We can still book orders for June and July Chicksâ€"PIG order well in advance â€"- Prices. Baby Chicks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.00 per 100 Hatching Eggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.00 per 100 WHITE WYANDOTTES AND S.C. WHITE LEGHORNS Richmond Hill R.R.1. Yonge Street Poultry Farm With Toronto Dailies will save Rdoney The Liberal’s Clubbing Rates Davies’ Dry Goods . Store RICHMOND HILL Ladies’ and Children’s Hairdressing Parlor After a lengthy illness the death of John Shaw occured on Tuesday at his home “Hill Cottage,†Willowdale. Mr. Shaw was born at Fergus 65 years ago, and later moved to Toron- {o, wh re he followed his trade as a <-:.-rpent r. About eight years ago he moved to Willowdale. In religon he was a member of the United Church of Canada. He was a member of the Ancient Order of Foresters. Deceas- ed is survived by three brothers, W.j Special Price Reductions for the Remainder of Season 100 Eggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.75 per 100 200 to 300 Eggs . . .1 . . . . . . . . . 4.50 per 100 300 Eggs and Over . . . . . . . . . 4.00 per 100 70% HATCH OF FERTILE EGGS GUARANTEED Baby Chicks and Eggs for Hatching: RlCHMOND HILL BRANCH ’Phone Your A ppointments 119 Business Accounts Expert Service in Haircutting Shampooing Marcelling Shingling IMPERIAL BANK LATE JOHN SHAW (Opposite The Orange Orphanage) Obituary CUSTOM HATCHING We have watched many small bus- iness accounts opened in this Bank grow. We could cite instances when the small business has grown to be the leading industry in the commun- ity in which it is established. The service of the oflicers of this Bank may assist your business to become a leading industry. ,, . G. MECREDY CARD OF THANKS Mr. Roy Glover wishes to thank the friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness during his re- cent bereavement, and for floral tri- butes by the Victoria Square Sunday School, the Sunshine Class, Button- ville friends, Miss Saidie and Mr. G., Mr. Joseph Glover and Messrs. E. Gan-ow and C. E. Sanderson. FOR INFORMATION APPLY J. R. HERRINGTON RICHMOND HILL To Delay is Dangerous; Insure To-day Special rates to residents of York County, including Toronto its adjustments? How liberal is its policy and how broad is its protection? En WW €9m33any? N0t“Sha§§ H Ensure†-bu% While Hazards of Motoring Suburban Yonge are In- creasing Daily the Question is Wall Street’s had a bad time, but June’s when the matrimonial bonds ncrease in value. Mail robbers who want wha‘s com- ing to us often get what’s coming to them. W., of Enderlin, North Dakota; Al- bert, of Regina, Sask., and A.E., of Fergus, and one sister, Mrs. P. Ward, of Regina, Sask. 4. Theft. Protects you against theft by persons other than those in your household or em- ploy. 5. Collision. Provides repairs or replacement to your car in case of collision. 2. Property Damage. Protects against the liability for damages to other people’s property. We provide the same service as in personal injury cases. 3. Fire and Transportation. In- demnifies you against loss or damage to your car by ï¬re from any cause whatsoever. 1. Public Liability. This form protects you against such liabil- ity as attaches to you when your automobile injures a human being. We assume the investi- gation and settlement, and pay their cost. In case of lawsuit, we defend the action, defray all costs and pay the verdict (if there is one) up to the limits of the policy. What about its stability? Is it FAIR and PROMPT in A. T. MINNIS, Manager. Tel. 16 R. 26 37 When starting trouble remember it takes much longer to end it. Pedestrians have the law of the land on their side but the motorist has the laws of physics. It’s so different to keep a good man, or a good weed, down. ’Phone 87 J. R. HERRINGTON RICHMOND HILL . - "'v ""c' 1 acre land. $5.000 7 room house, 2 acres, good bldgs.â€"50 fruit trees. $5.500 7 roomsâ€"all conveniences, cor. lot. $6.000 6 room, solid brick, all con- veniences. $6.300 10 roomsâ€"outbldgs., 41/2 acres, all kinds fruit. $6,350 5 room bungalowâ€"all conven- iences. $6.700 7 room brickâ€"all conven- iences. $7.600 8 room brick, all conven- iences. $8.300 8 room brick, all conveniences, lot 86x165. $8,500 7 room brick bungalow; lot 100x165. $8.700 10 room frame, all conven- iences. $11.000 dwelling, chopping millâ€"6 acres land. A few choice building lots in Richmond Hill Rents Collected $1,500 lot 90x241, small cottageâ€" easy terms. $2,600 46x40, small cottage. $2,600 41/2 acres, 200 fruit trees, poultry house. $2,700 small cottage, Benson Ave. $2,700 5-room house, lot 505(210. $2,800 cottage and outbuildings, 1/2 acre land. 33,00 6 room frame; lot 50x150. $4.700 5 room‘frame, poultry bldg. Real Estate Insurance ._ .- ..-.\.. uuuonus, J. Grover, V. Steers, M. Kerr, 0. Nel- son, B. Chennery, F. Corell, C. Hol- der. D. Chennery, G. Little, M. Wor- ring. Thornhill; J. McDonald, Mrs. Findlay, R. Hooper, M. Findlay, N. Grourd, M. Smellie, E. Luesby, G. Hooper, F. Brellinger, W. Irish. INVESTMENT SECURITIES staged in the Yonge Street Ladies’ Softball league. On Thursday last Lansing defeated Thornhill by a 15- 12 score. The teams were: Lansing; 1- n_“, 1r A. ~- -- Most fools are selfâ€"made men. They will also hold a sale of home made cooking, flowers, fruit and candy on the lawn at 6 o’clock. This is in charge of Mrs. Simpson’s group of workers. he regular monthly meeting of the Ladies’ Aid of the Thornhill will be held at the home of Mrs. Otto James on Wednesday, June 9, at 3.30 The ladies of the congregation are invited to attend. game of the season in the Nor Ydi‘k Lawn Bowling League w played between two rinks of t local club and two from the Almi team on the latter’s grounds la night. The Almira men succeed‘ in trimming the locals by a man: The Standard Bank. was award judgement in a case over a certain note against Stanicy Morning and Ruby Morning of York County. It is understood that counsel for the de- fence will make an effort to have the case re-opened. In the second case Chas. E. Hand of the township of Vaughan was the plaintiff and E. R. Casmiter of the same township the defendent in a wage action involving $76.95. The judgement was given in favor of the dï¬endant. ' HUDSON F996 Registered Dr’zjless Prac- titionerâ€"Chiropratic Electro- Magnetic Baths, Violet Ray, etc. A new ray of hope to those suffering from Rheumatism, Sciatica, Cancer, Consumption, Goitre, Ulcers of Stomach, Tumors, Nerves, etc. At Thorn- hill, over Hardware Store, Mond., Wed. and Sat. from 6.30 till 9.00 p.m. (Standard Time). commencing Sat. June 5th. If you are suffering give this a trial. Consultation and analysis free. In the ï¬rst case VV.W. Nicholls was the plaintiff and Herbert R. Mortson the defendent, both of Markham township. ~ The action was for wages amounting to $76.68 Judgment of $20 and costs was givw against the defendent. At the regular session of the third division court of York County which was held here on Tuesday two wage disputes were settled by Judge Widdiï¬eld who presided. Wage Dispute Settled In Court Some real exciting games are being .. w A. _ 7 _..~J 1,, UNIONVILLE, June 1 trimmin 7 points THORNHILL LADIES’ AID . F. MacKENZIE 7 GLEBE ROAD EAST LANSING WON FOR SALE ALMIRA WON Richmond Hill Ont Res.11 m. Loans â€"The ï¬rst the North S of the 3 Almira nds last ucceeded l margin In a regular league ï¬xture on Tuesday night the Aurora Ladies Softball team defeated Lansing 8-5. It was a good game from start to ï¬nish and real snappy ball was play- ed. Aurora ladies are heading the league and are going to make a good bid for the champioship. The ball grounds are again in use and it is expected that we will have many good games this year. League was declared off last Sun- day evening on account of the Lent service at Gormley and the special sellivices at the United Church, Mel- VI 6. The Reeve and Council with E. V. Thompson inspected the bridge east of the village and have decided that the old structure has had its day and plans will be drawn up for a con- crete 26 foot bridge and somewhat. narrower. This bridge has been un- safe for some time and every one will be glad to hear of the Council's decision. (Special to he Liberal) Picnic and Anniversary Services, June 19th and 20th. L. G. Stoutenburgh has commen- ced work on his garage and will ai- so erect a commodious residence on the old hotel site opposite the store. Walter Scott, Sr., is getting a new Fordor sedan. The Young Peoples Sdciety of the United Church held their closing meeting for the season Monday even- ing May Slst. The King’s birthday. His Maj- esty is sixty one years of a’ge and has been King for a little over fourteen years. The public school pupils had 5 holiday bu}; at the HigH S‘chboilmii was “work as usual.†Mr. and Mrs. Fred Simpson and children of TimminS' are spending their vacations at the home of their mother Mrs. F. Simpson. The Ladies Aid of the United Church will hold a sale of home made cook- ng, candy and flowers, on Mrs. Farr’s lawn, from 3 t0 7 p.m. June 12th. Dr. McDonald of Rochester N.Y. is renewing old aquaintances n the Village. The Young People are preparing the old tennis court grounds next the Rink, and several enthusiastic mem- bers are anxious to show their ability on the courts. Preparations are being made for the Annual Field Day July lst, 1926. Mrs. Johns and daughter Nora have returned home'having spent a pleasant week in Buï¬'alo New York. Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Rice and son Garth of Auburn spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Boyle. Mrs. Herb Hooper of Thornhill gave a social for Thornhill softball girls this week. A very pleasant evening was enjoyed. 1m. MacKenzie two years ago visit- ed fiaple and Teston three times a week during the summer months and mat": can testify to the great beneï¬t received from his treatments. He has an extensive practice in the city also many patients visiting his ofï¬ce from out of town. Many of our readers will be pleas- ed tensec in this weeks issue of our paper the announcement that A.F. MarKenzie, Registered Drugless Pi‘aititioner. is opening an ofï¬ce in Thorihill. The treatment of human ailnL ï¬ts without the use of drugs or operr‘tion is now past the exper- imrszta] stage, and has amply proven itsef. Drugiess Practitiener Gaming To T hornhill The all-star cast is headed by George O’Brien, with Florence Gilbert play- ing; opposite him. Others in the cast are Janet Gaynor, Paul Panzer, Georgie Harris, Walter Perry and Sid Jordon. Don’t miss the opportunity of see- ing “The Johnstown Flood,†at the Capitol Theatre this week. It is a thrilling ï¬lm adaption of the greatest disaster in history, with a story wov- en around the flood that will keep the patrons of the theatre thrilled. Love was a stranger until she met Victor Renal, manager of a. Paris theatre. The girl lost her job in the chorus of Renal’s theatrical troup, but he, smitten with her charms, took her to his home. How Kiki foiled her rival, Paulette. a stage star, and nip- ped a conspiracy between Paulette and Baron Rapp to kill Renal’s love for hér, forms a delightful and ex- citing story. Luck played a great part in the life of Kiki, a Paris street gamin, but she had to ï¬ght for what she got. Battl- ing against odds; the waif did not hesitate to resort to all sorts of tricks in her efforts to overcome poverty and reach the estate of a “great lady.†eludingr monold Colman, Gertrude As- tor, Marc MacDermot, Geo. K. Arthur, Mack Swain, Erwin Connely, Frankie Darro and William Orlamond. Norma Talmadge, in the title role of “Kiki†showing next week at; the Capitol Theatre reveals herself in a new lightâ€"that of a commedienne. She is supported by noted players in- Comedy Role For Norma Talmadge Victoria Square Had Holiday AURORA WON Thomhill We solicit orders for cut flowers for all 0c- casions which Will be promptly and cheer- fully ï¬lled. John Dunlop & Son FLORISTS Richmond Hill - Ont. Telephone 82W ROYAL RICHMOND FEEDS To clear out some odd lines, we are putting on a sale, which includes the f allowing:â€" Quantity of Floglaze Paint, Regular $1.50 Per Qt, Sale 1.00 Effect Auto Enamel, Regular $2.25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Kitchenware, Regular $1.25 to $2.00 Each . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 1 Auto Strop Razor Outfit, Regular . . . . . . $5.00 Sale $1.00 2 Carving Sets, Regular . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 †1.00 1 Mantle Clock, Regular . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 †1.00 1 Johnston’s Floor Waxer, Regular . . . . . . . 3.50 †1.00 1 Bird Cage, Regular . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.00 †1.00 T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPUES, Limited PHONE 33 â€" THORNHILL, ONT. Bird Cage, Regular . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lawn Mower Grass Catchers, Regular . ETC., ETC. DARD shuts are your safest buy. Accept none of the many subsmutcs. This mar}: onuaIity Producxs on every sheet. Made to British Admiralty speciï¬ca- tionl :nd rollhd to '1 {9mm}; coï¬N'C’iL ’Sfiii We have in stock, Fertilizers for farm, garden and house plarfts. We ar Grinding and offering first-class feeds for good money. We make up all kinds of feeds to suit customer in addition to all of our own ready for sale. EBBNCREIAIM One Doiiar Sale BALED HAY AND STRAW Delivery Tuesday and Friday F. Y. W. BRATHWAITE Richmond Hill, Ont Don’t take unnecessary chances when prevention of ï¬res is so easy. Metal rooï¬ng and siding pre- vents sparks from doing damage and resists ï¬re from inside or outside of your barn. You owe it to yourself and to your family to take these precau- tions. Don’t let a sudden ï¬re sweep away your accumulated fortune. warranted quality The heavier galvanized coating on these evenIy gauged sheets assures you of lasting service in r7 "5 ling ï¬re, rain and rust. COUNCIL STANDARD Professional Graduate of Owen A Smiley Studio. CONCERT ENTERTAINER AND TEACHER ADDRESS Be sure to get Miss Marguerite Boyle Boyle Studio ELOCUTION â€"Telephone 2â€" Thornhill J. F. BURR ’er Qt, Sale 1.00 . . . . . . . . . 1.00 . . . . . . . . . 1.00 $5.00 Sale $1.00 5.00 †1.00 3.00 †1.00 3.50 †1.00 6.00 †1.00 R103 1.00