HOW about that; ailing board on your from p()x‘ticoâ€"»butter fix it up. eh? Whatever small lumber you want, can be purchased here fora. small sum of money ‘3 A her the job is done you’ll get. 21 million dollar's worth of satisfaction out- (I it. Phone 133 Richmond Street A. C. HENDERSON PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING Hot Water Heating and General Repair THORNHILL. 0N . me'WOOD To ï¬x "(OUR PORTICO-r WE'LL ELLYou JUST THE lg amt. can be purchased here for a. 1:111 sum of money ‘9 A {car the job done you’ll get. u million doll:u"s )rth (2f satisfaction om- Lt it. We have a choice line of Gabardine Cloth which makes a nifty garment equally serviceable as a rain- coat or Tor wearing on the cool fall evenings. This is the Season when a Light Coat' is needed for Evening Wear Richmond Hill SCHOOL BOOKS AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES L. INNES & SONS xclusive Tailoredâ€"To-Measure Suits and Overcoats from Choiceat Material $25.00 and Upwards. RICHMOND HILL Priced to Suit Your Pocket-$17.50 and up. RICHMGND TAHLQRS CANADA’S MOST EXCL/USIVE TAILORS FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN Telephon’e 5j 01' Residence 49w We have a complete stock of Public and High J. A. GREENE GLENN ’S DRUG STORE venienccs. $6,300.00 large house and good out- buildings with 4 acres of land. $6,§00.00 7 room solid brick «11 con- Veniences. $6,500.00 9 room frame all conven- iences. ' . $6,500.00 7 room“ stucco and -metal lath; _ $7,500.00 6 rdom solid bn‘fck, all con- veniences, one acre land, beautiful shrubs, all kinds fruit trees. Una of the most attractive homes in Richmond Hill. _ $7,600.00 8 room brick all conVcnienc- es. ‘ . Some choice building lots in Rich- mond Hill. ' General store property for sale .or All Kinds Baker Avenue. $4,300.00 7.1'oom brick Churrh Street. $6,000.00 6 room solid brick, all cm- We do all amateur photography and do in Fight. A‘H our work is $1,800.00 frame house and two acres land Bathurst Street. $2,300.00 frame house lot 46X140 Roseview Aveque. $3,000.00 frame house Benson Ave. Easy terms. . $4,200.00 6 room brick, lot 35 X 120 Real Estate Insurance rent. _ Briqk building 60 X \20 for rent suit- aBle for light manufacturing. ~RENTS COLLECTED. INVESTMENT SECURITIEg J. R. HERRINCâ€"TON RICHMOND HILL ’Phone 87 GET YOUR SUPPLIES EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH ll Kinds of Boot and Shoe Repair- ing Neatly Done Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. Shop‘in‘ Winterton’s 01d Stand Yonge St. DEVELOPING PRINTING ENLA RGING :‘I. E. WRAY; Druggist Richmond Hill, Ont. Boot and Shoe Repairerl guaranteed. ' Moderate Prices GEO. KIDD FOR SALE Richmond Hill Ont lies.“ m Ontario Loans The High School reopens Tuesday ‘September 7, at 9 o’clock Standard Time. Those who propose to attend the coming term are urged to be pre- sent at the opening as organization will he proceeded with at once having regard only to the needs of those then present. Contest Still Open Although a large number of inter- esting photographs have been receiv- ed in the Liberal Photograph Contest, at the request of several who are keen- ly interested in the competition, the date of closing has been changed to October lst. Do not wait until the end of the month to send yours in, as it will help us if you forward them to the oï¬ice as soon as possible. Millinery Opening Our readflrs will be interested in the announCement elsewhere in this issue of the fall millinery opening at the store of Mrs. Norman Batty. This store which has a popular reputation with the buyers in this district is well stocked with all the newest lines, and people of North, York should avail themselves of the opportunity of lookâ€" ing these Valth over before doing their buying elsewhere. United Church Services Rev. J. W. McIntosh will conduct the services at 11 and 7 o’clock next Sunday in St. Paul’s United Church. The Sunday School will resume its session at the usual hour of 2.45 p.m. It is hoped that there will be a large attendance at all three services. Inside Information This is truly an age of competition, only a few days ago Henry Ford an- nounced the introduction of his new baby aeroplane, and he seemed to think that like the old reliable lizzie his latest achievement would go un- challenged for a few years at least. But such is not the case for one of our local ï¬nancial men has under- taken to out-do Henry in his latest ‘endeavour. Of course details of conâ€" ;struction etc. are not as yet being made public but if one listens in carefully they may hear “Tommy†drop a word or two. May Organize Corps It is probable that a corp of the Salvation Army will be organized in Richmond Hill in the very near future. A prominent ofï¬cer from Toronto will be present at an organization meeting in Lorne Hall on Friday evening when the preliminary work will be done. Already several members in the district have been active in bring- ing about the organization and in a short time it is expected an active corps will be working here. At 'Thornhill Show 1 H. D. Bennett of Elgin Mills Wop ï¬rst prize at the Thornhill Flower Show for three baskets of beautiful? flowers. The prize winning baskets were afterwards pres ted to the three Thornhill (:‘hurches by the Hor- ticultural Society. Howard Atkinson (Eng. ) , Tom Carter (Eng), Fred Greene (Geom.), Bertha Hopper (Br. Hist), Muriel Simpson (Geom.), Zilpha Topper (Eng). ' High School Promotions Form III to IV . Consideriiig the Middle SchooL re- sults announced by the Department of Education last week together with' promotion exams held at'the school in June the following promotions have been made from Form III 'to Form IV. The A list contains the names of those who have passed in all the subjects of their course and are promoted unconditionally; those Whose names appear in the B list have pas- sed in all but one subect (which ap- pears in brackets after each name) and<are promoted to Form IV but re- quired to repeat this subject in Form Johnston Armstrong, Marion Ellis, Basil IIu hes, Jacob Koning, Louise 'Dockhar , Ivy Smith. “ ; Silver Medalist H. W! A. Cook, Langstafl‘ was a- warded the silver medal in the C. N. E. Hérmonica Competition this week. The competition was followed with in- terest by a large crowd and was keenly contested. III of Public and High School Text Books éhd Supplies and are ready to serve you. LOCAL NEWSY ITEMS In accordance with the wishes of the ratepayers as expressed by the vote taken, the residents of Richmond Hill will revert to smndard time‘on Saturday September 4th, 1926. I therefore request all citizens to move their clocks back one hour at midnight on the above date. The late Mr. Monkman was born Aug 26th 1836, on the eighth conâ€" cession of Markham, just below Markham Village, and_ later moved With his parents to Toronto, where they livedd‘br a time. , Afterv'ï¬t'hat Mr. Monkman mo‘ved to the farm at Headford in 1851 where he lived until ,after the death of his wifeV Then he went to reside with his daughter, Mr. Henricks, about twenty-three years ,ago. His wife, befoi'e her mérriage was Miss Rose Kefl‘er of-Vaughan towpship._ MI". Monkm'an, having a bfight and cheerful disliosition, was highly esâ€" teemed by all who knew him; and althbu‘gh he wés conï¬ned to his bed for the past eighteen months he will be missed by a large circle of friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hume visited in Toronto on Wednesday. Miss Marion Ramer has returned from spending a holigay with friends at Stouï¬'ville. The funeral 0% the late George Monkman was held from the home of his daughter, Mrs. Henricks, about ford, on Monday, August 23rd. The service at the house was conducted by Rev. A. Wall, and Rev. J. Fox. Mr. Monkman was a member of St. Paul’s United Church, Richmond Hill and was highly respected in thccom- munity. He leaves ‘two daughters, Mrs. A. Henricks and Mrs, F Clark, both of Headford, and two brothers, Robert of Toronto, William of Unionville, and .Mrs. Boynton of Richmond Hill. He also leaves tree grandchildren. Mrs. Norman Brodie, Miss Mary Henricks, and Weslie Clark, all of Headford. Mrs J. Lunau attended the Exhibâ€" ition on Tuesday. Rev. and Mrs. McIntosh have re- turned from a delightful holiday in the Eastern Provinces. Mr. and Mrs. W. Duncan and fam- ily have returned after spending the summer at their summencottage. Mr. Laudér Glass of Detroit is vis- iting at his home here. Mrs Henricks and family of Head- ford wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for their kindness durâ€" ing the illness and death of their lov- ing father and grandfather. Mrs. A. A. Perry who 'attendecl the author’s convention in Vancouver; and Victoria is spending a week in \Cal‘ gary after which she will leave for Winnipeg. At the Pallister Hotel on August 28th the Women’s PreSs Club entertained at a tea for Lady Willi- son and Mrs. Perry and several other pleasant; functions have been attended. Mrs. Perry intends leaving fer the East about the middle of. September. Mrs. Jas. Armstrong and children are visiting this week at Shanty Bay. 345 feet Yonge St. frontage, N.W. porner Yonge St. and Maple Side Road (Arnold Property), Lots 50x 181. Private 15 foot driveway in rear from Maple Road; Easy terms if desired. No better loca- tion on North Yonge St. Splendid opportunity for investment as these lots will increase in value. Apply. ~-.n_u-~.u.a-a_ thaw.--“ _ _ -o-oa-a .41.“.0-tmmn. SOCIAL and PERSONAL 3 J. R. Herrington DAYLIGHT SAVING Public Notice Late George Monkman FOR SALE J. LUNAU, R {eeve NGRMAN BAT'E‘Y Choice Meats and Provisions POULTRY AND VEGETABLES IN SEASON Dry Goods,Millinery, Ladies’ Wear ‘ Fancy Goods and Novelties Quality Shoppe Phone 53 Cultivate the Community Spirit By Buying ' In Y our Home Town. WILCOX LAKE BRICK CO. LIMITED Office Richmond Hill Telephone 92.‘ F. J- MANSBRHDGE all -Miilinery Manufacturers of Marbelite Brick We beg to thank our many customers for their past patronage, and an- nounce that We are now displaying the newest Fall styles in Felts and Velvets at popular prices, and we invite your inspection. See our new line of Giftï¬, ranging fwm ‘ 25 cts. to $3.09 We have a splendid assortment of cooked meats for 'the sum: mer months. There-is a great difference in qualities cf meatsâ€"but you’re sure to get the best from us. Make use of your phoneâ€"We deliver promptly. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION TN ‘ EVERY WAY RICHMOND HILL, ONT. W.‘ H. LEGGE, Manager Phone 97 Residence, Nights and Holidays Telephone 2112. ' ONTARIO Trench Block