R. Builder, we assure you that it will be to your advantage to get aoquainted with our lumber values. Tell us your buildâ€" ing plans and look over our stock. It will pay us both for you to come in and any “howdy.†Phone 133 Richmond Street A. C. HENDERSON PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING Hot Water Heating and General Repairs THORNHILL. ONT. We have a choice line of Gaberdine Cloth which makes a nifty garment equally serviceable as a rain- coat or for Wearing on the cool fall evenings. Exclusive Tailored-To-Measure Suits and Overcoats from Choicest Material $25.00 and Upwards. This is the Season when a Light Coat is needed for Evening Wear Richmond Hill SCHOOL BOOKS AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES C_ p Buy Two 25c. packages of long leads . a A fun “"9 ‘ and geta 35c. Scripto Pencil FREE. * FountaiI Another Shipment of Public and High School Text Books now in Stock. L. INNES & SONS Priced to Suit Your Pocket--$l7.50 and up. RICHMOND TAILORS RICHMOND HILL CANADA’S MOST EXCLUSIVE TAILORS FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN Telephone 5j or Residence 49w J. A. GREENE GLENN’S DRUG STORE to Mr. and Mrs. Barry Lorimer a daughter. IN MEMORIAM REAMANâ€"In loving memory of Uncle Siah who passed away Sept. 19 1925. ,‘ Far and oft our thoughts do wander To a grave not far away, Where we laid our darling Uncle, Just a year ago to-day. Do not ask us if we miss him, There is such a vacant place For we’ll ne’er forget, that footstep And that dear familiar face. BORN - LORIMERâ€"On Monday, Sept. 6, 1926 at 121 Arundel Ave, Toronto, The’ Richmond Hill Furnishing“ Store Men’s black and brown Ox- fords, regular $5.50 value, a special at $4.50. Also some in ï¬rst grade calf at $5.50 and $6.00. Ladies’ Summer Pumps patent, gray kid, and satin, $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00. We carry the special Good- rich Bi-Press athletic shoes for Men, Women and Children. NORMAN J. GLASS On Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Sept. 16, 17, .18 we will give one Enlargement FREE We do all amateur photography and do it right. All our wqu is ' guaranteed. Moderate Prices. H. E. WRAY; Druggist Richmond Hill, Ont. with every Film developed. DEVELOPING PRINTING ENLARGING Walter, Mother and the girls ,Ontario in Rev. J. W. McIntosh will conduct the services next Sunday at St. Paul’s United Churchâ€"11 am. Good Temp- er, 7 pm. Bad Temper; Sunday School meets at 2.45. Strangers made welcome. The Harvest Home Festival of Zion E. Lutheran Church, Sherwood will be held on “Sunday, September 19th. Morning at 11 a.m., evening at 7 p.m. Services conducted by Rev. Dr. Zinck of Waterloo. Special music by Mrs. McKerrihan’of. Toronto, Bon- tralto soloist. - Harvest Home The Harvest Home anniversary of Zion United Church, North York Township will be held on Sunday. Sept. 26. On Tuesday Sept. 28, there will be a harvest home supper and enâ€" tertainment. Admission to supper and entertainment, Adults 50 cents Children 20 cents. Union Vote Hon. Justice Orde’s 'Judgement" re roll of names of those entitled to vote on Church Union in St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church is just ready; and accordingly Rev. Mr. Campbell will have an important intimation re- garding the same, and the course of further procedure, at the Services of the Presbyterion Church congrega- tion, Masonic Hall, 11 n1. (stand- an‘l time) Sunday; and all are cor- ï¬ially invited. Clothing for Mission Field Under the auspices of the Pres- byterian church, the Dale of clothing which is to be sent to the mission ï¬eld will be packed at. the home of the supply secretary, Miss Heise, on Monday afternoon, Sept. 20. Donaâ€" tions of second hand clothing. fruit pickles and jams wil be gratefully received. Christmas gifts are also ‘asked for.‘ The members of the Young Women’s Auxiliary are re- quested to have their supplies ready at the home of Miss- Heise not later than Monday afternoon. Pleasant Evening A delightful contingent of 25 young ladies under the leadership of Mrs. Sneddon motored to the Manse, Willowdale, Tuesday evening and had a most happy social time, in music, games etc., ending with abunâ€" dant refreshments. In the near fu- ture, a repeat visit is contemplated, when the Thornhill and Willowdale young people, of the lespective con- gregations, will be invited to the “meet;†and an exceptional program is- in prospect, for the occasion. Air Flights 0n Yonge St, west side, on the old Hislop Farm, quite remarkable interâ€" est is daily enjoyed in the plane flights indulged in from this giopnd, on which now is established a regu- lar service for ascents. On Sunday last, the day being calm and otherwise favorable, a continu- ous stream of passengers seemed to be on hand, anxious to explore some- what of the upper regions, while small crowds were fascinated, gazing at the carreering of the machine, as it sWept and lurched along on its lprogress. Must Stop 4 The trustees of the Richmond Hill cemetery have received reports of de- spicable vandalism during the past few weeks. Not only have flowers‘ been tampered with at the cemetery but 'it is reported that several urns and other vessels have been stolen. This is a practice which will not be tolerated in the community and if continued steps will be taken to bring the offenders to justice. Many have their minds inclined up- wards; but they think that $5 is a long fare and a big price for so short a piece of the way. LOCAL NEWSY ITEMS United Services Harvest Home Mr. Holford Nelson, of the civil service, Interior Dept, Ottawa, cal- led.on his cousins, Miss Mpyle and Mr. Moyle, Friday. Mr. Moyle has returned from King- smeere, near; Ottawé, the home of Mrs. Frank Nelson, where he spent a couple of weeks. / Mr. E. W. Moyle has i’eturned to his son’s Ihome in Toronto after spending two weeks with his sister Miss Moyle. We are glad to know he is much better. é SOCIAL and PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Park of De- troit visited Mrs. Grant at the Rich- mond Hotel over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Andrews of Massey. Ont., arrived in the village on Saturday last after a dilightful motor trip of 8,700 miles through Western Canada. Mr. and Mrs. An- drews visited'all the principle cities and beauty spots in the Western Provinces as well as several Ameri- can cities. They are at present vis» iting Mrs. Andrew’s mother Mrs. Grant. Mr. George Cruickshank has been been called to, the city to attend jury. Mr. Bert Taylor of Ottawa visit- ed last week with his cousins Mr. Fred Grainger and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pugsly will be at home to their friends on Monday September 20th, 1926 from 3 to 5 and 7 to 10 pm. standard time at their residence, Elmwood, Richmond Hill. The occasion being the ï¬ftieth an- niversary of their marriage. A very pretty wedding was solemn- ized at St. Mary’s church (C. of E.) Richmond Hill on Wednesday Sept. 15th at 3 pm. The Rev. H. Francis Battersby, Rector. officiating. ‘ Mrs. Mollett accompanied at the organ, to a fully Choral service, when Violet Josephine, youngest daughter of Mr. S. Shepherd became the bride of Ralph Walter son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Paris. In the absence of her father the bride was given aivay by Mr. H. A. Nicholls. ’ The charming bride was gowned in white georgette over flat crepe, a tulle veil was held in place with aj wreath of orange blossoms and‘ pearls. She carried a bouquet of butterfly roses and lily of the valley; little Elsie Paris looked sweet as flower girl ‘in a yellow georgctte frock trimmed with satin frills and carrying a basket of rosebuds. Miss May Mann of Toronto as maid of hon- or was attired in coral georgette and ‘black velvet hat and carried butter- fly roses. Miss Eileen, sister of the groom acted as bridesmaid in orchid georgette and velvet hat and carry- ing butterfly roses and mauve sweet peas. The grooms gift to the bride was a rope of. pearls, to the maid of honor and floWer girl silver mesh bags and to the bridesmaid a string of pearls. The groom was supported by W. M. S, Battersby and the ushers were were Mesrs. Armstrong and Hick. After the cererpony a reception was held at the home of the groom which was prettin «decorated; the guests were received by Mrs. W. J. Paris mother of the groom who look- ed very charming in blue georgette over flowered crepe-de-chine, assist- ed by Mrs. J. Espey sister of the bride in royal blue over petunia and chin- The grooms gifts to the best man and ushers were cuff links. During the signing of. the register Mrs. Harold Blogg of 'Toronto sang “Love’s Coronation.†The church was tastefuly decorat- ed with ferns and autumn flowers. PARIS-SHEPHERD Dry Goods, Millinery, Ladies’ Wear Fancy Goods and Novelties Quality Shoppe Fall Millinery MRS. NORMAN BATTY Phone 53 '* “t ; Trench Block Cultivate the Community Spirit By Buying In Your Home Town. Immediately after luncheon the happy couple left amidst showers of confetti and good Wishes for two weeks motor trip in Northern Ontar- io. The bride travelled in smart en- glish tweed coat, grey shoes and stockings, black hat and fox fur. On returning they will take uï¬ resi- denee on Elizabeth Street, Richmond A dainty buffet luncheon was serv- ed to about 75 guests Mrs. H. F. Battersby and Miss Johnston poured tea. Hill’. Mr. E. Barker and family of Rich- mond Hill Wish to thank their kind friends and neighbors who in so many ways manifested their kind and deep- est sympathy during the illness and in their recent bereavement in the loss of a loving mother. chin blue silk. EAINES & DAVID, Limi FOR BRIDGESâ€"CULVERTSâ€"SIDEWALKSâ€"ETC. CUTâ€"BENTâ€"DELIVEREDâ€"TO YOUR ORDER We Supply Your Neighboring Municipality.â€"Why Not You? PHONE MAIN 7274 ‘ TORONTO STEEL YARDS AT FOOT 0F CHERRY STREET CARD 0F THANKS We beg to thank our many customers for their past patronage, and an- nounce that we are now displaying the newest Fall styles in Felts and Velvets at popular prices, and we invite your \inspection. See our new line of Gifts, ranging from 25 c'ts. to $3.00 WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION IN EVERY WAY ’REINFORCING STEEL A full line 0! Waterman’s Ideal Fountain Pens 2.75 up. It is planned to install a new pipe organ in the Lansing United Church in the near future. V Mrs. Greenâ€"“How silly! Chickens have no teet .†Maryâ€"“No, but I have.†!at ' 7â€â€œ The W. M. S. of the Lansing and‘ Wil owdale {United Churches will mee at the home of Mrs. Gooderham on Tuesday. Sale Register Auction sale at Oak Ridges on Sat- urday,- September 18, of farm stock and implements, the property of W. Thomaé, comprising seventy head of homes and cattle. Sale commences at 1 o’clock sharp, standard time. The Acid Test. Mrs. Greenâ€" “Mary how do you tell an old chicken from a young one?" Maryâ€"“By the teeth, ma’am.†WILLOWDALE ONTARIO imited