UR business house is in order and we’re prepared to Sl‘l‘Ve you with your lumber needs. Is your house in order? Will a little lumber put it in good shape again? Your will wit},- wlll be pleased to see you put on the overalls. The Richmond Hill Furnishing Store Phone 133 Richmond Street Men’s black and fords, regular $5.51 special at $4.50. Also some in ï¬rst at $5.50 and $6.00. As the cool weather has arrived this is an opportune time to order your Fall Suits and Overcoats. We have in stock the best goods and the latest and most up-to-date styles [0 choose from. We guarantee the very best workmanship and you will find our prices are always moderate. Ladies’ Summer Pumps in patent, gray kid, and satin, at $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00. We carry the special Good- rich Bi-Press athletic shoes for Men, Women and Children. If your Fur Coat needs kepairing or a new shell con- sult us. We will gladly quote prices. 'NORMAN J. GLASSfortk Furs of all kinds remodelled to the latesi Styles. ' THERE NEVER WAS A FIRM ON EARTH --THAT BETTER PROVED THEIR HONEST WOKIH Richmond Hill The Season is Advancing; Don’t Overlook Our flip 0n Overceats. RICHMOND TAILORS L. INNES & SONS LADIES ANB {SENTLEMEN CANADA’S MOST EXCLUSIVE TAILORS FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN black and brown Ox- J. A. GREENE Telephone 5j or Residence 49w $5.50 value, a grad calf Conï¬dence in Government Any blue ruin fears; which may have been harbored in the town pre- vious to the election have apparently entirely disappeared and property owners, and busines men. conï¬dent that the country is now assured of stable government are going ahead with improvements to their property. The waterworks have been installed in one Yonge Street property since the election and further improve- ments along the street are looked for. Newmarket Brampton Markham Schomberg Woodbridge Bradford Udora WillowdaIeâ€"LSept. 30th at the Rink Vaughanâ€" Oct. lst at Vellore. Scarboroâ€" Oct. 4th at Agincpurt High School Notes. Huzzy-wuzzy, hurdy gurdy, Zip, 200 zee, Green and white That’s all right, Caw, baw, yell and cheer, Let the people know we’re here R. H. H. S. Rah! Rah! Rah- The annual ï¬eld day of the High Sghool Athletic Society will be held in the park on Wed. Sent. 29 an 1.30 pm. The afternoon’s program prom- ises to be very interesting as it con- sists of standard and novelty events [or boys an girls. A ï¬eld day can not be a success un- less the parents lend their hearty support to the pupils. Therefore the pupils and staff of R. H. H. S. ask everybody to come and make it a suc- cess. Show your interest in the men and women of to-morrow. 11.9.51: year’s ï¬eld day was very suc- cessful, thanks to the co-operation of the townfolk. May it be the same this year. Girl’s Society, President, Miss Rheo Hooper; Sec. trea. Miss Doris Soden. Boy’s Society, President, W. A. Steck- ley, Sec. trea., W. S. Battershy. A very enjoyable evening was spent last Wednesday when the ‘students of IV. and V. forms of the High School held a corn and marsh- mallow roast in Thornhili. A very merry time was spent singing songs playing games and crossing creeks. Second formers held their corn- roast at Boyle’s Pond on Tuesday night. Many were present and all report a very enjoyable time. A great deal of amusement considerable humiliation was 0: when the ï¬rst form boys were iated on Monday last.‘ Many o citizens watched the bareh citizens wa‘ blackened-fac mud puddles However the: ly and they worthy pupil North York Field Da at Aurora on. Saturday bra, Newmarket, Mark] mond Hill High School ‘ue Eckhardt Cup SCHOOL FAIR DATES Fall Fairs â€"â€" Sept. 27 to 29 Sept. 28 and 29 Sept. 30, Oct. 1 and 2 â€"â€"-_ Oct. 6 and 7 â€" Oct. S and 9 - Oct. 12 and 13 â€" Oct. 5th d boys run on the vil ran the ga are DOW Ontario villa 13? II nd Rich- comp e initâ€" )f the and used the The Liberal congratulates Mr. W. G. Baldock on his election to the ex- ecutive of the garage owners’ Assoc- iation of Canada which is an organ, ization endeavouring to standardize garage service which will result in both beneï¬t to the owners and to the general pubiic. Mr. Baldock is at- tending a meeting of the executive in Kitchener to-night. Harvest Home The Harvest Home anniversary of Zion United Church, North York Township will be held on Sunday, Sept. 26. On Tuesday Sept. 28, there will be a harvest home supper and en- tertainment. Admission to supper and entertainment, Adults 50 cents Children 20 cents. Home And School Club The regular meeting of the Home and School club will be held in the public school on Tuesday next. The main item of business Will be the elec- tion of oflicers and a full attendance of members is requested. Painting Up The store fronts of H. E. Wray, druggist and C. N. Cooper, Hard\va\‘e store were brightened up this week with a coat of paint and now add to the attractiveness of main street. The Work was done by J. J. Clements painter and decorator, Thornhill. New Advertisements Several new advertisements‘appear in this issue. The progressive merâ€" chants of this district now recognize that ’the quickest and best route to bigger business is via advertising in the Liberal which now has a large circulation in Richmond Hill, Thorn- hill, Newtonbrook, Willowdale, Lans- ing, York Mills, Maple, King City, Gormley, Victoria Square and throu- ghout the \townships of North York, Markham, Vaughan, King and Whit- church. It is the home paper for this district and is the only medium to reach this great buying area. Radio Time The long evenings are with us once more and the popular season for rad- ios has arrived. Those who are con- templating buying a set this fall or winter will do well to watch the ad- vertising columns of this paper where the best makes will be represented. This week the announcement of the Thornhill Hardware appears telling of the famous DeForrest-Crossley set. Don’t forget that a good pro- duct is always advertised. We hope in the near future to add some new features of special interest to radio fans; a radio forum for the discus- sion of various difficuties has been suggested and will probably be ad- opted. ~ Music Class. Mr. Adelmo Melecci and Miss Ai- leen Atkinson have announced the or- ganization of a class of pupils in pre- paration for piano and violin recital to be given sometime in November. In connection with the classes of Mt. Melecci and Miss Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Plumstead, soloists in St. Geor- ge’s United Church, Toronto, will open a vocal studio here in the near fu- ture. Any further information re- garding these classes may be secur- ed from Mr. Melecci who is organist and choir leader at St. John’s United Church. Thanksgiving Services Harvest Thanksgiving Services will be held (D. V.) at St. Mary’s church (C. of E.) Richmond Hill, on Wed- nesday September 29th at 8 p.m. Preacher Rev. Canon Hedley of ‘l‘or- onto. Services will be continued nn Sunday October 3. Further notice will be given later. Rally Day Services Special Rally Day services observed at St. John's United on Sunday next, Sept. 26. mqrning service there will be ial sermon for the children Special Rally Day services will be observed at St. John's United Church on Sunday next, Sept. 26. At the mqrning service there will be a spec- ial sermon for the children and at 2.30 pm. Rally service will be held in the Sunday School. There will be a special program a featuré will be a pageant “United “'1 and fe Women’s Institute The ï¬rst regular meeting of the V d on Tue 1ea LOCAL NEVVSY ITEMS venmg ser hmonc :ere come ,e Church 16 1, Se; for 19 of which for Ser- will be rry Mrs. C. N. Coopr: attended the fun- eral on Wednesday afterr‘oon of her nephew, the late Heroert Stewart Martin, Toronto, who died at the Wes- tern Hospital on Monduy September Mr. Wm. Davies returned on Sat- urday last from an enjoyable trip to the Old Land. He reporLs a delight- ful voyage and a very pleasant. va- cation. Miss Mina Tawse of Eversley on a return journey from Calgary is vis. iting with Misses Margaret and Bertha Ireland. Many friends of Mrs. J. Lunau will be pleased to learn that she is pro- gressing very favorably after sufl’er- ing considerable injury when she fell on the street last week. . Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cruickshank left on Wednesday on a moto:~ trip and expect to be away about ten days and on their return journey will call on friends in Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Among those who called to extend their best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pugsley on the occasion of their ï¬ftieth wedding anniversary on Mon- day were:â€" Lady Hearst, Toronto; Elizabeth Switzer, Ethel Alvina Hall, Toronto; Birdie McClellan, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Marshall, Canning-ton; Mona A. Pugsley, Toronto; R. W4 Glass, Mar- garet Glass, Wilma Stoddart. Cooks- town; W. H. Pugsley, A. E. Pugsley, Carrie Pugsley, Sutton West; Dick-1 son N. Glass, Louise Glass, Cooks- town; Tamasine Pugslej, Ulive Tay- lor, Marion June Taylor, Sutton West; John Arthur Tremayne, Toronto; 01- ive Mortson, C. Mortson, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Winch, H. D. Ranisden, Mrs. Ramsden, Toronto; Mrs. Battersby, Mrs. Glenn, Mrs Carter, Mrs White, Miss Palmer, Mrs. Morris, Mrs. Nichâ€" ‘olls, Mrs. Savage, Mrs. Kerswill, Mrs. ‘Allison, Mrs. Armstrong, Miss Rus- sel, Mrs. R. S. Mason, Miss Trent, Mrs. Mollett, Mrs. R. McDonald, Miss L. Wright, Mrs. W. Hall, Mrs. John Sanderson, Mrs. Osmond Wright, Mrs. J. Duncan, Rev. T. and Mrs. Haughton, Bobcaygeon; Mrs. E. J. McKittrich, Toronto; Gladys Grant, Mrs. J. Grant, Mrs. C. M. Palmer, M. Coulter, Alice Endean, Etta Endean, Mr .and Mrs. William Keith, New- market; Mrs. Wm. Sanderson, Beryl Sanderson, Mrs. Gamble, Beth Gam- ble, Helena H. McMahon, Margaret A. McConaghy, Agnes, E. McConaghy, Mr. and Mrs. E. Harold Toye, Toron- to; Phyllis Glass, Lenore Glass, Mrs. Geo. Harding, Lillian Harding, Mrs. John Ireland, .John Dunc-an, Reeve and Mrs. R. F. Hicks. North York; Mr. and Mrs. E. A. James, Toronto; A. E. MacLean Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Monkman, R. S. Cooper, Mr .and Mrs. J. K. Agnew, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B. Clarke, Mrs. F E. Sims, Mrs Fred Grainger, Mrs. Lorne Pat- terson, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Walker, Toronto; Mrs. A. J. McLatchy, Daisy Duncan, Margaret Moodie, G. Grant, H. A. Nicholls, Charlotte Heise, Mar- garet Wright, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Savage. Ida L. McConaghy, Margar- et I McConaghy, Toronto; Anna A. ‘Boyle, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Glass. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Philpot, N, Well- wood, Rosaline Fuller, Walter J. I’le- ler, Newmarket; R. L. Langstaï¬â€˜, Lil- lian C. Langstaff, Mrs. E. \V. Mort- ‘son, J. S. McConaghy, R. McDonald, \Hannah Pugsley, Lena Pugsley. Mrs. R. Pugsley, Toronto; Jack E. Glass, Mrs. Gaby, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. A. E. MacLean, Mrs. R. S. Cooper, Mrs. M. M. Lynett, John H. Sanderson, Frank Pugsley, Agnes Campbell, Mrs. G. Knight, Mrs. Frank Pngsley, llliza- beth Willcocks, Toronto; A, J. ("amp- bell. Thos. H. Trench, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mylks, Francis Atkinson, lFrank A. Pugsley, W. E. Wiley. Tor- Herr Carl E. Hi1 Ir. and Mrs. H 'itzer‘ Mr nd Mr Mr M 1M an W Dry Goods,Millinery, Ladies’ Wear Fancy Goods and Novelties Quality Shoppe Fall Miiiinery MRS. NORMAN BATTY mrmmmrm a mrrmrm Q mmmmmmm WWW Phone 53 Trench Block Cultivate the Community Spirit By Buying In Your Home Town. Auction Sale water, rough plumbing, electric light and In x 120. Sidewalk and a good garage L2 x 16. TERMS:â€"10 per cent. cash on day of existing mortgage of $2.500. ix roomed brick We beg to thank our many customers for their past patronage, and an- nounce that We are now displaying the newest Fall styles in Felts and Velvets at po pularprices, and we invite your inspection. See our new line of Gifts, ranging from 25 cts. to $3.00 WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION IN EVERY WAY ON SATURDAY, OCTGBER 2nd B. at 2.30 o’clock The property of house, hardwood floors downstairs. electric light and (urnace. Lot 35 ale and balance in 30 T. Saigeon, Auctioneer days over and above