Real Estate m. - Insurance WWW" Hf" FOR SALE $1,800.00 frame house and two acres land Bathurst Street. $2,300.00 frame house lot 46Xl40 Roseview Avenue. 00000 frame house Benson Ave. iasy terms. ‘ 00.00 6 room brick, lot :33 X 120‘ ker Avenue. 1 0.00 7 room brick Churr‘h Street†0.00 6 room solid brick. all cm-‘ iences. 0.00 large house and good out- dings with 4 acres of land. .00 7 room solid brick all con- iences. 0.00 9 room frame all conven- ces. 0.00 7 room stucco and metal th. 0.00 6 room solid brick. all con~ niences, one acre land, beautiful rubs, all kinds fruit trees. One of the most attractive homes in Richmond Hill. $7,600.00 8 room brick all Convtniohc- es. Some choice building lots in Richâ€" mond Hill. General store property for sale or rent. Brick building 60 X 20 for rent suit- able for light manufacturing“. J. R. HERRINGTON ’Phone 87 WE have no business bag of tricksâ€" it’s all s'rlight dealing at. this yards There isn't a shoddy piece of lumber to be found in the place. It all measures up man, fashion to what: is expected of it. Phone 133 Richmond Street W. Ward Price RENTS COLLECTED. INVESTMENT SECURITIES AUCTIONEER, VALUATOR AND REAL ESTATE AGENT RICHMOND HILL and 111 King Street West, Toronto WV WILL LEARN REAL GUICK‘ WE NEVER PLAY A 7180 s We have a choice line of Gaberdine Cloth which makes a nifty garment equally serviceable as a rain- coat or for wearing on the cool fall evenings. This is the Season when a Light Coat is needed for Evening Wear Richmond Hill xclusive Tailored-To-Measure Suits and Over-coats from Choicest Material $25.00 and Upwards. L. INNES & SONS Priced to Suit Ydur Pocket-$17.50 and up. RICHMOND TAILORS RICHMOND HILL 37 Richmond Hill Ont. Res.11 m. CANADA’S MOST EXCLUSIVE TAILORS FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN Telephone 5j or Residence 49w J. A. GREENE Loans Overnight, Edna Marian, the ingenâ€" ue of the cast. changed from a child in arms to a Winsome miss of eighteen. William Russell, the valiant ï¬reâ€" man of the piece, became a whit-hair- ed, middle-aged man instead of his youthful self, and Helene Chadwick shifted from a pretty young bride to A gap of eighteen years was bridg- ed in a week at Universal City durâ€" ing the making of the “Still Alarm," the Universalâ€"Jewel which comes to the Capitol Theatre this week. a beautiful sophistocated' woman. of the world. The necessity for these minor miracles was due to the sequence in which scenes for “The Still Alarm†were made. Edward Laemmle and the production manager decreed that a series “of scenes in the opening of the picture should be ï¬lmed, and then decided to leap through a lapse of eighteen years. We do all amateur photography and do in right. All our work is DEVELOPING PRINTING ENLA RG ING At The Theatre FERTILEZER guaranteed. Modemte Prices. H. E. WRAY; Druggist Richmond Hill, Ont. If You Are Int ?or Your Fall Is Giving Good Results 0 FALL WHEAT at ion Hequ Ontario )l' Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Pipher and daughter of Trenton New Jersey are spending the Week with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. R. Carr of the Bank of Montreal. A flower Show under the auspices of the Anglican Young Peoples as- sociation will be held in the basement of the “Anglican Church on Friday afternoon Aug. 27th. A very inter- esting address on the decorative value of flowers will be given in the after- noon. The fldwers shown will be us- ed for the following Sunday for the purpose of decorating the cemetery All our citizens are requested to ex- hibit and make the ï¬rst show the success it deservesi Messrs. J. L. Jenkins, Geo. Lawson W. S. Jenkins and Jas. Jenkins ar- rived home Saturday night after two weeks vacation at Kingfisher Island, Georgian Bay. They report the ï¬sh- ing as very good this year. Mrs. Ransom and daughter are home after a pleasant Lake trip with the Captain. , Mrs. Dorothy Dix, a writer of in- ternational repute, and her husband, of New York are spending a few weeks in rural Ontario with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Clark. Council Met The village council met in special sesion Friday evening last in - the \Clerk’s ofï¬ce and receied a petition for a sidewalk to be constructed from Lorne Ave. south to“ the southerly limits of Baldock’s garage. The pel- ition was accepted and the work will be commenced in a short time. Lawn Social A lawn social will be held on Thur- sday evening, August 26 at the home of Mrs. John H. Watson under the auspices of the Women’s Institute of St. Stephen’s Church, Maple. Ice Cream. Cake, Homemade Candy and Fish Pond. Admission 15 cents. Mrs. Isaac Watson, President, Mrs. Mc- Feely, secretary. Advertising It is a tremendous help to a ï¬rm if it can give the impression that it is pushing for business every day and every week in the year. The ï¬rm that advertises constantly gives that impression. It makes the public feel that it is alert all the time to pick up goods at a bargain and pass its good values on to the general public. ‘Progressive and enterprising mer- ‘chants of the district use the adver- ‘tising‘ columns of the Liberal the home ‘paper of this district for nearly ï¬fty lyears. The Young People’s Society‘of the United Church will hold an Ice Cream Social and Entertainment on the Church Lawn Wednesday Evening There will be a softball match beâ€" tween the Aurora girls and Maple girls. And following the match refreshments 'will be served and a good program rendered. Ad- mission 25 cents and 15 cents. Miss Addie Thompson of Toronto is visiting her Aunt Mrs. Hogan. Keeping Track of the Farm Income. In gvery other line business worthy of a flame, record is kept of the re- ceipts and expenditures. A study is made of these business records. Knowledge is accumulated and imâ€" provement made. The farm business cannot make much progress toward providing an increased income until the farmer adopts a. system of record keeping. and studies his balance sheet, every week, every month and every year. Such study reveals the reasons for proï¬t and the cause or causes of loss on operations. It is only once in a great while that we meet a farmer making much progress without keeping records of his farm operations. The great majority need to do it for their own and the farm's Bakeâ€"L. Stevenson, O. A. College. A Poultry Loss. The eggâ€"eating habit once acquired by members of the poultry flock is Moult to stop. Prevention is easier than breaking the birds of the habit. Birds that have an abundant supply of oyster shell or lime before them at all times and are fed a liberal balâ€" aimed ration, with abundant green feed seldom develop the egg-eating habit. Arrange the nests at least eighteen inches above the floor and (Special to the Liberal) LOCAL NEWSY ITEMS King City' Inmmwm--~--~m-n MiSs Phyllis Glass motored to 0531- awa on Wednesday where she will spend a short holiday wigh friends. Rev. R. S. and Mrs. Mason are spending a two weeks 'Vacation with relatives at consecon. l Mrs. Stewart Williams gave a fare- Well bridge party of three tables pr- ior to her departure for her home in Winnipeg. We are sorry to lose from our midst, Miss Helen Williams, her gifted young daughter, whose playing has delighted those fortunate enough to hear her during her three years in Richmond Hill. Music lovers in the village will watch her career with interest. Rev. L. E. Atkinson of Hornpayz.e visited with his brothers Frank and R. W. Atkinson in the village on Tuesday. Mr] and Mrs. Wilfred Jones and children were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Ramer, at Lake Cou- chiching. Among thOSe from Richmond Hill who attended the Conservative nom- ination meeting at Newmarket last Saturday were: John Sanderson, W. H. Pugsley, Fred Philpot, Thos Har- ding, Cecil Harding, Chas. Comisky, Walter Comisky, Geo. Leary, L. Teet- zel, Dr. McDonald, H. A. Nicholls, Geo. Bell and others. Miss Evelyn Neil) is spending her vacation in Detroit. Among the many enjoyable little affairs arranged in honor of Mrs. Stewart Williams who is leaving for her home in Winnipeg on Thursday were a bridge party by Mrs. McDon- ald and a verandah tea at the home of Mrs. A. J. McLatchy with Mrs. Mc- ‘Latchy and Miss Bertha Palmer as whostesses. Four tables of bridge were played on the verandah with its beau- tiful southern exposure, and a number of ladies dropped in during the after- noon for a cup of tea. Miss Helen Williams- delighted the guests with three piano numbers. Mr. Harold C. Grant is spending a two Week holiday as a guest at the summer home of Mrs. Ben Webster, Rideau Lakes. a-..“ .«u ‘ Mrs. Anne Anderson Perry has been attending the Canadian Authors’ Con- vention in Vancouver. A despatch to the Toronto Globe lists her name among the guests at a delightful gar- den party given by Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Butchard of Victoria in honor of the Canadian Authors’ Association. Mrs. M. A. Estabrook of Grand Rapids, Michigan, is visiting her sis- ter Mrs. Geo. Metcalfe for a few weeks. ’ Mrs. B. Brown of Chicago who has been visiting the last two weeks with her sister-in-law, Mrs. James Armstrong has returned home by way of Niagara Falls, Buffalo and Detroit. i SOCIAL and PERSONAL i Miss Freyda Bayes of Bolton and Miss Bertha Hopper of Richmond Hill motored to Windsor and Detroit to spend the week-end. The Liberal joins the citizens of the village in welcoming Mr. and Mrs. Thompson of Toronto who re- cently purchased the residence of Mr. H. B. Sterling on Yonge Street and have moved into their new home. Mr. Thompson is a ehemical expert with the P. W. Ellis Company and in- tends making Richmond Hill his home. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson have one son and one daughter both of Whom attend High School. Local Conservatives hcid an organ- ization meeting in Lorne Hall or Tuesday evening. The candidate TH tion der Lennox w M plans were (1 00d that the pened he Held Meeting present an‘ 1'6 comn pointed We] MRS. NORMAN BATTY Dry Goods,Millinery, Ladies’ Wear Fancy Goods‘and Novelties Reduced Prices to clear - - House Dresses from 98c. to $2.25 Street Dresses from $2.75 to 5.98 Womens and Childrens Under- wear from 250. to 750. Play Suits for Girls and Boys Mens Work Shirts, and Overalls from 98c. to $2.50 Stamped goods in great variety priced from 25c. to $2.50 Table Linen atprtznto clear- McCaH Pattern Sheets for September are now in Call and get one, they are free. Discount Sale Phone 53 Quality Sheppe Choice Meats and Provi‘sim‘ls POULTRY AND VEGETABLES IN SEASON We have a splendid assortment of cooked meats for the - . ' mer months. , ‘ k. There is a great difference in <1 qualities of meatsâ€"but you’re ‘ sure to get the best from us. Make use of your phoneâ€"â€"We 7' deliver promptly. 'ultivate the Community Spirit By Buying Eat More Bread EIHEHEJIEE Horseshoeing and General Repair work of all. l‘dnds promptly attended to. We are equipped to do all kmdsof ï¬rst class work. YON GE STREET Richmond Hill Bakery Bread is your best foodâ€"Eat more of it Try Eden’s Sandwich Loaf for picnics. BUNS AND ROLLS A SPECIALTY. Nothing but the pure ingredients used. BLACKSMITH SHOP In Your Home Town. MIDSUMMER J. G. HUNT ' Phone 77. RICHMOND HILL Trench Block Pl