Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Oct 1926, p. 8

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RICHMOND HILL BRANCH, Phone 33. Quality and Prices that will Satisfy most Needs 1 Ply Lion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.60 per roll 2 Ply Lion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.00 per roll 2 Ply Owl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32.33 per roll 3 Ply Owl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.75 per roll ._ 4 in 1 Shingles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56.75 per square Glass - .Rmfing - Paint Business Accounts AT YQUR SERVECE E JUST ARRIVEDâ€"A quantity of first quality cedar posts which are the very best obtainable anywhere. BUY YOUR, COAL NOW :4We have an hand a quantity of good co‘al and the “wise ones” are laying in a supply now. Prompt Delivery. '. Langstaff Supply Co, Ltd. Telephone Thornhill Nights, Richmond Hill 110] T. H. HARDWARE) & SUE’WES Coal, Wood, Tile, Cement, Builders Supplies, Feed, Baled Hay and Straw G. H. DUNCAN, Manager ' BUILDERS HARDWARE AND SUPPLIES ~ READY ROOFING AT)!" y! ".W! .2. “\L . LC»... 1, Now is" the time to buy a Used Car. We have a large stock and they must be sold.. We have half ton and one ton. Trucks, Runabouts, Coupes and Sedans. Touring Cars in various makes, five and seven passenger. We also have several rebuilt Tractors. GLAZED TILE AND LIME . A. Mo DAVIDSQN We have watched many small bus-i iness accounts opened in this Ban}; grow. We could cite instances when the small business has grown to be the leading industry in the commun- ity in which it is established. The service of the officers of this Bank may assist your business to become a leading industry. , ,1 Also Large Stock ofâ€". For Fall Repairs Limited Thornhill, Ont. UNIONVILLE A. T. MINNIS, Manager. Engineer E. A. James and Welter Works Superintendent T. Jackson were instructed _to report upon the cost of numbering the houses in the populace section of North York. They were also instructed to submit a system of numbering. Property owners on Don Boulevard and Addington Avenue were informed that on the 12th of October the On- tario Railway Board would likely hear objections to the method of assessing the cost of the two bridges. The election of officers resulted as follows;â€"Mrs. D. Rose, President; Mrs. A. Spaulton, lst Vice; Mrs. Bert Humphreysn second vice, (Mrs. C. S. Holly, secreta'ry; Miss Barbara Bath- gate treasurer. Regular Meeting of North York \ Council. The North York Council last Mon- day was not an important meeting but several matters were dealt with. Deputy-Reeve W. W. Anderson in- timated that he thought the Council were pursuing the wrong policy in permitting the Townhip employees to own their cars a :1 receive main- tenance funds from Lhe Township. His own idea was that the Township could own and operate the cars at less expense. ‘ Mr. Thos. Urquhart the Township Solicitor was requested to inform the Township as to what obligation the owners 'of the Metropolitan Railway were under to give service on Yonge Street within the Township. Mrs J. Cooper, gave a report on ‘the work accomplished by the relief committee during the year, and stat- ed that about $700 worth of relief work had been done. It was decided to hold a township campaign and lag day on October 16 to raise funds for relief during the ensuing winter. ‘ The engineer was instructed to call for tenders for a storm drain on Brook street. This work is the com- mencement of a se‘: Usage system for the Township of YL_'.:. The annual meeting of the North York branch of tlrye Canadian Red Cross Society was held last week at the home of the Misses Eating-ate, Parkviexy avenue. In the absent-e of the president, Mrs. D. Ross, Mrs. C. Catto, former president occupied the chair. until alter the hearing .11 the appeal against the work beforn the. Ontario Railway and Municipal Board. Tllese matters wil be disposed of before the Board at the Board Rooms Toron- to at 11 am. on October 12th. Will Hold Tag Day To clear up the misunc‘lerstanding in connection with the Don Blvd Bridge or Addington Ave. Bridgx tenders fox; which have been Opene( and prices given out it should b1 understood that the council of Nort} York will not award any until after the hearing .Jf ti) against the work before the YONGE and ELLESLERY 1y‘VILLOWDALE 1‘ We Solicit Your Patronage Give Us A Trial. GEORGE E3ERHARDT Sanitary Barber Shop HAIRCUTTING CHILDRENâ€"25 Cents ADULTSâ€"35 Cents (Special to the Liberal) Willowdale L‘th act The many friends'of the Late Mrs. J. Gordon extend their hearty sympaâ€" thy to the sorrowing family in their bereavement. Many from here attended the school fair at Vellore on Friday last and pro- nounce it to be the best ever held there. A quiet wedding took place at the Manse, on Wednesday of list week, when Mr. Walter Lloyd and Miss Al- ma Shaw were united in matrimony. The‘ceremony was performed by the Rev. C. H. Bowman. Miss Greta Piercey acted James Leslie best man. M Plans are under way -for purchas- ing a lot and a building for the public library. Monday was the sixtieth anniver- sary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. S. McDonald. They received the con- gratulations of many friends. spending M nrrisnn Next Sunday \morning and evening Harvest Home Thanksgiving services will be held in St. Stephen’s Church when Rev. C. S. Roberts will preach. Special music will be rendered. Anniveréary services were held“ in St. Andrew’s Church on Sunday when excellent sermons were preached by Rev.- Dr. Wallis of Oakville. A large congregation was present in the morn- ing and at evening service the church was crowded. The choir was assist- ed by Miss Laidlaw of Toronto, and Master Edwin Bell, of St. Ann’s Ang- lican Church Choir Toronto. Rev. A. S. Kerr of Maple, and Rev. Mr‘. Mc- Kay of Bolton assisted at the evening service. ternoon by a 12-9 score. Newton- brook were the champions last year and no doubt were heavy favorites to repeat the performance this year but just like Jack Dempsey and a lot of other champions they fell down be- fore the snappy Richmond Hill ag- gregation. The game in reality was a pitchers battle between Ted Bennett for the champions and Ray Richard- son and Bob Jacks for the losers. The pitching on both sides was ex- ceptionally good but a few costly errors lost the game for Newtonbrook. The Hill boys won the game in the last innings when Hart went to bat with two on bases and smashed out a two bager scoring the two men ahead of him. Both teams played very good ball, the leading hitters of the game being; Bennett, Grant and Hart for the winners while Richard-- son was the only player to circle the bases with a homer. The championship team’ are deser- vant of much credit for the honors which they have brought to the town, They played twelve games of which they won ten and also won five ex- hibition games. It is no little honor for the Hill to have a championship team and it has been rumored that the members of the town council and a few prominent citizens intend giving the boys' a banquet. Aurora girls annexed the champion- ship in the ladies section of the Yonge S'lz'eet softball league by defeating tlte Thornhill team at Newmarket on S'iurday afternoon last by a score of 14-9. It was an interesting game aid 2 hard battle all the way. The. Aurora girls have played consistent ball during the year and deserve the honors they have won. ' - A girl’s softball game is being ar- ranged for Saturday afternoon, Oct. 16, at 3 o’clock in the Richmond Hill Park between Newmarket and the lo- cal girls. All fans should turn out strong to this game as it will be the last game of the season to be played on the local diamond. Well boys, baseball is all over, pack away the bats and balls, and let’s call a hockey meeting to get things into shape for the coming win- ter sport. Let’s make this one of the biggest seasons Richmond Hill has ever had in Hockey. Aurora Girls Defeatwl Thornliill Richmond Hill Men‘s Softball tea won the championship- of the Yon; street softball leag Newtonbrook in a game at Thornhill Local Team Won League Championship dorrison MI man. Mr. 3 in Maple s. Locke C (Special to The Liberal) annu Markham few Maple Bowman. [5 bridesm law of - Kh ard of I days M um and ship of the Yonge gue by deflating 1 keenly contested I last Saturday 2f- er kham ShVIHe )l team ther 1 an here the ill PHONE 28 WILLOWDALE THE YORK MARKET YONGE STREET The Producers of the district and householders of North York and North Toronto will find this a splendid market. Open Every Saturday Mornifig AT80’CLOCK AND TUESDAYS 6-9 PM. Horseshoeng and Ge ral Repair work of all kinds promptly attended to. W are equipped to do all kinds of first class work. 0 YONGE STREET E. A. GAWRMTH Hawware of Quality BUILDERS HARDWARE 40,000 Trucks Now ~Use Ontaric’s Highways OF CANADA RICHMOND HILL BRANCHâ€"W. G. Bodford, Manager THORNHILL BRANCHâ€"S. B. Elton, Manager STANDARD BANK Commercial users have increased from less £51311 2,800 in 1916 to 40,000 in 1926. 3‘. ‘ County engineers and others complaifif of damage to roads because of overloading of twcks and speed at which they are driven on highwfiays. The necessity of limiting loads was recogsgize’d by the Government three years ago. Unless," you wish more drastic legislation, further limiting of weight and speed, yoy will co-operate wit}; the Department and obey the law. ‘ '2; All tax payers must not be penalized ’rflcause of ‘emporar‘y profit to the few. '9" and Penalties are provided for overloading fast driving. These should be unnecessary, bug‘vvill be rigidly enforced whenever necessary. 3' THE HON. G BANKING FIFTY YEARS Fix Your Furnace And Stove Pipes NOW. Phone Us For Your Requirements. PAINT INCREASES PROPERTY VALUE Agentsâ€"BRANDRAMâ€"HENDERSON Bâ€"H “ENGLISH” PAINT BLACKSMITH SHOP Road repair bills should never be burdgnsome 1 will not be if you use the highways rcas'gnably. Issued the I AT THE CITY LIMITS 3479 YONGE STREET Brand“. also at Aurora. Lansing LL that can be said in favor of opening a savings account in the Siundaid Bunk may be repeated with greater emphasis as regards a joint savings account. Joint accounts are primarily for convenience of de- positors, but where two people are bound together by common interests, the moral as well as the practical value of working together, planning their financial betterment with the aid of a joint hank account is clearly evident. The Standard Bank solicits your joint savings account. ‘ the UH ecure th DOUBLING THE ARGU- MENTS FOR SAVING iENRY J. G. HUNT ators 1 e Prov THE partment STOP 7 YONGE ST. RICHMOND HILL s. L. SJQUI GLAZING

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