' 'HAIRDRESW AND CHILDREN’S AND ALL KINDS OF LADIES’ For Appointmen on Saturday next for Special display Venetian Dresses sizes 36' to 42. Beauty Parlor Closes Monday and Thursday at 6 p.m. and Wednesday at 12 o’clock, noon. See our window of Jiffy Aprons Price... 89c. Price , HAIRCUTTING, MARCELLING HAIRDRE SSING WORK. t Telephone 119 ' JMWMJMM Estimates Ch J. J. Cl 'I‘hornhill 3‘ ’3 * 7k * * =3 3‘ =24 =11 =l= >Z< * =3 15'- -.< ’K * COMING EVENTS * * Royal Agricultural Winter * * Fair, Toronto, Nov. 12-20. ' * * Winter Fair, Ottawa, Nov. * * 22â€"27. * Winter Fair, .Guelph, Nov. * 29-Dec. 2. ‘ Toronto Central Women’s Institute, Nov. 16-17-18. I *****i‘ili****$$i=***iz Advertising From week to week the advertising lineage in the Liberal continues to grow. Many new ads appear and several contracts will be completed within the next few days. The mer- chants and business men of this disâ€" trict who are anxious for business are advertising in the Liberal. . '19-} TOWNSHIP OF NORTH YORK LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE Addington Bridge, 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Township of North York in» tends to construct as a Local Improve- ment a steel bridge with concrete ab- utments, over the ravine on Adding- ton Avenue, and intends to specially assess a part of the Cost upon the land abutting directly upon the work. and upon the following land which is immediately beneï¬ted by the work. (3) Both sides of Addington Aven- ue from 30th., Avenue West to the North Limit of the street. (b) Both sides of Burnett Avenue from 150 west of the West Street Line of Stormont Avenue, to Adding- ton Avenue. (c) Both sides of Wentworth Aven- ue from Stormont Avenue to Adding-‘ ton Avenue. I I 1 Avenue ((1) Both Sides of Stormont Avenue. from 150 feet South of the South Street Line of Wentworth Avenue to “'estview Avenue. (e) Both sides of Burnett Crescent from Senlac Road to Addington Av~ cnue. (f) Both sides of Frontenac Aven~ ue from Wentworth Avenue to the North Limit of the Street. (g) \Vcstview Avenue. from Stor- mont Avenue to the West limit of the street. " The estimated cost of the work is $8,000.00. of which $2400.00 is to be paid by the Corporulirm. The cs- timutod special ruin per foot front- age is 60 cents. The ‘ml 'CI‘SK‘SS~ nient is to he paid in con annual instulnicnts of ti cunts pm fun»: per year. 5:. A petition to the said (Winn-i] will l‘w'. «.1111 in prevent :* lion. ' but u politinn :1 or the " under: . 1y he made our Scolion 2‘ of ‘1‘ Local l‘iiiv A01. 1.\\ 1'1-2' Unzarw Rudy". _. icipzil Ilourd. by the 1113‘ i owr-crs r rui'om‘mni: a: 11.1 ' 01:11}. i ' ' l)" sh! \‘l;l 1y ; ’ DATI’Il :1: \‘Cillowdul‘. flu-{vb :' l -‘ i 15).)†.11.â€.33'. .. . , ll. l". G ()0 Ill-T. 03131.. WMMMMMMMW; ' For Work Anywhere in the District PAINTER AND DECORATOR GRAINING, GLAZING, PAPER~HANGING. HIGH LIGHT DECORATING. SIGN-WRITING, AUTO PAINTING ETC. Phone ring 33 eerfuly Given ements V1 ()nt. 3;. Notice to Creditors IN’THE MATTER or the estate of ELLA ELDER, late of the city of Toronto in the County of York, (for- merly of the Village of Richmond Hill) Widow, Deceased.†‘ PURSUANT to the Statutes) in that behalf, notice is hereby given that all parties having claims or de mands against the estate of the said Ella Elder, who died on or about the twenty-seventh day of June A. D. 1926, at the City of Toronto, are re- quired on or before the 28th day of October next to send by post, pre- paid, or deliver to Edward B. Ram~ say, Jr.. 27 Heath Street West Tor- onto, Executor of thesaid deceased, full particulars of their claims in writing, and the nature of the securi- ty if any, held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date the said Ex-~ center will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have received nothc and that the said executor will not be lia- ble for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received by him at the time of such distribu- tion. DATED at Toronto this 28th day of September. A. D. 1021",». WM. COOK. COOK & DELANEY. Solicitor for the Evccutur. b":_--. Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER of the Ethilo of AGNES FRASER. late of the C of TOI‘OI‘.‘.U, i.1 11m County of ‘ formerl." of {112' Villz‘o‘e of Ruhr. . Hill) Widow. flow Pursuz‘u: . half, notice i:= s. . l‘.’QZl thus. parties having claims or demands against the estate of tho said Agnes Frascr. who died on or about ‘thc twenty-second day of July A. D.. 11126 at [llc City of Toronto. are required on or lefore the 28th day of Octolnr next. to send by post. prepaid v-r do- liver In Edward B. Ramsay. . Ila-nth Strut-t \Vcst. Toronto. I of the said deceased. full in. of their claims. in writing. .. nature of the .».c:‘.ri1;.'. if anj. by them. AND TAKE soch Inst mu ‘2' will w the .J .1 TC (’1 T I C If ' .‘\' l \ ~ Municipal Classified “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERT Advertising ISING--l\IAI{E THE MOST OF IT" RATES;Fivc lines or less, 25 cents for ï¬rst insertion and 15 cents O for each subsequent insertion. each insertion. FOR SALEâ€" Quebec heater in good condition. also a bake table. Phone 137 1' 1-3. FOR SALEâ€"Treasure cook stove in good condition. Bargain for quick‘ sale. Apply Rev. Battersby, Rich- ' mond Hill. ~ . HELP WAN'I‘EDâ€"â€"A girl or woman , for general house work. may live I in or sleep at home. Apply Mrs. Maclean. Phone 137 ring 4, Rich- mond Hill. HOUSES FOR RENTâ€"Two six-room- ed houses having electric light. cel- , lar, hard and soft water ,coal and wood shed, garden and good hen house. Thirteen and fourteen Dol- lars per month. Apply to R. Casely, Colborne St., Thornhill. LOSTâ€"An airdale bitch. answering to the name of Chance, with 3 Richmond Hill tag. Owner will ap- preciate very much any informa- WANTEDâ€"To rent. a piano forâ€"even- I ing of October 29th. Apply Box 19 Liberal. TOWNSHIP OF NORTH YORK LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE Burndale Avenue. Stone and G/ravcl Pavement TAKE NOTICE THAT:â€" 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Township of North York in- tends to construct as a local improveâ€" ment .a stone and gravel pavement on Burndale Avenue between Yonge treet, and Walker Road, and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work. 2. The estimated cost of the work « is $3140.00, of which $407.64 is to be paid by the Corporation. The esti- mated special rate per foot frontage 79 cents. The special assessment is to be paid in ï¬ve annual instal-' ments of 18% cents per foot per year. 3. A petition to the said Council will not avail to prevent its construc~ tion, but a petition against the work or the manner in which it has been ' undertaken, may be made pursuant to Section 9 of the Local Improvement ‘ Act, to the Ontario Railway and‘ Municipal Board, by a majority of the . owners representing at least one-half I of the value of the lots, which are to I be specially assessed therefor. DATED at Willowdale, October 18, 1926. H. D. GOODE, Clerk. , “JEND E11 ER Tenders will be received by the unâ€" dersigned up to ï¬ve o’clock, on Monâ€" day, November lst, for the delivery of 400 yards of Gravel in lots of 100 yards or more at points designated by the Village Council. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accept- ed. - Clerk’s ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill, ,' and concessionâ€"~, r. ver 5 lines 0 cents per line extra K\'.\N’l‘lll)â€"Capable oflicc girl desires position as bookkeeper; experienced typist, best references. Apply Box. ,‘ 21 Liberal Ofï¬ce. FOR SALEâ€"Sand and gravel deliv- cred anywhere in the district..0r- dcrs may be left at Elgin Mills Store. J. Espey. 4 FOR RENTâ€"Comfortable cottage, 4 rooms. lagre lot well situated, good water. Ten dollars per month. Box 47, Thornhill. FOR SALEâ€"General purpose horse, $25.00, six months’ credit, platform scales, one cutter, buggy and har- ncss, some hens and 25 spring chickens. Apply R. A. .Vander- burgh, Richmond Hill. FOR SALEâ€"Empire Price reasonable. Apply Mrs. Phillips, Langstafl’. FOR SALEâ€"Fresh cow. Apply Maple Phone 1564. FOR SALEâ€" An organ in good con- dition, also good Kitchen cupboard. Apply, Walter Benson, Yonge St. Richmond Hill. Fire I Fire 1 OF NOTICE TO RESIDENTS TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM. Citizens of Markham Township are notiï¬ed that in case of ï¬re breaking out to call up Unionville Central and just state: “Fire at (name). lot-â€" and the chemical motor ï¬re engine will be on the way without delay. G. A. M. DAVISON, Clerk. Notice to Creditors oak heater. S. n In the matter of the Estate of Sarah Shuter, late of the Village of Thorn- hill, in the County of York, Widow, deceased. . NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having any claims or demands against the late Sarah Shuter who died on or about the 18th day of August 1926, at the village of Thorn- hill in the County of York, are re- quired to send postpaid or deliver to the undersigned Executrices under the Will of the said Sarah Shuter, their names and addresses and full particulars in writing of their claims and statements of their accounts and the nature of their securities, if any, held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE thht after the 10th day of November‘1926, the Ex- ecutrices will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice, and fur- ther the Executrices, will not be lia- ble for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not thenâ€"have received no- tice. Dated at Toronto this 8th day of October 20, 1926. ' A. J. HUME, , Clerk. '1‘ E N H) 13R Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned committee up until Satur- day Oct. 80 for icemaking and care- taking at the Richmond Hill Curling Club during the. 1926â€"27 season. Richmond Hill, Oct. 21, 1926. F. SIMS, C. P. WILEY. SALE REGISTER WEDNESDAY, NOV. 3â€"6 acres, standing hardwood and hemlock, ï¬rst class bush, at Lot 18, Con.6. Whit- church, belonging to Wm. Ratclifl‘. Also 300 road rail fencing and frame house and kitchen on Lot 20. Sale at 1 o’clock. F. W. SILVERSIDâ€" Auctioneer. m - VOTE Municipality of the †Township of Vaughan County of York Clerk's notice of First Posting of \-UL'\"IV>, thli. Notice is hcrby given that I have complied with Section 14) of the Votâ€" ; crs' Lists Act and that I have posted ‘ Flujr. 19213 ‘llic List of all ‘ persons cut Jed t) vow in the said Municipality for Members of Parlia- ment :.nd at Municipal l‘jlectio‘is. 21ml sigh “ remains there fer inspection. . V That Pur: I of said list contains the names of those person; entitled to vote at both Municipul Elwzions and Elections lo the Legislative Assemb- ly. _ That Par". H <:. said list contzi‘us the noun-s of those entitled to vote at like-[ions only. 111 of said. list cot“.â€" nc> (III thus»: entitled In iwlh to The Legislative: .i “L . Lilu'. 11‘. And ::‘.ins ill!) '1‘? 21 e :o:;1:1. 1. iv \l.l'.\’1‘i)ll AND ill-1.11. 1gs'r.\'z‘1~: .C.’E.‘~Z’1‘ Zle'lZBHIXI} HILL And “.1; 111 King Street West, Toronto up in my 011%.; HT Maple. on the 12th 3‘ e' {In}? of UL October A. D. 1926. Minnie Bell 96 Isabella St., Toronto. . Ila G. Slater 172 Swanwick Ave., Toronto. Executrices for the Estate of Sarah Shuter. ' IIIE CIIOPPIN G llllll. All your needs in Flour and Feeds. We sell wholesale and retail. -I Feed your ï¬laying fowl on “Staminax†Hush and gather sweet flavoed eggs that will draw customers. Have your feed ground fresh so your stock can relish the whole. A list of “Royal Richmond Feeds" sent on request. Phone 82 w. J. F. Burr .LF. Burr Phone 82 W. FOR INSURANCE ACCIDENT. PLATE GLASS .yr'ronoqu. FIRE. LIFE. SICKNESS. And Consult A. F. SAVAGE TEL. 118 RICIIAILETL) HILL ONTARIO NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE NOTICE is hereby giyc'i that Mabel Beatrice Nash. of the ("111: of ' County of "Uri: l’ro- Tm: mm. in ‘ (up ‘he iv. will apply Io (flu . of. .4:- ;.::«.i rELFcI" iv-u. T. 5:1 31.....1’ ' A DELMO MELECCI AND MISS ROSALIND BUSH, L.T.C.M. From the Town will accept a nu Vocal and Theory. Richmond Hill Friday and Saturday For Inlormahon Phone 58] MRS. MYLKS McDONALD’S ORCHESTRA THORNIIILL Popular throughout the disrrict for music suitable for all kinds of dances. Open for engagements. Telephone: Thornhill (32. JOHN T. ANDERSON Piano Tuner 35 Years’ Practical Experience 378 Beresford Avenue, West Toronto Junction 0072 Telephone Glenn’s Drug Store, Richâ€" mond Hill, for appointment George Guy 48 Woburn Avenue. NORTH TORONTO Phone Hudson 0970.] PIANO TUNER AND PLAYER EXPERT Certiï¬cate piano tuning Conservatory BUSINESS WRIGHT & TAYLOR Undertaken; RICHMOND HILL - UNIONVILLE and THORNHILL BERT HUMPHREY Undertaker and Ambulance Service $9 Black or Grey Casket FUNERAL COMPLETE Other Funerals to your requirements. Courtesy and Consideration my Motto. Telephones: Willowdale 69 and Hudson 3676W I Stop 5, Yonge Street, Lansing m JOHN R. CAMPBELL Veterinary Surgeon THORNHILL R. MACDONALD, B.V. Sc.‘ Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College Address: Yonge St., Richmond Hill Telephone 132 J. T. SAIGEON MAPLE Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended to on shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited PRENTICE & PRENTICE AUCTION EERS J. II. Prentice, 415 Balliol St., Toronto. Hud.1347W. K. G. Prentlce, Milliken. We are prepared to conduct sales of every description. Farms and farm stock sales a specialty. Farms bought. and sold on commis- sxon. All sales attended to on shortest notice, and conducted by Ihe must. approved methods. SILVERSIDES & FARMER Licensed Auctioneers County of York Pure Bred Stock Sales a Specialty. Phone 2703 STOUFFVILLE WILSON’S CARTAGE Express and Long Distance Moving Sand and Gravel Delivered Dump Trucks for Hire By Hour or Contract MAPLE Telephone 1535 All Kinds of Boot and Shoe Repair- ing ~Ncally Done Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. Shop in Winterton’s 01d Stand Yonge St. GEO. KIDD Boot and Shoe Repairer. Speight & Van Nostrand Ontario Land Surveyors ’City, Suburban and Farm Surveys. Forty Years Continuous Practice 703 Temple Building, Toronto 2. l Phoneâ€"Adelaide 0096 Bonds Dominion. Provincial REAL ESTATE Loans and all lines of INSURANCE J. R. Harrington Ofï¬ce Residence Phoneâ€"87' Phoneâ€"1 1.11 Richmond Hill. Ont. PROFESSIONAL and BUSINESS DIRECTORY MUSICAL ‘ â€"i(nnl_- wâ€"n‘ m MEDICAL DR. J. 1’. WILSON Ofï¬ce hours: 9 to 11 a.m. t (‘miservntory cut/Music 6 t0 8 p.m., and by appointment. 8' °‘ ““p'ls â€â€˜ “3†Ofï¬ce: Centre and Church Sts.. Richmond Hill. Phone DRS. LANGSTAFF North Yonge St. Richmond Hill DR. ROLPII I. LANGSTAFFâ€" Ollico hours: ‘1: lo :mn. and 6:8 p.m. DR. LILLIAN C. LANGS'I‘AFFâ€" (DISL‘HSE‘S of women and childrenI Office hours; 1:3 p.m. Phone 100 DR. CHARLES S. DUNNING Poyntz Ave., Lansing. \Villow. 140. Ofï¬ce hours: 12-115; 6-7.15-. Capitol Bldg. Yonge St. HM. 1133; Rand. 2121. Ofï¬ce hours: 8.30; 2-5; 7.30-9. DENTAL DR. W. T. McINTOSH I Dentist i l RICHMOND HILL, ONT. ' Ofllce: Over Dates’ Dry Goods Store TELEPHONE 111. ‘ DR. L. R. BELL Dentist Ofï¬ce: Trench Block. two doors north of Standard Bank. Hours: 9 am. to 5.30 p.m. , Telephone 32 2 Office hours 9 am. to 5 p.m. Evenings by Appointment. Telephone 80 Dr. Willard Armstrong Dental Surgeon Gas Extraction. Standard Bank Building Thornhill DR. MACLAREN D E N T I S T Work Done Quickly Bank of Commerce. Opposite EATONS DR. W. L. FINLAY DENTIST MAPLE ONTARIO Ofï¬ce Hours MONDAY only 12â€"830 p.m- . Telephoneâ€"~lVIap1e 3 - M LEGAL WILLIAM COOK, COOK 8: DELANY (\Villinm Cook ,l“, Gordon Cook Thomas Delany) Barristers. Solicitors, Etc. Toronto Office: 816 Federnl Building. _ 85 Richmond St. West . Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (Liberal Omee) every Thursday forenoon. Maple. Thursday after- noon. Woodbridge, Saturday afternoon. Money to loan uL Current Rute “5.x NA UGHTON 6’; JENKINS Barristers, Solicitoru, Notaries Telephone Adelaide 2108 83 Richmond St. \Vest, Toronto Nuughton Block. Aurora Solicitors for: Aurora, Richmond Bill. King. Whilchurch. Murkhum null North Gwillimbury. Walter S. Jenkins. Res. Phone Hill. 5048. J. Hurry Nauglnlou. Res. 1‘"¢iu Milli. _ Ros. Phone 127.2 â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€";â€"â€"Â¥ " I HENDERSON 8: MCGUIRE Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. (David Henderson W. H. McGuire James A. Boles) Offices: 930:3 Sun Life Building. Adelaide and Victoria Sis. Elgin 5301 Elgin 530$ Offices: TORONTO HENRY S. MULLOWNEY, M.A.. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Toronto Ofï¬ce: Standard Bunk Building, 2453 Yonge St. (Eglinton Branch). Phone Hudson 32 18 Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce: Over Davies Goods Storeâ€"Every Saturday Money to Loan at Current Rates Phone Richmond Hill 119 A. CAMERON MacNAUGHTON- BARRISTER 511 McKinnon Building, Corner Jordan & Melinda Streets Toronto. Phone: Elgin 4.879 Dry Denton, Macdonald & Denton Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Manning Arcade, King St. West, Toronto, Canada. Telephone Main 0311 Cable Address: “Dede†Arthur A. Mucdmmld. Frank Deuï¬eé Laura Denwn, BA. J. B. F A R L E Y Electrician Lansing ESTIMATES FREE. A. STONEHOUSE (‘AIITAIIE AND EXPRESS Plotx'in': and Garden \‘y'ork Sand and (Llra‘ml. Concrcte Work. OAK RIDGES A. F. HENDERSON I'LI'MBINC AND TINSMITHING Hot Water Heating and General Repairs TIIORNHILL, ONT. Phone 1113 Willowdale Exchange.