Men’s League . Schedule Drafted CORRESPONDENTS WANTED It is the intention of the Lll)- At. a meeting held at the home of or.“ L0 perfect m: staff Of (113' B. H‘ Eaton, Thornhm, the Yong? trict correspondents and rcport- CONDUCT YOUR AFFAle Street Men’s Softball League was or- andflo sulï¬gtlw" “and if“ 2 ; ' . a gunizod recently and a schedule “ease mm .tm‘e l†““]e.t‘m ', :1 drawn up for the season. As will be :- amoum and $31“ (7‘ 99Ԡ1mm r ' ‘ noted by the schedule several good ltl‘he Sugvroundlng‘ (llStl‘lCt‘ISori/Cd teams are entered and keen competi- 3’ th†papa“ T0 “‘13 9nd :1: -‘ A. Middle Course The Yonge Street Highway lead ing to Toronto runs like a backbone every village and community - STANDARD Bank Savings account tion is assured throughout lh: your. . . _- #:2xmu~.. ensi"t >“2s.“' through Ontario. AS years roll All games \Vlll start sharp at 4.15 ISA); - ti}? flolï¬miflffmï¬ iffeélï¬lï¬t}; IQQCEKB? on, the Higlnvay bears ever innâ€"gas, “in m}: be tolerated. The Omens our news columns we won“ be L'i‘guiiiization that is known rind rospee- . inc tl'Elfl’lC and bCCOYDCS more and more elm-th were as follows: Honorary " glad If you “GUM. communwnm la] in. “I? F9ï¬n']illlnxrt.yi’ .am: Cftabhsims a _ b TYSMCMS E. T. Stamens and COL “my us and. We win be mm] to .i. S I iontinl “llll .15 iiixaiuihlc should-.10 at BRANCHES important to the development Of the LACl'l‘L‘rl, Lbniiox. M.P.r; Pro cut, I). furnish all instructions and dc- ' C any tlme desn'e Counsel 01' adee 0“ On the Highway i IEWMARKET AURORA ‘ RICHMOND HILL The Imperial Bank of Canada also, is a part of this country‘s backbone and very properly follows a middle courseâ€"conservative, sound, and re’ liable, but bearing a steadily il‘lCX‘CElS‘ tans. ‘: money matters. Open a Standard Bank = savings account. It will help you to deâ€" . I I ‘_ _.i .. ’ \'(‘l()') your i'iiiam-ial resources as not- lTli'iore Harding, Richmond Hill, . " ~ I .i'. . . . . .1 . , Ty, .aSUTCn Bruce Richonaidy Thanh M‘â€"â€"‘-“ 7' lung (‘59 Cd!" and enabl“ you to conduct l . : . '0' ~ z. ' :1 cl: :i"z'-“ " "- MIL > Tfle 4 git; ptixonil llll n ll \ I 111; “1th dig l i1. Eaton, Thnrnliill; Vice~p ‘Sidl'lli. tcrritor . _ , y y Mr. Moore, Newtonbrook; heart-Lari: The Schedule is as follows:- _ Hay 17,-:-:.\'.A..\. at m-nmond Hill. 8333?â€! 0.99318 1 l J S:-=~::-=-:=-:=-:=-=4~=- / daylight saving time and delays EIT-â€"fl‘l101‘lll'l‘ill at Newtonbrook. . an Ywednï¬sday Richmond Hill at Thornhill ‘ i THE til-â€"Nu\';tonbrool; zit S.Y.A.A. . , , _,_““ _ _ '1 I <\'551L!l‘lmi‘nliill 21f 551033;!“ “’53 Entered m 370"“ j S . hlâ€"rNov.ftviifnrrl; at lifi-limoiid W ; ‘. r v ‘ - r I" I an acne La g‘ue _ OF CANADA . ‘ -, Juniell;-:‘_SIYIAN\‘ Hg Kim-(mun: Wick. L001] buqun fan “4‘1 VIDLHVHU HILL BRANCHâ€"“W. C. Bedford, Manager , limo ’TVâ€"Thornlt'?! s: i:.;-:imm~..«i lIill W ‘ ‘ “ ‘ “ ' ‘ NH'LL BRANCH‘S-B-Elwn’M‘mag" l l l .i - Capital and Reserve _ _ . ’ $4,500,000.00 ,ing part in ï¬nancmg the development of the country which it serves. announcement that Ril‘illlft‘llii - June 1~1A~IVOVVLOHI rook Ill Tlmrnhlll. H'ill ' by k again in organized lizill. Brahmas also M Aurora‘Lansmg 'ï¬riara‘=-:-:-z- . “1' June 1-£~leC7limonll llill‘ at i"u.-Y.A.A. A‘ :1 m __'; of tho York Sun“) {I . L IIVHSKJLA. ntu'limi‘mlllvl. lea/1‘.“ held iii Arm-r0, on Thu; ()~-Rl(‘lllll()l‘i(l l'illl :Lt S.E.A.A. 1‘; :4 !';v 34,3ng wid; t G-~:\l0l‘v'll)lll)l()0l{ at Thurnliill 13â€"â€"S.Y.A.A. :it Nmrtonbrook Iiiâ€"Thdtnhill at. Richmond liill A ‘ ' iil-TS-‘lvï¬-JM at ThOI‘nhill _ Th“ {1‘s game will b(: played 1 . r1: . , faly 20~Richitiond Hill at Newton- tore (1E1 Wednesday, May 10. at 5:30 i brook. o‘wlw lx' (star-01rd time), and it i.: lo 1 Smiii‘iriliv. :iiid lii._‘lll‘i1(-H:l ; and a schedule drawn . ‘ or CANADA T4 BET ISSUE. HEAD OFFICE -, - a- - TORONTO July 2â€â€"I.’<\\i'lonhi‘ool: at §Y A A 'w Who-d ‘wi- ' the fun“ will tur ,» W . V V. L... . .. i. e U... . n out r "-.' ‘ v "- ’1‘ » o 9 c . . V Ju v iuâ€"liichn‘o‘ul llhi 2’ ’lli "hill ;_ :- l1lllilll€1Ҥ 1’0 give the l‘“?:\l (Admin-“1g Clty UL imollto) " buimrba†E01359 are “3' ' ' l‘-.'m*.‘t0nhrml< h“. _ .i gram! start for the season. The 51; AND 5V; ’2 BONDS DUE i930 to 1346 PRE T0 YEELD OVER 5 PER CENT. crossing Daily the . “ and Q12 :st ~ Children’s l i l RiOlHnOml Hill :(liii'.-ioii will be the popular {(‘C of St Richmond two‘iiyJixo cents, with chi‘dren ill“ i V V tail in for fifteen vents. i :; E;.X.A..\. " i lus'al tC‘filil itill prant'w each l "7/ and Thursday oz'cnmg‘x', :"Ul : The To vnship of East York is largely a 1233‘â€" (lciitial suburb of the City of Toronto. Its growth évml (l1. " j the paint five years; has been Extremely ; rapid, and, it is situated within 31/13 miles of the J23 $ 5, in m ls: £143 Wmsfl m vyers 1155. rat-13‘ rl‘ Already A v.0 . nits have l‘(-.‘Zl hurl. ‘, '=. 1‘ ill ' V ‘9? d to turn out ‘ O I Hairdressmg Parlay E3 . I (is: ‘VQ‘LԤ who 'iLll'.) .! .i‘, . ..‘l'_. ‘ ,. .. a . . . . . _ i ' Hui; 3 MW“, Gm.“ Dmpfl.‘ Rm,» 1 centre or the City: ’1 ‘iznsportation famlitics -‘ \ a é, __.~ fl ‘ cyan Sliul‘plii Edgar i; am. 3 are excellent, and it IS expected that its grovdh in ' . . EB V )R SAN; ,‘izlliard Brovii no.1 sever-.11 ' poi ulzition vfll continue to be extremely rapid. ‘ Expert Sen-Vice m 11 . H , . All frames be held 21!, the l r: , - - 1 .. 1. , L - i _ . u I R “A . n l comptâ€" _ . new the com 1;] hqw WHO] I dome important .lnCillSlJlCa are 2.;0 lOCZlLQd in the ~ r, ,. , .i z . . 4... H a ) as†i - ,1 . . . . H Haircuttmo “if-m “00% hi? ‘ r 3.9 . 1‘ 4 ,i ,i . lownship, the chict of which are Don Valle .r d If. .4 WA}; > ,l i 01‘: mp Mom h, Mi: ,it Ir coal boss 1. . ,thq “ill in.» . h 1 y T, I n v Shun Gama m n {â€" J {m i w ' \’ “a ‘ ~’-’~-‘ 5'“ 350- l .1. .- ‘nond in iâ€; ' .~ 5i: 4'â€. lisrirck works and [he Ford Motor Co. or Canada. n ‘ ‘p . 0 its adjust ‘ '7’!‘ HM: in“ Br 9 R055 and y M; ~ ‘ ; Marcellmg How “mm; M .5 3;: 9430.1 Richmond 1.1m Orders. sneuld be placed now for inture delivery 1 - 1 A ~ ï¬x Li i > . t‘ r q A .V' ‘E .. ‘ Y - Shingï¬ng mm :3 :1? 1 coteuyw. Ben .on Am, r - mien _ 9.!) gait of t .0 issue has already been sold. '5 . -vr i, m. n . r, lat Earnâ€. ’3 12.." (iruwn up: . / Terri i. ; ERRENGTON ~ 1. Public Liability. "ER? 7 1 i '1 >‘ \' - nst tenth liuliil- x . A , 'Jl-m’v‘ ‘- ' ‘iY ' I“ T' is" Y“ m N ‘r 9 r. . oi ‘0 E! l ' 'g ‘ - QF‘ ‘r- A! - Phone YOur ii)‘ are .' :i to you when Your 0: .00 .. 1, > ,K I 01‘? L} 11 i 1...] L A I 4- 4 13" E’TMUB T “"1 “ “ "Ea ;. . - A imam“; J “33 3 hum.“ :i 'UCG'I‘ name, pou ry 3n 'l( in. at A L:i'cr;., .0319 12. ‘ _v ‘ ,w- - ,i m 1 q A‘ ‘ Appmnmsnts beinr". V“? ‘JS‘LII'EIC the inw.'c.3;.- 1 mm 1.11m. lowdale at Stouf'fville June 1‘3. an‘c "1‘ Ruï¬nkdu‘ Hi‘l’ Ont market, June 15 “mm June 19. - , . , ,7 . W _...A,,A___~__W., .L- wdale, June 2",. T risesxi- r i “2137 \ ° ° ii iii iihilfihiiléhii liimiï¬â€™ilï¬ï¬hiiiiteil i PHONE 33 â€" THO} NHILL, ONT. 1 inimi .zouse. 2 acres, gnarl D‘ " 9 ‘ ration and seï¬iiemciit and pay N ‘ their cot-ii. in case of lrawsuit. v-oC‘ i'iult trees. "(C defend til“: 8C§iti!l, defray all [05300 T 1‘;;,Q;ns__all convenieiiceg, costs and pay the verdict (if 6013 10L . y" ‘A "x ~‘. ' ' n i. y A - “if-C " ‘11-?) “9 t0 “‘3 hm‘ts 0f 0.000 <2 rooni. Stilld brick, all (Lln> Eh!“ poxicy' Venionces. \ ,. Property Damage. Protects ' A the liability for damages , O I (,ulbvildizig's, / $0.300 10 roonr;â€"outbldgs., 51’; iit‘l‘tfk all liirds fi'u't. .i-,I‘,';(J room butigan‘.‘ â€"311 (wt? 0.1â€" icntges. - $5.700 7 room brick 7-111 conven- IT‘EI'CS. or poo;)le’s pronerty. We "We the srinie ser '\ gal injury cases. ' it and ’i’raiisgiortation. 1n- .we as in mm won'er :4 Jul". «dale. ‘ loss or lbw ï¬re from never. 87.50081'nom brick, zill Conn-0::- lClié -’. :3. 58.300 8 room brick, all conveniences, A" . it :21 . ° 9 E 1' .' 1512 Hit it (i .vL . .J l A, ~ brick bungalow; lz'. , " z .9 7 Provides repairs .13.; F i d f 7‘ ’\ .' .' -' -'. {1) "our car .1 Con‘.': ‘- ‘1): e\‘eii“_i;:. lie 0?; - ., ‘v A. “ tool; as “1" 'x (H “1 ’ x “ Q w: ~.; _\ t A 1h ’nim en ‘ " talk u E To ane‘erous; ‘ r on .W . ,E 1 _ ‘110 active ii:- .‘I ‘ 1‘. L-“L.c.. .y..,’ ‘,‘;..~ . ~ w ‘ Specml rates to residents York County. including "our; ‘ fl . -3 , y _, ‘ . _. . , Town ’ “ ‘ “’ 1 Auto Stu; L“»_.L}‘.'C.|:' Outfit. .xiï¬â€™l. .gzz' . . . . . . 30.00 Sale 51.00 1;; ‘ t _ I H ~ ~ A) ' '_.i ‘ l. 01‘ if? ;;'- ԠZ (Jinn ‘ï¬el . Lei; i).‘,i'1 ’ 1.00 "f .. . i i . . l" '52?“ 'l’.’ ‘i .la‘ntle Clock. he'xzi‘w." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I300 ." 1.00 f- i...'. “ "'7 . -/ "'i~ A. ' -- no “‘7‘ ‘ , .(u‘ MK 1 >101.“ 3.0:; a i u L‘. ,r .4; _ :. i 1L“ . . . . . . . on!) 1.00 __,.. ,7.._ :ewï¬,_.__.._._-._.__-. A ‘, - - ' ' r I L Bird Cage. lice'ulzir ' ($.00 " 1.00 .Ai . . . A . . v . . . “mp . 7 .\.L “unit luringâ€) v V ‘ ~_ _ _ 73.195 LVZRST GAME u Lir‘.‘ ).i “l """ i r. ~ if») J 1.00 f4: ' l ( ETC. V‘mfl" " \ â€" .â€"--â€".â€".â€"â€"_ -â€".â€"â€".â€"uâ€"â€"_â€"â€"_â€"* H’WM' ~- '3.;i" 7: - ‘ c‘i ' A . V‘Yqisi r!er Elfï¬ i?" '44“ I . L: in, Lz'i [~21 '. I“, [1' ‘ ‘ w: :FLQ with. ufcï¬ 533m," 9‘ .irj'ujn: rï¬a «jam: . an! Snot-€111 Hit-J Rodin-{flow :i'«‘-" il‘x _ 7‘ I 100 L333}? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i f $00 to 3‘30 E1: .. . . . . . . . . . ‘ A): i _. ’-’ l a“ , 1 out, . . and Over . . . . . . . , ‘1 i' V' ' 'inorrr' “" ‘ n 391“.-. A e, «:3 arm ' JAIL.†Logan. 4 .4 J . l l J 'h‘ I . " ' . f ‘:";:'i~!€ Cw: ': f.""l the": luv-117:4! l:; been re- Baby Chile : .. . . Hatching . . . . . . . . {.01 ~ . ‘ ariiii‘i: ii".xA:\'ii0'i‘i‘i«:.< AND :51. z". : '3 v