Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Sep 1926, p. 7

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Synopsis of Story Thus Far: Forty yeais ago, in a small village near the tovn of Little York lived the heroine of our story with her father. It 's the intention of Miss Aster’s fatier to have her marry their next door neighbor, Mr. Ham, 3. vulgar sortof person, in order to un- ite the tw« farms. Hox'vevcr, a reâ€" fined. colle1e bred young gentleman from the cty Mr. Roland Gray, visits Miss Aste's home and accidentally meets MrJ-Iam. The two become en- emies from the time of the first meet- ing, due vf course to the attentions of the oher towards Miss Aster. Mr. Hunt aswell as Aster’s father treat Mi Grayvin a very insolent manner, imd as a result he leaves the hon: determined to make Ham pay for lis behaviour. Gray immed- iately seks an old Eton school fel- low, Fpnk Harland, and asks his aid in te matter. On the following; mornim Harland visits Mr. Ham at his fari at _Oat1ands\and informs him that . Gray wishes to meet in a duel (flier by sword or pistol, and to make terms for such. To hide his cowarlce Ham makes all kinds of “everyone in this part of the CO! at Maykham Swamp." The stor a ccn’cinued story in The Liberal ‘Strange to say.’ the robber went on, ‘the good people of York tolik the matter tamer enough, and many do- clared their belief that those men who never came back miist have fallen inâ€" to shaking bogs or hollow swamps. Ha, ha!’ the fellow chuckled, ‘they were not far astray! the "hollow swamp” was almost like. an inspiraâ€" tion. Well, youngster we have been frequently visited by posses shoe, but for the greater part we permit them to roam our labyrinths unmoi- ested. Now and again, however, one or two, or three intruders are miss- ing; but considering what a wonder- ful man-trap the swamp is, these small matters do not male: very rmch commotion in the outside world. But we are almost at our journey’s end.’ As he spoke the ruddy glare of a fire could'be seen a short way ofi'. excust Why he can‘t enter a cambat of hoor with one such as Mr. Gray but Vien Harland proves to him Gray’ decendency from an earl in the l'itish. peerage, he gives his conset for the meeting reluctantly. A huge rock lifted itself an the wood, and behind this the gang had asembled.Their manner at once heâ€" came changed upon the approach of the captain; but they could not con- ceal their astonishment at the sight of our hero; for they had read in their leader’s eyes that he was not destined for harm. Han chooses Jabez Drummond, a frierl, for his second and on the fol- IOWig morning all four meet at Sleey Gulch, as mall hollow runâ€" nim‘at right angles to the Don. They finc’it necessary to relieve Mr. Ham of great deal of clothing wh1ch he hasdonned as a means of protection; an: after much forcible persuasion ththo men take their ground. At th count of three the pistol shots ~ig out resulting in the severe nding of Mr. Ham. While the ir‘al man is attending to him ay has to flee from lhe officâ€" iare just approaching the horseback. They fire but ,‘0ing until his horse is shot rneath him. Then he dis- a dense dark wood and ‘I bring a friend! lads, M10 is hen' with eyes like a rattlesnake, ceforth a member of our family. He draggled hair like the moss upor pinked his man to-day in a due], and aged fir, Stood by the Spit, which was Clearing Off a“ a d‘w“ Of a hurry ery few moments she turned. Si when I offered him our hospitalities.’ P011 had some lard in a cup, ar ‘Pinked his man: 33"”, exelaime‘i small quantity of this she put 1 one of the gang: a hideous IOOking the meat each time that the hag t ruffian with small eyes, bushy eye- led the Spit. Nancy extended a brows, and draggled red hair. ‘i-Ie lof camp_tab1e and upon it placea seems better cut out to pink toads.’ l drinking vessels; and Roland pen ‘If we want your opinion on such matters we will ask for it,‘ the cap- tain obserVed, looking sternly upon the insulting rufiian. ‘We are to liVe together. so we may Potatoes, as well commence by getting acquam- gether Wu ted with one another, youngster,’ the ‘t‘ne fire w‘ captain ,said. ‘This fellow. whose Inch after tongue has just wagged, is Joe Mur- ‘1’11 get frey a famous blackguard in his mey; and own particular" “1'19. Yon flaxen seeming tc "mm-19mm) nointin-z to a \"illanous In a few 'O'Wn particular une. um um“... gentleman,’ pointing to a villanous looking person with a greenish skin of flaxen hair, and an unsteady, rea- cherous eye, ‘gives moral tone to our little household. lie, on occasion, deVotes himself with much ardour to religious exercises. For the sake of The hateful 100mm; sa owed and said. ‘I am happy to Welcome you The following big familiar we call him The hateful looking The Robbers 05 Ffiaykhm sheer exhaustion falls as- en he awakens it is not sweet voice, which he had .‘~hi§<dreams, that comes to rs but the haying of blood- Now Read On:â€" t sure he is quite safe from 5 he dre'ssed his own wound ‘tory is founded on fact and as the author aptly said rt of the country who is not deaf_ha.s heard of the gang .” The story was first published in 1886. It will run as :h amour the sake :1 Jud Sy‘n' scoundre ) our poor abode.’ And as he drew near: ‘Ah, so young and so fair, to Sein his soul with'the hood of a fellowâ€"crea- ture! Oh, my poor young man, re- pentance, repentance with us here in nature’s sanctuary, where the gran- nature's sanctuary, where the gran- deur of God’s Works, without any of the disfigurements of man. is all that remains to you. I welcome you my poor fallen son,’ and he stretched out his hand. But our hero simply gave the blasphemous yagabond a look of scorn and turned away. a high pitch, or makes a noise when performing any little job that requir- es skill. It would seem as of his good parents were inspired in b.-stow- ing a name upon him. They called him Lifter. We have slightly varied the name, took a slight grammatical liberty with it, so to speak. We call him The Lifter. Let me, Mr. Gray, in- troduce you to The Lifter.’ Roland bowed with the same air of haughti- ness and disgust. But now that he was among the unholy crew he felt that he must make the best of the situation, comfortably, of course, with his sense of honor. The description given of this 'miscrezznt by the robber chief indicates his appearance He was somewhat below medium height, and though not stoutly built, reveal-- ed strongly knit sh:-::lder::, and mus- cles enduring as twisted steel. He had a fawning air, a dark rolling eye and most villainous brow; ‘These young women attend to the domestic portion of our 1abors,’. the chief said, ‘This is our Nancy and this is Silent Poll.’ ‘There is one other, the fourth and last of the male member'siof our hum- ble dwelling, to whom let" me also pre- sent you. This is a'yonng gentleman of a very meek and unobtrusive dis- position. He never raises his voice to Roland bowed to each of the girls in turn; and he perceived that while both were handsome, they had that bold. free stare, ixhich must repel a man of refined or proper feeling. The handsomer of the two was Nancy; and. Roland imagined" that he perceived behind the forwardness of her mm:- ner a kind of reckless "despair: that indescribable sort of vivac'ity which arises when hope, and honor, and ev- erything that is dear are dead. and only what is worse remains to live for. This girl had evidently at some time moved in society different by far from this; for her speech was somewhat re- fined, and her bearing that of a wo- ‘man more or less well-bred. From the moment of Roland‘s ar- rival she seemed to he more thought- ful; and the melancholy in here eyes became more pronounced. He seem- ed-’â€"if one could judge of the varying expresions in her faceâ€"to call back within her a thousand memories long dead; to bring before her mind again a world she had forgotten. Her eyes were almost constantly upon him; and when he spoke she listened to every syllable that he uttered. Preparations for supper had been Iprogressing for some time before the lcaptain’s arrival. In front of the \blufi of rock blazed a fire made of birch and maple, and on a spit be- fore this a. huge piece of venison was roasting. A hideous old woman, with eyes like a rattlesnake, and draggled hair like the moss upon an One of the first to notice this w’as Joe; and a hideous light gleamed in dull and sunken eye. As for silent Poll; not one word could be said in her favor. What she once might have been God alone can tell; but she seemed well content with the vile lot‘to whic hshe had fallen. Indeed, when Roland saw her flam- ing eyes and heard her speech. he doubted if companionship different from this had ever been vouchsafed her. Poll had some lard in a cup, and a small quantity of this she put upon the meat each time that the hag turn- ed the spit. Nancy extended a sort of camp-table and upon it placed the drinking vessels; and Roland perceiv- ed that these lawless persons lived in a verysumptuous manner. Nor can it be said that the white bread, the butter, the large mealy potatoes, and other vegetables, to: gether with the juicy haunch before the fire were indifferent to his stom- ach after the long ride. ‘I’ll get the grog,’ growled Muriâ€" §‘rey; and turning he disappeared, seeming to sink directly into the earth. In a few seconds he returned with a small keg which he placed beside the , table. The rays of the fire hero to get an indistinct and he observed that t1 rounded by dense tangle the face of the rock {0 mediate screen from o ion ,(To By: Continued) in 3mm that they were sur- 3 tangled forest, with rock forming an im- from outside igtrus- vie'w arou enabled ch evâ€" Silent and a '6: At the regular meeting of the W0- men’s Missionary Society qt‘ the Meth- odist church a life membership and complimentary address were present- ed to Mrs. W. R. Proctor. Monday evening of last week about 6 o’clock the barn of Mr. Geo. Murphy on the second concession of Whit- church was burned to the ground. The season’s crop, the threshing separator of Mr. Thos. Cannon, eleven sheep, a number of pigs and a quantity of im plements were destroyed. anni urda Hogs were quoted at $7.25 per cwt lambs at $3.75 each, and choice but- cher cattle at $4.00 per cwt. Maple civic holiday was duly served on Thursday Sept. 17. It a very successful event and over people were in attendance. The annual harvest festival of All Saint’s church, King City was held on Thursday night. The church was decorated With emblems of the harâ€" vest and interesting addresses were given by visiting clergymen. Fourteen wounds rolled oats for 25 cents, 5 pounds currants 25 cents, 5 pounds starch 25c, 2 pounds first class baking powder, 25 cents were some of the specials offered by At- kinson and Switzer. Mr. A. J. Hume of Richmond Hill acted as judge in the band competition at the Newmarket fair on Wednes- I day. i ; The annual Harvest Thanksghing service was held in St. Mary’s church last evening. Rev. John Gibson prea- ched an eloquent sermon and special music was rendered by the choir. Mr. Earl Newton and Miss Kerswill pre- sided at the organ . Mr. R. Hall of Benin rias Dhrcnas: ed the Winger Coal sheds at Thorn- hill station. The proprietor of the Summit house at Oak Ridges was up before the mag- istrate in Newmarket last flee}: and was fined $100 and costs for selling liquor in local option district. Twenty-five You From Our Issue of S( Thirty Years Ago From Our Issue of Sept. 24, 1896 In view of the possibility of Tor- onto Junction being supplied with water from artesian wells at Lemon- ville a Liberal reporter and another citizen paid] a visit to the wells last Twenty Years Ago From Our Issue of Sept. 20, 1906. ‘I‘CLY J. J. Deane War Government. Municipal and Corporation Bond: 0 Bought, Sold sad 9 Exchangcd Allbosinessttictly Private Phone: 78 Woodbridge y Basia m Contest Closes Septembar 30th 1901 was 500 ob- Lot 6 and 7, Con. 6 Some of the pipes are ches, 6 inches in diame with great force, and it is $3. raise 25 feet above the surfac the Cook farm alone there : wells. Some of the wells were ged as the neighbors to the wells. Some of the wells were plug- ged as the neighbors to the south complained that the overflow of watâ€" er was a nuisance. The first well in that locality was bored 6%: years ago and the proprietor of the. farm \says the water comes with as much force now as when the well was first sunk. and the proprietor of the farm says the water comes with as much force now as when the well was first sunk. It is claimed that from one pipe a1- one 1000.000 gallons of water flows every 24 hours. Mr. Neighborn has an option on the wells and if he is granted a charter by the Ontario Government his intention is to com- mence piping the distance to Toron- to Junction, about 28 miles, next spring, by way of Yonge Street. The height of the artesian wells above Toronto is about 650 feet. Lflmra‘i F5563” Do you suffer from rupture? If so, your big opportunity has now arrived. Mr. Reavely the noted rupture expert will be at the RUPTURE EXPERT HERE and will be pleased to give free ex- amination to any sufferer and to demâ€" onstrate his faomus appliance. This appliance will contract the openings in 10 to 15 days and will cure cases in from three to six months. This appliance is positively demonstrated to you right on your own person without any charge. You do not spend a penny unless you are fully satisfied that is is the right appliance for you. A consultation with Mr. Reavely will cost you nothing. Don’t let this opportunity get away from you. Remember the date. 1' fl‘O n1 Saturday, September 25th man RICHMOND HOTEL continr We Wéfime ver Be Satisfied Until Yen Are Satisfied A 3111C for one day only Jally as c illions go 2115 are or If you are needing anything in the line of Job Printing we are equipped to do your work and solicit your patronage. THE “LIBERAL” from many lnpes clear as crystal, ro’to waste every on the Cook farm 6 Whitchurch. me 2 inches, 3 in- FOR “T ascends aid will an: OUR AIM I2 A SATISFIED CUSTOMER ” )n RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Telephone 9. Beef, Veal, Pork, aamb, Smoked and (locket MeatS- I POULTRY AND VEGETABLS IN . SEASON Meats and Proviions THE BEST 0” Make use of your phoneâ€" W: 301mm Fair are always at your command at this s11 to meet your most exacting demandsl best in this most particular necessi“ service our motto. BABY SHOW Beeton Citizens Band GOOD PREMIUMS IN EVERY DEPARENNT QUALITY 2°15 CLASS - PURSE $200 2.30 CLASS - PURSE $200 Friday and Saturday, Richmond Hill . J. MANSBRIDGE Special Ringside Features Address Secretary for Prize List SI’ERQI)IN(7} Oct. 1 & Phorza 97 E deliver promptly. «e. We endeavour i securing the very Cleanliness and SERVICE Ontario

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