i t toned tlethes QUALITY AND SERVICE Have made for us many satisï¬ed customers. and we invite you to consult us for your next suit. We assure you that you will ï¬nd the quality, service and price right. GOLFERS We specialize in correct golf suits for men, and have on hand a large range of choice materials to choose from. Three piece suits from . . . . . . . . $40.00 upwards. Three-piece Suits with extra pair of Golf Pants from $40.60 upwards. Our Pressing Ciub Rates 1 suit per month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81.00 2 suits per month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.75 4 suits per month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.00 RICHMOND ,TAILORS J. A. GREENE Telephone 5j or Residence 49W , from . g l Real Estate Loans I Insurance W .- 1 . i ' FOR SALE H I .500. 5 room. frame, RO'sevlew Ave .“ 7 ' HMOND «Btu. this? Perfectrooct ‘ ' (Will rent $16.00 per month). 32.800, 4 rooms, V2 acre land, Spruce Avenue. $2.800. 4 rooms, good garden, buildings and fruit tree-8.. lot 64x150, out- $3,500, 5 terms. $4,200, 6 rooms, brick, furnace and electricity, garden and garage. 34,500, small house. 2%. aces, Rumâ€" ble Ave. $4,700. 5 rooms, lot 6711656. poultry buildings and fruit trees. 85,000, 50 acres land, good buildings. $4,200, 6 room brick, furnace electricity, Church St. $5,500, ’7 room, frame. all convenien- ces. 86,000, 6 room solid brick, all conven- iences. $6.300, 9 rooms, garage, 41,; acres, all kinds fruit, turnace and electric light. Will exchange for Toronto property. $6,500, 7 room brick, lot 5031250. Yv'ill exchange for Toronto property. $6,700, 7 room brick, all conveniences. $6,500, large house, all conveniences. Contents included. North Yonge. Seine choice building lots in the vil- lage. ' I'OOIIIS, easy CHILDHOODS HAPPY HOURS Milk ï¬ts into a child’s ' ‘ life with a zestful, ' healtful ‘purpose. It is a food that all medi- j cal men insist the child needs Pure milk â€"like ours. ' and "-RiCHMUNDHiLLiAiii'. . 1960/y’7/"Mma/2†- C.I-I.COW1E PROP Y on are 51-. ‘31 .3... 29/70 M54 2.1.3 LET REAL GOOD LUMBER WORK FORYOU A You KNOW THE «mo we -. RENT‘S COLLECTED. INVESTMENT SECURITIES HERRINGTON RICHMOND HILL . ’Phorie 87 Richmond Hill Ont. Res.11 m. W.W and Price Auctioneer, Valuator and Business Agent of 111 King St., Toronto. who is living in Miss McNair's residence on Yonge Street, op- posite thflR. C. Church, begs to announce that a Real Estate ofï¬ce in Richmond Hill has been opened for the sale of Richmond Hill properties. PO. Box 229. \ Phone 78 W Over 40 years practical experi- YES, the kind of lumber we sell will do. It will‘do for any purpose you have in view. It’s pricedâ€" correctly and sold smil- ingly even though you bring in the smallest kind of an order. Phone 133 Richmond Street OPTOMETRISTS ence in the Real Estate EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS Thorough Eye Examinations and Glasses That Fit Perfectly. Special Attention to Children’s Eyes. Open Evenings. Phone Hudson 0461 for Appointment. THE BIND OPTICAL C0. 2513 Yonge St. The Richmoiiil Furnishing Store North Toronto. ‘ Mens black alldp brown OX- (Opposite the Capitol Theatre) tords, regular $0.00 value. a , -â€"â€"-â€" special at $4.50. Old Mr. Carter Helped by Simple Mixture Also some in ï¬rst grade calf at 85.50 and $6.00. Ladies' Summer Pumps in patent. gray kid, and satin. at 94.00, $4.50 and $5.00. We carry the special Good- “After taking .‘idlcrika I feel better than for years. At my age (60) it is idealâ€"so dittorcnt from other inedi- cines." (sign-3d) W. \l'. Carter. Ad- Icrilia is a Simple mixture of buckâ€" thorn bark. glyccriiw, which 1':- movcs GAS in ten iiilliLiiOS and oftcn brings suiprising rclict‘ to the stem- nch. Stops that hill. bloated feeling. Brings out old waste-matter you never thought was in your system. ‘ Excellent for chronic t‘i"?l<ii1‘ï¬ttvoll. II. Glenn, Druggist. Men. Women and Children. sions of the York County council this week. Miss A. E. Alcombruck is visiting .n St. Thomas with her Sister Mrs. rich Bi-Press athletic shoes for F" “was; J. sexiest. ‘ ‘ Reeve Lunuu is attending the ses- .3, Id. Raiiiagc. Mi. (Eco. \‘i'ilcyoi' Detroit is spend- m: illt' week with Mr. and Mrs. (‘. P. ‘.‘. (,hnrch St. .l. Quzziitic and his bride from fancouvcr visited his sister .\ir<. Ii. ('t.l:l\\'t‘ll on Saturday on rout..- to ' .‘ttlaniic city. A new electric sign lia'abecti erectâ€" »d in {rout of the Richmond llotcl .\'hlcli should prove attractive to the msning trade. S. A. Barraclough attendul a meetâ€" ng of the Red Lake Mining syndicate ‘ :it the King Edward llotel, Toronto. _ .in Wednesday. Reeve and Mrs. Lunau attended the {olden wedding celebration of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Klinck at Stouï¬â€™vdle on Wednesday evening. The Rainbow Shoppe, Robinson ‘ Block, Richmond Hill, are holding a if- moving sale and are advertising some attractive bargains in ladies' dresses and dress goods. The regular services of the Pres- byterian church will be held on Sunâ€" ‘E day morning at 11 o’clock With the minister, Rev. M. C. Campbell. oc- "l cupying the pulpit. nament. During the months of June, July, and August the locai post oï¬ice will 1‘1. be closed on Wednesday afternoon. The distribution of mail In the eV en- ing will be made as ,zsual. The minister will conduct the ser- vices in St. Paul’s church next Sun- day at ll and 7.30 o'clock. Sunday School at 10 a.m. sharp. Strangers cordially invited. The Liberal is glad to publish the school reports of any sections in this district. All the teachers are inv1ted to send in monthly or promotion re- sults, as well as any other school notes of interest. One of the interesting things shown at the Ferguson centennial held re- cently at Maple View Farm, King township, was a blue and white bed- spread woven by the late Thomas r‘erguson over a hundred years ago. The garden party of St. Edward’s church, Lansing, which was advertis- ed l'cr la- " “"‘Lh’dï¬g' had to be called No Ne‘k . I on†on " . o. the u_iir-,\'.-::ioie \v‘eatirir. ' l7;c:i postg:e_i..: i..;.:- BY Trig.) MOST MODERN flnlicsu- FIE’I'I'EIOI‘," Geo. .»‘-.. DICCFW‘RZ‘ who recently ï¬lesscs if Required a: Right Pi-ic;,:, completed. his :3; .t year at the Lui Artificial Eyes Fitted, A. C. Luciph, is .iting the s: .â€" mcr in lil.‘ Unploy <1 i. A. ' Downsview. lie is l9(;\'ll'; fl’ll‘? \"“I“i with Mr. Russell’s Shorthorn herd for the Canadian Wes: tar: Cilc'uii. )‘v A conceit and. dance Will I): ....',.l in. Maple Community llall on ’ihury 3., July 1, under the auspices of Conti Maple City, No. 370 1.0.1:. There will be a splendid programme given by talented artists and Styles’ orchestra will provide music for the dancing. A lawn social will be held at the Manse, Stop ’7, on Saturday afterâ€" noon .June 19th at 3 o’clock under the auspices of the Presbyterian Wom- en’s League of Lansing and Willow- dale. There will be special tables of home cooking, candy, sewing. etc. Come and enjoy a geod time. About seventy-ï¬ve members of St. Clair Lodge, Toronto, headed by \l‘. Bro. I‘risby an old Richmond Hill boy visited Richmond Lodge on Wed- nesday night. The meeting was hon- ored by the presence of district deâ€" puty Barber and district secretary Loughead of Toronto. The deluge of rain all over the county and in fact all over this sec- tion of the province on Monday night was hailed with delight by the far- mers of the district. Not in years has the ground had a more thorough soaking and the prospects are bright for a bountiful harvest. Announcement has been made by the Post Ofï¬ce Department that re- duction in letter rate of postage from 3 to 2c as announced in the Federal budget goes into effect on July 1. The reduced rate is for letters for Canada, the United States, Mexico and all ot- her places on the North American Continent. The “'ilcox Lake Brick Co. of Rich- mond Hill are enjoying a very good season according to W. H. Legge the manager of the company. The ï¬rst shipment on the contract for 200,000 brick for the construction of twelve houses in North Toronto was made this week and severtii other good or- ders are on ï¬le for this year. Bowlers W on Prizes at Newmarhet Three rink: from R‘clizmz‘d Hill took in the bowling touri men: at Newmarket on \Yednesday .. it'l'ilOOlI ind repel". a very pleasant 7.1. The local bowlers were able to mourc sc- wud and third pl‘ll.c< in the tourna- ment in which twenty four rinks from carious. places took pcrt. Hurry N tighten 5 +11; v'. n the second re. )1 , , . .n. 1. Stepâ€" IcLean. G. llc'idiï¬ Skill: C Lice. J. K. Agncw. Ricl‘imond Hill News Notes A l‘L‘Wll'til more will b.‘ ])l'l:vt‘tl o: the local diamond on “'cdnesdzi‘,‘ next between Richmond Hill and Newman'- hot. The game commences at 6.3') daylight saving time and there v.ili be a silxcr collection on the grounds. Strugk By_'I‘iiaiii James Ross, a prominent farmer of Clairvillc. is in tha- \Yt-sttrri lpital sutl'ering from a bind...» llosâ€" i'iiz'ii'. arm and right lc’r :ii‘l lat-<i.:iioii: to his~ face as the result i-l' liiz‘ Lulu being struck by :i (‘. I’. ll. t'rcight train. the car being ('~>!‘.ipl"i.t‘l)' smashed and thrown into the ditch. The accident <'K't‘l‘.l"-'(l about it o'clock on Friday evening last, when Mr. Ross’ car stalled at Win. King's (Wis: sing on the 0th concession of Vaug- han Township near lilder's Mills. Mr. Ross is about 65 years of age and a nicnmcr 0‘. Toronto Board of Trade. SALE 345 feet Yonge St. frontage. XXL corner Yonge St. and Maple Side Road (Arnold Property), Lots 50): 181. Private 15 foot driveway in rear from Maple Road. Easy terms if desired. No better loca- tion on North Yonge St. Splendid opportunity. for investment as these lots wxll increase in value. Apply J. R. Herrington John Dunlap & Son FLORISTS Richmond Hill I. We solicit orders for cut flowers for all oc- casions which will be Ont. â€"_ V V _, 7 7 .r Quality Shopi e GOODS, MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS AND NOVELTIES For the remainder of the season we are offering all lidillinei‘y at reduc- ed prices. See our line of $1.00 and $1.50 Hole~ proof Hosiery â€"â€" all the newest shades. House Dresses in O. S., from $1.25 to $2.25. Summer Underwear for ‘Women and Children at popular prices. Buy at Home and Save Money. MRS. NORMAN BATTY Trench Block -’<""~‘r.-dl u .31. THE YORK AKET YONGE STREET The Producers of the district and householders of North York and l\orth Toronto will find this a splendid market. Open Every Saturday Morning AT80’CLOCK AT THE CITY LIMITS 3479 YONGE STREET 1 PROTECT YOUR CLOTHES When father Adam, from the garden driven, Was thrown upon the world to get a living Clothes were not worn, and implements not made, It must have puzzled him to find a trade; In vain he roamed through every land and nation In hopes of settling at some ax'ocation, Until at last, upon some hill or mount, {e set up business or. his own account. And last like father Adam I have started in a new line of Busines" iiaki ,, . . .. . . i n Moth Pads to save your clothes and money. I g promptly and cheer- enorncr YOUR runs, CI.“’l‘HES AND CHESTERI‘IELD fully ï¬lled. :m- a... Eyes Examine F. Luke iâ€i' )i‘diL'I‘RIST AND OPTICLIN (Upstairs Opposite Simpson's) Yonge Street. Elgin 4820 i ii i i 133-137 Toronto 2 S SCHOOLS follow present term without any ' interruption for July and August, :' r and merge into the Fall from Sept. lst in THE SHAW BUSINESS SCHOOLS, TORONTO. Term 1 pleted without forced vacation:,;, 3' by daily attendance or by Home V; Study Plans. Particulars on re- quest to P. McIntosh, Manager, 46 ; Bloor St. West, Toronto. Tele- - ; phone Kiiigsdale 8165. :ic..:-.,.~: «w- m. aw.» i.“ ~.~ .mr '~~~.:.«.v-~.c~-.-. - - u (IRE Grinding Flour and Feeds. ~ . Baled Hay and Straw. Deliveries Phone 82w J. F. BURR “LOOK YOUR BEST†TRY OUR HAIRDRESSING PARLOR FOR LADIES’ AND CHILDREN Skilled nd personal attention are our means of producing an effect which is truly satisfying. We are equipped to do all branâ€" :hes of the work and solicit rour patronage. Haircutting, Shampoo- my, Mercelling, Slang-fizz , Etc. FOP. 3’? I NTPP VT ‘_4-t Eat} 33:37 floods RICHEIOND HILL J Telephone 119 >â€" WITH HIONS OF CHESTERFIELD. gg WRAY’S DRUG STORE, RICHMOND HILL; LAUGSTAI’F; A. F. CHAMBERLAIN FROM MOTH BY PLACING A CHAMBERLAIN MOTH PAD YOUR FURS OR CLOTHES Can be purchased from . GEO. ALLISON. YONGE W. J. H PPER, LANGSTAFF PAL: \‘3'. L. RAINEY, LANG TH RNIIILL HARDWARE STORE" or send ï¬fteen cents for 2 pads post free from LANGSTAFF P. O. ‘TREET; Day 7 elephor-e 109 Ministrisgntflmmgemnlg’r’rwwrnuuy diam-"UT-iixrgiiwitervnvi .wiwrmmvnnm‘. n NA" .431 Marx“: '- RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Manufacturers of Murbelite Brick / W. H. LEGGE, Manager Ofï¬ce Richmond Hill Telephone 92. Residence, Nights and Sundays Telephone 2112. Um nonmvmvmvm mam girgiyznonrmongrgmvmm_w§wpzï¬n(lining;. M/ COAL There are :teveral good reasons why customers should purchase their coal early: 1. There is practically no Anthracite in storage. 2. Prices are lowest now and sure to advance. 3. Quality and preparation are always best in sum- mer. Our coal is of superior quality and exceptionally well a prepared and sceened. NOTICE ’ Best grade of Bread Flour in cotton $9.00 by the barâ€" rel; also Pastry Flour €8.00 by the barrel. A good supply of Gluten Feed, Bran, Shorts, Middlings, Scratch Feed, Blatchiord’s Laying Mash for poultry. Cracked Corn and Corn Meal. Government Standard Re-ground Screenings in bags at $28.00 per ton; cheaper than oats or barley. Pocahontas Coal and Coke. Cut Hardwood and Slabs. I. D. RAMER Richmond Hill C493 imam main: 5 TRY IT. How About Your A. E C ‘8 EIGTQR AND BETWEEN CUS- - I