Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Nov 1926, p. 8

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Save Money It is not always easy to save but three who do save prosper. As a lift 3 inoncyis accumulated it should be placed in a Sm ings Bank account Where interest will be paid and the principal sum be secur‘. There is 2. Savings Bank 33 cpartment at every branch of this Bank. 39 BANK A. T. MINNIS, Manager. ‘ _. SUNOCO ‘The Antynok Gas With Stiper Mileage Records «'3 l l Here’s a real testâ€"the next big hill you come to, advance your Spark fully. give the engine more gas. and if you have Sunoco in your tank and your engine is in proper condition you will not get a knock from the motor.‘ This gasoline is made to eliminate all motor knocks, as well as to give a long mileage; This cuts your ccst of oper- ation. Don’t forget that Sunoco is a nationally known product made by one of the largest refiners of Petroleum products in the world. Standarized quality. Sunoco Motor 'Oils THE “DISTILLED” OIL Wholly distilled you know him distilled water is “Purity.” so is Sunoco Oil, every drop, which, means no more carbon worries, another saving for you. _An3ther fact about Sunoco, it is a straight run Oil, no mixing or blending. There are six gradesâ€"see any chart of specificationsâ€"one is just- suited for. your car. The cost is no more than ordinary O‘lS. ' I. ll. llillllllllllE "8i SUPPLIES Limited , Thornhill, Out «I Phone 33. I ' ‘1 ; The Leader Store GROCERIES ‘ Fresh and Pure at Very Attractive Prices I i A shipment of new China has arriv- .- ‘ ed and we are offering a very choice line of nOVelties, salt and peppers, vases and ar- ‘ sorted crockery and glassware at excep- tionally moderate prices. Home-made Scotch Shortbread â€"â€"â€".â€"â€"â€" c .l . & M. S T E IN .CHINA, CUT GLASS, GROCERIES AND FRUITS 1» Centre and Yonge Streets Richmond Hill Phone 8 j a 1 Richmond Hill, who displayed much p ( Newtonbraok 1 (Special to The Libcrzd) { The Young People's Society held a “ ‘llallowc'cn Party at the church last ‘Monday cvcning. )ctolier 25th. A good crowd was in attcndanco and a ,' very enjoyable timc was \pcn‘. in con- Lunch was then served and the uni-(tinny then I closed with the sinp‘in-x of God Save the King. Mach crcdit is due to Mis- I lscs Bl"“.('l‘.(‘ and Corn (him: -~nd '(ilad, \ Suttcrliy for thr- \'.l'_. orioy- I able evening that w; spent. 'l‘hc choir met 2 hwun of Mr. land Mrs. Lou Ilicl: 'l'hornhill on Fri idoy evening- for 1‘1':1t'll('('. 'l'l: av u.». good crowd present. Alter ‘practicc a very dainty lunch-gnu served and all enjoyed a sociable time. The Boy's Chi) met at the home- of Mr. Harry Smith on \l'cdncvday cvcr~ ing for choir practice. The boys "11) taking the evening service Sill«lllf', November 14th. A meeting of Sunday School W'orkâ€" ers along You‘re Street will be told tonight. 'l“l';ursd:1:.', at Newtohbrook Church to appoint ofliccrs for a new organization including the Sunday Schools on Yonge Street. The regular meeting of the New- tonbrook Sunday School workers in the School room on Tuesday evening. Thanksgiving services will be held in Newtonbrook Church on Sunday next. Special music will be provided by the choir at both services. The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Aid will not be held to-dav, Thursday on account of a Musicale which was held by them yesterday at the home of Mrs. Carmichael, Lansing. The Pollyanna Club will hold its regular monthly meeting on Thurs- day evening, November 11th at the home of Miss Lola Foreman. Further plans are to be made for their bazaar which will' be announced later. The executive of the Young Men”s Club met at the Parsonage on Tues.- day evening. Plans were made for coming events which will be announc- ed later. Miss Jackson spent last weekâ€"end with her sister at Maple. Miss Russell was the guest of fricrds in Toronto over Sunday. The service in the» United Church on Sunday evening last. conducted by the pastor, Rev. E. R. Young, was a very interesting one. The singing by the\ choir composed of members of the Ladies’ Aid was very much apâ€" preciated. They were assisted by Mrs. Earl Bales, who, also, sang a solo, “Abide with Me.” A duct was also given by Mrs. Douglas Bales and i, Mrs. G. Shaw entitled “Ivory Palaces”.. The address was given by Mrs. Ruth- l erford of Toronto, Vice-President oft the Women’s Missionary Board and was based on verses from the 27th i and 28th chapters of Matthew. ,Shc‘ also toldof her association with the 1 late MiSS Frances Willard some years : ago in the interests of the W. C. T. U. ' and impressed upon the women of. the congregation their responsibility at the present time. The church was well filled. The Home and Sch: ol Club held its i first concert on Thurs! Ly evening last in the United Churi', the pastor of the Church presidin'. Although the weather was someva unfavorable the concert was we p tro‘nized, alâ€" most every/seat bei‘ r occupied. The Church was decorat. l with flags and maple leaves. Thor taking part in the program were I\. M. E. Thompson. lilocutionist, of Tort .0, who brought forth pcals of laugh or from t‘l’: nit-- (licncc, Miss Minnie Sinnctt. Toronto. soprano soloist. who won thn {xol'll medal at the Toronto Exhibition, M .‘ Mildred Wright, Elocutionist, Lansing who was very much appret-iated and her selections being particularly well i given. Mr. David Stirling, Violinist, | tests and llallouc‘cn , lL‘S. .‘disn { skill in his playing. These Were ass- isted by the following local talent, IVIISS E. Tate, Soprano soloist,. Miss J. Milburne, Pianist, Duet by Mrs. D. Bales and Mrs. G. Shaw. First prize quartette at school fair, Laura Mor- ris, Eva Thomas, Irene Kilford‘and Eileen Moore. A Hallowo’on Frolic by pupils in Miss Russell’s Room. At the close of the program Reeve Hicks on behalf of the club expressed his appreciation of all those who had as- sisted in making the concert so enâ€" l idll‘s. J. R. Smith, Mrs. II. . .. . , . . m. N ,..i 0.. ilmv'd: v- >l'il"rll on iiiursday cv- AA ,.“.il.“i,'". (Illi‘yhililUf ‘_.‘\th by the (ionic and the “8an the greater the Ann .1 (.iil) was well :1t‘t’cndcd, Mr. .(‘onvenor of Membership committee, lvicc on Sunday afternoon will be in ‘tl'.e Great War. ‘cd to all to this service at BQâ€"I .warrant people making every v ‘ ‘ 7 Moore. Mrs. (z. Lockycr, .xirs \Valkins. Mrs Forc- man and Mrs S. Marsh. As the (‘lub intends purchasing a piano. tin pro« cecds of this concert will likely he us- cd for that purpose. This (‘lun meets on the fourth ’l‘hursday of each month. A Dollar is Saved when it is in the Bank 323.3494:- I'Villowdale (Sycci'il ta ‘lic l.?“t~r:\l) L The reimption ol' the truckers hcld D the soon er in is deposited in Aluii‘licrid vxi-lunmn.i tho g..;,,.h,.,..\. and assurance of its being saved. invited tlmm to lulln with the parents in helping the viclt'are oi" the children :vnd oi‘ t‘u‘ wizrml through the club. 'llic mnztcal numbers by Mrs. R. E. Dales. Mrs. Sonics, Miss Ri‘nnton and Mr. I’lobson were much co, ycrl and cucm‘cd enthusiasticailjv. I‘aintv lunâ€" ch was scrvcd under the direction of Mrs. Allsopp. ’ The t'ollwyinfr otlicers were elected for the ensuing yearâ€"President. Rev. (7. P. .‘lluirhcad; vice i‘ircsident, Mrs. Ramc; Secretary, Mrs. Reeves: rea- surci'. Mrs. Chas. Perry. acclamation; / A Savings Account is a magnet: for the money that ordinarily slips through onc’s fingers and an income- paying guarantee tor the future. BANKING FIFTY YEARS 11. ll ll ll ill 11 ~31 Ill 1,! i ll STAN QAZEQDABANK f RICHMOND HILL BRANCH-W. C. Bedford, Manager- THORNHILL BRANCHâ€"S. B. Elson, Manager Branches allo at Aurora. Lnnling C. E. Draycott (Wilowdale), Mrs. R. (lowicson (Lansing); Convcnor of Social Committee, Mrs. S. Allsopp (acclamation)J’Convenor of Enter- tainment committee, Miss K. Vullacc (acclamation); Convener of sports and Games Committee, Dr. C. Ilill. At the Willowdale Township Hall on Thursday Evening, October 28 the Northcourt Lodge I. O. O. F. No. 476 held a very successful Euchre. The prize winners were as folIOWSzâ€" Gents~1, Mr. I. Perry, 92;. 2, Mr. L. Dodd, 89. Ladies_ 1, Mrs. Aducy, 86; 2, Mrs. Ward, 84. Gents prize Mr. L. Bud, 47; Booby prize Mrs. Wm. Brotherton. A musical entertainment was pro- vided and refreshments were served by the ladies. On Sunday evening at 7 there will be held a Public "PEACE" or Armisâ€" tice service in the township Hal1 to commemorate the ending of the War. Reeve Hicks will preside and the public especially returned men are cordially invited to be present. There The Voters’ Lists Act, 1923 Notice of Sittings of Revising Officer in the Electoral District ofâ€" EAST “your TAKE NOTICE that Sittings of the Revising officer for the purpose of hearing complaints or appeals with regard to the Voters’ Lists to be used at the Election of a member of the Assembly, for the Electoral District of EAST YORK, will be held to hear complaints as to the Lists of Voters for the various Municipalities compris‘ed in the said Electoral District, and that His Honor Judge O’Connell will be the Revising Officer. - ' Sittings will be held for the various Municipalities at the times and places indicated below, and the Clerk of each Municipality (whose name and address appear below) will act as the Revising Officer’s Clerk for all appeals concerning his Municipality, and all such appeals must be filed with him on or before the date appearing in the fifth column below, opposite his name. will be special music and otherwise . I _ P13??? of Time anfl l Last day f0!“ 3,, efi-‘ort will be made to make the Munimpality Sitting Date. 1 Clerk Filing Appeal Service worth of thg event it is purâ€" . l w â€"- p031d to cele rate. Sunday evening Leaside Public SchooliNov. 3rd, 1926lA. T. Lawson. Oct. 31, 1926. at 7, Mr. Pickett will assist Mr. Leaside, at 10.30 am. Leaside Ca 'ipbell in the Service. On Monday (Thanksgiving) a fowl East York Council Cham- Nov. 4th 1926 H. E. Goddard Nov. 1, 1926 dinner, from 5 to 7 in the evening will ber, Sammoniat 10.30 a.m. Summon Ave. be provided for the Men. in the Munâ€" Avenue. Mun-l Municipal Yd. icipal Hall. Last year Thanksgiving icipal Yard, day the men offered their first effort , , in this line, and the very flattering Markham Victoria Hall.Nov. 5th, 1026 G. A. M. Dav- Nov. 2, 1926. reports from those who were fortunate Township Unionville lat 10.30 am. ison, ' enough to participate have encouraged Unionvillc. the men to repeat and extend their » ,\_ crtcrprise, so that on this occasion, N. York Twp. Council Cham- Nov. 6th, 1920‘H. D. Goode, Nov. 3, 1926. even better things may be expected. (East side of her, Willow- -at 10.30 am. Lansing. A hearty invitation is therefore Yonge Street.) dale. ; broadcasted to all to patronize the. l l Men’s Thanksgiving FOWL SUPPER Village Council Cliam-JNov. 9th. 1926 A. P. Graham, Nov. 6, 1926. Monday Evening 5 to 7. The price Man'kham ber Markham lat 10.30 am. ‘Markham. .- for supper is 50c adults, and 25 cents ‘ .fol- children, Stoufi’ville lCouncil Chain-{Nova 10. 1925iJ. S. Dough- Nov. 6, 1926. Following the Supper there will he ’ber Stourfville at: 10.30 nan. 1crty, a Musical Concert, beginning at 8 and ,Stoufiville. r ,the Talent from Toronto will supply . several items, besides local assisstince- Richmond Hill‘rCouncil Cham-;Nov. ll. lilfiil A. J. Hume. lNov. 8, 1926. For this a Silver Collection will be her Richniondiat 10.30 am. Richmond Hill: taken. and Concert promises‘ to be a Hill. 1 l treat. 1 , l .â€"-â€"â€"â€" Scarboro Council Chair-:Nov. 1'2. 5737‘» W. D. Annie. lNov. 9, 1026. thornhfil her Birclicliil‘c at 10.30 Scarboro. l Such Sittings will commrncc at the time indicated and will continue un- til the appeals shall have been disposed of.- .AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any voter who desires to com~ tplain that his name or the name of any person entitled to be entered on the said list has been omitted from the some. or that the names of any persons who are not entitled to be voters thereon, may on or before the date mention- ed in the fifth column above,.»apply. complain or appeal to have his name or the name of any other person. entered or removed from the List for the LlIunicipality in question. (Special to the Liberal) 2 'l’hornliill Presbyterian Church serâ€" conimcniorntion of peace which ended A very hearty invitation is ixtc‘adâ€" sides the address on peace. by the AVD FUQTLIFR TAKE \IOTICF Lh . . v I . V I I ‘ m v, . ; w v .V. a i i . J. ‘. a a. such apoczi.~ must be h" NOTI I‘.‘ Munstel. Ml- Chwmm“ “‘ll S‘nb IN VilRI’l‘ING IN THE PRESCRIBED I-‘ORL‘J. sikgnbd by the cdmplainfn’c 1 specially for the occasion, and the ser- vice will be of particular interest to effort IN DUPLICATE and given to the local ‘ Iunicipal Clerk. or left for him at his address as stated above, on or before the date indicated. EMERSON (‘OATSWORTIâ€"I, . Chairman of the Election Board, for the Count of York. DATED this 23rd (lay of October, A. D., 1026. y INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPEAL All appeals must be filed IN DUPLICATE and must be signed by the person appealing ON THE PRESCRIBED FORM These forms may be ob- tained from the Municipal Clerk. After being filled out, the appeals and duplicates must be given to the Clerk of the Local Municipality or left for him at his address as stated above, on or before the last day for filing appeals to be present. . In the United Church special Than- ksgiving seviccs will be held both morning- and evening. Both sorvicos will l/e conducted by Rev. J. Locke and there will be special music by the choir. / Maple I The officers and teachers of the Sab- joyablc, after which all were invited to the school room for refreshments. The committee in charge there, being, ONE W : Used Cars it. I ‘ Beginning Saturday, NOV. 6th at The Chevrolet: Show Rooms F... 1923 FORD TOURING. 1922 FORD TOURING. . . . $125.00 1921 1924 FORD Tudor Sedan. . 8375.00 1922 1924 CHEVROLET Tourng $3 1920 HUDSON Coupe. . . 8 250.00 MCLAI'GH . PEERLESS TOURING. . . $250.00 CHEVROL dlay ’3 Next to Hotel LIN TOU ET TOU 19...") CHEVROLET Touring. $450.00 These cars are in good runnin arranged. sse L Many ol’ the;e are repo sscd c: rs and g order and can be bought 0 n terms with easy payment3 are exceptional bargains. See MORLEY S. HAMILTON or Demonstration Phone 3.3 or 72 Thornhill Chevrolet Dealer or S. S. FINDLAY. I“ Thornliill, Ont- .. . $150.00 1925 CHEVROLET SEDAN CHEVROLET Touring FORD ROADSTER. . 50.00 1920 FORD Touring $750.00 $150.00I ..$125.00; . . . . . . . . s 75.00i RINGâ€"$290.00 . RING ..s 60.00' bath School of the United Church have decided to heold their annual cn- tertainment on Christmas night as formerly. A Masonic service will be held in the United Church next Sunday even- ing when Rev. A. S. Kerr will preach. The collection will be in aid of the Sick Children's Hispital Toronto. A large crowd attended the supper and cOncert on Friday evening. Aft- er supper was served in the Masonic Hall, a splendid musical and literary program was given in the Communzty ,Hall by the choir of the Yong) St. United Church. Toronto. assisted by Miss McCully, Elocutionist. The au- dience was delighted with every num- - her ,and the choir generously respond- ed to the encores. There was a large number at the Masquerade ball on Saturday evening and a very enjoyable time was spent. The prize for the best represcntative costume was won by Mr. and Geo. Watt. who were dressed as ('[)\V boy and girl. “ Messrs. Arthur I. Hill, Tom R. “ll- son. Bert and Norman A. McIntosh of \Veston and Alvin and Earl Robb of Maple left on Wednesday for Bol- ger, North of Parry Sound for the deer hunting season. We \vi>li the hunters the best of luck. ' Clerk of the Election Board ‘ for the County of York. Room 107, City Hall, Toronto. :2, . I. as above indicated. \ J. M. BAIRD, - oot Repairing If you are in need of Good Reliable Boot Repairs entrust them to my care as I have a Lifetime Experience in all. branches of the trade and Guarantee Good Sound Work at Moderate Prices. Only the Best Leather used and Prompt Service. â€"â€" ,Note The Address G. H. BI VICTORIA HALL L THORN HILL. GWEL ‘ NOTICE Big Cut on New Horse-Shoes ‘ YONG-E and ELLESLERY V 1 V, For Cash ‘ “luifl‘ub Commencing Tuesday, November 91h, 1926 HMRL‘I'TTING ‘ ALL WORK GUARANTEED CHILDRELV "H lien-‘5 AT CORNER 3, PART LOT 0' â€"â€"-;o -EDI'LTSâ€"IES tents _ We Solicit Your Patronage George FISher N GEGRGE EBERiillllilT Sanitary Barber Shop l Give Us A Trial.

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