Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Sep 1926, p. 2

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The virtue of courtesy should be taught early in the life of children both by example as well as by precept. The place for courtesy to begin is in the homeâ€"indeed it should early become a habit with every child. Our fixed opinion is that courtesy is a much neglected subject in both the home and school in far too many instances. If it is taught as it should be we have failed'to recognize the evidences of it in the conduct of the children on the streets or anywhere else. All the virtues should begin in the homes, be continued in the schools and then they should blossom throughout all future life. A writer has said, the home is a power-house in which we learn the arts of life and then they are dispensâ€" ed wherever and whenever there is need for them. ,Con- trasted with our compatriots the French, the others of our country’s nationalities are not a courteous people. In the matter of the courtesy of children one meets out of doors. English children are far more respectfull than in Canada or the United States. So when we claim that courtesy should be taught early in the homes and always in the schools, we are pleading for a home-life and school-life that will cultivate the thoughtfulness and affection and the general conduct of all our people old and young that Canada needs. Then let all of us plan reforms in conduct that will enable us by our general behavior to show thoughtfulness in action in every place in the family and the world at large. Autumn is here and we are once more surrounded layma- tuer’s glorious color scheme. The leaves must fall, but be- fore they do they treat us to one of the most charming and most dazzling of all nature’s myriad color efl‘ects. And this touch of glory makes autumn to Canadians a neyer‘rto- be-forgotten scene of many-hued beauty. Surely a Master Hand has spread these colors upon nature’s broad canvas, and a spirit of‘love and power is abroad and manifest these vivid autumn days! This column has been insistent in urging more and betâ€" ter bands and therefore it was with sincere regret that we learned that the famous Huntsville band was to be disband,.~ ed. It was a musical organization of exceptional merit and it is a decided loss to the country that it will cease to func; tion. Mr. Shaw, the founder and generous patron of the or- ga’nization has not made public 'his reasons for disbanding the enterprise, but if it is because of the heavy financial burden the Province of Ontario would be well advised to give a generous grant to ensure its continuance. It would be an expenditure that would be heartily supported by the elector- ate. It is good advice to “build wisely” an‘gnn‘d the regrets which result from building without planning for the future. The township of North York is experiencing a steady growth which in a few years will reach remarkable proportions. Now is the time to lay the foundation of an ideal community and the proper method is by systematic planning. Without delay the sections should be allotted, business, residential and industrial areas and the building rules should be stricâ€" tly adhered to. Small stores will be continually starting up and if not provided for, promise to present diflficulties for the future. Winter ‘is coming and we should at least be planning some activities for the long evenings in store for us. The question has been asked “Can a Choral Society be organiz- ed in this district?” If it is asked frequently enough we feel sure that it could be answered in the affirmative. The district is no doubt rich in vocal talent and it only remains to someone to supply the necessary leadership and the poss- ibilities of a real choral society could be soon realized. Let’s have a few letters on the subject. A few weeks ago our attention was drawnto an inci- dent which revealed an amazing lack of cummunity spirit in the town. A family had lived in the Village several years but visitors from Toronto after making numerous inquiries could not find out where the family lived. It leads us to ask the question as to whether or not we are as considerate as we should be of the stranger in our midst. Apart altogether from the sentimental side of the quesâ€" tion it is plain every day good business to be friendly to, and considerate of the new arrivals. A special effort should be made to make the people who have recently moved in feel at home in their new locality. Some one. possibly a mem- ber of the town council or board of trade should make it his business to introduce them at the banks, also the differ- ent merchants and give them a chance to chat and get acquainted, and interest them in civic affairs. We should try to make the stranger feel as if he were doing us a favor by joining our community and that at least we conâ€" sider him and his family as one of us. It is a pretty safe bet that a new citizen thus welcomed would do more to boost our town than one which is given an apparent cool reception. accidentâ€"Thomas A. Edi J. Eachern Smith, Manager Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. Subscription $1.50 per yearâ€"To the United States $2.00. Covering Canada’s Best Suburban District. Advertising Rates on Application. “crawfishe that excus AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RICHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING CO., LTD. That gentleness is necessary to a well-rounded acter should not be overlooked. By gentleness is not efi'eminacy, or softness of any kind, but that real, gt sterling quality in one which has ever marked the great men of the world. Some one says. “The truly are the most gentle.” ent min UCCGSS he THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1926 won’t no true) ban the can Ie makes excuses. Then, when he finds 1’t take the place of results, he sulks and occurs to him that he might profit from the THE LIBERAL TELEPHONE 9. Established 1878 Courtesy Autumn SOIl. ta} prlc qualities for pei criticism. The :ks his egotism for permany The little- A piece of wood taken from the in- terior of the wrecked church at Baâ€" paume after the town was captured by the British in 1917 was made into a gavel and presented to the Town Council of Aurora by the York Ran- gers as a souvenir of the unit’s Diamond Jubilee celebration. To correct some misstatements. particu- lardly those in some Toronto daily papers, that the Wood was taken from the Cloth Hall in Ypres, the ad- jutant, Capt. C. W. Giggs, has sent the following letter to Mayor Walton of Aurora: Gavel From Wrecked » Church Presented to The Aurora Council “Dear Mr. Mayorzâ€"As a matter of record I beg to advise that the gavel presented to the council of the Town of Aurora on Monday, September 6th by the York Rangers Regiment as a souvenir of our Diamond Jubilee Cel- ebration was made from a piece of wood taken from the interior trim of the wrecked church in Bapaume shortly after this town was entered by the British in March 1917. One of our battalions, the 127th, serving in France as the 2nd Bn. Canadian Rail- way Troops, was on that front at that time. The niece of wood was given by Capt. J. C. Boylen, was made into a gavel by Sergeant D. Calder and turned over to the Regiment by the 127th Battalion Association for presentation to the Town.” Wednesday last was a gala day for York Mills when the new “Baron Ren- frew” school was officially opened. During the afternoon several presen- tations were made to the School. Chief of these being a beautiful Union Jack which was presented by the 48th Highlander Chapter of the Daughters of the Empire. Mrs. Burden and Mrs. Kenneth Maclaren represented the chapter and the latter who is the educational secretary presented the flag to the head boys. The flag was then run up and saluted. The Lord Eglinton Chapter of the Dau- ghters of the Empire presented a picture of the Prince of Wales. Mrs. C. J. Catta presented several beauti- ful historical pictures. There were addresses by the Chairman, Col, Van Nostrand, Mr. Harris, the Principal and two of the trustees, Mr. Cruik- shanks and Mr. Dawn. There were ‘several choruses given by the pupils l Jack. This was led by Mary Pater- Ethel Steele and John Grierson the Igold and silver medal respectively. and one group of girls gave a drill in which they represented the Union son who recited a very suitable poem. lhonor pupils were presented with a The Lead The eircui Wheatstone ance. It re; vitality and tremely sele and no-radia tion selector hand. The component ‘ The cabinet ed walnut. _ ber embodie creator and front of the ing board” hancing tom commodatim g lnsta T $ 1T. H. Ha Phone 33 fl Elbert Hubbard’s version of the Golden Rule was “Do unto others as though you were the others,” but an. even more up-to-date version is, “Do yourself much good and no bad to others.” Getting something for yourself is repre- hensible only when it is gotten at the expense of another. Many good folks are lamenting the passing of the era when men and women consecrated their lives to unselfish service and prepared themselves to become ministers, misâ€" sionaries, teachers or country doctors thatvthey might ad- minister to the spiritual, mental and physical needs of hum- anity without thought of large worldly gain. They are not in error when they charge that modern men and women are choosing vocations today in which they can do the greatâ€" est service to themselves. People to-clay are coming to the belief that the best way they can help others is to produce much that their profit will be large and that they shall never become depen- dent upon society. The old idea of service was direct. The new service is indirect. Twenty years ago it was still thought that only ministers, doctors and teachers served humanity. To-day every workman who carries his whole day’s wage home is known to have earned that wage in ser- vice to‘society. , U _ _ U- SIX HORSE RACES Each Day TR()'1‘TIN(}. S'I‘EEPLECHASE. G. A. M. DAVISON, Hon. J. S. Martin, Minister of Agriculture, will. form- ally open Exhibition in front of Grand Stand on Friday at 1 p.m. York Mills (Special to the Liberal) Friday and Saturday, £4 8mg: n Stouffville Band Both Days President ' DON’T MISS Oct. 1 & 2 Mrs. C.- W. Jefireys was in charge of the refreshments which were served on the lawn and Mrs. Douglas Joy and Mrs. Van Nostrand poured tea. The schoolroom was crowded when Mr. Cruikshanks opened the evening meeting Where Assistant Chief In- spector Chisholm declared the school officially open. Following this, ad- dresses were given by Col. Sandford Smith the Architect of the school, the Principal Mr. Harris, Col. Van Nostrand, Reeve Hicks, Mr. Jordan. Mr. Carson, Mr. Scrace, Mr. Wallace and Mr. Mustard. Many complimen- tary remarks were heard from all those who went through the beautiful new building after the meeting. The Circuit is new, embodying the Wheatstone Bridge principle of balâ€" ance. It reproduces with unusual vitality and realism of tone. is ex- tremely selective, is non-oscillating and no-radiating. The men D-C sta- tion selector permits tuning with one hand. The steel chassis shields all component parts from interference. The cabinet by MrLagan is of select- ed walnut. _ The new type tone cham- ber embodies the Musicone Tone Re- creator and is so designed that the front of the cabinet forms a “sound- ing board” or "baffle," greatly en- hancing tone and velume. Ample ac- commodation for all batteries. T. H. Hardware & Supplies DeForeslâ€"Crossiey Radios The Leader in the Radio Field 1926 C. 5 Console Model Installed Complete $160.00 R. M. CROSBY, LIMITE D Secretary. Thornhill, Ont. Save yourself at our expense’ Lakeside 5280 IQ for Concrete or Roads. G1? AV’E 14 Screened or Pit Run (3 E IVE If} N rl‘ by the. car load We Supply Your Neighboring Municipality.â€"-Why Not You? PHONE MAIN 7274 House Phoneâ€"Grover 4963 BAINES & DAvm, Lami AUTOMOBILE PAINTING ‘ be found in our coal for two reasons. One is because it is clean quality clear through and the other is that you can pur- chase it off us at a tair price. I. D. RAMERV THERE is comfort to LA £-__.__1 P???“ .5% / fl M(amonr‘r .. l .l/IWIR 3 ; I If you will have laundry giving good service. If Call up as early as cnnvel TORONTO STEEL YARDS AT FOOT OF CHERRY STREET REINFORCING STEEL FOR BRIDGESâ€"CULVERTSâ€"SIDEWALKSâ€"ETC. CUTâ€"BENTâ€"DELIVEREDâ€"TO YOUR ORDER We have reinstalled 11 Paint Department in our business. We have secured one of the best Lacquer Painters and we will operate our authorized Duco station. Don’t try to do the heavy parts of the fam- ily wash. Let us help you. This new plant was designed and equipped for that very purpose and can give you as much or little help as you desire by means of five differ- ent kinds of laundry service---all moderately priced. We use only soft water and pure soaps, etc No marking, no starclring, and. each wash done separately. WE CALL IN RICHMOND HILL DISTRICT Richmond Hill J(,)§i. WV. RI. COUSINS Wednesday and Saturday Limited. CHEVROLET AND OAK LAND 1121 DAVENPORT ROAD, TORONTO Materials delivered when required. . BALDO€K, lry ready when driver calls. you will assist us in If you only have driver call when phonedjfor. venient to insure prompt attention. 175 Ossington Ava, Toront Otfice‘ Phoneâ€"Hillcrest 4856 Best grade of Bread Flour in cotton $9.00 by the bar- rel; also Pastry Flourr $8.le by the barrel. ’“'“ ‘ A good supply of Gluten Feed, Bran, Shorts, Midd lings,Scratch Feed, Blatch ford’s Laying Mash for poultry. Cracked Corn and Corn Meal. Government Standard Reâ€"ground Screenings in bags at $28.00 per ton; cheaper than oats or barley Pocahontas Coal and Coke. Cut Hardwood and Slabs. At the Elevator. NOTICE imited

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