J. Nigh Longhouse, John Gardhouse, R. J. Bull, the mover and seconder, be a committee empowered to draft a sched- ule of highways for a County Road System in the part of the county within the riding of East and West York. This committeee secured legislation authorizing _the Council of the County of York to adopt a County Road System for that portion of the County included in the Elec- toral districts of East and West York and for issuing deben- tures assessable on that portion‘ of the County, only exempt- ing the municipalities that compose the Electoral District of North York. The Committee drafted a schedule of lead- ing roads in this section of the County, which roads after- wards comprised the original County Road System. ARTICLE 18 Steps Leading To The Formation Of The York Roads Commission At the June session of 1910, Mr. Geo. S. Henry moved and Mr. Pugsley seconded g. motion thgt Megsns. Annie, At a joint meeting of the above Committee and repre- sentatives of the Council of the City of Toronto, the To- ronto Board of Trade and the Ontario Motor League, the following resolutions were passed; ’ “Moved .by Reeve Geo. S. Henry, seconded by W. J. Gage, that this joint Committee representing the City of Toronto, the County of York. the Board of Trade and the Ontario Motor League recommend that the City of Toronto and the County of York each contribute one-third the cost of constructing permanent roadways within the County of York, the remaining one-third to be contributed by the Provincial Government under the conditions of the Statutes in relation to the improvement of highwaysâ€. “Mox‘ed by Reeve R.J. Bull, seconded by W.G. Trethe- way, that the City of Toronto and County of York strongly recommend the vote of a3 grant of $100,006 to be set apart for the purpose of imp‘roving the highways mention- ed in the resolution so that the work can be commenced at the earliest possible date.†“Moved by W. J. Gage, seconded by Reeve W. D. Annis, that this joint Committee recommend that the County of York, the City of Toronto and the Provincial Government each appoint a representative who would practically con- stitute a commission to have charge and supervision of the expenditure of moneys given by the different municipalities and the Government in connection with the improvement of highways.†In January, 1911, a by-law was submitted to the elec- tors of the City of Toronto to raise the $100,000 recommen- ded as the city’s share of the project, which by-law was carried by a substantial majority. - Early in 1911 the County Council of the County of York passed by-laws; to designate the roads to be impro- ved; to raise $100,000, as the County’s share by the issuing of debentures; to confirm the agreement with the City of Toronto whereby the city and the county were each to bear one-third of the expense of construction, the remaining oneâ€" third to be borne by the Government; to relieve the munici~ palities lying in North York from liability for the cost of the new roads, and to appoint a Commissioner to act with the Commissioners appointed by the city and the Govern- ment. ‘ Original Road System and South York and Yonge St. Announce mam. NEXT WEEKâ€"The Board of Highway Commissioners for York 1911â€"1916. I wish to announce to the people of this district that I have taken over the MASSEY-HARRES Agency here and am ready to give prompt service at all times. v COVERING CANADA’S BEST SUBURBAN DESTRICT MLâ€! / Vol. XLVIX. Line of PIONEER AND PRESENT as Covered by Agreement Between Toronto as it existed when North York came into the System Prompf Repairs BY E. A. JAMES Carried and Rgpair Attended. é? “In Essentials, Unity; In Nonâ€"essentials, Liberty ; In All Things, Charity.†At the regular meeting of the Womens’ Institute which took place :at the residence of Mrs. A. Plewman, lYonge Street, last Thursday afterâ€" ' noon there was a large attendance of imembers to hear the speaker of the lday Rev. Mr. McIntosh who gave an account of “A summer in Quebec" which will be found in another coluâ€" mn of this issue, and to discuss the ï¬nal details of ’the season’s activities. The president Mrs. A. A. Perry pointed out that a substantial sum of money was needed to assist the lib- rary which needs cataloguing, re-arâ€" ranging, weeding out, and a general renovating. In answer to an objection made by a member that it would be useless to hand over such funds as Were raised to the Library Board to spend as they saw ï¬t, it was stated by the chair that the money would be kept until the end of the year, would then be voted for a speciï¬c purpose to the library and a portion of it at least, might well be devoted to buying special books for the chil- dren, to having a children’s reading room and to an attempt, however small, to provide, ,by volunteering help, if need be a Story Hour for the children and an attendant with time to advise the childreg in the selection iof books. Money raising plans which were discussed included a Cafeteria supper and Costume dance and entertain- ment on Hallowe’en in the Masonic Hall, a Dickens Play put on by the Dickens players from Toronto in early December and a Tag Day in ’April or May, all of the proceeds from each affair to go. to the Institute Library Fund. After hearing the report of the pro- gram committee convenor Mrs. Har- ry Endean, it was duCiCled to at once proceed with the printing of the pro- grams after the arrangements had been concluded with proposed speak- ers. The program as adopted will in- clude house meetings and a series of joint public meetings with the Home and School Club Council. These will be held every alternate month in the High School Gymnasium at 8 p.m. and at each one some aspect of na- tional life in Canada will be dealt'with. At the November meeting which will be held on the 23rd of the month Miss Grace Hunter, B. A. and L. B., a practicing lawyer will speak on “Some of the Laws relating to Wo- men and Children†with particular reference to those dealing with Mar- riage, Desertion, Divorce and Guard- ianship of Children. This meeting will be open to the public. TV’omen’s Instituté Plans After a brisk discussiopof the whole Library situation the Meeting decid- ed to proceed with the Hallowe’en celebration and committees were str- uck off for Entertainment, Publicity, and Program. The refreshment com- mittee consists of the standing com- mittee with Mrs. Mylks, convenor, Mrs. H. Innes, Mrs. L. Patterson Mrs. John Palmer and the following ladies added, Mrs. W. Mortson, Mrs. W. Scott and Mrs. H. Morris. The Entertainment committee un- der the convenorship of the president Mrs. L. Clement, Mrs. H. B. Stirling, Mrs. R. Langstaff, Mrs. Thompson, Miss O. Switzer and Mrs. Brown. Mrs. Harry Endean and Mrs. Mortson were named to look after the Cos- tume prizes and arangements were outlined for posters and general pub- licity. ed fruit RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1926 ntly ne mono-am A Hailowe’en Party Arranged for October 28th fresh w d and are C For a Busy Season Himsï¬ayfriday,Saturdayflct.21,22,223 With regard to the Free Dental Clinics being provided in this and all other localities in Ontario by the Deâ€" partment of Health of the Provincial Government it was decided to assist by publicity in every way possible and it was left to the president and secretary to get in touch with the school principals, with Drs. Bell and Macintosh the local dentists whose services are being; given for the free clinics in Richmond Hill and to attend to the placing of posters and litera- ture for distribution. ‘ ' A very pleasing feature of the meeting was a solo by Mrs. Finch and Mrs. Grainger after which a social half hour was spent over the tea cups. time in the next ten days or? two weeks to the home of Mrs. Mylks on Yonge Street near the Old High SchooL .3onds Cold or Vanishing Cream 33c. Lavoris 19c. and 34c. Auto Strap Biades 33c and 63c. Andrews Liver Salt 29c, a'nd 49c Manyflowers Soap 4 for 25c. Maple Leaf Matches 3 for 250 Auto Sp‘op Razc with strep and Blade, Complete Woodbury’c Pepsodent Tooth Paste Soap 3 for 69c. Palmolive Soap 3 for 25c. Giflette Blades 33 and 63c. «cm-is Tablets (Groves) 25c 29c. ted Chocolai‘es A limited number of useful samples given with a purchase of $1.00 or over while they last. Slick Hand Cleaner 2 for 23c. Baby’s Own Soap 3 for 25c. Listerine ' Tooth paste 18c.- 2 for 35c. Thermogene Epsom Salt 9 pound tin 9c. Steedmans Soothing Powders 19c Castile Soap Burdock (long bar) Blood Bitters 190. 89c. Adlerika 89c. azor Bobbed Hair Nets 4 for 25c. {5:76. DAYS 0N3; “ We Save You Money †Sai Pipe Special eg. 25c. and 50c Ipale Price 19c. Enos Fruit Salt (large) 79c. FR E h? FBI; E One ivory Castle Sampler Box Guaranteed Good Value at $1.50 for 89cc Containing liberal samples of Gibb’s Dentifriceâ€"Cold Cream, Soap and Tooth Paste Free with each pur- chase ï¬f at 40c. tin ofâ€" Hot Water Bottles tablets, 100 in bottle 2 for 25c w;'..rm.lm..._.._mwm.._.m Mooniight Mellos Campanas Etalian Balm 22c. M3 f0! 65m Fall and Winter Term Opens Friday September 10, 1926 â€"â€" Studioâ€"Mrs. A. L. Phipps, Richmond Street. â€" Phone 13W. Information Regarding Terms and Appointments May Be ' Obtained’ At The Above Address. ’ BYWATER CHESTERFIELD AND FURNITURE CO. Stop 5 Yonge Street LANSING; Ont. Telephone Willowdale 74 R. 4 ARMAD! FOR [LRJL Hm PRINCE or WALES Gibbs Dentifrice Price 40c. 39c. pound esse‘nger of Sentiment Toasted or plain leuixlered Trad: Mark b'Uc. pound. Kruschen Salt 49c FREDERICK M. POLLETT ICKLES CANDIES Gents Pocket Combs Dj er Kiss talcum powder Rigo Baby Bottles (In neat leather cases) (Good value at 50c.) Sale Price 24c. Immâ€"n Innâ€"mnmmnmsm â€"--m 19c. PIAIVIï¬-i'l‘ 7c. Milk of Magnesia 39c. Ont. mumm-umnnmmâ€" mIâ€"V-râ€"m mâ€"mmlwmmm â€"-râ€"‘ lggns: “BYWATER†CHESTERFIELD BED Cash CQME EARLY EHESTERFEELDS SINGLE COPY, 3c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE 1 pound roll Absorbent Cottonâ€"59c. Sale Price 19c. 1 Box I Stationary Reg. 35c. Sale Price 19c Forhans Tooth Paste ‘19c. and 39C. Listerine 19c-39c-79c Cuticura Soap 19C RE-UPHOLSTERING Seidlitz Powders (in Boxes) Sloans Liniment 25c Kidney Pills 40c K82 . Dodds’ Reasonable Prices or Made to order Makers of 0ne Genuine Gillette Razer with Blade and one tube of Palmolive Shaving e Cream The Two for 35¢. ZOC. 60c lb ( Ever We do Tooth teed.) Re One 'Pound - Talcum 25c. Mulsiï¬ed Coco- anut Oil 34c Hinds’ Honey and Almond Cream Compound Syrup of HypophOs- phites (16 oz. Bottle) 49c. Compacts Double - Reg. $.150 Sale Price 99c. Pinkham’s Compound 89c h ' Brushes brush guaran- Hennafoam 49c. Rigo Nipples 3 for 25c. Ti ce 39c FREE Terms