Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Jun 1926, p. 7

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iA stranger, ' visiting the United \tates. fell into the hands of an Ameri- an who was active in showing his bw acquaintance the scenic and rchitectural wonders of the country. 'nfortunateiy the American gave way )0 often to boasti‘uiness regarding iese wonders and disparaged too con- dentiy the attractions of Europe. inally the other felt that he must put stop to that sort of thing; so he ask- 1 suddenly, “Have you heard or the end Sea?" health and strength through the imely use of this medicine, and gives xpression of her gratitude as follows: “I feel it a duty as well as a pleaâ€" re to tell you what Dr. Will-iams’ ink Pills have done for me. They ave restored me to health, if, indeed. ey did not save my life. I was suf- ring greatly from anaemia. I last esh and always felt tired and ner- us. At last I grew so weak I had to main in bed. The doctor did not em to help me any and I was grow- g weaker, and my heart was bother- g me. At last a. friend who called to 9 me said she had read of a similar 59 restored by Dr. Williams’ Pink llls and urged me to try them. I felt elpless but decided to take her adâ€" 'ce, so my mother got me a supply 0:1 e pills and I began taking them. It as not long before I began to find -neiit from the use of the pills, and less than two months my health was ‘ stored. In fact I was in better alth than I had ever enjoyed before. strongly recommend Dr. \Villiams" ink Pills to all who are weak and in down, for I feel sure they will not disappointed." You can get these pills from any edicine dealer or by mail at 50c a x from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 0., Broclwille, On-t. l tendency to a decline. All these ymptoms may not be present in any articular case, but the presence of fly one of them shows the necessity or prompt treatment. And there is 0 other treatment so sure and so Deedy as that through the blood-mak- g qualities of Dr. Williams’ Pink ills. They are the one thing needed maintain the health of growing girls nd women of mature years. Here is a bit of positive proof of the alue of Dr. Wirlliams’ Pink Pills in uses or this kind. Miss Clara Fraser, hessalon, 0nt., has been brought back iIn the life of almost every girl there dunes a time when weakness attacks 91“ The strain upon her blood supply ecomes too great, and there follows eadaches and backaches, loss of apâ€" lMite, attacks of dizziness, heart pal- i'tatlon and constant weariness and POW WEAK GIRLS CAN GAIN STRENGTH Elm-Hen 1H sh n11 Dlrecl c Fishing t Comes Through the Tonic BIood-Malfing Qualities of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. “MINNIGUG HOTEL” On one ‘Of course \Vell. my father shot it: THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION COMMERClAL SUBJECTS. MANUAL TRAINING, HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE are provided for in the Courses of Study in Public, Separate. Continuation and High Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments. Copies of the Regulations lssued by the Minister of Education may be obtained from the Deputy Mlnlster, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. ls given in various trades. The schoolé'a'nhiélva's‘us are under the dlrection of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Application for attendance should be made to the Principal of the school. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES may be conducted In accordance with the regulations Issued by the Department of Educatlon. Real Opportunities in the Veterinary Profession 1m 1mm mm High School Boards and Boards of Education ’ (he [slumb- OPEN JUNE o for Booklet .\l.\LCOLl\lSO NH ( e It you desire u profession you ahomld consider what the field of Veterinary Science has to offer. Gradu- ates have splendid opportunities for successful career. The live stock industry 15 the corner-stone of agri- cultural development and the veterinary profesadon In its greatest safeguard. Tenn ONTARIO VETERINARY COLLEGE Big Game With the approva Med mu: Unh'ullt.’ or mama'qu 0n:qu D Eon JOHN s. MARTIN. nun-m. INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS have Jls ‘r bulk-nu um calendar to Lession Begins October lst, 1926 24m, Bowl Toron‘ Are authorized by law to establish said the Ameri- GUELPH ld‘ 12 Georgian 9926 slunth Midland Danvln ! of the Minister of Education | Remains of a city about 5-00 B.C. have : near Moscow, Russia. Mother going to Jimmieâ€"“Why. muvver, I want to see my dreams." These are the most beautiful of the lagoons. Over head the feathery cyp- ress foliage makes a roof that shuts out much of the light; and everywhere, high and low, on living boughs and on ing ihe trees and covering their gay greennes-s from view. A little «we of a lagoon which we found one spring morning not long ago was a combination of these two types. The lower part of it was open and sun- ny, and a carpet of vivid green duck- weed, broken here and there by round or oblong clear spaces. covered its sur- face; but farther away, toward the up- per reaches of the cove, the moss-ban- n-e'red cypresses came down into the swift shadows slid across the sunny face of the pool as night herons and Louisiana herons swept silently over- head. . . . They are dreamâ€"like mysterious, and beautiful. these en- chanted waters of the cypress woods. â€"Herbert Ravenel Sass, in "Adven~ tuus in Green Places." dead stubs and branches under them, swing the long banners of Spanish mossâ€"â€"a gray, ghostly witchery cloth- water. . . . Fora time we stood on the bank and watched the sun- worshlpp‘ers in and about the open water before usâ€"black, shiny terra~ pins; , . huge mottled bullfrogs, singers of wonderful evening chor- uses. . . . At frequent intc rvals swift shadows slid across the sunny face of the pool as night herons and Here and there, in the region where I live, one comes upon little enchant- ed lagoons. Some of them are open pools embosomed in the woods and are bathed in sunlight for the greatea‘ part of each day; and on the bright spring and summer mornings all the inhabit- ants of the waters who are lovers of heat and light gather at the surface of the secluded lakes to bask in the sun‘s rays. In other cases the lagoon is it- self a part of the forest. On every hand the tall, smooth, columnar trunks of cypresses tower upward from the still water, which is clear brown, like wine, and free from aquatic growths. so that one may paddle for a mile or perhaps several miles in and out amid the trees. McGllvru. 9.180. This party of clear-eyed British boys came over on the Anchor-Donaldson liner boats to dock at Quebec this season. The boys are from the famous Quarrier‘s Home All of them are keen to get to work in Canada. ONTARIO Enchanted Waters. DopL 6t Airiculmn. Near Sighted. Pflnw that flourished been discovered For the authorship 7} there is no direct and evidence. Mallet was it a feebler Thomson, a: like him. The particuia tion may have been 8. But on a review of th dence and of the ax‘guu been brought forward there seems sufficient r have. known Du August 1, 1740, a fete was given by Frederick. Prince of Wales, at Clif- deiL. For it a masque on the subject of King Alfred was commanded; the music for it was written by Arne. and the libretto was produced in collabora- tion by Thomson and Mallet, his friend. contemporary, and compatriot, who then held a salaried post in the Prince's household. One of the songs in it became, at once and by common spontaneous instinct, 'the national an- them. The chorus ending of its stanâ€" zas ran: univer A3 a lyric poet however, though not negligible, James Thomson is incon- spicuous. Yet curiosly, it‘ is by a single couplet in a single and not otherwise remarkable lyric that he be- came part of the common conscious- ness of the whole nation; and more curiously still. this conplet, which has been on all men‘t lips for nearly two hundred years, is seldom associated with his name, and even his author- ship of it has been questioned, and cannot be said to be demonstrably cer- tain. Du August 1, 1740, a fete was given by Frederick. Prince of Wales, at Clif- den._ For it a masque on the subject of King Alfred was commanded; the To make those unborn pleasures live. ~S. Foster Damon. 100 Miles Per gallon of Gas on the New Single Harley-Davidson Motor- cycle. Less than one cent per mile to operate. Write for catalogue and Prices. Walter Andrews, Ltd. the song Should The Man seats. pleas: The Man Inside â€"â€" “Wrong place, brother. We don't sell seats here. This is the box ofiice." Mack Minard's Liniment King of Pain If one has his greatest enjoyment in the sliding and pounding-“jazz,” he is still in the days of tom-toms and warn- pum. But if one gets a thrill from good music, even though not under- standing its construction. he should give this side of his nature all chance for enjoyment and expansion, and not take the modest ground of "not being musical." One need not stay away from con- certs because of not knowing the dry bones of music nor because, not knowâ€" ing these. he thinks he is not musical. The test of the latter is the impréss made on one by the music. But to be musical' is not going to make a person a musicianâ€"don't for- get that. To be a real musician one must have the background of a musl- cal nature and then have superimposed on that the details mentioned eanly in the article; just as, to be a botanical artist. another De Longpre, for in- stance. one must know the botanical structure, the historyâ€"and then see it all with the soul of the artist. many The musical person is the one who gets the real thrill out of the music he hears. We have known a person to be enrapvtured by a Bach figure and still not know the difference between one theme name and another. The es- sential in being musical is to have the receptivity. the response to the thrill that the composer had in creating the work. Misquoted as they 1.‘ any famous phrases) we, from then un Rule, Britannia. rule the wa Britons never will be slaves. “Rule, Britannia." Response to Music. to Th0' in “Studie Have Known Better. Outsideâ€"“TWO orchestra "of this couple! 1 unimpeachable in some respects and wrote very .lar song in ques- a. joint product. the internal evi- ments that have 1 on both sides. y (like so the words aVG‘S 346 Yonge St- The white sea-gull, the wild sea-gull!â€" A joyful bird: is be, As he lies like a cradled thing at rest In the arms of a sunny sea! The little waves rock to and fro, And the white gull lies asleep; As the fisher's boat, with breeze and tide Goes merrily ovef the deep. The ship, with her fair sails set, goes by; And her people stand ‘to note How the seagull sits on the rocking wares, As still as an anchored boat. The sea is fresh, the sea is fair, And the sky calm overhead; And the sea-gull lies on the deep, deep sea. Like a king in his royal bed! Epitaph Upon a Young Soldier. He gave us all he never had Wife. children, comrades myriad; And all we have we cannot give To make those unborn pleasures live. #8. Foster Damon Baby’s Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or direct by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Concerning Baby’s Own Tablets Mrs. Russel] Hill, Norwood, Ont., says:-â€"“I shall always have a good word to say for Baby’s Own Tablets. I have given them to our baby girl. In fact they are the only medicine she has ever had and I am proud to say that she took second prize at our baby show. She is. eleven months old and weighs 22 pounds. No mother Whose child is peevish or ailing will» make a mistake in giving it Baby’s Own Tablets.” Once a mother has used Baby‘s Own Tablets for her little ones she will use nothing else. Experience teaches her that they are without an equal for re- lieving baby of any of the many minor ailments which afflict him at one time or another. The Tablets never fall to be of benefitâ€"they cannot possibly do harm as they are guaranteed to be free from all injurious drugs. Is What Thousands of Mothers Say of Baby’s Own Tablets. THE ONLY MEDICINE BABY HAS HAD Randi “Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets Also ottlea of 24 and looâ€"Druggista. Aspirin is the tnde Inn-k (mustard in Canada) of Buyer Manufacture of Monoaceuc. asides“: of Sallcyllcncld (Acetyl Salicylic Add. "A. 8. A"). While it is well known thug Aaplriy means Bayer manuhctgrehtp 193191 the pupuc {ulnst _1mlt_auqx:_ag. the g‘abletg Proved 'oved safe by millior Colds Héadache Pain es!“ of sumacth ’(A‘ceft’yi '§dicyflc Add, "‘A. s. 1."). While 1: Is wen Imown Aspmn means Bayer mnnuncture. to “Ms: the public against lmuuons. the Tablets infer Company will be stumped with their (meal nude nun, the "Bayer Cross." The White Sea-Gull. DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART I "Letitia," one of the first. in Bridge~o-Weir, Scotland. Neuralzia ' “é? millions and prescribed by phy Mary Howitt Toronto Neuritis Toothache Accept wihicFéo’nfiifisfirOVen directions iDmps in a silent autumn night. ’All its aliotted length of days §The flower ripens in its place, '1 Ripens and fades, and falls, and hath no toil, Fast-rooted in the fruitful soil. bud With winds upon the branch, and there Grows green and broad, and takes no care, Sun-steeped at noon, and in the moon Nightly dew-fed; and turning yellow Falls and floats adown the air. Lo! sweeten-ed with the summer light The full-juiced apple, waxing over- L0! in the middle of the wood The folded leaf is wooed from out the Use Minard's Liniment in the stables. From “The Lotus Eaters.” I planted nasturtiums I thought for my pleasure Joy for my home Golden suntreasure. I found I was sharing Each day of the honey With a. wee humming bird And bees bright and sunny. 1, as their hostess Followed along ‘ Humming with them A bit of a song. The bees working below And the birdling above Thought not to struggle, To grasp nor to shove Nm‘ even to visit A flower with a guest, But seeing it occupied Furthered the quest. How humbly I patterned My miniature neighbors Accepting so kind-1y These unplanned favors. The very next time I plant snares for the sun I shall plant for many Instead of for one. No friendship ere gave me Full meausre of good As did this, speaking plain Of the' true brotherhood. only “Bayer” Eackage %r/%re 2944112 {425791337 foam mellow A palatable, effervescent, saline preparation of Lithia and Sodium Phosphate highly beneficial and 1e medial in the case of dis- orders mentioned. is $03??? TEA Sai Lithofos has been pre- scribed by leading physi- cians as an invaluable spe- cific for the treatment of Constipation Disorders of the Stomach and Kidneys Rheumatic and Gouty Conditions .4! all Druggz'slsâ€"three sizes Indigestion n â€"Flora Lawrence Myers‘ Brotherhood. Lumbago Rheumatism zsicians for ~Tennyson THIS MflTHER SLAB BAUGHTER IS WELL Mrs. Parks Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Restored Her Daughter’s Health Toronto, Ontario. â€" “My dau htet is 16 now and has been an invali ever The Swedish people are rapidly learning the value of tin-Kt. says "Thrift Magazine.” The savings ban-ks of that. country hold $108 for every 1n- habitant and postal savingb banks which now number 3,600 had an 121- oreue of 6 per cent. in deposits last. year. Corks can be mane airtight ind watertight by immersing them in oil for five minutes before using. For sale by druggists everywhere. 0 Flesh Wounds. _ Because it cleanses, invigor- ates and preserves the skin, scalp and hair. Used daily, assisted by Cuticura Ointment when required, it prevents pore-clogging, pimples, black- heads, and other annoying irritations. 33mph: Etch Free b HM). Add Depot: 1m“. muoncm: Edii‘cin’ snag; sail-('25:: Glticura SOAP Classified Advertisements. Best For The Skin HOLEEA’JZE." LAMBB. smutmsmn Oman. ISSUE No Apply Minard’s free-1y. It removes all the poison and allows the wound to heal quickly. Swedes Show Th rift. IILVER FOXEB‘ greater art of the time. e have tried different since she was six months old and has been com- pelled to remain out of school the

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