THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Nov. 18, 19 and 20th MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNES)AY Nov. 22, 23, 24. Comedy “ Kiss Papa †Matinee for the Children Saturday afternoon 1 2.30 Direct from itslongBrornfo ray 2;": at $2 admission! Rex Ingram’a wonder picture â€"the ï¬lm of 1001 thrillsâ€"is here at last! (1' SEE? Atwater Kent R3 10 SUPPLIES Deforest-Cmsley A m a z i n g , ‘marvaouHhin ï¬lm is nothing less! A triumph of great entertain. maul! COVERING CANADA’S BEST SUBURBAN DISTRICT First Time At'Popular Price! Featuring Alice Joyce and Norman Vol. XLIX. NORTH TO RONTO V THEATRE 2492 YONGE, AT CASTLEFIELD ADOLPHE MENJOU in apitol Trevor “In Esfligls, Unity; In Non-essentials, Liberty; In All Things, Charity.†'d Enthusiatic Meeting Decides to Make - Organized Wm to Boost Town ‘ Reeve Lunau ably presided as chairman and in,his introductory re- ‘marks explained that the Council felt that the presence of a lï¬e ratepay- ‘ers organization was an asset to the town and a great help to the Council The Council were also active working in the best interests of the ratepayers but they were busy with matters of administration and would always be glad of suggestion from such a body as proposed and would {host certainly seriously consider any suggestions or requests from such an organization. The ï¬rst order of business called by chairman was the election of ofï¬cers which resulted as follows:â€"President W. Thompson; Vice-president, F. J. Mansbridge; Sec. Treas. J. E. Smith; Executive Committee, Mrs. A. A. Per- ry, Miss Brown, T. Trench, Wm. Dav- ies, Prof. Walker, G. H. Duncan, H. Innes, Rev. J. W. McIntosh, N. Batty, Wd Hill, w. Hall. At a largely attended citizen’ meeting held in the Council ,Chamber on Monday night the Richmond Hill Ratepayers’ Association was re-or- ganized. The purpose of the new or- ganization as roughly outlined by the meeting will be to promote the social, industrial and business welfare of the town and among the problems men- tioned at the meeting for the consid- eration of the members Were: trans- iportation facilities. industrial devel- opment, town beautification and a publicity campaign to attract more residents. Many other matters of in- terest to the general welfare of the village will be discussed at future meetings and an organized effort will be made to further the interests of the citizens. The activities of the assoc- iation will not be limited and the sphere of its work will be as broad as the needs of the ratepayers demand. Every ratepayer is a member and no membership fee will be charged as it was the feeling of the meeting that not even the membership should be limited in any way. It is hoped through the medium of this organiza- tion to effectively advertise Richmond Hill as Toronto’s Highest and Health- iest suburb as an ideal residential and industrial centre. Will Advertise Richmond Hill as Toronto's Highest and Healthiest Suburband an Ideal Industrial Centre. RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1926 We have been dealeir Atwater Kent Radio ever since itainception and we étill satisï¬ed there is none better. This year many new Eels to choose from 5, 6 and 7 tube receivers, single cont] Prices rge from $85 up. The York Countv Council is called for Nov. 22nd at 3 o’c k but due to the fact that Warden . W. Pearson is the Liberal candidate in North York it is expected that after com- munications are read the council will adjourn until Tuesday, December 7th as Mondav. December 6th is town- ship council day in *at least ï¬ve town- ships. The warden is not the only County Councillor taking an active part in this cainpaign: Will Probably adjourn on Account of Provincial Election. The meeting aajourned to meet at the call of the president. Councillor G. H. Sloan advised the meeting that he had lcorrespondence with a large American manufacturing concern which was going to locate a branch in Canada. A building with about 15,000 square feet of floor space was required and that on invesâ€" tigation he found that the largest 2w- ailable building in the village was about 12,000 square feet. It. was moved by Councillor J. A. Greene sec- onded by N. Batty and carried unani- mously that Mr. Sloan follow up his correspondence with the ï¬rm and as- sure them that Richmond Hill would be glad to meet them and discuss the matter of locating here. County Council Jo "T was pomâ€"wont that Elie execuâ€" tive would draft committees from the executive named and would re- port at the nex/t meeting. A consti- tution outlining the aims of the or- ganization and by-laws governing procedure will also be drawn up and presented to the next meeting for apâ€" proval. _ i Meet on Monday ML s iiii The speaker was Mr. Edgar Wall of Richmond Hill. He took as his text, “Because we see Jesus†and also tWO lines from a poemâ€" Come' now be content I shall be a little taller than when I went. With these as a basis he gave a very ï¬ne address which could not help but appeal very much to the Young People particularly. He stressed the idea that we should appreciate things of great height and in this way we will become greater for doing so. The boys sang three choruses and excelled themselves as on other ocâ€" casions. These Were greatly apprec- iated by the congregation. The men’s service last Sunday even- ing proved to be a great success. Miss Bertha Smith presided at the organ and Mr. Allan Young conducted the service. The Men and boys were out in good numbers and ï¬lled the chpir quy _to gapacity. ' The Bible Le-sson'was read by Mr. Charles Proctor, Rev. E. R. Young, leqwin prayer. Men's Services Largely .Attendedâ€" Y. P. S. Meetingâ€" A Grist of Newsy Notes from Newtonbrook. , His Excellency expresed pleasure on paying a visit to Richmond Hill which was visited by one of his predecessors the Duke of Richmond, in 1819. The viceâ€"regal party deâ€" parted amidst three rousing British cheers by the assembl- ed citizens and school children. Canada and Lady Willingdon were tendered a civic recep- tion here this morning. The vice-regal representatives were ofï¬cially received by Reeve Lunau and members of the Town Council in the presence of a large crowd of citizens and the children of the High and Public Schools. Their Excellenâ€" cies inspected the War Memorial and stood while all the school children walked past. A beautiful bouquet of flow- ers was presented to Lady Willingdon by little Miss Elsie Ley of the public school and was graciously acknowledged. ‘ The Governorâ€"General and party arrived by motor at eleven and were given a welcome ï¬tting the oï¬â€˜icial repres- entatives of His Majesty the King despite the fact that the arrangements had to be made in a very short time. Many more citizens would have welcomed the opportunity to see the Governor-General but as it was not known till late this morning that the village would be honored by the visit it was impossible to further advertise the function. Lord and Lady Willingdon - Welcomed in Richmond Hill V ’ LIMITED " l Chevrolet and Oakland Dealers Newtonbrook His Excellency'tkgrd Willingdon, Governor-General of Guns Conï¬scated While patrolling his beat in North York Township, Constable Smithson, stated in County Police Court on Monday that he came across J. Andâ€" erson and his byoth§r_‘shooting at an apple tree, the bulletrswigscsinâ€"g; through the tree, and down into a hollow'where a number of people we}? walking. .. With intense pain and excitement she rushed outside of the house in an attempt to subdue the flames. Dr. C. E. Hill of Lansing was called and after medical attention, had her conveyed to the General Hospital, where she now lies in a very critical condition. A shadow of gloom was cast over the home of Mr. and Mrs. Shields of Harcandale Avenue, Lansing, on Saturday moring when their little six and one-half year old daughter was painfully burned from the knees to the lower part of her face, whilst standing near an Elevftric heater, in her nightdress. Mrs. Warlington of Peyntz Avenue, Lansing, was admitted into the West- ern Hospital on Monday suffering from pneumonia. SINGLE COPY, 3c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Lansing 21