The perfect food for chicks, should be fed the ï¬rst six weeks. Follow feeding directions in every package or bag. Will assure you of Healthy What Will Your Pullels Be Doing Four Months from To-day? Horseshoeing and General Repair work of all kinds promptly attended to. We are equipped to do all .kinds of ï¬rst class work. YONGE STREET Phone 33. Thomhill, Ont. BRANCI‘IES On the Highway ' NEWMARKBT AURORA RICHMOND HILL Capital and Reserve $14,500,000.00 important to the development of the territory. 7 The Imperial Bank of Canada also, is a part of this country’s backbone and very properly follows a middle courseâ€"conservative, sound, and re! liable, but bearing a steadily increas' ing part in ï¬nancing the development of the country‘which it serves. Telephone Thornhill Nights, Richmond Hill 110] Langstaff Supply Co., Ltd. WE KNOW THEY WILL LAY AND PAY IF YOU FEED THEM THE STERLING WAY STERLING STARTER | STERLING EGG MASH JUST ARRIVEDâ€"A quantity of first quality cedar posts which are the very best obtainable anywhere. BUY YOUR COAL NOW2â€"We have on hand a quantity of good coal and the “wise ones†are laying in a supply now. Prompt Delivery. AT YOUR SERVHCE IMPERIAL BANK Manufactured By TORONTO HEIGHTS POULTRY SUPPLY CO., Limited Toronto, Ontario. A Middle Course Coal, Wood, Tile, Cement, Builders Supplies, Feed, Baled Hay and Straw G. H. DUNCAN, Manager '13 H. HARDWARE 8: 311mm OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE . . A . BLACKSMITH SHOP Oneâ€"Two Burner Perfection Oil Stoveâ€" Reg. $23.00â€"Sale $17.50 Twoâ€"No. 525, Perfection Oil Heatersâ€" Reg. $9.00â€"â€"Sale $6.75 â€" Linoleum Bath Mats ‘ â€" 18 in. x 36 in. . . . . . . . . 20 cents each. No. 12 and 21 Tinkler Flowsâ€"$28.00 you of Healthy and Vigorous stock and a full Egg Basket FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS' GLAZED TILE AND LIME The Yonge Street Highway leadr ing to Toronto runs like a backbone through Old Ontario. As years roll on, the Highway bears ever increas’ ing trafï¬c and becomes more and more important to the development of the territory. 1 J. G. HUNT SPECIAL Limited Follows the chick start- er, combined with Sterling scratch feed for a perfect balance. RICHMOND HILL TORONTO 47 Sunday, Sept. 19, at 1.30 p.711. Sun- day School. 2.30 evem‘ng Service. Rev. R. M. Millman, missionary from Japan will preach. St. John’s church, Friday, Sept. 17, at 8 pm. Harvest Thanksgiving 59r- vice. Rev. P. W. Barnst of Roche‘s Point will preach. The York Market on North Yonge Street at, the City limits is more than justifying the action of the County of York and the Township of North York in the support they have, given this undertaking. It is a splendid example of co-operative marketing. The sell- er getting a little more for his produce ,and the buyer getting his produce at {less money. i A comparison of last Saturday’s fprices for fresh products with the prices asked by some 01' the fruit stores for products not so’ fresh was all to the advantage of the York Market. The Presbyterian services on Sun- day will be of» quite unusual inter- est. inasmuch as that besides Mr. and Mrs. Chapman, the ever-green favorites, on this Sunday, they will be accompanied by one of Toronto‘s most effective vocalists who will sing also, on the occasion. From a mus- ical point of view this service prom- ises to be a rare occurrence of ele- vation and beneï¬t; and all are very heartily welcomed. Some forty stalls were elowded with fresh produce and both on Saturday and Tuesday were bought Nit early. Saturday morning; the small boy was there with his Angora Rabbits for which he was asking $1.00 each and squab pigeons, 25 cents each. With the cooler days the Liberal is expecting to see fre..h meats from the farmer on sale shortly. The Thdrnhill Horticultural Soc- iety wishes to express thanks to all who contributed towards the bounti- ful supper at the annual flower show which was a decided success. Credit is due to the ofï¬cers and directors and to the secretary, Miss M. Simp- son for their untiring efforts on be- half of the society. The/next meet- ing will be held in the school on Tues- day, Sept. 21, when the exhibitors will receive their prizes. The prevailing prices Inst Saturday ' and‘ Tuesday were:â€" Chickens 40 to 45c even as high as’ 50c Eight week ducks ....35 to 450 each. Eggs, according to grade ..40 to 48c The W. M. S. of the Thornhill United Church held their September meeting in .the school room of the church, Mrs. Nesbit presided. Papers were given by ‘Mrs. Nesbit and Mrs. Johns and Mrs. Thompson .gave a paper from the new study book. Ar- rangements were made to pack a bale of clothing, quilts, honey etc., on Monday September 20th, in the school room of the church. Many generous donations have been received and many others wishing to contribute wil kindly hand them in to Mrs. Hunter, supply Secretary or Mrs. Smellie assistant before that date. The thank offering meeting will be held on Tuesday October 5th. a doz. " Butter was scarce at . . . . . . 5,0c perib. One cannot help notice each mar- ket day the increasesin' sociability between the sellers frdm the County and the buyers from the north end of the City, York Mills, Lansing Willow- dale and Newtonbrook. Last Satur- day morning it took two city police men to prevent congestion of traffic at the market corner. é Mr .and Mrs. returned from a through Western Mr. and Mrs. John, Crane of New Betdford Mass., Dr. T. W. Johnston of Dayton, Ohio, Miss Aileen Mc- Tavish of Winnipeg and Mr, and Mrs. Ormley of Toronto were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Simpson during or:- hibition week. ‘ The Pro. and Amateur Golf Tour- nament commenced Wednesday at Thornhill Golf and Country Club. Mrs: M. A. Grins has won two prizes at the C. E. in ï¬llet crochet ï¬ne knitted lace. Entered'for ladies’ over eighty years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Stanléy Gilson ar-e enjoying a 2 weeks vacation at Toy. Special to the ’Liberal) (Specialkto The Liberal) York Market Oak Ridges Thorï¬hill J. McDonald hax'e very pleasant trip Canada. Mrs. H. Dixon of Spruccdale who has been visiting at Mr. :X C. Rob- inson’s returned home on Sunday, ac- companied by Miss S. Robinson. Miss Douglas of London has re- turned home after spending a couple of weeks with her friend Miss Walkington. ' Mrs. Knox of Owen Sound is visit- ing her friend Miss M. R. Morrison. Miss Douglas of London has re- Mrs. Kinsel of Ithaca, Mich, as been visiting her nude and aunt Ir. and Mrs. T. H. Keys. ' The crossings. and some parts of the sidewalk are in a very bad con- dition several persons having been injured by falling. ,‘ One of the outstanding features of the show was the exhibit of various flowers and plants put on by the gardener of T. W. McCabe of Lan- ing. The judging was done by, Mr. Thomas Ivison, Thornhill. During the afternoon the ladies of the so- ciety soldxlight refreshments, and pleasing music was rendered through- out the entire session by the pianist. r Young People‘s Society Ai‘rangements are being planned for the inauguration of a Young People’s Society in the Presbyterian Church here. This is a Branch of the Presby- tery of Toronto’s service for young people which has recently been con- stituted. In this district there is mag- niï¬cent material for the formation o.f such a society, in the young-people at- tending our Church Services. A large crowd attended the third annual fruit and flower show of the North York Horticultural Society on Saturday last. It was a most suc- cessful event and the mémbers are to be congratulated on the ï¬ne showing. The thanks of the congregations of St. Andrew’s Church and the unit- ed Church, are due to Mr. C. Roberts who supplies such beautiful flowers every Sunday. The Gladiolas, egpec- ially are wonderful and are of; so many different varieties, that they might equal those shown at the“ CNN At the picnic at Bend Lake on Saturday the girl’s softball team played aginst the Aurora t-‘am, the result being a tie. The people of this district willrbe interested in the announcement else- whene in this issue of Mr. G\. Strick- land Thompson who has opened a school of music on Yonge Street at Stop 6A. Experienced and talented teachers will be in charge and from time to time recitals and concerts will be given by the pupils and mus- icians from other centres will also take part. Mr. Thompson has ap- preciated the appeal of modern in- struments and has broadened the fac- ulty of the school to meet the needs and tastes of all. The following are taughtâ€"Piano, Organ, Vocalh’l‘he- ory, Harmony, Mandolin, Guitar, Ban. jo Ukelele, Saxaphone, drums, traps and accessories. ' At each monthly meeting during the summer the members are accustomed to stage a small flower/ show, conf sisting of the floweï¬â€˜s which bloom “in that particulaig month. In this way a keen competition is worked up for the big event of the season, the an- nual exhibition. ' .. The house and land at the south of thed‘village and owned by the late Wm. McBeth have been sold to Mr. Hadlow who takes possession at the end of the month. The list of special prize winners as follows:â€" Bestkept garden and lawn, 25 feet and underâ€"rJohn Brewster, 70 points. Best keptx garden and lawn, 50 feet and underâ€"D. W. Mitchell, 78 points. D. Fleet, 76 points. Best kept garden under 100 feetâ€"H. Elliot, 76; D. Ross, ’11; G. Elliot, 69; J. Bathgate, 64; J. o. Ketterer, 55; Mr. Ward, 49. Best k -pt garden and lawn under 150 feet â€" Mrs. A. Spalton, 80 points; Mr. J. McKenzie, 72; B. Fleet, 65 NEW MUSIC SCHOOL OPEN AT WILLOWDALE 'Messrs. J. Weaver and L. R. Jones acted as judges of the lawns and gardens. Sanitary Barber Shop YONGE and ELLESLERY HAIRCUTTING CHILDRENâ€"25 Cents‘ ADULTSâ€"35 Cents We Solicit Your Patronage Give Us A Trial. GEORGE EBERHARDT Willowdale (Special to the Liberal) (Special to the Liberal) Maple On Saturday afternoon at New- ttmbrook park, before a small crowd of inns the Newtonbrook clan demâ€" onstrated their marked superiority in the 1926 Yonge Street Softball ï¬nals. They hauled and shoved, Wal- loped and clubbed the Richmond Hill boys, by a score of 15-10. Newton- brook have not actually won the chamâ€" pionship yet, as they play at Rich~ mond Hill on Saturday afternoon, Sept. 18. Although the visitors did not have their full team they gave the winners a real old battle. Following is the line-up of the teams:â€"Newtonbrook; R. Jack, 1); M. Jack, 3b H. Moore, 1b; Proctor,2b; C Proctor, c; Young, 1f; MarshI ss; Summers, cf; Charlton, rf. Richmond Hillâ€"~A. White, rf; ,L. Grant, 1f; McNab, p; E. WhiteLSb; Hart, 2b; John McLean, c; Jim‘Mc- lean, ss; Sharpless, 1b; B. Grainger. cf. N ewtonbrook Won Omice Meats and Provisions POULTRY AND VEGETABLESIN SEASON We have a splendid assortment of cooked meats for the sum- mer months. There is a great diï¬erence in qualities of meatsâ€"but you’re I sure to get the best from us. '| Make use of your phoneâ€"We . deliver promptly. ’ = .1- 2g PHONE 28 WILLOWDALE â€"- STOP 7 - YONGE ST. F. J. MANSBRIDGE E. A. GALBRMTH Hardware 0f Quality BUILDERS HARDWARE THE HON. GEO. S. HENRY Tens of thousands will be streaming to the Fairs over Ontario’s motor highways. These splendid roads represent a large money investment in which you have shared. So do your part in preventing cost- ly repairs. Drive reasonably. By your example help the trafï¬c patrol which is rigorously enforcing speed laws for the greater protection of everyone. Good roads make it possible for you to see not only your own district Fair, but also those more distant. Take in as many as you can, for tirne so Spent will pay you divi- dends in health, enjoyment and better understanding of what’s what in Ontario generally. Take in the Fall Fairs MOST of the crops are in. Relax. Visit the Fall Fairs. Here you’ll ï¬nd old ï¬riends, make new ones, establish valu- able business connections, proï¬t from the instructive exhibits and thoroughly enjoy the fun. They’re better than ever, this year CO-OPERA TION MEANS CONSERVA TION PAINT INCREASES PROPERTY VALUE A gentsâ€"BRANDRAMâ€"HEN DERSON Bâ€"H “ENGLISH†PAINT Fix Your Furnace And Stove Pipes NOW. Issued by the Ontario Gogemngent to secure the cooperation of motorists m. abating the abuse of the roads of the Provmce. Phone Us For Your Requirements. First of Series Minister of Highways Phone 97 and will be pleased to give .free ex- amination to any sufferer and to dem- onstrate his faomus appliance. This appliance will contract the openings in 10 to 15 days and will cure cases in from three to six months. This appliance is positively demonstrated to you right on your own person without any charge. You do not spend a penny unless you are fully satisï¬ed that is is the right appliance for you. A consultation with]. Mr. Reavely will cost you nothing. Don’t let this opportunity get away from you. Remember the date. Do‘you suffer from rupture? If so, your big opportunity has now arrived. Mr. Reavely the noted rupture expert will be at the RUPTURE EXPERT HERE Saturday, September 25th RICHMOND HOTEL s. LLSQUIRE for one day only Deï¬uty Minister ONTARIO GLAZING