conducted with effigiency gpd moder- ate terms. Prompt settlements. Richmond Hill House and Store Pro- "perties for Sale or Rent. Write or phone for List. W. Ward Price OPTOMETRISTS EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS Thorough Eye Examinations and Glasses That Fit Perfectly. Special Attention to Children's Eyes. Open Evenings. Phone Hudson 0461 for Appointment. AUCTIO‘N’EER,‘ ' VALUATOR ' AND REAL ESTATE AGENT RICHMOND HILL and 111 King Street West, Toronto 163- P.0. Box 229 Glasses if Required at Right Prices. Professional Graduate of Owen Smiley Studio. John Dunlap 8; Son FLORISTS Richmand Hili - Ont. ,We salicit orders for cut flowers fer all 0c- casions which win be promptly [and cheer- fully ï¬lled. OPTOMETRIST A/ND OPTICIAN 63-167 Yoï¬ge Street, Toronto "Upstairs Opposite Simpson’s) Elgiln 4820 PONCERT ENTERTAINER AND ' TEACHER ADDRESS Boyle Studio‘ THE BIND OPTICAL CO. 2513 Yonge St. North Toronto. (Opposite the Capitol Theatre) We carry a full line of Quality Groceries and Pro- visions and solicit your patronage. We assure you of prompt and courteous service at all times. Groceries and Prowsmns ‘Phone King 306 Groceries, Confectionery Flour, Feed, Etc. Advertise in THE LIBERAL W. J. NIDER & 0N ELOC U TI ON Thornhill Miss Marguerite Boyle Schomberg Junction Artificial Eyes Fitted. AU CTION, SALES Telephone 54 R- 2. THE MOST MODERN METHODS WE DELIVER . Luke Phone 78 W. z; " c ( E « )t I How delighted they were and how Jeannie hustled around picking up I their clippings and tidying Jock’s bed. Presently Grandad himself came in lwith a big parcel which Jeannie eag- «erly unwrapped. It was a table for [Jock’s bed, such a funny table with legs less than a foot long. It was light but strong and had a little rim {around the edge to keep thnigs from isliding off. I “There,†said Grandad as he put it Tin position across Jock’s legs, “that will hold all the books and clippings, I and the meals too if you can be prop- lped up high enough." '~ Jlock’s'broken leg was mending nic- 1er but oh, he was so tired of lying in bed. It had rained every day for a.- week so Jeannie hadn’t been able rto go out and get wild flowers or 'butterflies for him. They had looked at all their picture books and Moth- er had read them stories; they had played all their games; they had cut out paper dols and they had colored magazine pictures; they had strung beads and sewed kindergarten cards and yet the time seemed to pass so slowly. .And, Worst of all, Grandad had been away all week. 7 Aunt Madge popped her head in at‘ the door. ' “Good news, Twinnies,†she said “Grandad is coming up the lane.†_ “Well,†Grandad began)“when bro- ther Jim and I were just a little bit older than you are now we were play- ing one day in the bush behind the school. We came to a high pine stump which the year before had been the home of a family of wood- peckers and we whacked the stump with a stick to see if there was a'ny- one home. Out of the top of the stump sailed somethingâ€"not a wood- pecker but a mother flying squirrel. We tried to climb up to peep in the nest and down came the whole thing nest, baby squirrels and all.‘ There were three of them and we’carried them home carefully and made a soft nest for\them in an old bird cage; We fed t’hem warm)milk with a medâ€"i icine dropper and they grew splen-Il -â€"â€"...._.â€"..__-â€"- didly and becamelquite tame. They aren’t like other‘squirrels, they sleep all day and come out to hunt and pIa/y at night. So every evening we would open the cage ï¬eor and let them out for a game. Up the curâ€" .tainsthey would scamper and spread- ing.their “vslings’7 would sail down to our shoulders. Then'there would be a hunt through our pockets‘for bits oflbread and cake, and then up the curtains again and away. You know from your picture books what their wings are likeâ€"just a piece of skin stretched from each front leg to each hind leg and folded up tight when no): in use. Some people think they have real wings sprouting from their sho- ulderâ€"blades 1 “Oh Grandad,†said Jeannie climb- ing on his knee, “we have missed you terribly. Do tell us a stary.†Grandad laughed. “Why you know all my stories as well as I do. Which one shall it be?†“About the flying squirrels, please.†said Jock, “a squirrel came up on the Window sill this morning and it made us think about them.†One night after their game we could‘only ï¬nd two of them. Then we found old Sooty, the barn cat, under the\sofa and knew he must have eaten our other pet. 7 The ysay that every wild animal meets a tragic end. This ’surely means wild animals in captivity es means wild anin' well as very fe“ Glory." “Dat aint yo’ prob} the Elder. “You’ prol yoflgwine to get yo h horns.†long Jim and I went out for a few days io visit an uncle and left most careâ€" ful directions with/the cook about the feediï¬g of our squirrels But she was too busy or too lazy to make their bread and milk and gave them table scraps instead. She fed them fat pork one day and when we come home the next morning there was nothing left but a funeral. We were so sorry that we hadn’t let them go in the woods and given them a chance for life and liberty.†“Thank you for the story,†_said Jeannie, “just as soon walk we‘ are going to see if we can ï¬nd When Grandad Was a Boy. squirre x A ‘Vorried Darkey It was a revival in a southern Church. Qne obdurate soul stoutly resisted the elder’s exhortations. “Yo’ see, its dis way Eldah: Ah’s done got a problem. Ah don’t see done got a problem. Ah don" how Ah’s gwine git mah shir‘. ovah mah Wings .when ah get Children's Story yo’ problem,†retorted You’ problem is how is of them live JOAN SELKIRK story," ‘sald as Jock'can the bush to some flying on ovah very Slice eight pounds tomatoes very thin and chop one orange and one lemon very ï¬ne. Boil together one hour and add ï¬ve pounds sugar and one small cup of vinegar. Cook un- til it; becomes a clear smooth mass. Grape Conserve l One peck grapes, cook pulp’s until soft enough to mash through strainer. cook skins and strained pulp with two pounds brown sugar and two chop- ped oranges until quite thick. Then add one pound raisins and one pound English walnuts, chopped. Cook un- ,til' like jam. Pickled PI. ppers Select large green, red or yellow peppers, Remove seeds (being care- fu1\not to let the seeds touch the hands;) ï¬ll with finely chopped cab- bage and onions; stew together and place in salt water overnight; in the morning cover with boiling vinegar. Will be ready for use in about two weeks Imitation Ginger Scrape carrots carefully and cut in pieces the size of preserved ginger; parboil gently, then drain, leaving them on the [sieve all night. The next morning weigh them .and to each pound of carrot add one pound of SLI- gar, one tablespoonful of essence of ginger, the rind of one half lemon and one-half cup of water. Simmer four hours. Lift out carefully and put in-' to small jars, taking out the lemon peel. Boil syrup until thick and pour over carrots. Seal and keep in a dark place. One and One-half pecks peaches cut in quarters, one and one-half pts. vinegar, ï¬ve pounds granulated su- gar, one-eighth pound ea'ch whole cloves and-'stick cinnamon put in a bag. Bo‘il all together for three hours. ' One peek of green tomatoes, six pounds of sugar, six lemons, one tabâ€" lespoon of ginger, one cup of water. Wash the tomatoes, remove any dark spots, and weigh them. Cover them with boiling water, let them stand for ï¬ve minutes, then drain. Slice them in the preserving kettle put a layer of vegetables, then a layer of the sliced lemon, then the sugar with the ginger sprinkled over. Add watâ€" er, vcover the kettle and cook very slowly an hour and a half. , Skim and er, «cover the kettle a1 slowly an hour and 3. ha‘ set aside to cool. W cool return to the ï¬re gently for an hour. P1 and keep in a cool place Seasonable Recipes It’s a great mistake to be bored and a great confession of mental deï¬ciency. No really clever people are bored with life. Much of course depends upon health‘, but much more upon the mind. Naturally if the principle concerns of a person’s life have been eating, sleeping and dressing, old age will not yield a fruitful crop, but will. be bereft of its 'greatest consolations. By far‘the best way to conserve in old age is to prepare for it in youth by cultivating a vigor- ous, interested impressionable mind. What hope for any- one' in old age whose brains have become petriï¬ed at forty? we all reach out fer love; we all long to be loved in some way or 0t er: and indeed in as many Ways as poss- ible. A miserabe, discontented old woman is seldom loved; yet on the other hand there are few better ,cgunsellors in We cannot warm our hands at the ï¬re of life all the time and it is a mercy we cannot. Peace follows yearning and in our declining years our ambitions and hopes and longings grow far less insistent. We have entered the ha- ven.‘ We cease to dread old age when we have reached it. The eager silent waiting for adventure has passed; our boat is safely tied to its moorings. Q This all sounds very dull, perhaps. But the boredom associated by youth with old age is’ not. an inexorable pen- alty by any means and many women over seventy are far more interested in life than they were at twenty-ï¬ve. It is foolish of women to regret growing old. The al.1- tumn of a woman’s life may be her‘happiest. Financial troubles, if they ever existed, will most likely be less; chil- dren are usually settled in life. and grandchildren are an amusement and an interest without beipg a responsibility. Old age has joys which youth never dreams of, and what- ever may be said in praise of the ardent emotions of youth â€"and often middle ageâ€" they are fraught with stress and torment. r the many tangles of life than a thoughtful, iri’celligent warm hearted old woman who has lived and lokled and who has given her‘mental life a chance to develop as well as her physical life. ' n 1... So do not fear the grey hairs and wrinkles of old age. The grey hair is but as the autumn c‘bloring of the leaf and the Wrinkles are the unavoidable tracery of Time. The only real and lasting beauty is beauty of mind and charac- ter and if the proper foundation is laid in youth this will in- crease rather than decrease with the years. Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be, The last of life for which the ï¬rst is made; Our times are in His hands Who saith, “A whole I\ planned Youth shows but half; trust God; see all, nor be afraid.†- Green Tomato Preserve Green Tomat'é Butter Spiced Peaches :1 a half. , Skim and )1. When perfectly ‘e ï¬re ,and simmer ut up The Charm Of Old Age =THINGS WORTH KNOWING Tie a piece of stale bread to a white muslin 910th and drop it into the ket- tle with the boiling cabbage to help absorb the odor Do not cover close- m 1y. ~ To keep lemons fresh keép them in a tightly covered gem-jar or in a crock of cold Water ’ Save waxed paper and use it f0; rubbing the kitchen range while warm. There is enough wax tio give it a slight polish‘ Save all empty cereal boxes and pack tightly with all scraps of wrap- ping paper etc. These will burn in a stove or ï¬replace. “Old Red? You bet I do! He’s with Bywater Electric up at Sandison? I only see him about three times a. year, but we’re in touch all the time. He’s as careless about letter-writing as he always was, but I telephone him one week and he teleâ€" phones me the next. A lot of other fellows are up there too â€"â€" it seems as if we have a. long distance class reunion every Thursday night." The miles which separate old friends no longer mean hap- hazard “duty†letters. Instead, Long Distance enables you to talk with your friends when- ever you wish. Try it! “ . . . Do you remember Red McCutgheon? †Two college grads, had adjourned to the locker- room to discuss old friends. Ladies Haircutting . . . . . . Cï¬ildrens Haircutting . . . Marcel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richmond Hill, Ofl‘ice Richmond Hill Telephone 92. WILCOX LAKE BRICK CO. LIMITED T. CQUSINS Phone Mapleâ€"Residence 728â€"-Farm ‘726-â€"Pit 828 454 King Street West, Torontoâ€"Phone ADelaide 5388 PRESERWNG TEME FIELD-TILE, CULVERT PIPE Try our Hairdressing Parlor Richmond Hill Bakery Nothing but the pure ingredients used. Eat More Bread Bread is your best foodâ€"Eat more of it We are equipped to do all kinds of hairdressing work and solicit your patronage. r Our Beauty Parlor Closes Monday and Thursday at 6 pm. and Wednesday at 12 o’clock, noon. For Appointment and we assure you that we will do our utmost to give satisfaction Gravel for Concrte or Roads Sand for Concrete or Plastering Sand and Cement Brick PRICESâ€"OUR PLANT AT MAPLE 0R DELIVERED Maple Sand, Gravel and Brick Co., Limited DAVIES7 DRY GOODS STORE BUNS AND ROLLS A SPECIALTY. Let us supply your needs for Preserving and Pickling. You wish to only use the Best and we Handle only the Best. Send the order with the Children or else tele- phene and it will receive our prompt attention. Manufacturers of Marbelite Brick F. E. SIMS RICHMOND HILL, ONT. W. H. LEGGE, Manager 0ND fllLL MOTORS Telephone 122 Telephone 119 Phone 77. Residence, Nights and Holidays Telephone 2r12. Ham EEEEHE Ontario.