II“ a man’s pocketbook never bled until is visited this lumber yard in would never suffer much from loss of circulation. Our prices are cnnsist- antâ€"we charge a decent prot‘itand we are always looking out after the interests of our patrons. Phone 133 Richmond Street The Richmond Hill Furnishing Store Men’s black and brown Ox- fords, regular $5.50 value, a special at $4.50. We have an important message for every, buyer of tailored clothes in this district. We’ll make it short and snappy so read on. f Richmond Hill we operate a tailorshop we’re not bragging about its looks or locationâ€"it has no ï¬ne marble front or glass to enrich its beautyâ€"its simply a building good enough to carry on business in and enables us to keep our overhead expenses down to a minimum. We have been here for the past number of years sell- ing only the highest quality tailoring at a small margin of proï¬t and doing a nice volume of business. ks of life come here but clothes In the village 0 Men of good judgement in all wal for their clothes for they get not only quality, that ï¬t, Wear and give personal satisfaction. Also some in ï¬rst grade calf at $5.50 and $6.00. ' Ladies’ Summer Pumps in patent, gray kid, and satin, at $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00. We carry the special Good- rich Bi-Press athletic shoes for Men, Women and Children. NORMAN J. GLASS LVLCIL u; Evuu Juwb “v-†__. for their clothes for they get notionly quality, but clothes that ï¬t, Wear and give personal satisfaction. Good clothes never kept a man backâ€"~they’ve never hindered his progress nor hurt his chances of success. It makes no difference what objective you have in life, good clothes will help you get there. It is one investment that is safe, paying high dividends in self conï¬dence, self satisfac- tion and public recognition. This is the service that we are selling. LOOK 'ROUND YOUR Home; SEE WHATYOU NEED -- THEN BUYVOF us -- OUR game DON'T BLEED RICHMOND TAILORS L. INNES & SONS J. A. GREENE Telephone 5j 0r Residence 49w Real Estate Insurance $2,500, 5 room, frame, Roseview Ave. $2,700,, 5 room, frame, Benson Ave. $2,700, 5 room, frame, Richmond St. (Will rent $16.00 per month). $2,800, 4 rooms, 1/2 acre land, Spruce Avenue. $2,800, 4 rooms, good garden, outâ€" buildings and fruit tr.ees.. $3,500, 5 rooms, lot 64x150, easy terms. $4200, 6 rooms, brick, furnace and electricity, garden and garage. $4,500, small house, 21/2 acres, Rumâ€" ble Ave. $4,700, 5 roonis,_ loAt 67x656, poultry ' buildings ’and fruit trees. $5,000, 50 acres land, good buildings. $4,200, 6 room bljiclf, furnace and ' Electricity, Church St. $5,500, 7 room, frame, all convenienâ€" ces. $61000, 6 room solid brick, all conven- lences. $6,300, 9 rooms, garage, 4% acres, all kinds fruit, furnace and electric light. Will exchange for Toronto [property $6,50Q, 7 may: brjck, lot 50x250: Will Yours Sincerely. Richmond Tailors J. A. Greene ’ exchange for Toronto property. $6,700, 7 room brick, all conveniences $6,500, large house, all conveniences Contents included. North Yonge. Some choice building lots in the vil- lage. J. R. HERRINGTON ’Phone .87 Special services will be held in Trinity Church here on Monday even- ing, August 16 at 8 pm. when nine church army crlisaders from Great Britain will take part in an inspiring service. Everyone is cordially invite- ed to attend the services. Dr. Armstrong spent the week-end visiting his parents at their cottage on Lake Muskoka. Several from here are planning to attend the dance at York Mills Tourâ€" ist Camp on Friday evening, August 6, McDonald’s orchestra will supply the music. (Special to The Liberal) Several from here attended the Lennox picnic at Island Grove on Monday last and report an excellent time. The local softball fans were rooting for the Richmond Hill girls team which took part in the tourna- ment. RENTS COLLECTED. INVESTMENT SECURITIES The farmer busy harvestir the " prospects. illness Harold Reids popular garage is en- jOS'ing a very busy season. The many friends of Mr. Camp are pleased that he is able to be at business as usual after his recent (Special to The Liberal) Elgin Mills RICHMOND HILL FOR SALE Thornhill jug Richmond Hill Ont. Res.11 m in this district are are well pleased with Loans Classiï¬ed Ads. If you have anything for sale or for rent or if you have some small article around the house which you would like to turn into ready cash try a classiï¬ed ad in The Liberal. School Photos The group photos taken at the High School just before ciosing have been received and those who oi'dered them are requested to call for them at the Liberal ofï¬ce. The Home Paper As our readers and advertisers will notice the business men of this district'are more using the columns of the Liberal to reach this great buying area. Several new “ads†ap- pear each week and the paper as an eight page all home print weekly is recognized as the only medium to {reach this district.‘ Collapsed on Tracks Joseph Venson a young Frenchman aged about twenty-four was picked up off the railroad tracks about a mile and a quarter south of here last Fri- day. He stated that he had not eat- en for several days and collapsed ‘from weakness on|the tracks. He gave'his address as 122 John Street Toronto. ' Again Robbed Hall’s service station refreshment booth was again entered on Wednes- day night or early Thursday morning and robbed of goods to the amount of about eighty dollars. Dance at Schomberg A dance to which everyone is we]. come is to be held in Thompson’s Community Hall, Schomberg Junc- tion, August 6 with Snider’s ï¬ve piece orchestra in attendance. Ad- mission 65 cents. Cutting Wheat Thos. Mitchell, Lot 52,‘rear of con- cesion 1 in the township of Vaughan commenced wheat harvest on Tues- day, August 3, and reports a very good crop. Dance at York Mills A dance will be held at the Tourist Camp, York Mills, on Friday evening August 6, with McDonald's Orchestra in attendance. Everybody welcome. Admission gents 50 cents, ladies 25 cents. Oddfellows Picnic The Metropolitan district oddfel- lows will hold a basket picnic at the Oddfellows Children’s Camp near Keswick on Saturday afternoon, Aug- ust 14. The radial car leaving Richâ€" mond Hill at 1.20 will stop at the camp and motor parties are asked to leave here about 1.30 and join with ‘Aurora, and Newmarket members land go in a body. Attractive Sign The Chartered Trust and Executor Company of Toronto have erected an attractive sign on Elmwood Park just south of the Village offering lots for sale on attractive terms. An “ad†dealing with the offering appears elsewhere in this issue. Received Degree Arthur P. Muldoon. son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Muldoon of Fourth street received his degree of MD. at the commencement exercises of the University of Buffalo yesterday. Dr. Muldoon plans to enjoy a brief vaca- tion before going to Detroi,t Mich†where he has accepted an appoint- ment at the Harper Hospital. Dr. Muldoon graduated from Niag- ara Falls High School as president of the class of 1918 and was leader in athletic, fraternal and debating cir- cles at the high school. After taking his pre-medical course at the Univer- sity of Michigan he entered the Un- iversity of Buffalo medical college completing the course with honors ‘this year. The above from the Buffalo Evenâ€" ing News of recent date refers to A. P. Muldoon who is a grandson of the late Arthur Muldoon of Thornhill and also‘ a grandson of the late Pat- rick Moylan of Richmond Hill. Mr. Stonehouse and famin desir_e to thank their neighbors and friends for their kindness and sympathy shown in their recent sad bereave- 111811. LUNDYâ€" At En' District on Wedne Mary Ann Helmka; Ii LOCAL NEWSY ITEMS CARD 0F THANKS fly 0 DIED :Iark} year ,day ainy Mr iwe Send your personals and news items to The Liberal. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sanderson of: Toronto spent their holidays with Mr. Sanderson’s mother, Mrs. Sandâ€" erson, Roseview Avenue. 3C Mrs. W. H. Mylkes and family are attending the Old Boy’s Reunion at Arthur this week. Mrs. R. F. Hick, Church St. was the week-end guest of Mrs. W. A. Duncan at her summer home, Big Tree Island, Parry Sound. J. P. Glass Visited in Oshawa on Civic holiday and Miss Lenore Glass who has been visiting in the Motor City for the past four weeks returned to her home here. R. W. Glass of Cookstown visited in the village this week. Mr. ant! Mrs. A. A. Eden spent the holiday at Orchard Beach. Rev. and Mrs. A. A. Wall and fam- ily have returned after enjoying a holiday at their summer cottage. Miss F. M. [Brown left last Satur- day to attend the Old Home Week at Huntsville. The Misses Marguerite and Robena Harrison of Port Arthur with their mother are visiting the latter’s sis- ter Mrs. Weese. A.J.H. Eckhardt of Toronto was a visitor at the Catholic picnic and re- union here Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. Parï¬ll of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Weese. Mr. and Mrs. F. Sims and family spent Civic holiday in Toronto. Mr. C. M. Csioper was a visitor ir Toronto on Civ c holiday. Mr. and \Mrs. A. D. Buchanan Visit- ed over the week-end in Barrie. Mrs. J. Atkinson, Miss Eileen At- kinson, Miss Moodie, Miss Heise, Miss Ireland and Miss R. Stein spent the week-end at Holland Landing. SOCIAL and PERSONAL 5 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grainger and family were in IToronto for the holi- day. Rev. R. and Mrs. Clark of Winni- peg called on Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Cooper last week. Rev. and Mrs. McIntosh left this week for an extended holiday in the Eastern Provinces. Mr. C. N. Cooper was a visitor in after spending the week with her daughter Mrs. Redditt, Mount Pleas- ant The Misses Brown, 0. Mortson, C. Mortson, Sanderson and Webb report a very pleasant week-end as guests at Island Grove. Mrs. A. Sanderson and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sanderson visited Niagara Falls and Buffalo last week and spent a few days with Mrs. Sanderson’s brother, Mr. Edgar Sanderson. Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Pugsley and son David, who motored down from Sedley, Sask. and spent the last three weeks with their Aunt and Uncle Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pugsley, and also visited the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Hill, left for their home the ï¬rst of this week. Among those from this district noticed at the Lennox picnic at Island Grove Civic holiday were Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sanderson, Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Pugsley, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hall and family, Geo. Larry, Jos. Cherry, Chas. Comisky, Geo. Forester, Wm. Tyndall, Wm. Frisby, L. Teetzel, J. Saunders, Grant Bros., J. A. Greene, Dr. McDonald, Geo. Bell. A. D. Buch- anan, Thos. Harding, Cecil Harding and others. Brin 2mg remem him Memoriam 1a: W near Dry Goods, Millinery, Ladies†Wear Fancy Goods and Novelties smr Quality Shoppe MRS. NDRMAN BATH Phone 53 House dresses at .98 to $2.25 Street dresses from $2.75 to $5.98 Womens and Childrens Underwear from .25 to .75 Staple lines at popular pricesâ€" Ginghams, Prints, Crepes, Voiles, Nain- sook and Cottons. Look and Listen Bird Metallic Roofing Company, Siding, Etc. Play Suits for girls in Khaki Cloth Mat- erials. Estimates on For Boys we have, Blouses, Overaï¬ls, Khaki Pants, Underwear and Hosiery, also Play Suites from .75 to $1.15 ultimate the Community Spirit By Buying In Your Home Town. ELGIN MILLS Mens Work Shirts in Khaki and Blue at .98 and $1.15. AT YQUR SERWCE BUY YOUR COAL NOW: We have on hand a quantity of good coal and the “wise ones†are laying in a supply now Prompt Delivery Good quality Wood and Slabs at attractive prices. FIELD TILE - If you are considering buying any size of field tile it will pay you to see us before placing your order. Langstaff Supply Co., Ltd. McCail August Magazine and Fall Quar- terly NOW In Telephone Thornhill SEE THESE SPLENDID \VALUES Millinery at Special Prices to Clear Coal, Wood, Tile, Cement, Buiders Supplies, Feed, Baled Hay and Straw .H. DUNCAN, MANAGER SPECIAL OFFERINGS FOR CASH. Wire Fencing. Iron Posts. and Sons Ready Roofing and Weather Shingles. e are now open for business and soiicit the patronage of the people cf the district. s on the above cheerfully given; (£18! on Ready-To-Build Garages. ESPEY B ROS. Telephme 127 r 12. Nights, Richmond Hill 1101 eilings, Walls, Trench Block NTARIO.