an opportune time to most up-to-date styles guarantee the very bes Richmond Hill , ass " , lCHl‘iOND HILLDAI Perfect Food. We know particularly , well how to handle the . sweet, pure milk that ‘- Correct mechanical eq uip- ment and ’ manthou‘ght- fulness. ' RipHMono nanny Jéarmwman C.H.CO'IE,PRCP. ’ O? . 3‘BaE-«li'95 lama N542 THERE'S LOTS OF THINGS ABOUT YOUR PLACE ‘ ‘ A LITTLE LUMBER'S SURE TO‘G'RACE ' I h It)! 4. 5§¢VIIIG~ ‘ I I I A ‘ ‘ UULDN'T a small parcel of W lumber come in handy up at your house? Figure out What you need and bring your order here. Never matter it‘ it is small. We want to get acquainted with you and show you what real lumber service really is. Phone 133 Richmond Street Clearly the great opportunit- ies of today are in the Busi- ness Field. .To succeed in Busi- ness you require TRAINING, AMBITION and INDUSTRY. If you have the last two you can get the RIGHT TRAIN- ING in one of Shaw‘s Schools in Toronto. and then 100 to I you will at once start out in a good salaried position...\\'rite for our syllabus and. list of graduates recently placrd. Address Department H.L.. 46 Bloor West. Toronto. W. H. Shaw. President. 4% LADIES AND GENTtElllEN As the cool weather has arrived this is and Overcoats. We have in stock the best goods and the latest and will find our prices are always moderate. Furs of all kinds remodelled to the latest Styles. If your Fur Coat needs repairing or a new shell con- sult us. We will gladly quote prices. The Season is Advancing; Don’t Overlook Our Slip On Overcoats. CANADA’S MOST EXCLUSIVE TAILORS FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN ~ Riel-mod]? TAILORS J. A. GREENE Telephone 5j or Residence 49W order your Fall Suits to choose from. We t workmanship and you ‘\‘u:_-:'a §5~.’-‘..;- «A: ' ., .vr .; ‘:. in. a . , V. .; .2. _: â€"..- :37; ; 4mg â€",..x A ) Ontario LOCAL h Garbage (‘ollcction Owing to the wet weather the gar- carried out on Friday. Will Give Adams On the evening of Tuesday, October 10, Mr. J. H. Dunlop will give an ad‘ (lres on “Roses In Winter“ to the Horticultural Society. Another an- not/ihcement next week. Euchre and Dance A euchre and dance under the aus- pices of St. Edward's church Lan- sing will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 13. Euchre. dancing and refresh- ments. l’ostmastcr's Estate James J. Rae, postmaster, late of Stouiiville, who died on June 18th, 1926, left an estate worth 823.207, in- cluding $6.00 in realty. to three of his children, Frank E.. Margaret Al- ice and Janet Rae. l l l Limerick Contest Don't overlook the Limerick con test announced by the Liberal in this issue. Get the famin together have some fun. Just ï¬ll in the last line of the limerick and hand it in when ordering your Christmas Cards. Fraternal Visit The members of the Richmond Hill Orange Lodge will pay a fraternal visit with L.Q.L. 269 Toronto, on Fri- e} m .( .Muvr-umrwr-u-«mw 0:. l soon and PERSONAL 0;‘-_'Iwm_fl.l~>bl_-l~l;ï¬ The Liberal asks its .‘readers to make these columns their own to the extent of contributing social and per- sonal items which are of interest. If you have friends visiting you, there is no nicer compliment you can pay your guests than to take the trouble to see that their names are mentioned in your local newspaper. Call at or phone the Liberal oiï¬ceâ€" our num- her is 9 ’ or send the item by mail. l Mr. and‘Mrs. Hamilton Sherwood announce the engagement of their daughter, Laura Gertrude, to Gordon Henry Baker, B. A. Sc., son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baker of Toronto, the marriage to take place the latter part of October. ' Mrs. M. McLean, Mrs. B. Weldrick and Mrs. Jane Albin motored to God- erich to attend the funeral of their uncle, Mr. Thos. Burns, "of that place. Mrs. F. J. Mansbridge returned on Monday from a delightful trip to the 01d Land. 3 Mrs. J. Reed of Muskoka spent a few days with Mrs. John Wood. Mr. James McLean attended the Bolton Fair on Saturday last. Miss Mary Robinson who recently graduated from St. Michael’s Hospit- al is this year taking a post graduate course in Public Health nursing at the University of Toronto. Among those from Richmond Hill who attended Markham Fair on Sat- urday were Reeve Lunau, J. H. Nau- ghton, A. G. Savage, A.E. Glass and C. Wiley. â€" Mr Earl Dunn of Bracebridge vis- ited with friends in the village last week. E Mr. Edward Robinson motored "to Bracebridge Sunday evening where he~ is spending some of his holidays. Miss Blanche Elliot and Miss Ger- trude Clark, of the Civil Service, Ot- tawa, were guests of Mrs. H. A. Nicholls last week, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley and famâ€" ily of Toronto, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Grainger. l l Men's black and brown Ox- fords, regular $5.50 value, a special at $4.50. Also some in ï¬rst grade calf at $5.50 and $6.00. Ladies†Summer Pumps in patent, gray kid. and satin. at $4.00. $4.50 and $5.00. We carry the special Good- rich Bi-Press athletic shoes for 5 Men. Women and Children. ‘ l I l I l l 1 l NORMAN J. GLASS .Missionary society of the Presbyter- day evening. Oct. 8. This is past masters night and the past master of No. 269 will be host‘to the lodge at supper. Wanted Oats wanted at the chopping mill. Judging Potatoes Reeve McCague of Maripose Town- ship was in this district during the week judging ï¬eld crops of potatoes for the department of Agriculture. He reports the crop on the whole to be very good but that on wet land there is danger of rotting. Potatoes Going Up The ï¬rst carload of potatoes to be shipped from the potato cents of Goodwood this season, was loaded last week‘at 81.25 a bag. The price is likely to climb upwards from this, as the acreage is smaller than usual and on the heavy land the the tubers are rotting owing to wet weather.- l l l (Shoe Repairing Elsewhere in this issue the announ- cement of the opening of an up-to- date shoe repair shop by S. Belgrade in the Wellman block. Mr. Belgrade has hadseveral years experience and has installed the Very latest equip- ment. He guarantees prompt ser- vice and ï¬rst class workmanship. Goods called for and delivered. Curlers Will Meet Mr. James McLean, president of the local curling club, announces that there will be a meeting of the curl- ing club at Dinty Moore’s on Friday evening, October 8th, at eight o’clock for the purpose of electing or re- electing, as the case may be, ofï¬cers for the coming season and the trans- action of other business of importâ€" ance All interested are urged to at- tend. ' Bible Conference The seventh annual Bible Confer- ence will be held at Aurora on Mon- day, October 11, to Friday Oct. 15 with services in the Baptist church at 3 p.m. and in Trinity Hall at '8 p.m. There will be interesting ad- dresses on prophecy and mission, by prominent speakers. Real Estate If you are looking for Real Estate in this district it will pay you to keep in touch with the advertising columns of the Liberal. This week W. R Brotherton, has a long list of proper. ties for sale or rent among which are many attractive offers. Annual Thank Offering Under the auspices of the Women‘s ian Church, the annual thank offer- ing service will be held in the Masonic Hall on Sunday evening. October 10th at 7 o'clock. The Congregation has been most fortunate in securing Mrs. ll. T. L. fxlclicrol. President of the W. )l. S. of Canada. Western division who will give an address. Mrs. :‘lCKE‘I‘I‘Ol an eloquent speaker well-known all over Canada for the good work L Rhodes Church" Sprinil music All Mornin: service as usual Rev. M. C. Camphcil’ is she has done. Master l-Isopraro in "Cl Deer Park will sing. will b: l welcome. at 11 o'clock. pastor. soloist render/er by the choir. “'antcd Oats wanted at the chopping mill. TEW barre. collection which regularly would mond Hill still complain of the have taken place on Tuesday will be cherous holes SY ITEMS Still The Bumps Motorists travelling: through Rich- trea- thc highway on Yonge Street and very often leave our town in very bad humor as a reâ€" sult. At least a fev.‘ of the worst holes should be tilled up before :omc serious accident occurs Quality hppe Dry Goods, Millinery, Ladies’ Wear Fancy Goods and Novelties Fall Millinery We beg to thank our many customers for their past patronage, and an- nounce that We are now displaying the newest Fall styles in Felts and Velvets at popularprices, and we invite your inspection. WE GUARANTEE SATlSFACTlON IN EVERY WAY in Taken Over Agency Harry S. Mathews formcry of Toronto has moved to Richmond Hill where he has taken over the. Massey- Harris agency. Mr. Mathews has been associated with the implement business for a number of years and is prepared to give prompt service to the farmers of this district. He will carry a full line of repairs for all implements. An Opportunity We believe that there is a good chance for someone looking for work to pick up a nice little bit of money during the next few weeks. There, are, a lot of chiinncy.;, stovepipcs. stoves and furnaces to be cleaned and if some energetic person Would make canvas of the town or better still put an ad in the Liberal and can do the job right without mucking up the whole house there is lots of work in sight. Union Services The Pastor and congregation of St. Paul’s will join with the pastor and congregation of St. John’s on Sunday Oct. ‘10 at morning service. The service will be of a special inaug- ral nature will effect what has been anticipated ever since the vote was taken over a year ago and bring to~ gether for united Christian effort these two strong United church con- gregations to more effectively carry on work of God in Richmond Hill and surrounding community. See our new‘ line of Gifts, ranging from 25 cts. to $3.00 MRS. NORMAN'BATTY Phone 53 Trench Block ,3 Cultivate the Community Spirit By Buying In Your Home Town. DIED Hansonâ€"At Casa Maria Maternity Hospital Hamilton on September 22, 1926. Mary the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. AnHanson of_late of Elgin Mills, now of Grimsby Ont. aged 11 days. Hagermanâ€"In Agincourt, on Sept. 30th, at the residence of her daught~ er, Mrs. Richard Moore, Catherine Buttonwidow of the late T. Huger~ man. The funeral was held on Sunday Oct. 3, and interment followed at Loâ€" cust Hill. Gordonâ€"At Richmond Hill on Fri~ day, Oct. lst Margaret Jane Coates, O beloved wife of the late John Gordon, â€"" *“â€" in her 70th year. 0 Funeral held from her late __“‘â€"â€" was residence on Sunday at 2 p.m. and interment followed at Maple Ceme- te/ry. -â€".â€"_____.. r. .l. MANSBll-lDGE ’ IEADIII AY B U'E‘Cfilfl R NOW OFFERING A SPECIAL IN Easiï¬rst or Domestic Shortening ’ RICHVALE The races which were to be run in connection with the church ï¬eld day Sept. 25th were postponed on ac- count of the rain. Weather permit- ting will be run next Saturday Oct. 9 on the Community Church grounds commencing at 3 p-m- The mile and 10 n) Pails net weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 65 a quarter race for the By†“up “i†5 lb pails, net weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . 83c be contesmd am“ 4 9-m- The pub“ 3 lb Pails, net weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53c he as well as the contestants are cordially invited. Special Harvest Home Services will be held in Richvale Community Church next Sunday Oct. 10 at 3.30 MOUNT ALBERT CREAMERY BUTTER Freshly Made . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38c per lb (The ï¬nest butter that’s made) SilglachTtlliee 2::ir'ibnRevSp‘hcia‘Nli1:3;c“l:§ Freshly Minced Steak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15c per lb the choir. The church will be appro- FreSh Shoulders Pork’ for roaStmg 230 per lb “Choice Steer and Heifer Beef at popular prices†Three Yeast Cakes a Day for Health 4 Cents Each. l l l priately decorated with seasonable flowers anid vegetables. 'A cordial invitation is extended to all. Jarret/z 7a A béw‘ecflM Gait/‘5 High School Notes Many ex-pupils were prese t at the social evening held in the high school gymnasium on Friday evening. About two hundred attended and the teachers and pupils were very pleased to see their former students and com- panions. The platform on which the mem- bers of the orchestra“ were seated was tastefully decorated. Duncng was the main enjoyment semi/,6 4.7:; .. “f [:1 Fatiqile Signature ,, Phone 97 Richmond Hill Ontario of the evening but alas! all good things come to an end. Shortly after eleven o‘clock refreshments were served and with a few ï¬nal dances the pleasant evening came to a close. Contestants in our annual ï¬eld day are to compete with Aurora Newmar- ket and Markham high schools, at Aurora next Saturday when a huge ï¬eld day will be held there. Old Lumber For Firewood $1.00 for team load‘ at Ice House LAKE SllVlCllE lCE, limited Wilcox Lake. Government, Municipal and Corporation Bonds 0 Bought. Sold and Exchanged J. J.Deane Private Phone: 78 Woodbridge All business strictly conï¬dential E