HHGH swam ENTRANCE Y EXAMINAmN RESULTSEï¬p‘jgg Thc High School entrance examin- ation results which we publish below should be very satisfactory to both teachers and ratepayers. At Rich- mond Hill centre the percentage of passes is considerably higher than. last year and several schools have established creditable records of 100 per cent. Principal Scott sent 28 up for examination and 27 passed and 7 obtained honors. The results are as follows:â€" RICHMOND HILL CENTRE F. Beatty, T. Bennet, A. Burne’tt, I. Burns, K. Burns, G. Burr. B. Cald- well (Hon.), H. Caldwell, N. Cook G. Cross (Hon.), N. Davis(Hon.) I. Deadman, E. Dennie, J. Freeland. W (ï¬llings (Hem). J. Hall, J. Helm‘ I. Deadman, IS. Uenme, J. rzjeexanu. W. Gillings (Hon), J. Hall, J. Helm‘ kay, H. Henderson, K. Hodgins, M. Hopkins, A. Innis, G.\Innis, \V. Ken~ (1311, M. Klinck, K. Kozak, G. Letten (Hem), R. Mackie (Hon), G. Malloy, H. Morris, K. Moses, M. Patton, A. Phipps (Hon,),C. Pind‘er, R. Plewman B. Rennie, B. Sanderson, I. Sander- son, B. Scrivener, M. Stiver. C. Tuck, A. Walker, V. Wellman. J. Wilson (Hon.). L. Adshead, A. Boddy, W. Brum- well, W. Burford, N. Burford, W. Cameron, A. Cairns (Hon.). G. Char- ity, R. Dawn. V. Denby, A. Elliot, M. Fear, D. Foreman, A. Fraser, J. Gladding, J. Grierson (Hon), L. Harris, T. Hamilton, R. Hickey, M. Hard, '1‘. Hurlbut, D3 Ireland, L. Johnson, F. May. R. McGregor, J. Noreton, A. Pratt, L. Richardson, T. Riley, K. Sabine, G. Serriek, E. Sterâ€" ling (I~Ion.), E. Steele, 3. Stewart, 0. Walmsley, J. Waters, D. Wheeler, Carson, Flor Dalziel. May Elma Hendry Dr. F. E. Luke, Optometrist at HE. WRAY’S Drug Store Richmond Hill, Saturday, July 3lst, 1 pm. to 8 pm. OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN 163-167 Yonge Street. Toronto Elgin 4820 Eveline Bagg, ‘R Wright (Upstairs Opposite Simpson’s) Are you building? Shall you be building this year? If so, profit by the experience of those who save money when build- ing‘. Even on a small job you’ll probably be sur- prised to find how using Long: Distance enables you to get lowest prices. “We bought all the mate- rial for a $75,000 build: ing by Long- Distanceâ€"- it is the cheapest wayâ€â€"‘ writes a contractor in a mediumâ€"sized town. “We use Long Distance to get prices on materials before making estimates or contractsâ€â€"writes an-‘ other. “The leaders in M e v e r y branch of industry know. They’ve proved it, as you Lean. LANSING C Richmond Hill, Lansing, Maple. Thornhill and Wcodbridgei F. E. Lu ke COMING Craib (Iâ€"Ion.) tut ENTRE 1U r‘osmr, . May Mary Jean Kinnee, Laura McCluskey, Eleanor Malloy, Frank Robson, Irene Routley, Albert Rutherford, Richard Stuart, Ivah Tebbutt, Lloyd Vanderburgh, Norma Yorke (Hon). THORNHILL CENTRE Thora Allen, Leonard Baker, Floyd Boemer, Mary. Bentley, Victor Cook, Pascal Drake, 1013. Graham. Elsie Howell, Ruby Jeï¬ries, Daisy Manley, William Noble, George Rickwood, Jack Rofl‘ey, Dorothy Shelley, Leslie Tarpley, Norah Tew, Sidney Wool- dridgc. WDODBRIDGE CENTRE Gordon Agar (Hon), Gordon Bagg, Kathleen Bagg, George Brownlee, Velma Card, Ernest Collett, Dorothy Crabtree. Velma Darker, 010 Draper, George Dufton (Hon.), Iva Fry, Doris Golden (Hem), Lois Harris, 01'my Hawman, Evalene Jones, Mae Kelâ€" lam (Hoax), Rowena Kellam, James McDevi‘tt, William McGee, Amy Mer- riman. Tom Moth,’ Katherine Nattr- riman, Tom Mom, namenne nu.qu- ess, Mildred NattreSS ( Hon. ), Everett: Orth, James Phil- lips, Herbert Rice, Jean Rice, Louise Smith (Hem), Vera Smith, Athdl Snider, Douglas Snider, Mary Steven- son (I-Ion.), Alvin Topper, Laurence Topper, Jens) Troyer, Gordon White, Olive Wicks, Irene Widenham, Mur- ray Irwin. edc in a ï¬rm command cheering and fame the menta return am had not : Reginald Deng Capitol theatre Wednesday; Jul Denny plays Like most young men who had hopes but few plans, he‘discovev‘s that the world is somewhat reluctant to turn over its riches to him without something in return, and the events which follow his departure from home, with his subsequent return, provides excellent comedy of the usâ€" ual Denny ‘Seiter' quality. ateâ€"crop yield high or low, at cuperative pow fertility progra A supply of soil is essentia of a high level The value c the malntemm Extravagant Use of Straw. The use of at least a. limited amount of bedding for beef cattle is advisable, but the extravagant use of straw, coarse hays, etc., for this .pur- pose should be discourged. All such roughages that are to be used for bedding, either for fattening or breeding a imals, should ï¬rst be of- fered the in the hay rack and that which is refused used fer bedding. If stover is fed the stalks, while somewhat difï¬cult to handle, make satisfactory bedding material and should be used for this pin-pose rather than burned or otherwise dis~ posed of. v - Five thousand ï¬ve h eighty-four legume cu twntyt-one lactic culture pared and sold to farmer men applying for th‘em {etiological Dept, 0. A mg This 71d At Nae 'Eéaeaï¬tre Soils do not permanently deterior- eâ€"crop yields tend to take a. level, gh or low, depending upon the re- perative power of the soil and the rtility program foilowed. A supply of lime carbonate in the il is essential to the maintenance a high level of crop production. The value of animal manures in e maintenance of soil fertility is ensured by the quantity of the ter- izin" constituents which they carry id does not depend upon the orâ€" nic matter supplied to the sail. Crop yields may be maintained zit Crop high ruling the ba Home,†limo appiied esday,‘ July 26, 27, ‘28. my plays the role of the ambitâ€" Walnderer who strays from :r Falls†to couquer the world shame the Rockerfellers and ans with his business sagacity nancial wizardry. d01 distinctly human trait pro- e basis for the plot of “ROI- me,†William A. Seiter’s latâ€" ‘iversal production starring- J Denny, which comes to the theatre Monday, Tuesday and 0111' 80115 “'ill Last. Regin 1 dov prov “Rolling ‘Home" 2g man has never dream- ing to the old home town ihe and a fortune at his SOIL RfoTES. 'escrvatic show the residues. a leg wn once in four quantities of I IA EC ated Denny in a grain proper 3n 1017M by the B2 . College. undr add Mrs. M. Hislop with her son and daughter also her two grandchildren, of Headford spent Sunday with friends here. Quite a number from here attended the strawberry festival at Teston last week. Mr. and Mrs. Masten of Toronto spent Sunday with their daughter Mrs. Roy MacDonald. The football game between Vellore nd Elder’s was postponed owing to wet weather. Miss Flora Craib has passed her itrance examinations with honors. (Special to the Liber What we want are good pictures of historic sites in the County of York Sites such as Col. Moodie’s grave, the Eckhardts homestead and Sharon’s Temple, St. John’s Church, Heise ‘Hill Cemetery, etc. e houses, schools, churches, mills, halls and scenes that In every community there 31' recall the history of York. , If you have a good distinct photo, or a collection of such photi by 5 inches or larger, either snapshots or time exposures, in blac or gloss ï¬nish, mounted or unmountedâ€"send them in. Mark each photo submit ted your name and address and description of Pictures not bearing this information will be disqualiï¬ed men's baseball team‘ was de- by Fisherville in a league 11 Friday night. The help of our readers is sought by the Liheral in conjunction with Mr. E. A. James in assembling a collection of photographs of points of historic interest in the county of York. lâ€"Photos any size may be entered, but the best size is 4 inches by 5 inches, or larger. Smaller pictures are difï¬cult to reproduce in print. 2 â€"â€"Name and address of contestant and exact descrip- tion of the scene illustrated must be clearly written on the back of each photo submitted. - Eâ€"All entries should be carefully wrapped to avoid damage in the mails. _ 4â€"H: is not necessary to mount photos._ Any. ï¬nishes Le}: us preserve While we may, in photographs, the growth, eveiopemem; and: himory oi: the County.†" VELLORE may be type or purpose All DVV rded DI )es CON DITIONS desired ‘31) ï¬tted: although black and s ï¬nishes are best for CONTEST CLOSES SEPT. lst, 1926 ‘hoto thou )mltt The people of Algeria never stick their tongues while whistling. If all the watgrmelons raised in Alabama in one year were placed end to end they would splash. Figures show that the average college man never wears a derby hat while taking a shower. The children of the inhabitants of Norway are taught never to make a noise, like a percolater in the pres- ence of their parents. Napoleon never liked to fall off a ladder while talking to a lady. ‘ Scientists have discovered that a pair of shears is the quickest way to remove a spot from your suit. Many Scandinavian women follow the custom of their ancestors and sledge hammer ontinue to mash potatoes with a Uomx More Things You Decome Ruin-wâ€" WHAT WE WANT E-ufl‘éfï¬ as. Any ï¬nishes and white, ferroâ€" for reproduction the BOXES“; Don‘t Know ‘ODG IVE DOLLARS IN CASH THREE DOLLARS EN CASH ““WS‘ DOLLARS EN CASH 21 prizes of ONE DQLLAR EACH. CQNTEST See our display of “Luxon Ware" comprising a varied as- sortment of Jardiniers, Hanging Baskets, Flower Pots and Sau- cers, Bracket Vases, etc. Brides’ Sets consisting of 3 bowls, casserole, and and jugâ€"Note the price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.60 Set of bowls for baking, per set . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 Something new in Cemetery Vases at each. . . .30c China Cups and Saucers from . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c up An assortment of Comports, Vases and other articles suitâ€" able for wedding presents for the summer brides. Groceries and Fruit in Season. Phone 8 .CI'IINA, CUT GLASS, GROCERIES AND FRUITS Centre and Yonge Streets Richmonc Remember that if it has an historic interesta photograph of a photograph will qualify just as readily as an Original photograph provided it applies to the The'judges in the photograph contest w be;â€"â€"Mr. AJ. Galbraith Photographer, Newtonbrook Father Kelly, Richmond 1 M» I. r Niohnlg Principal Public Mr. L. L. N School Victor The Judges dec lounty 5f York. "T‘wrylng such photos, preferably 4 inches es, in black-and-white, ferrotype Mark clearly on the back of :ription of the place pictured. iSIOIIS JUDGES .STEIN Richmond Hill