Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 May 1926, p. 7

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“annihilation”; 0N coon lllGESTlllNl Weak Stomachs Can be Made Strong Through the Use of Dr. - Williams’ Pink Pills. The sufferer from indigestion is greatly to be pltied. _ This trouble as- sumes various forms such as pain af- ter eating, gas on the stomach, sour stomach and often vomiting after meals. The sufferer cannot get relief by cutting down his food to a starva-l tion basis. That only still furtherl weakens. What is needed is better digestion. not a. poorer diet. And the 1 way to get a better digestion is to so. enrich the blood that the stomach will . do the work nature intended. As a tonic for building up the blood nothing else can equal Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. ’ As this new blood courses through the c "is go ea Meaning of “Detour.” _ Classified Advertisements. "lit-tour." This is a word that is de~ LECTIUC MOTORS BOUGHT AND sow. (idcdly unpopular to touring motoristsl J """°“‘ F"““’“"‘ 3'" “mm l _.___._.__.._._ ft‘nr it never means exactly the Same lw-IKCBUIIIIING nuoor \vHEsLs lilting twice. Onc detour may be over in semi-improved road and be a. pleas- ‘Isnt diversion while the very next one Y EW lilMfi. l‘ll.\.\'.\'ICIi AND BURNER. Write Albert Rulin. Naustndg Ont. veins strength and tone is iven the iem'ountcrc'l will be over treacherous Organ of Paper‘- stomacii and the pangs of ind] csfion roads full of rocks, Hits and holes. - An organ made entirely of paper in System is strengthened and he“. 1 .91 grammes which are being carried on glum. The pipes are rolls of card- and vim comes to the former Shh’eren and which are to be inaugurated this board and the sound is said tube The value of D1: \thams: pink Pins ‘ycar intcrest motorists because they sweet and powerful. in cases of this hind is moved by the ‘will provide better highways. But dur- ’fâ€"Vâ€" U experience of Mn E_ G. Malcolm. Port ‘ing the process of construction there A loose' c‘ammy handshake lune-5 ‘ . loose c'ainmy im rcssion ' ' ‘â€"-" - . , ., . , Will be many detoiirs encountered bv ‘ ' “ p " ' Malcmm' N's" “ho says' For sever can continent, can. For this reason Britain is practically compelled in irwy W'dl' I0 NIPPON the I-Paghf‘ “f hdtlmli- ' al . . ‘ p . t . tourists and others. Years I was a great sufferer from If the League should disappear tomorrow we wouid be compeppd once ahim to join some European (.Olllllllldllon ‘ indigestion. I could not eat meat or . . - - " Because many (lemurs are rough and [or S against any country which threatened to dominate the continent. .ru“ . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . i y and iin leasant. man dllVeIB potatoes. and often could not retain D y Will buy old Canadian or Foreign the food I did eat. Only those who aeek m alleviate the discomfort or Stamps used before 1870. Look have been afflicted with this trouble ' “E D Epoor road conditions by driving with, up the old letters in your hum E g . iless than the usual amount of air pres- or Office. m it will hay you! can realize the suffering I endured. I took a lot of doctors' medicine, but it sure‘ By so domg they sumea the” No Recent Stamps wanted' ' did not give me more than temporary A MA'EWE'ER tires to extremely severe punishment THE CHAS. CHAPMAN co. 5 relief. I also took other remedies re- By Miss Isabella Preston, for the Ontario Horticultural Association. Whichoften causes DEI‘IIIfiHentlhjUrlefi- ’ London - Canada commended, with no better resuits , _ . , h talk The life of balloon tires and others ' u I v ‘ w v ‘ e‘ ' ' Then I read in a newspaper the case F01 the novice in gaidening who ly flowering type, as the ot ers ‘ too. woum be increased If motel-“its v ' - a . l - . f Onâ€" 9 ~ . . ._ Drawomah whose Symptoms were like wants quick results for the least tron ton long to come into bloom or Let Baby S Own Tableth Keep about to Start over a detour, partlm‘ "SHIP us YOUR . . . t . ' " .Htiltiftet. . » l my own, who found new health ble and expense 1 dollar spent on tario conditions egl 6 Your Children We“. 131.1,... would check a”. pressure in all y' - . . . iseeds of suitable annual flowers will Eschscholtzlaâ€"Californla poppy grows [h h _ N. h V. ‘ . .mrough Dr' “mmms Pmk Pllls' I at’give the most satisfaction. They will well in a sunny position and blooms ‘ e t 195 l at only “In this pmlong BUTTERAND once got a supply of these pills and 'WE BUYALL YEA/2 [POUND- ' ‘ f il 'h' h 1 until ve ' severe frost The finer cut Lime Children very gummy get om “'9 me Of the “yet but Wm 11130 DTO‘ had not taken them very long when I gm“ in any mm] o .50 “ 10 “is if . A” 0' 1 1 d of sorts. By prompt treatment they long the life of the car by cushioning Write iogay/brppipm_wp gum-am“. began to find relief. Thus encouraged been we“ dug and. IS REM Clear. or i Silage is gm" 5 1 gnen “100 or and I can usually just as (11“?le he set “5119 it from severe road shocks. something them/era Week ahead I continued the use of the pills, and I w'eed‘s’ .mough a fan-1y “Ch medlllm le 0“el'sh are orangfe’ emon an again, Most of their troubles arise in iiuderinfla.ted mes cannot do. Rpguthlhldtglgggygn’to can but sum up what. they did for me loam is the best for most Specles' mse’ Belg £1 to 11/2 the first place from the stomach or Driving over Stones and dropping 36-3933n29223rvafark91:fianqual by saying that they made me feel like Oalendula and Nasturtium flower best Kochia. sometimes cal-.edi Summer bowels; that is Why a good cleaning‘hmo holes should be done With great . .. ._ .. a new man Every trace of the now in poor sell and tend to grow leaves Cypress, or Firebush. is grown for its . , . . . . f 1. It b] d f. In Out is the first thing Dl‘escl'lhfil by the . Cure. Tires are built to withstand the ble has disappeared and I can now eat instead 0f flm‘fi‘rs‘ If the bml Is New 0 lage' res‘em es 8' wax" C0 dootor. Formerly caStOI‘ oil was the normal natural wear of normal road "The question of European peace is the most urgent and immediate problcni of all a' l‘l'< '(‘hh 9V9“ (WE‘V- shadowiiig the stupendous Asiatic Pacific problem." stated Sir Esme Howard. llritlsli .-‘\inba.<,<a.lor to \\'ashington. ‘11 his arrival in Toronto recently on a Canadian Pacific Railway train from the American ('illllfhl- "lh (WIN l0 assist in maintaining peace in Europe." Sir Esme continued. "we must continue to be intimately f‘Ohhi‘t'lml “51h all its\iffairs. Great Britain cannot profess indifference to European politics as the inhabitants of the North Ameri‘ l disappear. Not only this. the \i olel AMBASSADOR SAYS LEAGUE OF NATIONS NECESSARY I The gigantic road building pro- 8. unique feature of a church in Bel;- l - ‘ t, light green bush in summer, but .- . . ._l . . . and enJoy my meals as we” as any “Ch' I . pac ‘. . means used to biing this about. 110“ conditions but they Will not stand con- ' one." Early in spring when the frost hasvgomrs dbéllllanéliyd in flail. The; ctaI; ahays Babyvs Own Tablets do the‘tihual blows with a shedge hammer E o ' You can get these pills from any 3"“ and the 50” has dnefiv ‘d‘g mezfe ":91 nor a ge an gm“ 3 on same work, but without trouble to theiany more than a. car “will. and this is Pafvhet tilehlifghxgglxllgflls medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents ground and br‘eak up the 5°11 50 as to] em 1 g ‘ parent or discomfort to the little one. just what happens when the mes. drop “ a 9 - ~ 9 a box from The Dr. Willianis' Medl- {lave the surface Very. fine before sow'i Nu'smrnumems wenâ€"known mam Children take Baby’s Own Tablets hapâ€" in a hoie at a high rate of Speed. cine Co., Brockville, Ont. mg the S'eeds' The “me to sow seeds news no description Eew fl0“ers‘are pily because there is no nasty taste After an unusuaiiy rough detour . . cutoool‘s vanes 111 dlffel‘eht dlS‘tTiCtS ‘ more S‘howy in the garden 0" need less and because no griping attel‘ll'dlns {0's wheel alignments should be checked vas often one deep rut. is sufficient Lol Sentence.sern;;ns from the last week in April to the care. They flower well on poor soil, 10“, their use. I . - second week in May. The depth to hUt‘need ‘1 sunny pos'i‘uo‘m The dwarf As a speCiflC (01‘ ChildhOOd lhdlges‘ ‘ throw them out of alignment with con- You Are in Luckâ€"If your father or sow them depends on their size; very Varlellefi make 500d border P131115 Lion. vomiting, constipation, colic, sequm increased (ire weal; ; mother taught you to work. small ones are best scattered on the Whilst the tall ones (“1'6 excellent for cows, teething pains. etc. there is no- . â€"â€"If you have learned to give as surface of the soil and pressed in with covering Unslghtl)’ fences- Uhfflrlun‘ thing to equal Baby’s Own Tablets. . _â€"thm_â€" much to the world as you expect to get a flat piece of wood. whillst larger ' ate'ly they are Very se'hs'itive ‘0 fl'OSt- i'l‘hey neVer do harm and always do Use M'nard's Llnlment m the stable" ‘: Lrom it. ones need about one-quarter of an inch Phlox Dl‘um1n0hdi"Alll-lllal Phlox 15 ‘ good. The Tablets are sold by medi-| â€"â€"*" .2 ~â€" â€"« i -If you never look for any favors of fine soil sifted over them. This '8 VBI‘Y Show? flower and Comes in a cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a Queer Material. from life that you do not earn. should be pressed down firmly. When 8T6“ Variety Of Colors» The habit of box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine A little fellow. about ten vears oi -â€"If you know how to take defeat the seedlings are large enough so that the plant is Spreading 8Rd a few seeds Co, Brockville, Ont. ' age was reciting his catechism cheerfully and success modestly. .tizeyxan be distinguished from weeds will make a border a foot or more 4:. â€"â€" Teacher is "or what, was Adam “If you have the courage to face the thin them out to about four inches Wide. “"thh Will he covered With A Juvenile Diplomat. made?" facts and go ahead. I ‘ :apart. Do this when the-ground is bright. star-shaped flowers all season. Tommy. we diminutive “me? my Wilhhkflof [he (mm of the earth... -~ It you have no one to assist )‘0u damp. To prevent waste it is advis-. PoppyiEveiyonie knows annual pop- 1 1 V 'k d l, d h W... 1. $- ’ Teachep 4-Of What was. EN. madew when you begin pitying yourself. table to sow seeds very thinly and if’lllesl WhICh can he Obtaifl‘ed in beami' 1.!“ “OIHe .1.“ or.‘ Ed baddiT [10 .h') a With... ‘0‘» (me of Adam's ribbon/s." â€"’ If you have a talent for sticking to gaps are found later to fill them by i flll delicate Pinks. as well as the S‘MY- “ éek3 e “as. a W . uey . u ' e ( ‘ap’ . . A 7 I ~ 1 I _ _ ,, . . faithful and quiet. Final.) he plucked flawâ€"«um» your task. _ seedlings taken from a place “hemp-ct of the hulopean fields. The Shlrâ€" I I k f , . . . ___.:._- they are too thick hey strain has the greatest variety of uputonrage as ' oran1 tn‘cieah': on Area of Superior. Thoseold enemies, acidity. pain and dis Annuals can be grown in rows or in 00101‘8- To Set the best results the H0“ mm mom “011d 3”” l e' Lake Superior. the largest expanse; inquired his employer. comfort are soon knocked for a fare-theeâ€"well .beds or borders, according to the Space plants should be thinned out to about of fresh water in the world. has an 'bySeigel'ssyrup.Anydrugstore. 'mmiahle. The varieties described cahia foot apart, It pile flowers are cut “W en" an‘s‘f'ewjd Tomnvl-V' '11 dolatiarea of 31,800 square miles. ’ ‘_': all be sewn where they are required to ' 3.1131 83 the calyx is breaking the bloom think whit” $3 ‘1 “Wk male “ cum e “"fl The Causes. :flower and if treated as stated Will give Wm Open indoors and “'1‘” la“ a few to? Emmi . . ' ll b ' b i "There are two causes of infanthuwcrs from Julie until frost. (lays in Water. but if the blooms are 10“ are lathe} a sma 0’ m 9‘. earning $8 a week." “I suppose I am." said Tommy. "I know I am small for my. age, but to mortality poverty and ignorance. Ini MYSSIIInWSwe-et Alyssum is one of‘l‘eft hntll 0129“ before flitting they drop the infant welfare movement, the antl- ;1he hes-t dwarf edging plants. It soon "My (111“le- “DIAMOND DYE" ANY tuberculosis campaign and every other forms a carpet covered with small PONUIRCR makes 8- gOOd EI‘OUDd - - i - 0 ' - m I v a . ' , - , tell the truth Since Ive been working. C 8 field of public health. “e co e soonerfihlte. fragrant floweis. If they begin cover in a very hot. dry situation. The here hve been 80 busy I haven't hadi GB l . . - - , . ‘ 1 . . . or later to a realization of the fact I to run to seed and look untidy it is s. eaves dre fies“) bin “0t conspicuousv I time ho grow.” 4 l . ' I . _; V ‘ ‘ v i that education and medical and nurs- 800d plan to Ll-D Off the flOl‘leI‘ Stalks. but the fim‘e” “9 (lune large and! He got the raise, Medicated And Soothing mg service, while they can accomplish ltiien in a week or ten days it will form very ornamental. This plant is very _ "4,“ Just Dip t0 Tint OI' Boil . mulch. cannot cope successfully with 'a compact white carpet again. St’hsmve 10 f‘l'OGI- ‘ It takes a brainy woman to make t D e the evil effects or standards of livingl Calendula. often called Pot Marl- SunfloweivThere are several type-s“h d hee man ha and contented. ’ o y - . V i . _. hi islikea do u l . V V, h ’ ‘ y '_ I _ i n p a ppy - (WW It produces a creamy. lasting too low to peiinit the maintenance of 50 . 11 e (815) “1t orange of this useful flOWBI‘. 'IRJ “llh ldlge i . - ' lather which doubles razor efficien- norinal physical health" 01‘ lemon-CthTed flowers. They flower flowers, height 6 to 7 feet. medium EM“ Life? 1’?‘Fk' cy and makes shaving easy for ten- well in quite poor sorl. Height about i with smaller flowers. height 4 to Si I age coma.“ an“: der faced men, while its 501160": 15 "101195. lfeet. and dwarf with small flowersl tions so simple any medication keeps the skin clear and healthy. Sample Bub Free 3 In“. Addreu Canadian Depot: “Bunhom tA. lot-troll." Price, Snip 25c. (linemen: 25 Ind 60:. Tnleum 26:. "I" Cull-urn Shaving Stick 25:. woman can tint soft, delicuts shades orl dye rich. permanent colors in lingerie, silks. ribbons. skirts! Cosmos is an excellent plant for a height} feet. The tall varieties makeiiChOIce Large Bulbs- 50‘: doz- ~ 10W “(159- If given Space enough they 5 excellent screens and also can be used ‘ per 100. per 1,000 ‘ r r i v v ' , v . ‘ ‘ 20:11:132312:a‘iggxbhtféiiisghléighcalhe tloh proude shade for smaller. plantsiAmcrica' Augusta, Baron. J_ Hulot' . e seeds of sunflowers aie muchiHaney' Lovelinessl Niagara, pinama’ green leaves and showy flowers. Care I sought after by birds and worth grow-‘ pease, Pink Perfection. Prince of . im‘ml be take“ 10 buy seeds of the ear- ' ing for that reason alone. wales. Princeps. Le Marchai Foch, "' it 1 5 l S dresses. ISchwaben, Mrs. Frances King, Mrsi WW“. _ c o a t s. stockings,l “ 7â€"_7 d lFrank Pendleton, War. Red Emperor, ‘EWPKIEI‘, draperies. , ‘ . o .. U. V l " , . SALIN la Stop Snoring. British Looking for Traces iwmte Giant Feet. V Coverings. hangings WTI Do you snore? if you do, why not of Harefoot, Son of Canute‘ We prepay exin‘ess or mail on all sever-"91mg! v % stop it? “'5 really quite eas‘. to do so Iordei's for $5.00 or over when “('(‘UID- Buy lliamoiid 1)) es no other kind 7 W Search has been begun in London for panied by cash. ITndei‘ $5.00. add 10 and tell your 'lruggist whether the ina-' , . . . _ bnoring IS the result of sleeping Wit-h -~ . "_‘ l . atraoe of Old kin Harold. nicknamed ( l ' ~ - st of Sta 9. l r «i» - - i a . ~i- . /, the mouth open, and lneaihing through I “Ham” “ardomg who dihd in low lper cem' U w“ N W m .g . it'vlld! )3.” Y}! :Qth’m 18,,“ 001?] Elm“ Read Mrs. Menard,‘ Letter. ' it instead of through the nose. 1 -~ .. V' .1 I Gammage & Sons! lelted l m 'He‘ '6” 1 l M“. “mun 01 mlxed H E ' M H l Z r In Ioole, Street. near London LONDON ONT. {punish er xperience ay e p I l l ' r l "‘9' “U” 3:6 5?“ ipélat: lrallway station. and with the modern' \ ( mes “88 n“ t is traffic of road and river sweeping past. g l At the bad or our mouths is 8‘ us'lBi'idge. under the shadow of a. great’ _ 7 â€"‘~â€"â€"â€"-â€"~â€"-»::-â€"-____,W"__‘ C h 0 “'“"‘I n ' " " ’ ‘ ‘liat am. ntario.-â€"“ wanttote . on how much good your medicine gno:\1>:ra;:ss::lfii makeril they lumus’c' luorkinen have started digging deep: . ‘ ng' 1“ ‘0 “me 0flinio English history. For it is the old has done me. Be- fore hngy came e so ' or w . .h ' down that I could shore and on whether some air is hardly do my being taken through the nostrils. WOTk- My head Subsidiary causes of snoring are? r ‘10th continually sleeping on one‘s backy or an obstrucâ€" and [was 8') dis- tion of the n.i>al passages by adenoids or other growths. "Back sleeping." by depriving the chin of support, causes couraged that I could cry from it to fall. and that induces inouth-_ breathing and snoring. l morningtillnight. 'l'he (lil‘t‘ ’5 simple the i'llllt should Take it daily. A spoon- ful in a glass of water before meals and at bedtime will do you a world of good if you feel out of sorts, dull and heavy. A pleasant, effervescent. sal in e laxative prescribed by leading doctors for over 20 years. by. that is being turned up by pick and i ;Sll(l\'t‘l to remove the caskets which? ihave rested there hundreds of years EAuthorltles say it is quite likely that what remains of one of England‘s ears 15' Kings may be buried there. The original of Si. ()l(t\ e1: was buill more than 5‘00 years ago. The Harold \ilzoni tradition link: “'llli the old cemetery of St. Oiave's \Vingt‘itc Chemical Co. be tied up? Snoring is llltâ€"ll ill. iiill"ls- “as the younger sou or Fannie [he - -C 2 hi t ..L . .. , ;I)anish King of England, who is chief- , . I M .. ‘ . V ‘ '4‘: ‘ j ‘ me a on “J Slh'my ____A ‘.y remembered by the Iegenl that PTOVEd Sllffi millions and lllétcllhiéd N: 11118 IOT i “‘htn he sat on the eigc of the :Fél’ “I had another ~ -~ w: baby justoneyrar and a half old and it gave me a lot to do. So I thou lit 1 would try Lydia Ii. I‘izik‘nam‘s 'ogctable Compound, .eliri read so m'itrh about it ir1 the I found a difference 1 igllt The ‘ - l: ' I -v. i011; a , . . .- ~ , , l'. i~ . , “is”? ,“0 “0rd m ‘i‘m ‘3’ T’ “’7 slzcre and coininan-iel the incoiiiiii: COl‘tlS HCIldRCllé‘ NSIIIIIIS anlngo Md“ r hug'y‘f:Fifnjhn’lllgpi'ihfi; > ' ': 1‘3“? ‘1 ‘ “Him 1’“ - - v " "'91 ' "‘L H 7"" n r \' 1h 11“ herb? 3‘11“? .‘tl‘_ “1“: 01, tide to stop the tide ignored the run... . V . u. 1. Cunnmmi ,iUimy if ‘15 She said it Ienteipiise i ..ti. tile “02k iniposslle Iorder and prooeeded to we: the royal Pam “Cllffllglfl TOOll’lIlCllé liIlClinlthlsm i rhghh, wt my tan-1'” I \imted U) do 3 i r " ‘(ll’l help me until . r in) lmttlus when my 2 lie is a tine big boy. ' five months old. lam line athln and I am you sent nief lie was pleased “'illl‘ . I, H I u ~' . allbymvsclf now. {hemp - Accept (Jilly ‘BRR'CF packize l a' rt-i-r»lnin»-nd the Vegetable ‘ - - V. ‘ .. \ . ‘ ._- ll }le 7 ‘ lndeedf “'lze‘ did he say?" ‘ which conning prove“ dhâ€"Ciwma « 'nmh: \ mgr” and {isplezltany w) .. v ,4 A _, ,..- . u i . “taunt .2 cm. as )d‘ we *A‘L E" h” 1“ “45 "-“l'ghled [0. Handy “Bayer bova v-f ll traltlrfs .- u Md lute at thou: times, 2. t‘lntl that I own" gong "o marry 8 Also bottles of ?~i and l‘JOwDri‘. s-s. .. ()l l‘.‘l.'l‘. ‘JENAI’D. M Center 5'... -_fi V a» l 'fee‘. i l l The Proof. l l i , . . . ‘ Size~ "I Silt-wed father in» verses . “am . t l I l o v if ’ DIERFLAG The above letter. when properly arranged form the name oi a late Prca‘denn ne sending in the correct solution will be awarded a beautiful lot. size 20x 1m feet. FREE and clear of all encumbrances. located in one oi our sub divisions between New York and Atlantic City. This offer expire: July l5, 1926. 1""? Asrdlri". is the trail? msdrk‘htrtrgilslefed or! 0:23;? 45 fair. L --dlhf-m. (Dita-trio. c . ' . l - l sci e>itr of Sr. ‘c '1 l w Tint » l 3 -' - I -afi . .7 - ._ ' “mm DCVElO m at 0 llo 103“ 55.0013. 12-39 New York Cl ‘ r I _ 'i that As'lrm mean: Baler ma..‘LIh"‘ io resist int- l‘ w “3° H- _ u ' . I ., Q3. .-_â€" . or» ‘m .. . , ., e . v M r ,. (p.15. iMinard‘s Lmlment Klrig of Pan ‘ or 333.} Cgm".;_'.’ up. be “who with their general was: uncle-u: u--- l-««‘â€" i-h- wâ€" ~9- wsr - <5” I 9

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