r “v. y with side car Every Car 3. Real Bargain. We must make room for winter storage. W. G. BALDOCK. Limited Oakland Six Touring $700 $350.00 Chevrolet 1922 Sedan 450 225.00 McLaughlanK45 Roadster 450 225.00 Chevrolet Touring 1923, 350 175.00 Ford Ton Truck .5922, 150 7500 Ford To}; Truck £922, 100 50.00 Ford 1921 Roadster 100 50.00 Indian Motorcycle 40 20.00 Sale Commencing Saturday, Nov. 27 Freshly Minced Steak MOUNT ALBERT CREAMERY BUTTER Freshly Made . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40c Fresh Shoulder Pork OLD ENGLISH FANCY MINCEMEAT 20 CENTS PER Tb NEW AND DELICIOUS SAUSAGETTES, SKINLESS 23 CENTS PER Tb. SWEET PICKLEDPICNIC HAMSâ€"ZO CENTS PER 1b. SMOKED PICNIC HAMSâ€"23 CENTS PER it). Beef Richmond Hill Furs of all kinds renwdelled to the latest Styles. If your Fur Coat needs repairing or a new shell con- sult us. We will gladly quote prices. BY DEALING DIRECT WITH US. COME AND LOOK OVER OUR LARGE STOCK OF FINE QUALITY MATERIALS AND YOU WILL BE CONVINCED THATâ€"â€" ' NOWHERE CAN YOU SECURE BETTER REAL VALUE AT VERY MODERATE PRICES SEE US ABOUT THAT NEW OVERCOAT. LAST CALL Y I‘VAIMI I l 4‘31†1% UTFC IlE [{ Choice Meats and Provisions F. J. MANSBWDGE [II FAE‘K I LAY I3 UTFC IiE [{- and Bone Scrap, 50 per cent Protein Fine and Coarse at $3.75 per cwt. Feed your chickens Crushed Green Bone, Fresh Ground Daily, 5c per" pound. RICHMOND TAILORS Sava the Proï¬t CANADA’S MOST EXCLUSIVE TAILORS FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN Telephone 5j 01' Residence 49w (The ‘ï¬nest butter that’s made) Middleman HALF PRICE muvLm, RICHMOND HILL J. A. GREENE OF OUR Three Yeast Cakes 21 Day forï¬'ealth 4 Cents Each. Plume 97 Richmond Hill 01 OF THE Reg. price Ontario $350.00 225.09 225.00 175.00 . .15c per 1b 40c per Tb. 200 Per it» Half Price {5 Ontario 1:1! H1 Interesting Debate A very interesting debate took place at the regular meotlmc u.“ the Young People’s Society of 1ho. United Church on Monday night when the proposed liquor policy of the ’Ferguson Government was the sub- ject of discussion. 'The side‘of Gov~ ernment Control was taken by Mr. Grant Draper and the O. T. A. was upheld by Mr. Edgar Wall. Attendej Divine Service There was a large attendance of brethren of the County Loyal Orange Lodge at the regular church parade on Sunday evening last at the United Church. Rev. A. A. Wall delivered an impressive and inspiring sermon in which he paid tribute to the Loyal Orange Lodge. The doctor and she wa A special Young be held next Sund United 'Church, Ri‘ 21.111. Rev. Tavlor School Holiday A holiday will be observed in the High and Public Schools on Friday in honor of the visit to the fuwn of his Excellency Lord Willingdun. the Governor-General. and Miss I. Thompson. Crowded Out Although We increased the size of The Liberal from eight to twelve pages all home print owing to a large amount of election advertising some news from our correspondents was un- avoidably crowded out this week but will be taken care of in our next isâ€" sue. Successful Dance A very successful dance was given in the Masonic Hall on Wednesday night by the Night Hawk Club or- chestra which was much enjoyed by about ï¬fty couples. The hall was tastefuly decorated and the music was exceptionally good. The following comprised the orchestra, David Stirl- ing, Howard Atkinson, Alfred Hall and Miss I. Thompson. ‘ expected en in two places on Wednesday when a» cow he was leading along the road took fright and knocked him down. ' Seriously Injured Father Malone of St. Mary’s Church (R. C.) sustained serious injury on Sunday evening last when he was struck by. a car on Yonge Street while walking near Elgin Mills. He is at present in St. J ose'ph’s hospital sufl"erâ€" ing a fractured skull and other injur- ies, but is making excellent progress and his‘ recovery is now conï¬dently Leg Broken Mr. Walter Lilly of the fourth con- cession of Markham hadihis leg» brok- ernm‘ Gran' uphe] Th1 ment; Publicityâ€"Mrs. A. A. Perry, Chairman; Rev. J. W. McIntosh, Miss Brown and Wm. Davies; Transporta- ‘tionâ€" David Hill, Chairman; T. Trench, G. H. Duncan, H. Innes; Real Estate and Public Worksâ€"N. Batty, Chairman, Prof. Walker, H. E. Wray, W. Hall. The ofï¬cers will act on all committees. name We will be glad to publish the communication next week. Special In Stoves See the McClary’s stoves at Coop- er’s Hardware, Quebec heaters, and Quebec Cookers, and 3 way heater. Also aIChoice line of the new McClur- y’s Sunny Blue granitwére. Just what the good housewives of this dis- trict have been watching for. Executive Meeting ‘ With almost 100 per )cent. atten- dance the executive of the newly or-‘ ganized ratepayt{.‘s association met in the council chamber on 'l‘uoeday night. A constitution was draw. :1 up and an extensive program outlined.l which will be submitted at the nextl general meeting of the association. The following committees were nam- ed and it is hoped that any ratepayer will take up with the various com- mittee members any suggestions or complaints relating to that depart- ment; Publicityâ€"Mrs. A. A._Pe1jry, er’s name accompany all communi- cations. ,Such information however we always treat as strictly conï¬den- tial. If the writer will let us have his Must Sign Letters We received a very interesting let» ter this week which we cannot pub- lish as the writer neglected to sign his name. It is not necessary that the name be published but as a mark of. good faith we insist that the writ- Their Excellencies kee preciated your initiative in her ranged this meeting and oniy ted that the weather was so ent. They hope that none children are any the worse f ing had to stand out in the 1', Yours sinc Their Excellt ‘ed me to write to y what pleasure it gave .to meet so many chi] schools while on their on Thursday last. Dear Mr The fol] ceived by from the S the Goverx Their Exceifencies )uncillor Greer; Richmond H111 W311 teri Special Services )VERNMENT HOUSE, Ottawa. 20th November, 1926 Secretary to His Excel! armor-General relative tc Richmond Hill on‘ Thur LOCAL NEWSY ITEMS h‘oen cligh‘z‘ed With Visit ing letter Councillor Men’s Servf:-e wil y morning in the hmond Hill at 11 Statten, Sec. of rk and one of the nion avé the childre you W. OSBOR naie nk and m1 t n f: keenly havin nLv ro to bl from wave a tell 3 3H1 Alfrol‘ 3e Christmas Concert » The Richmond Hill Presbyterian Sunday School are holding their Christmas entertainment on Wednesâ€" day, Dec. 22nd. Please keep this date in mind. Thanks “Mr. Reeve" A welcome local improvement wa.e carried out this week when cinders were placed along the curb on Yonge Street. It is a big improvement over old conditions and has been the subâ€" ject of favorable comment. able 'our Stores Open The by-law regulating the closing of stores in Richmond Hill does not osm- pel the merchants to remain closed during the month of December. A large number of the merchants will avail themselves of the opportunity and will be open for business as us- ual every day of the Week. This will be a great convenience to the gener- al public. El] i Nine applications were received ‘for the position the salary asked rang- Hng from $750.00 to $1000.00 per an- num. After careful consideration of the applications the Board appointed Mr. H. N. Stanford to the position at the salary of $850.00 per annum duties to commence at the beginning of December. members of the Board being prcsvnt G. H. Duncan, Chairman; Gen. Gee Harold Murphy, Mrs. A. Perry, Har- ryï¬gndean, J. E. Atkinson, J. P. Glass After the addresses were conciud the Sir Kts. and Brethren repairod the Banquet room where everybo1 enjoyed themselves amid singin toasts and speeches. New Caretaker A special meeting of the Board i Education was held on Monday, 11 15th inst. to consider applications 1‘ received for the position of Carotalu for the High School the followir members of the Board beinp' mv‘nctm The Rev. P. Soanes also the great empires of the present. a g'oodli7 Sutton t Hill to t R. Wth P. G on the League duties. '16 Monday night it being the Precep- tory’s ï¬fth birthday. The evening was opened by the singing of “O Cahada.†A very illuminating address was given by the Rt. Wor. Sir Kt. Rm: '1‘. reporï¬s t our columns a sad little verse about motorists on country roads not giving lifts to pedes- trians. The lady who wrote it A very ming was Misses M. Brown, L. Mortleyx Eï¬ Neill and S. Gee of this village: at- tended the tea, given in honor of Miss Grace .Duncan, last Saturday after- noon at Victoria Square. R. B. P. Celebrated April I Mr. and Mrs John H. C. Durham and maid, Craigmore, Bond Lake, left on Wednesday for Clearwater, Florida. Mrs. Durham’s sister, Mrs. Arthur D. Armstrong and children of Queenâ€" ston. Ontario, 'Will join them in two weeks. They expect to return in V Miss Moï¬â€˜at ofrth; Est'Oï¬ice stafl.p has been conï¬ned to her home through illness this week, but expects to re- turn to her duties in the ofï¬ce in a few days. ...--.v Prince George, youngest of the King‘s sons, Who .will cross Canada en route from Hong Kong to Engâ€" land. He has been serving as lieu- tenant on H. M. S. Hawkins in Chinese waters. WI \Ve Get Results ntly there apnea KING’S SON COMING Peasant and soo‘nbln ‘ cent in the Lodge'Ro B. P. 1031, Aurora Fifth Anniversary M. of Ontari of Nations appearec and its \VaF Iders onge over subâ€" '(lC‘Cl iLo the 0.“ nd )m from night church held its aim day evening. The ched by Rev. C. H. on Monday delivered by Hocken» an chair was Saigeon. A meeting in the it 90ch Macaulay, Cons: Brass Band For Markham‘ A meeting was held in Markh 1m on Monday for the purpose of or :zmiz- ing a brass band in the iillage. Many of our readers will rennmber that years ago Markham had a brass band of more than local fame, but isome of the players moved away, the ‘interest dropped and the bud ceased as an organization. There are in the village now some eight of the old players, and these are willing and anxious to revive the old organizaL tion. So it has been resolved to‘ try and reorganize the band again. I lingdon were very much delighted with the reception given them by the children who in turn showed their appreciation of' the surprise visit by very hearty cheering. The Governor General was presented -With a little suit of clothes made by one of the lit- tle girls. He stated that it was the ï¬rst suit he had been given in Canada. Lady Wilingdon also received a little pin cushion and dress made by one of the little girls. She presented the matron with a bouquet of roses. Their Excellencies propose a return visit to the home. Thursday afternoon, November the eighteenth, their Lxcellencies Lord and Lady Willingdon called at the Loyal Trge Blue and Orange Home on their way from Aurora. They We‘re received by Mrs. Crookett Matron, and the two youngest child- ‘ren of the home, a little baby girl and baby boy twu and three years old. The boys and girls lined up on each side of the hall holding flags which formed a canopy as their Excellenâ€" ‘cies walked in. Lord and Lady Wil- Governor General Visited The Orange Orphanage MRS. NQRMAN BATTY Phone 53 Trench Block Cultivate the Community Spirit By Buqing In Y our Home Town. Uu Bargains in Miï¬imer‘y This store 'Will be open every week-d ing from now until the end of December Dry Goods, Miiin’neg, Ladies’ Wear DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY AND DO TT AT HOMEâ€"COME IN AND LOOK OVER OUR .DIS- PLAY OF SUITABLE GIFTS. All Wool Flanneis at aeaulzu :5 held Flannelette Blankets best quality, full size Flannelettes at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 and 31 Children’s Winter Coats, fez. $5.00 and $6. All the latest styles in Velvets and Feltsâ€"Reg prices from $3 50 to $8.00. Special Sale price for One Week Only. All Felts from All Velvets from ad OCCUI avening. the Cand 5 annual ser Maple 1.98 m 3.9% 3.98 m 4.95 ,cked “QUALITY AND SERVICE OUR MOTTO†, to' be Toront ermon v Eowmzm. :spe dun $3.95 and $4.95 ne ther Bargains in Mr Andr‘ew S \VEI‘Q Candi- y Hall pre .490- , reg one “ When making gravy a in which my vegetable: tatoes, have been boiled are also ï¬fteen g great grandchild Mitchell and S 'Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McDonald Cele- brate Sixtieth Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McDmald of Maple recently celebrated the sir-:tiet'n anniversary of their marriags. The happy couple were blessed with a family of eight children of Whom 59':- en are living. namely, Mrs. G. J. Lanâ€" rie, Maple; Douglas on the cld‘ ltozn'a- stead at Kleinburg; Charles nf Till-9nâ€" to; John of D’ArCy. Sask: Mrs. R. R, able Mrs. F. Routley. of recruits have joined the choir. Young People's Club The regular meeting of the Angliâ€" can’s Young People’s recreation ~club was h~1d at the rectory on Tuesday evening, November 23rd. A program ‘of speeches, a recitation a song and a piano solo was given by the members of the executive; each person giving- his part very capably. The club will hold a party at the home of Mrs. Carter on Dec. 7, next. . Vamuy 01 elght children of v an are living, namely, Mrs. ( 'ie, Maple; Douglas on the < tead at Kleinburg; Charles 0; John of D’Arcy, Sask.; D llitchell and Stanley of Glid( nd J. Norman at Strasbour: re also ï¬fteen grandchildrez §}_1e Ugitgd Church until retuï¬: bhuy timber. “'e are qualifie will find that evch fuol; of \1 buy here’runs ei‘cnly and form. That’s n decided‘ p1 when )nu’re ready to build VOU. Lhihk SO much bet . . . . . 25 and 30 cents per yard ‘. $5.00 and $6.00â€" Sale price Phone 133 we BW‘i’RE Fumes? TIMBER GROWN-41' N$THE LUMBER YOU Mm’ SHOULD OWN YOW 1N1} hm yard means L. INNES & SONS are an_d__ Feltsâ€"Regular ay and every evenâ€" he rectory on Tuesday nber 23rd. A program recitation a song and a given by the members L'C,‘ each person giving- :apably. The club will at the home of Mrs. ‘IUW Richmond Street Lbly. the next 11 98c per yard $2.50 pair wir an a lumber ving how to llIfieC. You of wood ypu and true to i‘ protection uitd. Don’t ‘63! ivc