LADIES AND GENnENEN As the cool weather has arrived this is an opportune tilde to order your Fall Suits and Overcoats. We have in stock the best goods and the latest and most up-to-date styles to choose from. We guarantee the very best workmanship and you will find our prices are always moderate. Furs of'all kinds remodelled to the latest Styles. If your Fur Coat needs repairing or a new shell con- sult us. We will gladly quote prices. “ The Season is Advancing; Don't Overlook Our Slip On Overcoats. CANADA’S MOST EXCLUSIVE TAILORS FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN RiCHN/iohi; TAILORS J. A. GREENE ‘ . Telephone 5j or Residence 49w Richmond Hill Ontario ,i‘ i _ \ l .E l I . Riaonnonfo «Haw/uni ~ Per ectFooq. 1 “Well, Tag. you‘ and your boss are going to gel; :1 good long drink of i. milk when we gethome.†Our milk ls mighty good for your youngsters and you ‘ RICHMOND Hint/ANNE War/rjflflman†- ‘ CH. COWIE,PRCP. 169'st ‘E-«itSï¬-‘i. a .- . r FROM THE HOUSETOPS ' we ALL snoor ABOUT OUR LUMBER. ‘ D0 E take paidonablo pride in the manner in which this lumber business is COIIduClOIl. We keep on telling the truth about our- selves because we believe it is good advertising. Anyway we are only repeating what a lot of our customers are saying about us. A L. INNES & SONS Phone 133 Richmond Street BUSlN =2“: Clearly the great opportunitâ€" ies of to-day are in the Busi- ness Field.. .To succeed in Busi- ness you require TRAINING, AMBITION and INDUSTRY. If you have the last two you can get the RIGHT TRAIN- ING in one of Shaw's Schools in Toronto. and then 100 to 1 you will at once start out in a good salaried position...\\'rite for our syllabus and list graduates recently placed. Address Department ILL. 46 Bloor \Vcst. Toronto. \\., H. Shaw. President. of Sag-Major Butler Will Comm and Corps The newly organized Salvation Army Corps opened ï¬re in Richmond Hill on Saturday night and were givâ€" en a very cordial reception by the citizens of this district Weekly ser- vices both on the street and. in the Council Chambers will be held and the work of the Army which has won commendation throughout the entire world will be actively carried on in this district. The installatio'n services at the Sunday night meeting were in charge of Capt. Parnell of Aurora. The new district Sergeant Major in charge of the corps is J .W. Butler of Richmond Hill. Sergeant Major Butler , was formerly attached to ‘ the irbank Corp which he organized a d has been living in Richmond Hill since May last. He served overseas with the Canadian Engineers and has a creditable war record. He will have charge of the district from Lansing as far north as Aurora and the Lib- eral joins the people of this district in extending best wishes to the army and its work here in this district. Bowling Notes The rink skipped by Geo. Gee won the J. A. Greene cup at the annual tournament at the local green on Thursday last. The games were keenly contested and thoroueg enjoy- ed. The winners were; lst prize, Miss L. Harding, Geo. Glenn, Mrs. Geo. Glenn, Geo. Gee skip. Second prize; Miss L. Clement, A. Wright, Miss McLean, A. E. Glass, skip. It has been suggested that the 10- cal club stage 2 doubles tournament to wind up the season. It is. howâ€" ever, still in the speculation stage but if there is prospects of good weather it will probably be held. \The prize for the championship of the ladies club have been present- ed to Mrs. Kerswill’s rink which won the highest standing during the sea- son. The prizes, flour handâ€"worked linen handkerchiefs were donated 5y the president Mrs. Jackson. The win- ning rink was as follows: Mrs. Sn‘ith Mrs. Patterson , Mrs, Trench. )lrs. Kerswill. DIED O‘ROURKEâ€"At her home, Hill Rd. North York, Sunday. September 26th ‘ Annie Cook. beloved wife of James O‘Rourke. Funeral was held from the resi- dence of her brother, John Cook. -1 Linden Street, Tuesday at 515 a. 111. to Holy Rosary Church. and intere- nient followed at Mount Hope Ceme- terv. Fall Fairs Markham â€" Sept. 30. Oct. 1 end 2 Schomberg â€" Oct. ‘3 and T Woodbridgc ~ Oct. s and ‘J Bradford ~â€" Oct. 12 and If} L'dora â€" ~ 03.. 5dr ’1 {special music for the occasion. LOCAL NEWSY ITEMS Thanksgiving Services Harvest Thanksgiving services will be held at the Fisherville United church on Sunday. Oct 3 at 7.30 p.m. Special services will be conducted by Rev. Hubley and there will also be On Monday at 8 p.m. sharp a high class concert will be given by Toronto talent after which there will be a sale of vegetables, fruits. etc., in charge of Auctioneer Saigeon of Maple. Come and bring your friends. Injured By Pony Master John Stong, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Stong sustained a broken nose and painful injuries to his face on Monday when he fell from a pony which he was riding and was stepped on. Sounds Reasonable F. J. Mansbridge, local meat and provision dealer, in his “ad†in the Liberal this week recommends. “Yea- st for Health.†It sounds reasonable, folks, because Mr. Mansbridge says that. you can't rise in the world withâ€" out it ‘ Bazaar Keep in mind the date of November 25th for the bazaar in St John’s Un- ited Church. Further announcement later.“ I St. Paul's United’ Church Services next Sunday as followsâ€"- 11 a.m. “The Little Poor Man of As- sise, 2.45 p.m. Sunday School, 7 p.m. “The Stigmata.†The minister will preach at both services. w. C. T. .U. The ï¬rst meeting of the season of the W. C. T. U. will be held at the home of Mrs. Phipps on Tuesday, Oct. 5th at 3 p.m. As matters of imâ€" portance are to be discussed all mem- bers and those interested in the cause of Temperance are urged to be pres- ent. Thanksgiving Services The annual Harvest Thanksgiving Services will be held in St. Stephen’s Church Maple on Sunday October 10 and the following services will be con« ducted by the Rector Rev. B. W. Roberts; 11 a.m. holy communion, 3 p.m., Sunday School, 7 p.m. evening service. l Choice Property Anyone considering buying farm property would do well to attend the auction sale of the property of Isaac Nigh, Lot 31, Con. 3, Township of Markham, on Saturday October 16, at 2 o’clock. This is an excellent farm property in a good state of cultivation with good buildings equipped with all modern conveniences, good apple orch- ard, and in a very desirable locality. Bazaar The Ladies’ Aid of St. John's Unit- ed Church are serving a tea in the school room of the church on October 12th. Tea served from 5.30 to ’7 o’- clock, price 25c. In connection with the tea will be a miscellaneous show- er for the bazaar where the society will be pleased to receive contributions from friends of the congregation. “'ant "Ads“ Hundreds of people in this district will testify that you can’t beat a want ad in the Liberal for results. One insertion has rented a farm; on inâ€" sertion sold a cookstove that had been taking up good room in the back kit- chen for years. Try us for results. Sale Bills Don‘t forget that the Liberal Job Printing department is headquarters in this district for printing concert and sale bills. It will pay you to come to us and be sure of a satis- factory job at. the right price. Hunt Club Meeting A meeting of the Richmond Hill 'Rod and Gun club will be held at the jhome of Mr. John Grey. Aurora on Friday evening when plans will be ,‘made for the annual fall hunt. Chicken Thieves q‘i ' Last week a badly damaged Ford l . car was towed into Balduck's garage. llt had been abandoned by an allcrrcii chicken thief after in: bad crashed iinto a truck on Yongc Strecz. About 3 forty chickens t Plymouth Incl-5': lurci'c liberated by 1E1: of the ‘ll‘lYOl‘ l' "re. The 'A: let .. l ‘ It‘ill' l‘k‘ll'I'L‘ lit T‘ ,i/wncr of the cu. ‘ ’ i l l l united. l . Tllk prosperity b for i: : pessimist U \“Jlll‘c‘. o o E soon. and PERSONAL . .,....o..............-i._._....__.....;. An afternoon tea was held at the home of mrs. Dr. Kelly, Buttonville, on Saturday last. in aid of the Pres- byterian church Bazaar at Richmond Hill. A goodly number from this district were in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton B. Wills enâ€" tertained over the, weekâ€"end at their country home, “Shadow Brook.†New- .tonbrook for Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Criqui, of Buffalo, and Mademoiselle Marcelino d’Alroy. Messrs. Norman Glass, A. T. Min- nis, Reeve Lunau, A. E. Glass, Coun- cillor G. H. Sloan. J. Bowman. of Newmarket, John Gray of Aurora and A. G. Savage enjoyed a fishing: trip to Mr. Savage’s cottage on Lake Couâ€" chiching over the week-end. The party struck very bad weather and were unable to venture forth only once but were successful in securing a good taste of ï¬sh. ' Rev. H. F. Battersby and Mrs. F. J. Philpot attended the annual Sun- day School teachers convention in Schomberg on Tuesday. Miss Gwen Brooks and Miss Joyce Jones of Toronto spent the week-end with Miss Marion Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cruickshank returned home on Sunday evening from their motor trip to Boston, Mass. and Chatham, Cape Cod. Mr. Leonard Burton of Preston who took charge of Mr. Cruickshank’s business returned to Preston Monday morning Mr. Peter C. Browne of Thornhill, Ont, Wishes to announce the engage- ment of his eldest daughter, Joan Dymocke, to Thomas W. Wilkinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Wilkinson, York Mills, Ont. Marriage to take place early in October. Mrs. A. A. Perry returned on Sat- urday last from a delightful trip through Western Canada where she visited friends in several df the cit- ies and attended the Author’s con- vention in Vancouver. lr. M. J. Mahoney of Cleveland is spending a few days in the village. Mr. E. P. Leno is able to be out again after being conï¬ned to the house through illness for a few days. Mrs. F. J. Mansbridge is expected to return from the Old Land the end of the week. Vaughan Council The regular meeting of the Vaugh- an township council will be held in the Township hall, Velore on Monday Oct. 4, at 11 a.m. for the transaction of general business. Veteran’s Meeting All great war veterans of the dis- trict are invited to attend an organiz- ation meeting in the Council Chamber Richmond Hill on Monday evening. Oct. 4, at 8 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is for the formation of a local organization which will be apart entirely from any national vet- erans organization. Prominent speak- ers will be present and it is hoped that a large representation of the veterans of York County will be present. Final Games Two ï¬nal games in the Yonge St. Softball League will be played on Saturday afternoon when the cham- pionship of both Men’s and Ladies’ groups will be decided. Thornhill girls will clash with Aurora at New- Imarket and Newtonbrook and Rich- mond Hill will play at Thornhill. i Card Of Thanks The family of the Late John Sliney wish to express sinccre thanks to their many friends and neighbors and appreciation of their kind ex- pressions of r:\’1]‘.pzltllj\' during *lnir I‘GCBIII lIL‘!"3‘d\'L’lll c'lll. Alfalfa Yield VVill Be Fair l.:.>‘ ;"‘Lll'. \‘KL‘t V-L'uifl‘il‘ Dry Goods, Millinery, Ladies’ Wear Fancy Goods and Novelties Fall Millinery We beg to thank our many customers for their past patronage, and an- nounce that we are now displaying the neWest Fall styles in Felts and Velvets at p0 pularp rices, and we invite your inspection. we GUARANTEE SATISFACTION IN EVERY WAY ‘See our new line of Gifts, ranging from 25 cts. to $3.00 MRS. NORMAN BATTY Phone 53 Trench Block Cultivate the Community Spirit By Buying In Your Home Town. ' r. J. NiANsoRioGE" . FA’MIIJY BUTCHER NOW OFFERING A SPECIAL IN Easiï¬rsl or Domestic Shortening 10 lb Pa‘ils net weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181.65 5 lb pails, net weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83c 3 lb Pails, net weight . .\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53c MOUNT ALBERT CREAMERY BUTTER Freshly Made . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38c per lb (The ï¬nest butter that’s made) Freshly Minced Steak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15c per lb Fresh Shoulders Pork, for roasting 2.3c per lb “Choice Steer and Heifer Beef at popular prices†Three Yeast Cakes a Day fothealth .4Cents Each. Phone 97 ‘. Richmond Hill Ontario ‘ .â€" . for Firewood $1.00 for team load at Ice House Wilcc-X Lake.