorts, M hford’s Laying Mash for TO GROU NOTICE Richmond Hill WU BKfllD M) 1 be Offereé UUE on larger lots H hr 24m, E§26 E 111 71V a at 8 pm @231: ;e In stora ‘0 advance custome CED HEW†aft :aI iden u.