Venomous tales are winged and poisonous darts seldom overtaken by the truth. When he truth is withheld it adds new strength to them and they seem to wing their way through space to be caught by gossips by whom th\ey are retold and it is safe to assume that they are not lessened in the retelling. How they originate is a mystery, but the inventor must have a mind which could be easily employed to better advantage. The Hamilton Spectator quietly but ï¬rmly rebukes Senator Robertson for raising the separatist cry, at the opening of the campaign, against Mackenzie King, with a reference to “that spirit of the grandsire.†The Spectator hopes that “personalities of this kind will not be introduced into the argument; there is plenty of ammunition available for campaigmorators without dragging out family skelâ€" e ons.†The Hamilton paper’s rebuke derives cance from its own long career as a Conse It shows both courage and wisdom. No 1): be advanced by the introduction of oï¬ensix That more people have been killed by gossip than by war since the world began does Ibt seem to be known by those guilty of originating false rumors. The less truth there is in them the more they seem to be enjoyed by the mongers. We cannot be too careful about repeating a ru- mor concerning another and unless we know that it is ab- solutely true, let us always give a fellow citizen the benefit of the doubt unless at least we have good reason to believe otherwise. Mr. King stands in the line of the Liberal leaders/ who in the‘ past have expounded our constitution and guarded our institutionsâ€"Baldwin and Lafontaine, Blake and Mow- at and Laurier. And it is speaking only the sober truth that rising to the occasion he will not suffer by comparison of any of his predecessors. Such discussion of our treas- ured British constitution, so far from being mischievous is in the highest degree educational and inspiring. “It is the principles of liberty and freedom embedded in the Brit- ish Constitution and secured to those who live within its guarantees, that have made men of many races and many Clinics 3. great brother- hood in name and in heart. In the community of British nations which comprise the Dominions beyond the Seas, it is the anchor that holds all true to the little isles in the northern sea. In Canadg, in' Australia, in New Zealand, in South Africa, in Newfoundlan , in Ireland, it is the sustaining and enduring element of loyalty alike to the Crown and the Flag. It is the counter-magnet to all tendencies to separation from Britain or to annexation to other lands. This is the Constitution by which the Liberal party in Canadf/ stands, and for which it is prepared to ï¬ght to-day. It is in the name of all 01‘. freedom, liberty and loyalty which the British constitution serves to inspire that I now ask my fellow-Canadians in the name of King and country to vindicate its might and majesty at the polls.†/ “It is a strange ad'mysterious sort of thing, this British constitu- tion that we love,†said Mr. King, “its beginnings are founded in the ditant past. It is the creation of the struggles of our ancestors and it represents the. highest achievement of the British genius at its best.†Had North York elected Mackenzie King last October it would have had special reasons for pride in his masterly and statesmanâ€"like handling of the subject. Talk of‘perâ€" sonal~aifront to Lord Byng, talk of rebellion or any kind of disturbance vanish as one reads his calm and strong words glowing with enthusiasm for our institutions, full of veneration for the past and displaying an amazing grasp of the principles of the Britich constitution. The consti- tution which is partly written and partly unwritten is the real link of empire, the secret of loyalty to the British crown and-the British flag. ‘ess personautj argument duri The worst that can be said ‘about some of 'the letters on the subject is that they are somewhat dry and a little too technical for the ordinary citizen. But if some of the de- tails‘disregarded and the broad principles'be emphasized, good may come of the controversy. It is nothing to do with Lord Byng personally and it is more important than the immediate rivallry for ofï¬ce of the two historic parties. It is a question of responsible government. The contention of Mackenzie King is that the position of Governor Gener- al in Canada is the same as that of the King in Great Brit- ain. Those who argue that the Governor General has discretionary powers greater than those of the King are advocating colonial inferiority; placing Canadians by birth or adoption in a lower position than the Britishers in the old country. We thought that this matter was settled nearly eighty years ago when Lord Elgin, as Governor-Gen- eral of Canada conceded the principles of responsible gov-I ernment.~ About a month ago when the dissolution was fresh in the public mind some timid souls said that it would not do to discuss it; that it would involve Lord Byng in a ï¬erce controversy or be the means of starting something like a rebellion. The discussion has gone on in spite of these warnings and the columns of, the Toronto Globe which frowned upon the controversy are ï¬lled with letters dealing with the constitution and history. None of the awful things predicted have come to pass. Lord Byng hardly ï¬gures in the discussion at all though some exceptionally stupid persons tried to drag him in by coining the silly slogan “Byng or King.†Nobody has talked about rebel- lion or anything of that nature except a few wild partisans. J. Eachern Smith, Manager Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. Subscription $1.50 per yearâ€"To the United States $2.00. Covering Canada’s Best Suburban District. Advertising Rates on Application. TELEPHONE 9. AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED, EVERY THURSDAY AT RICHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING CO., LTD. ustmg I courage and ‘ y the introduc [95. There was mg the last ele Mr. King and the Constitution. THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1926 THE LIBERAL Established 1878 l or one: much of 0 D31 gniï¬- At the regular meeting of the vill- age council it was moved by Mr. Sand- erson and seconded by Mr. Savage that the Clerk be instructed to preâ€" pare a By-law to prohibit the use of bicycles on the village streets. The Queen’s Hotel stables, Aurora were totally destroyed by ï¬re at mid- night on Tuesday. It is said that ï¬ve horses perished and only the heroic efforts of the ï¬remen saved the hotel. Unionville baseball team defeated Aurora by a score of 41-9. In a lacrosse game on Saturday Bolton defeated Richmond Hill by a 3-2 score. ‘ A severe electrical storm passed over this section on Sunday afternoon. Anumber of telephones were put out of commission, Mr. J.N. Boyle’s wind- mill was shattered by lightning, a shock of wheat in Mr. Wm. Rumbles ï¬eld was burned, a hen house in Mr. Isaac Kefl‘er’s farm at Sherwood was destroyed and the chimney on Mr. Jacob Williams’ house at Edgley was knocked down. j The Headford correspondent report- ed harvest well under way. Mr. E. A. Stone started a week ago to cut his ninety day oats and has had an excellent year. Several farmers have ï¬nished cutting their barley but the recent heavy rains have added much to the labor of harvesting. “ Way Back in Liberal Files†Thirty Years Ago From Our Issue, August 6, 1836 Twenty Years Ago From Our Issue of August 2, 1906 To produce the silent power-flow in the 1927 McLaughlin-Buick, McLaughlin-Buick engineers have made four fundamental im- provements in the structure of the famous McLaughlin-Buick Valve-in-Head engine, including a Counterâ€"Poised Crankshaft and a Torsion Balancer; new light weight pistons; and then a Completely Cushioned Engine insulated and isolated by rubber mountings, fore and aft, from all metallic contact with the chassis. Four Vital Engine Improvements ‘ A sad accident which proved fatal happened to little Alice the three year "0101 daughter of Mr. Christopher Bo- vair on Monday evening. The mother was engaged in washing, having set a pail of scalding water on the floor and the little child backed into it and received scalds from which she died in a few hours. The Headford correspondent report- ed that one of the prominent citizens of that district had purchased a new Spaight wagon “which makes a great display driving through the town.†Aurora council assessed for $750 for the High School puroses for the current year. The Headford correspondent report- ed that the recent rains had very much impaired the crop of wheat and barley on account of which there is much distress among the farmers of the vicinity. 345 feet Yonge St. frontage, NW. corner Yonge St. and Maple Side Road (Arnold Property), Lots 50): 181. Private 15 foot driveway in rear from Maple Road. Easy terms if desired. No better loca- tion on North Yonge St. Splendid opportunity for investment as these lots will increase in value. Apply Twenty-ï¬ve Years Ago From our Issue of August 8, 1901 J. R. Herrington FOR SALE Buick need year! McLaughlin- more certain Another revolutionary improvement in the 1927 McLaughlin-Buick is the vacuum-cleaned crankcase. Crankcase moisture, the vicious foe of engine efliciency, is now drawn out of the crankcase before it has an opportunity :0 do harm. The crankcase is cleaned and kept free of dilution by the McLaughlin-Buick Vacuum Ventilator, a new device, operated by the air flow; positive and certain in action, and without a single moving part. The oil in the cankcase of the 1927 McLaughï¬m The McLaughlin Motor Car Company, Limited, today presents the 1927 McLaughlin - Buick, with an engine vibrationless beyond belief. This achievement, we earnestly believe, will rank as one of the most important in all motor car history. Our engineers, working in conjunction with the engineering staifs of General l\’lotors Research Laboratories and General Motors Proving Ground have divorced the annoyance of vibration to a point never before attained. They have given NIcLaughlin - Buick motor cars a new luxury of quietness at every speed, exceptional among all ck-irs, no matter what their price. An Engine Vibratianiesss Beyond' Beiief Buick performance is now made , more pleasant and more econo- be changed' only four tiï¬ics a 1 Motor Car Company, presents the 1927 lck, with an engine zyond belief. t, we earnestly believe, of the most important history. vorking in conjunction ering stalfs of General 1 Laboratories and Proving Ground have ,noyance of vibration before attained. an Nchaughlin - Buick ' luxury of quietness at rptional among all cars, heir price. Never in all the twenty-two years of McLaughlin-Buick success has there been offered such convincing proof of en- gineering and manufacturing leadership. McLaughlin-Buick offers you today a brilliant example of the quality of McLaughlin-Buick craftsmanshipâ€" Conï¬dent that acquaintance with its performance and value will ï¬x in mind the conviction that money can buy nothing ï¬ner-â€" Certain that you will discover, in this great [new car, further evidence of the deep meaning in the longstanding pledge: “When Better Automobiles are built, McLaughlineBuicli Will Build Them.†Other Vital improvements Lakeside 5280 175 Ossington Ava, Toronto Save yourseï¬f at our expense Constant improvement has lgx‘eled one price barrier after another, until now you are offered, in tth new McLaughlin-Buick, a car as ï¬ne as money can buy, at the price of cars of very ordinary quality. This at will convince you, as no other at can, that money can buy nothing ï¬nerâ€"no matter how much you may be able to spend! This Greatest of all McLaughlin-Eula!“ is the Greatest of all McLaugh- lin-Buick values. McLaughlin-Buick volume has permitted mgineering research and development on a scale far beyond the reach of most manufacturers. The Producers of the district and householders of North York and North Toronto will ï¬nd this a splendid market. 1d certain in aaione And in this remarkable new car McLaughlin- â€ing pa,â€- The 9“ Buick introduces balanced wheels, another 1927 McLanhhm contributi n to better driving. “11’ four him“ a The plinjcly beauty of the new Fisher bodies is in thorough keeping with the unusual and mance is now made incomparable performance standards now 1: and more econo- attained. ~Ehe Most Remarkable Fact of AIL-Value If you will have laundry road} when driver calls. you will assist us in giving good service. If you only have driver call when phoned for. 0511 up as early as convenient to insure prompt attention. Open Every Saï¬lrday Morning AND TUESDAYS (3-3 Don’t try to do the heavy parts of the fam- ily wash. Let us help you. This new plant was designed and equipped for that very purpose and can give you as much or little help as you desire by means of five differ- ent kinds of laundry service-â€"-all moderately priced. Weuse only soft water and pure soaps, etc No marking, no starching, and each wash done separately. WE CALL IN RICHMOND HILL DISTRICT Wednesday and Saturday AT THE CITY LIMITS 3479 YONGE STREET THE YORK MARKET mica] by thermostatic control in the cooling system. Water circulation is prevented and the heat held in the engine, until the proper operating temperature is reached. Gear noise is removed by McLau lin-BuicPI new giantvtooth transmission,w ich is quiet in ail of its speeds. Further quietness has been obtained by a new muffler design. YONGE STREET