Marvelube Oi! is Hem RICHMOND HILL MOTORS Day 7 elephone 109 FIELD TILE, CULVERT PIPE What Will Your Pallets Be 930mg Five Months {mm lag-flay? WE KNOW THEY WILL LAY ANII PAlY IF YOU FEED THEM THE STERLING WAY STERLING STARTER STERLING EGG MASH The perfect food for Follows the chick start- chicks, should be fed the er, combined with Sterling ï¬rst six weeks. Follow scratch feed for a perfect feeding directions in every balance. package or bag. Will assure you of Healthy and Vigorous stock and a full 4 Egg Basket T. COUSINS Phone Mapleâ€"Rï¬asidence 728â€"Farm 726â€"Pit 828 454 King Street West, Torontoâ€"Phone ADelaide 5388 Gravel for Concrete or Roads Sand for Concrete or Plastering Sand and Cement Brick EWEEQ‘ ’1 Ma'p’ler Sand, Gravel and Brick Co., Limited TRY IT. How About Your Brakes? A B C Brake Service Manufactured By TORONTO HEIGHTS POULTRY SUPPLY CO.. Limited. PRICESâ€"OUR PLANT AT MAPLE 0R DELIVERED l' Toronto Polling FOR SALE‘VBY ALL DEALERS Follows the chick start- er, combined with Sterling scratch feed for a perfect balance. Night Telephone 5 W Ontario. in NORTH YORK. Can Richmond Hill repeat their performance of last Thursday night and Win the men’s Yonge Street soft- ball league pennant. Last year the local boys-got as far as the ï¬nals but were thrown out on account of so many protests against Teddy Bennett who was not properly signed. Put “Teddy†is signed all right this your and at the present stage of the game is pitching championship ball. The local team will meet :.t Newtonbrook. the 1925 pennant winners, who are determined to repeat the performance this year. They have a snappy ball team with Bob Jacks and Ray Rich- ardson as their moundsmen, and {Thar- lié Proctor one of the best receivers in the league. The ï¬nal game should Markham Township Council has struck the tax rate for the year at 17.2 mills including a county rate of 6 mills and a high school rate of 1.2 mills. In general the sum of $18,141- .21 is levied for the Industrial Home and Court House debentures, at a rate of 3:5 mills. and the sum of $18,551.25 for highway debenture and interest, highway improvements. con- struction and maintenance together with provincial road improvement de- benture and interest, at the rate of 2.5 mills. , Markham Township Tax Rate Sfruck The levy for township road improv- ments‘ is placed at 3.5 mills, and for township purposes 3 mills and in the village of Unionville 10 mills is lev- ied on all the rateable property for maintenance and ï¬re purposes. The sum of $6,238.02 is levied agâ€" ainst the township as its share of High School education relatively in York County at a rate of'1.2 mills. W. F. Nicolls and William Pingle were appointed tax collectors at a salary of $225 each. ' Council is divided over a proposition to take over from E. T. Stephens Co. one or more streets in Doncaster, a new sub-division, the Reeve favoring one and Deputy Reeve Campbell an- other street. The E. T. Stephens Co. hae agreed to pay over to the town- ship $1,000 if Henderson Avenue is assumed and improved. At a special meeting on Monday night it was agr- Eed to take over Movgan Avenue and Sporting Notes 1‘8 Uniom‘ifle .71. J. accept the offer of the E. T. Steph- ens Co. of $1,000 towards the cost. Extensive preparations are being made for the Horticultural Society flower showon Saturday, August 5.8. This show which promises to be a very popular event in this district will be held in the skating rink and at this distance it looks as 1f there will be a record number of entries. Rev. Strangways and family are spending a few weeks at their sum- mer cottage near Parry Sound. Rev. MacKenzie of Toronto is supplying in the pulpit of the United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Echlin spent tl'ffl week-end at Kilarney Bay with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hopkings. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McDonald are enpoying a months Vacation in the Western Provinces. They will visit in Regina, Edmonton and other cen- tres. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Thompsc returned after spending a wet. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hopkings larney Bay on Balsam Lake. The C. G. I. T. (Canadian Girls in Training) held a very successful gar- den Fete on the Parsonage lawn undei~ the direction of 'Mrs. Strangways. The proceeds were donated to to Star Fresh Air Fund. Mrs. Francis SilnpSon i: vi: in Cleveland and Detroit. Mr. Ross Wesley has left Souris, Manitoba. At the monthly meeting ’of the Thornhill horticultural society, a com- petition took place for the best bou- quet (suitable for a living room) Mrs. H. D. Bennett was the lucky winner, the prize being a fancy vase. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Riley of Kingston, also Mr. T. Kendall and his sister Evelyn of Toronto spent a few days 'with Mr. and Mrs. Simpson. Mr. Stuart Campbell of Toronto is spending his vacation with his par- ents Dr. and Mrs. Campbcil. The Women’s Institute are meeting at the home of Miss Pea“s~o;1 Aug. 19th. Ladies of the cuimnupity are cordially invited. Don’t forget the Annqu Flower Show August 28th in the rink. Good supper and music. (Special to the Liberal) Thornhill visiting ‘n have 22: with at Kil- for ILL out this blank and mail at once if you want to get your coal in the bin at once. Or phone us and see the ready response that we make. We’re reli- able. l. l). RAMER SIG/Y /7' J .; OF CANADA RICHMOND HILL BRANCHâ€"W. G. Bedford, Manager THORNHILL BRANCHâ€"S. B. Elson, Manager STANDARD BAN K Richmond Hill BANKlNG FIFTY YEARS The Profit Lies in the Finish T PAYS to market; catilo withtlie proper (legrrc of finish. A quality product always commands :1 premium and is readily saleable at a. profitable pnce. If you have stock which needs :1 little more time for ï¬nishing" and the feed is seni'ce.sce the local nmmgei‘ of the Standard Bank. In is a simple matter to arrange a loan to carry the stock un- Lil :1 favorable market warrants a profitable sale. Branches also at Aurora, Lansing 'I‘HE ; At the Elev; Best grade of Bread Flour in cotton $9.00 by the bar- rel; also Pastry Flour $8.00 by the barrel. Pocahontas Coal and A good supply of Gluten Feed, Bran, Shorts, Midd 1ings,Scratch Feed, Blatch ford’s Laying Mash for poultry. Cracked Corn and Corn Meal. Government Standard Re-ground Screenings in bags at $28.00 per ton; cheaper than oats or @ley Cut Hardwood an NOTICE