Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Sep 1926, p. 3

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On April the 4th, 1865, the United Codnties of York and Peel bought from the Canadian Government the York Roads, Yonge Street, Dundas Street and Kingston Road for the sum of $72,500.00. Gate Gate Gate Gate Gate Gate Gate Gate Gate Gate Gate Gate Gate Gate -v â€"--\.y-\.u wu LJJV best method of providing suitable thorofares on the main roads. Public opinion gradually turned in the direction of a desire to have the roads free to all travellers; the condi- tion to which many of them had deteriorated under local management, having, no doubt much to do with the formâ€" ation of public sentiment. In 1891 and each succeeding year, efforts were made in the County Council of York to abolish the collection of tolls on York roads on Condition that the City of Toronto cease to collect market fees other than cattle market fees. An agreement with the city to this effect was consummated in 1896. \In 189Q the Countgr passed the following charges on toll-roads, charges remained in form nnfi] Hm mm Saddle Horses Sheep, The advant ducing the wear ass to fiv< vehicle The first toll-roads in Ontario were located in the Coun- ty of York. In 1833,'under a board of five trustees, Yonge Street, the Kingston Road, and Dundas Street were im- proved with funds, secured as Government loans of four thousand pounds, two thousand pounds, and fifteen hunâ€". dred pounds respectively. These loans were to be repaid, with interest, out of toll revenues. In the legislation which united the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, in 1841, provision was made forthe pur- chase of toll roads by local municipalities. In 1845 legis- lation was passed authorizing the Government of Canada to collect tolls on its own account. Under these two acts, Yonge Street was placed under control of the Government, and Dundas Street, the Kingston Road and the Lake Shore Road passed to the jurisdiction of the County. At the first sale of the gates by tender following their purchase the County sold the right to collect tolls for the sums set out. Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330815.00 “Realizing a total as is here shown of thirty thousand eight hundred and fifteen dollars, which the Commission be- lieve must prove very satisfactory to the Council.” For nearly fifty years toll-roads were accepted as the LA-L _- _L1, , ,1 n tolls on Gate Article 14 While the idea of paying directly for the use of a highâ€" way is repugnant to most road users of to-day, it was wel- comed in the early days of York as a probable cure for the impassable road conditions resulting from lack of funds and facilities on the part of the settlers to cope with the in- creasing trafl‘ic, and from indifferent and incapable superâ€" vision of road work. (name Toll-Gate No. 2 Yonge Street, Located at the South Limit of Hogg Hill; Now the Limits of the City of Toronto. COVERING CANADA’S BEST SUBURBAN DISTRICT Vol. XLVIX. we wear on the 1“ 'n in a clause of two-horse vehicl ater, and with tir cents and respectively remained in force until the Two horse vehicle, loaded Two horse vehicle, withoui (Vehicle considered un1( ing less than 600 pound One horse vehicle, loaded One horse vehicle. without (Vehicle considered unli PIONEER AND PRESENT BY E. A. JAMES Edward Crown G. D. James Henry Richards Robert McLean . Aaron Playter Thomas Sullivan P. G. Foley Mr. Wilson Mr. Gordon George Hale G. D. James . G. D. James .. William Hugill Charles Hunt G. D. James W/ horse or cat DUNDAS STREET vehicle, without load 7 cents considered unloaded if carry- than 600 pounds). . vehicle, loaded 7 cent: vehicle, without load 5 cents considered unloaded if carry- than 300 pounds). se with rider 4 cents :attle, each 2 cents. s or goats, each 1 cent of large wheels and wide tir the road surface, were early re e of the foregoing: bV-law red TOLL ROADS 0F YORK hre KINGSTON YONGE STREET YORK LAKE SHORE . . . . . . . 800 Council passed a By-law allowing on toll-roads, which schedule of Le Ioregomg by-laW reducing the : with Wheels 36 inches or more ; not less_ than 4 inches in width, cents for loaded and unloaded Upset Price $5500 3500 1200 700 400 300 ROAD 4500 1600 700 360 4000 1700 800 300 removal of tolls: 10 cents. 1 cent Wide tir e early n V-laW red Sold for $7609 4300 1345 850 680 500 4700 1625 710 370 4025 2172 $15275:00 “In Emmtialy, Unify; In Nonâ€"essentialx, Liberty; In All Things, Charity.” as 1‘8- 7405.00 7310.00 ‘nized 825.00 RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1926 The ladies of the Society served re- freshments during the afternoon and [evening and music was provided by ‘several of the members and their friends. Mr Stanley MacBeth of T or- Ionto delighted the audience with sev- eral popular airs played on the accor~ dion and the two little daughters of er. and Mrs. D’Urbano of Smwden Ave., Toronto, Torontena and Norma, rendered several delightful piano so- los and duets. ,’ The prizes were awarded as \follows:â€"â€" ‘ I i Class 1â€"Cut Flowers and Potted l ) Plants 5 Best white Asters, D. W. Mit- lchell, Mrs. Sparrow; 5 Best pink ast~ ‘ers, D. W. Mitchell, Mrs. Domleo; 5 (best lavender asters. Mrs. Summers. ers. Draper; 5 best purple asters. iMrs. Summers, Mrs. Sparrow; Col- llection of 25 asters, D. W. Mitchell, iMrs. Summers, Mrs. Sparrow; Colâ€" {lection of annuals, Mrs. Jarrett, Miss ‘N. A. Brown, Mrs. Sparrow; Collec- ‘tion of Coleus, Mrs. Summers; (‘lark- jia. D. W. Mitchell, Wm. Elmer, N. A. Brown; Cosmos. Mrs. Sparrow, D. W. ‘,Mitchell, Mrs. Domleo; Dahlias, Mrs. ‘Grubbe. Mr. Ward, Mrs. D. Ross; Prize Winners at the A few bills and a notice in the HOME PAPER which is read and sought after by families in all sections of this district only cost a few dollars and produce returns many times as large as the small invest- ment. When the event is over the editor will gladly give you a generous writésup in the news columns and your community is at once advertised throughout the whole district. A neatly printed program for. the con- cert adds a touch of distinction to the event and can be had at a very small cost. Correct invitations for the varied social events "of the coming season are always in order and we can give you assistance in preparing copy and guarantee a correct job. The third annual exhibition of the North York Horticultural Society was held in the Municipal Building, Wil- lowdale, on Saturday, Sept. 11th, when an especially high order of flowers and vegetables were on display. The prize winners are to be Congratulated on the excellent bloom, the judging of which was done by Mr. Thos. Ivi- son of Thornhill. * It is the aim of the HOME PAPER to be a real family journal reflecting the home life of the entire commun- ity in a clean, Wholesome and inter- lesting way. The services which the newspaper office can render are maniâ€" ‘fold and include both the news and job printing departments. People of the district are urged to co-operate with the editor and thereby secure a maximum in results both from the standpoint of the community and the individual. Make use of the news1 columns of the paper; send in news items, personals, or write letters for publication. Take advantage of the service which is always at your dis- posal in our splendidly equipped job printing department. If it can be printed anywhere we can print it and we assure you that you will find the quality, service and price right. [The H 3 whit McKen Our Job Printing Department Guarantees 3 Correct Job with the Quality, Service and Price Right. :‘erar IcKenzi hell. Mr 11 Gladioli flame Paper Remie‘rs a Manifold Service to The Community Which it Serves Mite} McKe North Ymfii New! Show me Correctness in every detail must feature wedding announcements and invitations, and we specialize in cor- rect wedding stationary. If it is printed at the Liberal job printing department you may rest assured that it is correct in every detail. a When the new baby arrive: ‘a birth notice in the paper is always in order. We also have in stock a choice and novel line of birth announcements which are becoming quite popular. They are dainty and only 0:51: a trifle. When bereavement comes to the home a death notice in the Home Paper and neat appropriate funeral cards from our job printing depart- ment announce the death and date of’ the funeral...The funeral cards are also used to acquaint friends at a dis- tance of the passing of a loved one and their use is now an accepted cus- tom in this country...When the fun- eral is over an obituary in the Home ‘Paper giving a brief outline of the, life of the deceased, the surviving rel- atives, the particulars of the funeral etc., is a tribute which should not be ‘ overlooked by members of the family. This obituary is inserted without charge and the editor will gladly help with the arrangement if the facts are contributed. Neat and ap- propriately printed cards of thanks with black bordered envelopes to match are proper for acknowledging expressions of sympathy from friends and are now gaining favor over per- sonally written letters. .You are in- vited to look over our choice line of samples. mondi, D. W. Mitchell, J. Brewster: Perennial Phlox, J. Brewster, D. W. Mitchell; Poppies, D. W. Mitchell.’ Miss N A. Brown; Collection of Verâ€" benas, J. Brewster, Miss N. A. Brown Zinnias, Mrs. Butler, Mrs. Summers; Gaillardia, Mrs._ Domleo; Salpiglnss- ‘ is, D. W. Mitchell, Mrs. Summers; Salvia, M1’S.,Draper, Miss N. A. Brown; Collection of roses, D. W.) Mitchell, Mrs. Potts, Mrs. Jarrett. Class 2-â€"'Vegetables Beets, R. S. Moore, A. W. Gala braith; Beans; Mrs. Summers, Mrsi Wheeler; Carrots, .Mrs. Summers,‘ Mrs. Jarrett; Cabbage, Mrs. Sum-.I mers, Mrs. Jarrett; Cauliflower, Mrs. “ Summers, Wm. Elmer; Celery, Mrs, Wheeler; Corn Mrs. Summers and’ Mrs. Sparrow; Cucumbers, Mrs. Butler, A. W. Galbraith; White on-; ions, Jean McKenzie. Philip McKen- zie; Yellow Onions, A. W. Galbraith, Parsnips, Mrs. Butler, Mrs. Wheeler; ‘ Cobbler Potatoes, Mrs. Sparrow, Mrs. Summers; Any variety of potatoes, Mrs. Spalton, 'Irs. Draycott; Collec- tion of potatoes, Wm. Elmer; Pie Pumpkin, 'Wm. Elmer; Hubbard squash, Mrs. Summers, R. S. Moore; Table tomatoes, A. W. Galbraith. R. S. Moore; Canning Tomatoes, R. S. Moore, Philip McKenzie; Vegetable Marrow, Mrs. Summers, Wm. Elmer" (‘lass 3â€"Specials Dost collection of fruits, flowers chell and vegetables on tal A. L. Privett; llquar toes, Mrs. Sparrow. Collection of not less ies of perennials, Collection of am Sldel Imers 1e 3x6 feet, M] : basket of pot Mrs. Spalto ‘nd perer 1'1 C Mr Fresh and Pure at Very Attractive Prices A shipment of new China has arriv- ed and we are offering a very choice line of novelties, salt and peppers, vases and as- sorted crockery and glassware at excep- tionally moderate prices. The Leader Store J. 8; M. STEIN Fall and Winter Term Opens Friday September 10, 1926 â€" Studioâ€"Mrs. A. L. Phipps, Richmond Street. â€" Phone 13W. Information Regarding Terms and Appointments May Be Obtained At The Above Address. MQLAEJ .CHINA, CUT GLASS, GROCERIES AND FRUITS Centre and Yonge Streets Richmond Hill Phone 8 absgnm 0f ClOSfid my rumble AS mm; Iron "Jul. 1m: Pnlxcz u! vuuzs BYWATER CHESTERFIELD AND FURNITURE CO. Stab 5 Yonge Street LANSING, Ont. Telephone Willowdale 74 R. 4 mu BITTER AUTON leliflerad Turk Mark ka'éfi We ask you to try this new car and discove yourself how vitally McLaughlin-Buick agai improved motor car~p¢rformance and cm This is the Greatest McLaughlin-Buick Ever You never have driven a car so quiet and free from vibration that causes closed car rumble as the 1927 McLaughlin-Buick. Electricity might be motive power, so effortless is the power-flow and change of pace. Interior noise is gone from McLaughlin-Buick closed car interiors. The new McLaughlin-Buick engine is vibrationless beyond all previous cxper~ ience, at every speed! P‘rederick M. 1301113“; PIANIS'I‘ GROCERIES DA VZD HILL RICHMOND HILL “BYWATER” CHESTERFIELD BED Cash CHESTERFIELDS SINGLE COPY, 3c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE RE-UPHOLSTERING Reasonable Prices or Made to order Makers of We do nor for No 13 has Terms

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