Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Oct 1926, p. 5

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amnunc of busi and we believe do so. Keep I lumber yard, your upprobatk Phone 133 Richmond Street ’Now,Ein'zv DAY FROM sun‘ To SUN-Noun FIND us ‘smuoma 3v mus GUN , As the cool weather has arrived this is an opportune time to order your Fall Suits and Overcoats. We have in stock the best goods and the latest and most up-to-date styles to Choose from. We guarantee the very best workmanship and you will find our prices are always moderate. W as THE If your Fur Coat needs repairing or a new shell con- sult us. We will gladly quote prices. I Furs of all kinds remodelled t0 the latesa‘ Styles. Richmond Hill ies can ING BUSENESS Cle; VIBITION L. INNES & SONS The Season is Advancing; Don’t Overlook Out Slip On Overcoats. you haw , get the RECHMOND TAELORS [early the great opportunit- of to-day are in the Busi- ; Field.. .To succeed in Busi- 5 you require TRAINING. RE standing by our dealing guns. Tin-V brought us a (omfm of business and. :1 fair ' believe they will comii Keep on talking n'oou find, friends. We’ll CANADA’S MOST EXCLUSIVE TAILORS FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN J. A. GREENE Telephone 5j or Residence 49W uire THAI)“ 1_\ 1; and INDUSTRY ~{IGHT TRAIN E Shaw‘s School two Ibouc zhis e’ll merit. )ll o m. ~mM)‘.<_I>4-D - ENORMAN J. GLASS Messrs. Lorne Sheardown, Frank brainger, Percy Young of the Shear- down Construction 00., who have been working at Bell River all sum- mer arrived home on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Hogg of Pine- woods, York Mills have returned from a six weeks holiday in Nassair, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Murray and Miss Velma Murray motored from Acton and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mofi'a’c, Richmond Street. Mrs. H. H. McMahon of Toronto visited in the Village on Wednesday. Mr. Bryan Sharpless returned on Saturday from a pleasant trip to New York, Philadelphia and Atlantic City. : “(MMlerâ€"Iw-_‘ E 50cm and PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Tuck have re- turned after a trip to Montreal and points east. Rev. Wellwood recently paid a very enjoyable visit to his former charges at Meaford and Thornbury in Grey county. ‘ W. G. Baldock transacted business in Oshawa on Wednesday. .MI. and Mrs. Lehm‘an of Toronto, formerly of Richmond Hill spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Petch. Mr. A. A. Ness of Ottawa motored up and \spent‘ part of the week with his sister Miss H. B. Ness. Mr. Thomas Riley has taken up res- idence in Toronto for the winter months. ‘ Mrs. J. Harrison of Toronto is vir- iting her daughter, Mrs. Dist. Sgt. Major Butler, Richmond Hill. Rev. J. W. and Mrs. McIntosh wére at Mitchell, Ont. this Week, where Mr. McIntosh ofliciated at the wedding of Miss Gwen Stuart, B. A. to Mr. C. Stanley Robinson of Paris Ont. Mrs. 0. L. Wright is visiting in Mr. James McLean is the International Plowing tion at Niagara this week Mrs. 0. L. Wrigh North Bay this week Miss Susie Winch returned on Tues- day after spending a couple of months in Western Canada. She spent some time with her brother Melville Shep- herd at Rumbly, Alta. Nr. and Mrs. William T. Watson of Maple, Ont. announce the engage- ment of their second daughter Dor- othy Irene to Mr. Henry Keith Thom- as, son of Mrs. Thomas and the late Mr. Henry Thomas of Maple, the marriage to take place on October 28 in Hope United Church. The members of the William Lyon Mackenzie Chapter I.O.D.E., motored Monday afternoon to the home of Mrs. W. H. Legge where they had an en- joyable reunion and card party: The Richmend Him Furnishing Store g SWEATERS AND S ‘ COATS Try Some Of Our New Shoe Cream At 25 cents. Rubbers For The Whole Family ALSO FOR WOME THE LARGEST CHOIC LADIES SHOES FROM $2.95 to $5.50 FELT HATS FOR MEN Plain or Fancy Bands $4.00 and $4.50 For Boys or Me $2.85 UP TO $6.5 Ontario SWEATER l Efiflén’fiil} attending competi- Late Mrs. Margaret Gor‘ T death occured on Octc oi" largaret Gordon of this The late Mrs. Gordon was b< raised in Toronto, moving to I brook, Ont. shortly before In riage. Shg- lived the greater her life at Maple, Ont. movi‘ about ten years ago. Bgsides i ters and one brother she 10 ! Hosiery Week . This is hosiery week at Davies’ Dry Goods Store. Do not overzook the advertismg ofi’ering spec1al bar- gains, elsewhere in this iSsue. Christmas Cards We print our own Clll‘lstmfls cards in our Job printing department and solicit your patronage. if you send your money "to out of town lirms you have no chance of getting it back. b‘pend it at home and it will circulate here Ior the mutual benefit of all. Attractive Window The store of Mrs. Norman Batty just now presents a very attractive window decorated with Hallowe’en novelties. The window is represenâ€" tative of a splendid assortment and lvariety of goods handled at this pop- .ular store. mourn her loss daughters. Mrs. Ont. Herbert, M Tottenham, Ont. Milton, Kellog, mourn her loss, six sons and two daughters. Mrs. Pleasance, Kettleby Ont. Herbert, Melford, Sask; Horace, Tottenham, Ont.; Bert, Delisle, Sask.; Milton, Kellog, Idaho; George, High River, Alta.; Jack, Minneapolis, Minn. and Edna at home. The family have lost a loving and devoted mother. Classified Ads. Jersey cows for sale, riI‘le for sale, furniture for sale, houses for rent, are only a few of the very special offerings in our classxfied ad column this week. The steady growth of this column is evzdence of the splendid re- sults obtained. Village Council The regular meeting of the village council which according to schedule should have been held on Monday night will be held on Monday evening next at the Clerk’s office at 8 o’clock for the transaction of general busi- ness. Had Pocket Picked l A prominent Richmond Hill citizen had the misfortune on last Saturdayl while visiting the Woodbridge Fair to be relieved of about $7000 in hard cash by pickpockets. Several other losses were reported, not only at‘ Woodbridge but at Markham and other county fairs in the district Moralâ€"sew your roll on the inside of your trouser pocket when visiting the county fairs. ‘ Successful Shower A very successful shower was held at St. Mary’s Rectory on Monday night in connection with the sale of work to be held on Nov. 20th. A large congregation brought their contributions, games were indulged in and dainty refreshments served. Anniversary Services Edgeley United Church will hold their re-opening and anniversary services on Sunday, October 17. at 2.30 and 7.30 pm. There will be special music by the Woodbridge choir and Rev. Kerr will have charge of both services. A fowl dinner will be held in the hall on Friday evening October 22. Supper will be served from 5.30 to 8 pm. after which there will be a high class concert. Admission, Adults 50 cents, Children 25 cents. i Plowing Match. The annual plowing match and Ham tor demonstration of the King and Vaughan branch of the Ontario Plow- man’s Association will be held at Lot 12, Con. 6, Vaughan on Friday, Nov. 5th. There will be upwards of $500. 00 offered for competition and the best match in thelhistory of the ass- ociation is looked for, Robert Watson of Woodbridge is president and E. M. Legge of King, Secretary. Thank Offering The officers of the Auxilliary of the.W. M. S. of the United Church are delighted at the prospect of hav- ing Mrs. (Rev.) G. E. Forbes as the speaker at their Annual thank Offer- ing meeting in St. John's church on -Wed., the 20th inst. at 3 o’clock. Mrs. Forbes is one of the most inter- esting and well informed imssionary speakers in the whole church. Taffy Pull The Girls’ Auxiliary of St. Mary’s Anglican Church spent a very enjoy- able time last Friday evening when they had a “Tally Pull” at the Brayâ€" bon’s camp. The taffy was made over a glorious boa-fire and delicious co- coa and cake were served. A jolly sing song followed and after three cheers for the hostess and Mrs. Batâ€" tersby the party broke up. l I noticed in 5 that the W. C resolution at 1 pledging their for a candidat the “0. T. A. would have thc for a man who ance man, as t Léttéfg From whz t th 31' The Lfcmmg mecu Richmond Hill 0c the Editor. “Liberal” Newsp: LOCAL NEWSY ITEMS 3.1' Lke were served. A jolly followed and after three the hostess and Mrs. Bat- party broke up. hough their ther she leave six sons and Car embers to who woul 1r Newspaper ours Truly, I Temperance Man. U18 regu hristiat ections ‘ition Land: wee mad 5 Village. born and Newton- her mar- r part. of ving here . four sis- Jon eople meeting tte only, support :t! One uld vote Temper- paper sed a whi 1926 atut The regula: the Young Wc Presbyterian ' home of Miss ening October program was program was glven. Tr tuc was a talk on the nee ary workers, by Miss J: Toronto. Solos were gi‘ Nora Campbell and Mi Ireland. Dainty refresh The Mission Circle of the United Church will meet at the home of Miss Marguerite Brown. Tuesday evening, Oct. 19 at eight o’clock. All interest- ed are urged to attend. Horticultural Society Next Tuesday eVening. Oct. 19th, Mr. J. H. Dunlop will give an ad- dress to the members of the Horti- cultural Society and friends on. “Ros- es in, Winter.” Mr. Dunlop is well known as an authority on Roses and the address will be instructive to all. The meeting will be held in the High School at'eig‘ht o’clock,” ‘ The executive would like the mem- bers who are indebted for spraying, etc. to make their payments in the near future so that prizes WOIL at the autumn flower show may be paid at an early date. Bazaar ShOWer A shower in connection with the Bazaar of the \Presbyterian Church will be held at the home of Mrs. Kidd Yor‘tge Street on Saturday evening of this week, from 7 till 10 o‘clock. The convenor (Mrs. Yerex) asks for ar- ticles suitable for 8. “Useful or Kit- chen Booth.” Refreshments will be Served Election Coming According to a well-known local authority on matters political a pro- vincial elections will be held on Nov. 29th. The official announcement will be mafie on Tuesday, Oct. 9th so we are told and the policy 0 the Fer- guson government Will be government control on a local option basis. Presbyterian Services The regular services of the Rich- mond Hill Presbyterian church will be held in the Masonic Hall on Sun- day morning at 11 a. m. with the min- ister, Rev. M. C. Campbell in charge. Football Schedule Following is the schedule of the North York High School Football League, between Newmarket, Aurora and Richmond Hill. The local team starts the schedule at Aurora to-day at 4 o’clock. 4.00â€"R. H. H. S. at Auroraâ€"~Oct. 14 4.15â€"Aurora‘ at N ewmarketâ€"Oct. 18 3.40â€"Newmarket at R.H.H.S.~Oct. 21 SACâ€"Aurora at R. H. H. S.â€"Oct. 25 4.00â€"Newmarket at Auroraâ€"Oct. 28 4.15â€"R.H.H.S. at Newmarketâ€"â€"Nov. 1 erved wiAll Ebgtfionéd games will be played on November 4, at 4.30. Richmond Hill Public~Sch001 Room Report for_S‘epteg1bevr,n_J.unio§‘ III. Ag‘nes Caldwell, Lillian Durrant, Harry Jenkins, Marjorie Graham, Evâ€" elyn Wade, Eleanor Wallis, equalâ€" (Harry Sayers, Lloyd Reid,) Reay Hopper, Geo. White, Leo Sheppard, Jack Beresford, equal~(Bruce Armâ€" strong, Leonard Harris.) (Fred Tay- lor: Leslie Kendall, Ellwood McLean, Melville Burns. Lulla Novak,) Law- rence Haworth, (Lenol'e Glass, Mar- ion Scrivener,) (Joe Mills. Betty In- nes,) Jessie Fish, Aileen Grant, E1- ‘eanor Boyle, Thelma Shields, (Grace Brillinger, Maude Buchanan, Ruth Da- vis, Tilford Hilts,) Petqr Forest, (Norman Paisley, Margaret Rumble,) Lloyd Hawkes, Audrey Patrick, Au- .rey Grainger, Willie Rumble, Mar- garet Buchanan, Queenie Urben, Ran- 301ph Phinney CHATTERLEYâ€"At Brandon, Manâ€" itoba on Thursday, October 7, Geo- rge Chatterley’ son of the late Walter Chatterly of Elgin Mills. Funeral Service was held at 1. P. M. Wednes- day at Wright and Taylors underâ€" taking parlor and interement follow- ed at Thornhill Cemetery. year Andrewsâ€"At Markham, on Oct. the 11th, Robert A. AndreWs. beloved husband of Ida Stotts, in his 60th BLACKBURNâ€"On Monday, Octo- ber 11th, at his residence 5th of King and North TOWnline, George Blackburn in his 75th year. ARMY NOTES The 44th annual congress of the Salvation Army was held in Toronto, on Sat. and Sunday, October 16 and 17 when delegates from as far as India were present. At the civic reception, given to the delegates by the City of Toronto, Bro. S. Hunt represented Richmond Hill Corps. District Sergeant-Major ‘Butler attended t Mammoth Musi- cal Festival on M nday night when 500 bandsmen took part. Commis- ‘sioner Mapp of London, Eng. was in Icommand. ) regul oung \‘yterian and Schrml Reps): Mission Circle men‘s Auxmiary lar monthly mee Vomen’s Auxilliar 1 Church was heh 55 Ireland, Thurs )l( DIED Thanks mt was held at the 3, Thursday ev- very interesting The main fea- need of mission- 5 Janet Haig of given by Miss Miss Margaret reshments were at hour spent. 11C XI ing the the )nd Dry Goods, Millinery, Ladies’ Wear NORMAN RAW Phone 53 ’ ’ Trench Block Cultivate the Community Spirit By Buying In Your Home Town. , I'urb n:- 10 OLD ENGLISH FANCY MINCEMEAT 20 CENTS PE Freshly Made Freshly Minced Steak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15c per 1h Fresh Shoulders Pork, for roasting 23c per If) “Choice Steer and Heifer Beef at popular prices” NEW AND DELICIOUS SAUSAGETTES, SKINLESS 22 CENTS PER 1b. 'SWEET PICKLED PICNIC HAMSâ€"20 CENTS PER 1b. SMOKED PICNIC HAMSâ€"23 CENTS PER 1b. MOUNT ALBERT CREAMERY BUTTER See Our Display/0f Fall and Winter Millinery U p-io-Date Styles and Shades, at Lowest Pricesâ€"Satisfaction Guaranteed. Easifirst 0! Domestic Shortening We have now in stock Holeproof and Mercury Hosiery in silk and silk and wool in’all the newest shadesâ€" Priced from 98 cents to $1.50. A new line of Scarves in Crepe and Crepe Georgette in beautiful Color pat- terns. Fancy Goods and Novelties Children’s Winter Coats priced very low at $5.00 to $6.00. All wool flannel at 98 cents a yard in Sand Blue and Redâ€"Cotton Mater- ial with flannel] finish suitable for Children’s Dresses, 45 cents per Yard. Flannellettes in newest patterns at popular prices. F. J. MANSBRH'DGE 1b Pails net weight . . . . . . . . . 11') p‘aiis, net weight . . . . . . . . . Tb Pails, net weight . . . . . . . . . . Tea Towellingâ€"â€"Table Linenâ€"Etc. ECAEII] JY BU'I‘C [-113 R NOW OFFERING A SPECIAL IN $1M for team load at Ice House (The finest butter that’s made) E” K‘ 1Y6 “7000. SEMCQE ICE, Limits Wilcc X Lake. Three Yeast Cakes a Day for Health 4'Cents Each. Phone 97 Richmond Hill 0 Ontar ..38c per lb 111‘10 $1.65 . .830 . .53c

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