Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Sep 1926, p. 4

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= != Letters from the People CAMPAION NOTES Classified Advertising PROFESSIONAL and BUSINESS DIRECTORY Rallies of the women voters of the “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISING--MAKE THE MOST OF IT” â€" v MEDICAL riding in the interest of Harry Si‘ton ) 'Liberal candidate will be held in the DR_ I I WILSON The Editor invites readers to make use of this column for the discussion of subjects of interest to the district. A pen name may be used for publica- MUSICAL RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra tion but all communications must be town hall’ Aurora and the “Hillier- each insertion. ADELMO MELECCI AND MISS Office hours: 9 to IT a.m. signed by the writer as a mark Oflance Hali’ Newmarket’ on Fli"ay‘ _ ROSALIND BUSH, L.T.C.M. 6 t0 8 p.m., and by appmntment, 00d faith September 31 at 3 O’COCk in the after' STRAYEDâ€"From 'thc premises of] T0‘VNSHIP OF NORTH YORK. .From the Toronto Consei-‘vntory 9f Mnsic. Office: Centre and Chlerh StS.. g Ri- h ' d H-u Ontario “Son The Speak?“ at iiOiii “matings Elmo Snider, Lot 10, Con. 5 Vaughâ€"t Local Improvement Notice. $£gԤ,,“°,f§§i Tnheisiiiyiiibai 0i pupils in Pinuo' Richmond Hill. Phone w men 1 ’ Will be Harry Slim"! Miss “mice an, Belgian police dog on August] Addington Avenue Bridge_ Richmond Hill -_ I‘rlday and sums, H‘â€" ‘ September 1, 1926. Hunter, B. A. Miss Isobel Armstrong, 29 or thereabouts. Finder please 1_ The council of the Corporation For Informationphonesu DRS_ LANGSTAFF T0 the Editor’ and Alex 13- Bruce All the ladies 01‘ otif Phone 2457 Ma Ie the owner. of the Townshi of North York in- “Rs- “"1” North Yonge St. - Richmond Hill | v n y P _ I) m McDONALD’S ORCHESTRA Siriâ€" the riding are cordially invited to DR. RULPH L i.ANGS'l‘Ai‘Eâ€"-â€" Those who serve us in public office lattend en - . t ds to construct as a Local Improve Ohm “Ours: 8: 10 ML and 6: 8 pm WANTEDâ€"A young man about u mcnt a steel bridge with concrete , . .. . . . _ DR. L'ILLIA‘I C. LANGS'I‘AFFâ€" whether it be in the municipal counCil, l Amt Thomhi” years of age as JumOI' Bank Clt‘fin abutmehts, over the ravine on Add_ THORNHILL . ' ogDiseusthof women Lind children) on the school board .01‘ In 01'11’ 198‘1513- l The residentsvof the Thornhill dis- must have one or two years High ington Avenue, and intends to spec_ Popular throughout the district for “i mm“ ipihiut'iilibo tfirgs agertnOt in trict turned out in large numbers to education“ 'Apply Box 3‘ 355955 a' part of the cast upon niuslc Sgltabli for all kinds 0f dances. a“ “I S o icom ngs an m a ' hear Harry Sifton 0 Friday evening 4‘ "a ' the land abuttin directl on the work pen or engagemenis' . ‘ ~ Entitis apeCiiiiar met that those Who last and tendered tliig Liberal candi- g y \ Telephone: Thomhill 62' DR. CHARLES S. DUNNING andu th fll' ld l'h are most ready to criticise are the date an onthdsiasfic reception 3“ FOR RENTâ€"$10 per month, four P0“ 0 0 owmg an wnc K . ' ‘ d' t 1 be fi h ‘{. last to cohle'forward with afe’w words isplendid hearing R&ve Gohn of roomed bungalow, hardwood floor is :gmgolt: eqfdeqniftid:?n:t:nwii_ ASSOCIATED STUDIOS 0F of thanks and appreciation When ex- iMal.kham ably acted aS'chairman and ln Sitting MOI“, Electric llght- En‘ enue from 36th ‘Avenue We; to the RHISIC, TOIRONTO ce lent service has been rendered. iwelcomed the people and congratulah quire Mrs. M. E. Ross, Stop 23 Yongc Plano & Smging / . . I v V ‘ d Y 9' north limit of the street. F. PELHAM CH ‘ liv ateve'r' Ottitlpiresenithcou'nmiin: ed them 0" the; large attendanci' msmeet comm Spruce an mg (10) Both sides of Burnett Avenue Richmond HillA Etimiiii‘siti” ave agains en,“ ei er in The s eakers were Cornelius McCabc .v ‘ , q ,o fâ€" 150 f t y t f th w._t h _ . ommission or commission, I for one p FOR RENTâ€"'81“ roon'Cd hou‘“ With 10m 66 “CS 0 e CS Street Ollie Ninth 0f 0f King TOWnSiiip’ EX'Aiderma“ electric light, cellar, hard and soft Line of Stormont Avenue, to Adding- St' Paniis United ChurCh am ready to take °iii my hat to Reeve Frank Denton of Toronto, A. D. Bruce water, outbuildings and garden. ton Avenue_ ‘â€"_‘_‘ o Lunau and members of the 1926 001111- and the candid-Ito A11 the speal-cre House newlv decorated and painted. ( _ . JOHN ' ~ ' t c w \ ~ ~ , c) Both s1des of Wentworth Aven- T. ANDERSON oil for the effort that they have been dealt ih a Clear cut manner with the Apply R. Casely, Colbornc Stieet, Piano Tuner ' . _ h . _ Thornhin' ue from Stormont Avenue, to Add- making to iift “5 poor pedeStrlans issues of the campaign and Mr. Slf- 35 Years, Practical Experience . . Y ington Avenue. \ ‘ tut 0f the water and mire Whmh “6 ton was loudly cheered as he explain- FOR‘ SALEâ€"Frame House, in fair (d) Both Sides hf Stormont Avgnue 373 BeresforJd Avenue_ West Toronto unction 0072 have been plodding through during ed his position in the campaign. “I COUditiOn Same to be removed‘ also from. 150 feet South of the South , - Telephone Glenns Drug Store, ’Rlch- liiiSt years' The Citizens are thank' am making no raSh promises,” said some furniture‘ Aliply Ji LH' Street Line of Wentworth Avenue to - s- - fit] for the relief which has come in Mr. Sifton' “I will promise nothing I v Naughtoni Phone RICilmono Jlii mond Hill, ior appomtznent . . 127. Westview Avenue. ‘ - the way 0f lmPTOVEd Sidewaiks cannot fulfill but I will promise that â€" M-~ BUSINESS . _ i“; . B tl‘l 'de of B ti; C‘ t throughout the town this year and I I will give_mhof my time and the FOR SALEâ€"New 6 rooms, oiicls to (e) 0 Si 5 “me iescen WRIGHT & TAYLOR Telephone 32 . ' ; ~ fl‘Oll‘l Senlac Road to 'ton for Ens \vvjsh to pubhcly express my 1‘ .w v t k the roof, all coneniences. oal {10015 g l ndertakers MM . . . driveway, bargain at 84,100, only Avenue. apprecx tlon' Thanking you for the representing the Electors Of North two hundred cash, cheaper than (f) Both Sides of Frontenac Avem RICHMOND HILL - UNIONVILLE Office hours 9 a.ln. to 5 p.111. and THORNHILL Evenings by Appointment. space i your valuable Paper and YYork at Ottawa after Tuesday Sap- rent, for this and other bargains, Telephone 80 I’oyntz Avc.. Lansing. r Willow. 140. Office hours: \12-1.15; 6-7.15. Capitol Bldg, Yonge St‘. Hud. 1133; Rand. 2121. Ofl‘ice hours: 8.30; 2-5; 7.30-9. 9â€"Kâ€" ‘ DENTAL M ‘ DR. W. T. McINTOSH Dentist RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Oil‘ice: Over D3,; 95’ Dry Goods Store TELEPHONE 111, DR. L. R. BELL Dentist Office; Trench Block, two doors north Of Standard Bank: Hours: 9 am. to 5.30 pm. trusting that some one else who ap- tember 14 see Ground & Sony 3225 Yonge St- mi from wentworth Avenue to the h _ _ . . - , Toronto. North limit of the street. Preglalfsazihfiofis iieiiln‘tlione Wiii ai King Will Speak â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"‘ W (g) Westview Avenue, from Stor- so e . , 1v Rt. Hon- “7- L- MaCkenZie Kjijgi WANTEDâ€"~Young man or woman mont Avenue to the West limit of the Yours Very truf Prime Minister andleader of the Lib- for special work in Willowdale dis- Street. North End Citizen“ eral Party Will Speak in the riding 0i trict. Apply by letter only to box 2. The estimated cost of the work ‘ North York in the interests of the 721 Liberal office, Richmond Hill. is $8000.00, of which $2400.00 is to be lLiberal candidate, Harry Sifton, at â€"â€" paid by the Corphration. The‘ esti_ BERT HUMPHREY Undertaker and Ambulance Service 9 Black or Grey Casket FUNERAL COMPLETE Oi. Willard Armstrong Dental Surgeon .RiChmond Hili’ Ont' the omeial nomination meeting at SPEIGHT 8: VAN NOSTRAND mated SPGCiai rate per foot frontage is Other Funerals to your requirements. ‘- . August 31, 1926_ Newmarket on. Tuesday afternoon, ONTARIO LAND SURVEYORS 60 cents_ The Special assessment is Courtesy and cmsiaerationmy Motto. Gas Extraction. To the EditoÂ¥:â€" September 7- ThIS W111 probably be the to be paid in fifteen annua] install. Telephones: Willowdale 69 ' flity, Suburban and Farm Surveys. V Forty Years Continuous Practice 703 Temple Building, Toronto 2. Phoneâ€"Adelaide 0096 and Hudson 3676VV tan ° ‘ Stop 5, Yonge Street, Lansing [ S dard Bank Budding I ' Thornhill JOHN R. CAMPBELL . Veterinary Surgeon THORNHILL That farmer or' backyard gardener only chance to hear the former Prime is counted shiftless and negligent Minister‘ in this riding this year and who permits the weeds to overrun his it is expected that there will be a fields and gardens to rob the crbps large crowd in attendance. Ample " land products of their nourishment. PI‘OViSiOI'l Will be made to look after That municipality that allows the parking of cars and the accom- ments of 61/; cents per foot per year. 3. A petition to the said council will not avail to prevent its construction, but; a petition against the work or the manner in which it has been under- taken, may be made pursuant to sec- DR. MACLAREN ' I weeds of all kinds to grow and flour- mOda-tion 0f eV'erybOdY- ,. a; M i tion 9 of the Local Improvelnent Act, , D E N I‘ I a . . . . . . l Gear 9 M, - . . . . R. MACDONALD, B.V. Sc. . I lshiw1thln Its borders ls given a black -â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"_ es Firestone 9 “m. to the Ontarlo Rallway and Munlc1_ . w ork eye to all who pass throiigh. But Mr. better for the said councilor instead “iii inst long" Veterinary Surgeon y al Board, b “a ma'orit of the own- , p y i J y Graduate of Ontario Veterinary / Bank 0" Commerce. Editor the matter 0f Weed fighting of standing at the front door watch- must be a community endeavour iii ing the workmen leaning on the wag- WiiiCiii every Citizen co‘operates or on wheels to' get busy and clean the else it is useless. For instance what weeds aindvmhhish from his own back ers representing at least one-half of the value of the lots which are to be specially assessed therefor. Dated at Willowdale, Aug. 30th, 1926. Address: \Yonge St., Richmond Hill College OPPOSJte EATONS Telephone 132 ’ \ \ DR. W. L. FINLAY is the use of cutting weeds if your 1 yard. Charity begins at home H. D. ‘GOODE, Clerk. I J. T. SAIGEON DENTIST neighbor allows his to grow and the so We are told‘ and I believe a lot of . I MAPLE 1 MAPLE . ONTARIO seeds to blow all over-your property. other things should as we11_ Those LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE Licensed Aucthigieltrzgrlior the Count omce Hours V There is a law governing the cutting: I of us Who belong to the common ) El ‘ , Township of North York Sales attended to on shortest notice MONDAY only 12â€"330 p_m, 0f.WeedS Whlch $11011” be_strlct_1§' 911' lthr o n g look up to our civic y Avenue Road \Vatermain and at reasonable rates. ‘ Telephoneâ€"Maple 3 ‘ forceld and All public Spirltfid Citizens fathers for a worthy example / v Take Notice That:__ Patronage solicited Sim“ d co'operate to see i at it is iin all thingsirelating to perfection in , v‘ 1- The Comic“ 0f the Corporatitm 05 enforced icivic affairs and if a councillor fails a.» ‘ " iii: dtO‘igiiShip tOf t North gorkl PRENTICE & PRENTICE I . '~ ’ . I _ in en 5 O cons ruc as a oca _ Some weeks ago in the columns of Ito obey the law In regards'to weeds Improvement alwatermain on Avenue AUCTIONEERS_ WILLIAM CO K COOK & DELANY your valuable paper I noticed that a should the rest Of us be tOO harshly Road from Cranbrooke Avenue to J- H- Prentlce; 415 Baikal Stu u. ' ,’ a i i i H d 47W (W.1mm C 0k 1 Gordon Cook certain member 0f the. counCii had ’criticised' if we lean on the wagon , BTOdeale ‘AVenl-Ye 3M1 i1}tt‘mls t0 KT°é°nlg$nti£ 'Dliiliker') Thomas Deilnny) some critifg§m to Offer coricernlni the Wheel? Thailking you for the Space- igiilaige 05hi‘gflvcogs We iireipi'eiizired6i to ciiiiiftliict saleskiof «livery TorontliBaOlili‘iitgisiBiglicd‘htlrzialgtguildlnz industry 0 our civic Wor 'men. OWâ€" Yours very truly . 1 t “ L “ o “‘ ~ description. Farms an arm stoc so es_a 85.Richmond St. “Rm ' - . i ‘ file work. specialty. Farms bought and sold on commis- R' h d 11-11 off L-h ever I might suggeSt that it fouid be RatepaYer who cuts his weeds. cordEizertiheStgfgtofie 81:31}: 2. The estimated cost of the work sum. All sales attended t? o shorfiest hinge. Thuicsdilii33nroreiioon. ic‘luiiple.eiiiiiiu(i)‘gilcae}i Wanâ€".mâ€" ~ Size Balioons is impregnated is 0f “ihiCh is iio be (and conduued by the mos. a Vii-five me 0 Bi noon. BygilillgbigdglgLDSZ?wrieiitggfgn' . I ‘ - d ~th ’ 1- paid by Water Area No._ 1. The es- V a ‘ * I -- - > ~~ v mnâ€" figbfiuiigiuglsuggz 31,: timated special rate per toot frontage SILVERSIDES &_FARMER NAUGHTON & JENKINS - o flexibilty so essential in the ‘ is $1.16. The special assessment is Licensed Auctioneers 3 ti t S n .f' N. . thin Side_wan, low pressure to be paid in thirty annual instal-T County of York c $9113?“ °‘\§:i:’;§'e Zing?" . YONGE STREET tire is imparted by this exclu- mini: Of $99“: i093 1391' 3'?131‘-.11 ,Pure Bred Stock Salessa Specialty. Offices: 85 Richmond St: West, Toronto . . ' f ct ‘ . t . pe 1 1011 O 16 $211 COLIIICI \Vl e' l Nau hzo 8| k. A The Producers of the district and householders of North Eiemfi‘figiiigififie 1132:3511 hot avail to prevent its construction, STOggprLE Solicitors rim “Augira. Righhiond Hill, York and North Toronto will find this a splendid market, the development ofthe Full- billit ,a petition alglhilrlllst the Stork 01" â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"_â€"_ éfmhimgfii‘;fc““”’r Miri‘i‘m“ “‘1 NM“ - . . SizeBalloonandisresponsible t e manner in \VllC it .as een 1111- y w] , .S. J k- _,I n ._ 91, ~11 ‘ Open Every Saturday Mornlng‘ for its maximum advantages. dcrtalcen.\niay be made pursuant to WILSONS CARTAGE . a}? Ilarrye§,,ili;lnon?snes.“fifqifimugfi” AT 8 O’CLOCK AND TUESDAYS 6-9 P.M. Buy Firestones. Section 9, of the Local Improvement Exprgss and Long Distance Movmg lies. Phone 127.2 . Act, to th Ontario Railway and Mun- sand and Gravel Delivered I 7 â€"â€"~â€"- AT icipal b0.r<l, by a majority of the Dump Trucks for Hire HENDERSON & MCGUIRE 347 YONGE 1 owners representing 21': least oneâ€"hall By Hour or Contract Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. 9 STREET of the value of the lots whit-ii are to WTAPLE (David Hawk‘s-<0“ ‘ B 1 ‘)\"- H. Bic-Gui" ~ v a . . .. ,. .. . ,. , ~” be specially assessed therefor. ‘ fl. _ (37‘9" " 0.95 . . _ ' i' ' i Dated at Willowdalc August 16‘ 1957‘- Teiephone 1535 O iceixidelnidoihnguiiicit‘diin iSltiAidmg' _ , tr. 1 , ‘, wâ€"â€"__â€"’_ . . . . “ __ . .I I A- D GSOIge Guy Eigin 5301 TORONTO ' Elgin 5302 RICHMOND HlLL' row 3 "“ ‘ ~ .-, ‘ ' - - B 1tr,Soli'tr,Nt Pbli _ l R . rtificute )iano tun-n C(miervulhr). ToroptibnOfiiiice: Sciilri’tlflrflogfifik IiiIClliiiIdiiig, S I f L d f ‘ A ‘ rs of Taxes (9 l 1 g 2453 Yonge St. (Egllnton Branch). AUTHORIZED DEALERS “9 ° f‘" S ‘3‘ ‘ “53- ‘ ' of Music-“.181 Woburn Avenue-m amino... 3213 Township of North lork, County Hudson 69831 Richmond dHillS omega: Ovesr Davies Dry ' v .z . G t v t S. L. _ . . 0i ‘Ork ti) “ ‘t' . -â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" . v Moiigysto Ebiiateéhrreiiiturnzzei c 0 . 100 1:3 161‘? )y given a 18 i S I g i ‘ Phone ir‘hmon III 119 Come in and Hear 0r Ask For H Fail-gaze °iiiiiid5 "‘"i' iiiitie ‘0 bctiioiii til” I‘IRE LiliriERlddisliERVirNCsRKVEss RS d u Ome BALECEONS 1'33” “1: “MS in the Towns“? of pi TTE GLASS AND AL'TOMOBILE A. CAMERON MacNAUGHTON 1. A , _ North 'iork has been prepared. and “ g ' 11193130119 Oldfield cordsâ€"599') is being D11l)ll.‘lli‘(l in an advei‘tisc- cons?“ , BARRISTER U S L 6 T b J t 0 t Firestone Universal Cords £10.95 “WP-t in the Ontal‘iQ Gazette, on June â€" o‘c- G- IS-‘tir'u’i‘i â€" 511 McKinnon Building, . . . ll es us ‘ U , i 11", Juno 2<1Â¥.Ju1:v3.and July 10. 1925- TE 4- 113 r r ordan & Melinda tr to R _ ' t lie-“tone Cross;imflosilum‘c Copies of sllcli list or advertise- RICHMOND iiiLL _ ONTARIO. Cgoirignt‘: Phone. Elginsmzz ___ . ' _ - OVGI‘SIZB t} 3.0 ment may be lliid upon receivt 01' pos- V V ' ' ’ ange selecthlty n POW er Firestone Balloons 90â€"440 313 it": “128 and itl‘l‘llt'ttlit‘n t0 1110-1 Iii default of the payment of taxes N ( )'£‘I('/‘ E Benton, Macdonald & Benton - as shown (ill Ill“ said list before - - - I . ., . _ .. .. . ‘ ’ . Barristers, SOIICltO‘S &c. E l 32:;1 Rebuilt Tires each. £591"; ittt‘ti‘ttitti' ‘ >0? 16th, 15’3‘J~ at Manning Arcade: Marconiâ€"4â€"5â€"8 Tubes Tubes. $1.65 and up Phone 153 Richmond Hill, 031. if?“ ,t’it‘ittr, ‘ 3‘3 flgl‘gnoon (Daylight Notice of Registration of Iii-Law King St, west, Toronto, Canad.‘ ".3 Aiilif')‘.i Notice hereby given that a By- ‘ Telephone 513113‘0311‘. . ‘I. A .lci .k. :, a .. - “ "illrm'tluk. 0:11. proceed to sell I)" Lfl‘" “'35 PaSSL-(l l'nV the AlunlCipal Cable Address' D . wrâ€" w it t _ ~ _ v ‘ _ Arthur A. f-Incdnnald. Frank Dentin § Q But c Auction the said lands. to (115- Council (1 the Corlmration of the Laura Demon, B.A. ‘ . charge llie 5:..I arrc'li's, together:1‘,,x,i;35},§h (.1‘ Vaughan ml the 7th day U With the charges thereon. All VVel ~ .-l.\~‘.- * 1‘.‘ 1 Known ‘ lil‘n'l Li L 3‘. ’4‘.» n .,., ,q. - ,1 .oQ - A ‘ i 'i‘ ‘ '1 l uiic. 102‘. )1’0‘fltllng‘ tor the issue 4 ‘ ° . -mmm. T , J. B. FARLEY -* t .-. o ‘e . ‘i' ‘ ,‘T, ‘ 1‘. ‘T “« ul (l0l)’:lli.ll"3: L0 to: amount oi L . , e y n . -OWnsilp reasurcr. 'Q (.7 H t _ 1 . we r ‘ _ echICIan _ e l 3 V Treasurer‘s Office. Willoxvdalc. Ont, .JIHUU‘CP f r hi p “9;, ,. 1:. Tm . ‘ _ ti; [his 5th day of June, 192,3. doling lag Emu-d of IUJJC .l-gool Lanszng i “"â€"" â€" M? _ Trustees of Union School Simon _ M i i H w A N R ’â€"â€" Nvlmlnq- 3 far the T(l\'.‘nslllp (Iii \vi‘ltl- phone 19') 21 :1an fllzzrkilam for the following “iiiiow‘iaie EXCiiflni‘m‘ FREE' Opening of if: Schools T1 lipu Ofttfn hear people say “Don‘t send the child. i_ ley’ give ier anything." But thev're not l“f“‘ll.Q‘ ‘ ~. 3’ ') I ‘ ~ ,_ thisgrocerystom ~ .‘ “i ‘t ‘0 l lloyai Richmond Feeds A. STONEHOUSE \Ve give children the same courteous attention as “ '- for (‘ARTAUE AND EXPRESS grown-ups. b0 you can send your youngster here with i i“ ' iii"‘"'i“i~’ “mi Garden work : ‘, 'l; . ‘ w." Sand and (Privicl. Concrete Work. AND l LBlir SI pom \ ,tni " “ OAK RIDGES I I ' I i i. "7‘ .‘ )1'"‘;’ v v Y ' assurance that he 01‘ she will get exactly what you want. 7.; ] ‘HL 1‘“ ‘i‘iiimii iiiiri‘ ‘- * l l l part tilt-xv - i T? a I , SD «)1 "WA - 7 llcllH-l'lcs Tuesday zllid I’m-dug E' l “(Lsctat , (likeutdé’rtiifill I f" "tonne Mid E o 6 b , A â€"\T A 1' \ V ‘ [l J. F. i \v (Lb all. . D J V . Richmond Hill. Ontario. i i ii i LALARD TIME Phore 8.) W ' Dec-.11 tho ittil day of Allfihf. l."_’"u. (“We Si- W- Richmond Hill Telephone 1-): »I o. H. DL'NCAN. R. 5. (WHITE ‘ “ ' JAMES F Bil-titltxl I’V'Wt 5m?”- Ratts Reasonable 3-35“ l Clinil‘llk‘ll. S'A'i‘t-Lul'v. ‘iiti'ii- ’Pllono 110.

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