RICHMOND HILL BRANCH, Including 1 Tube and Two Sets Head Phones AERIAL AND BATTERIES EXTRA R diola, 4 Tube Set a b COMPLETE DeForest-Crossle C. 5 Console, Complete y T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Let the Bank save you the time and inconvenience of special trips to town. Send your deposits by mail. .They will receive careful, and prompt attention, and you will re- ceive an acknowledgment by return 1M PE 1. BANK Phone 33. Thornhill, Ont. Save Trips to Town 1 Tube Set, Westinghouse l. REDUCE YOUR INCOME TAX, 2. ABOLISH the AMUSEMENT TAX. 3. REDUCE AUTO LICENSE FEES. 4. ABOLISH the BOOTLEGGER. 5. ESTABLISH OLD AGE PENSIONS Vote MACAULAY RADIOS 316 Oakwood Avenue Ferguson Platform Information Committee Room Conservative Candidate 1 OF CAMDA Limited SOUth A. T. MINNIS, Manager. Vote {Or acaulw and the Telephone Lo‘ Leo Macaulay has presented his platform clearly and concisely to well- attended meetings at Oakwood, Mount Dennis, Thornhill, Elgin Mills, Wood- bridge, Kleinburg, W chwood, Fair- bank, North York, Keelsdale, Silver- thorn, Maple, Forest Hill and Caleâ€" donia. He will cover every inch of the riding before the election on Dec. The feature of last week’s rallies was the Armistice banquet held in Oakwoorl Hall by the York Township Branch of his Majesty’s Army and Navy Veterans, when eX-service men and their relatives crowded the hall to the doors. They rose with one acâ€" cord as Mr. Macaulay entered the A development of the past week is the revolt of the York Township Lib- eral executive against the section of the Provincial Liberal Association in joining with a strange mixture of parties in nominating Mr. Dillon. The York Township Liberals have de- cided not to support Mr. Dillon indiv- idually which it is claimed in other words, means that many of them will vote for Mr. Macauley as a protest against the abandonment of true Lib- eral principles in-an “anything to beat Ferguson,†campaign. South York Candidate Defends Ferguson Policy Fro'm end to end of the riding. Leo- pold Macaulay the Conservative stan- dard bearer, is being acclaimed by his supporters as the next member for South York. His whirlwind campaign has taken him to all sections, and ev- erywhere he has been enthusiastical- ly received. His friends claim that probably this is largely due to the fact that he is a well-known i'esident of the riding while his opponent, E. Macaulay Dil- lon, lives in the City of Toronto and is practically unknown to the people of South York. 5615 1‘ IS. D.; Very Wor. Bro. R. S. Thomp- son, J. D.; Wor. Bro. J. H. Hooper, I. G.; Wor. Bro. T. W. Cousins, S. S.: A Wot. Bro. James Baxter, J. S.; Wor. Bro. George Robinson, Tyler; Wor. ‘Bro. W. J. Jackson, Wor. Bro. O. C. Names and War. Bro. E. S. Cox. At a session of the North York Water Commission on Monday a pro- test was received from D. Flett and A. Tallett, who stated they had been billed a second time for water rates which vance. It appears they are in a part of the Kingsdale system which was taken over some time ago by the North York Township. Superintendent Jackson stated that the books of the Kingsdale system had not yet been handed over. there- fore the word of the two ratepayers would have to be accepted. Superintendent Jackson reported that during the month of October 4, 442, 760 gallons of water had been ï¬ltered and 4,534,850 gallons pumped. The total number of hours pumping amounted to 259 hours 51 minutes lain; surer; retary D. of Speakers at his meetings have in- cluded the following all of whom are giving him their entire support; Dr. Forbes Godfrey, Col. T. Herbert Lenâ€" nox, Mrs. Arthur Van Koughnet, Deputy-reqve E. C. Westbury, Coun- cillor J. J. Little, Reeve W. M Gra- ham, J. T. Gunn, Rev. Col. C. G. Williams, ex-warden Len Wallace, T. E. Elmore, S.’ B. Saunders, Keith Lennox, H. C. Fester, (Hamilton), George C. Douglas, (Ottawa), Counâ€" cillor A. E. Baker, Major R. P. Locke, Ian ’Wylie the av was 8 month stalled on one Past 1Wiliam W C. I Cherry the Pat was hell evening The f on one Mr. Jackson superintendent tend ï¬res and tion for his was asked to p ount as in the ï¬reman. Mr. Dillon stated that he had known Mr. Macaulay for years as an honest “Christian temperance gentleman.†In his address, Mr. Macaulay said that he had been a temperance work- er all his life, but that he was con- vinced that government control would do more to control the liquor trafï¬c than the O. T A. He deplored the fact that bitterness and unfairness had entered the discussion of the ques- tion all over the province, and de- clared that the supporters of the O. T. A. claimed to have a private mon- opoly on righteousness.†' “Under the O. T. A. doctors have been made the bartenders of the province,†said Mr Macaulay. Voiceâ€"The doctors have to make a little somehow.†Mr. Macaulayâ€"“Well, I’ve noticed quite a few doctors stand by the 0. At ,the close of his address, Mr. Macaulay was asked two questions by Rev. A. T. Baker, Pastor of Hills- dale United Church. After M1'..Mac- al‘hy has replied in apparenth logi- cal fashion, Mr. Baker said, “I wish to thank Mr. Macaulay for his an- . \vers even if much that ‘he said had little to do ‘gith the questions’ I ask- ec‘ I7 Mr. Macaulay immediately replied, amid applause: “I might have includ- ed in my reply some reference to your own conduct ,sir, but I refrained. Now, in view of what you remarked, I say this to you'; the failure of 4.4. beer was due to the action of people like youâ€"you, who blackballed the grocery stores run by members of your congregation selling 4.4 as a bev- erage, and who threatened to ex-com- municate them from your church. It was such feeling and action that meant certain failure for Mr. Nickle’s remedial measure.†Mr. Macaulay addresed two women’s meetings Saturday afternoon in Humewood school and Rawlinson school under the auspices of Ward One York Township Women’s Conservative Association. Hall, gave him three hearty cheers and a tiger, and lustin sang “For he’s a Jolly Good Fellow†as he made his way to the head table. He was cheer- ed again when he began to speak, an his endorsation‘of the Ferguson gov- When Mr. Dillon stated that he had been nominated by a convention composed of Fusion-Liberal-Prohibâ€" itionâ€"Progressive-Conservative forces a voice from the audience declared: “In other Words your a Dryâ€"Wet.†(laughter) Mr. Dillon said that he did not acknowledge either Mr. Raney or Mr. Sinclair as his leader, and he had already condemned Mr. Fergu- son’s platform. ernment control met with unanimous approval. The South York nomination ,meet- ing was held on Saturday in the Sil- verthorn Memorial Hall, and the af- ter-meeting was made very interest- ing _by witty remarks from members ing by WiEty remarks frbiï¬ of the audience. The Patterson held at 'I average 8 hours ‘ast North York ï¬rst degree e candidate, Masters ofï¬â€˜ n Riddle Gohn, S Wor‘ Vor. J Wot. : Rt. had already been p’aid in ad- annual Masters water Bro. . r. Bro. ;. Wor. Wot. J Thornhill on stated tha m; it was nece: 1nd suggested is services. q pass the ne( the case of 2 11 Past Maste' n Lodge No. i Thornhill last hours 21 mi ree was Lte, and ofï¬ciated W. M.; V Irs pumping minutes. D1 services had Night 0 Masters I that as water necessary he at- asted remunera- es. The council e necessary am- of an ordinary Very 3elebration >ing per During had bevn 265 G t Wed] ’ednesday ‘igh’c day the in- The Twenty-Thirty Club held their ï¬rst dance of the season at the Mun- icipal Hall, Willowdale, last Friday evening. Dr. and Mrs. C. F. Johns and Mr, and Mrs. John McKenzie reâ€" ceived the guests The Northcrest Lodge No. 476 held their regular monthly meeting in the Municipal Hall, Willowdale, Monday ship in the coming municipal elections. After a lengthy discussion Mr. An- derson was unanimously endorsed. and it was decided to hold another meeting on Friday, December 3rd. when representation from all parts of the Township could be present. evening As the constitution of the Lodge called for the election of ofï¬cers in November of each year, this was car- ried out and the following ofï¬cers Quite a large number of Ratepay- ers’attended the meeting in the Mun- icipal Hall at Willowdale, Tuesday ev- ening, which was called for the pur- pose of receiving the endorsation of the meeting in support of W. \V. An- derson as present 3rd Deputy-teem, and who expects to contest the Reeve- were elected for the ensuing year. Noble Grand, Bro. J. Roberts: vice Grand, W. C. Spracklin; Recording Secretary, Bro. R. 0. Wright; Fin- ancial Secretary, Bro. G. R. Sum- mers; Treasurer, Past Grand Bro. R. A. Perry; Physician, Bro. Dr. C. Hill; Trustee, Bro. Stan Huron. URNITURE F COME IN AND BROUSE AROUND O Removals and Express All our Candies made on the premises at one price onlyâ€" 60 cents per pound. We Serve Light Lunches, Dinners, Afternoon Teas andâ€" AFTER THEATRE SUPPERS Experts In Vulcanizing Hudson 3160 M Telephoneâ€"Hudson 8214 The North End Tire Shop During the tiresome moments of the Christmas Shopping Season We suggest that you drop in at theâ€" The Oldest Established Candy Store On Yonge Street (Special to the Liberal) SUPERIOR CANDY Phone Hudson 5684 253 Yonge St. 3 DOORS SOUTH OF PANTAGES THEATRE. Willowdale Beauty Shap Marinello W. HILL, Proprietor. , ALBERTUS AND YONGE Just South Of Lawrence Park Garage Good Used Tires 83.00 Up. We Guarantee Our Workmanship Opposite Terminal Station CITY LIMITS Telephone, Main 1669 (APPROVED) While standing near an Electric Heater in her home at Harcandale Ave. on Saturday, November 13th the nightdress of Katherine Shields the six and one-half year old daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Shields caught the nightdress of Katherine Shields the six and one-half year old daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Shields caught ï¬re, causing her to receive painful burns about the body and resulting in her death last Saturday evening. The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon from the home of Mr. Shield’s mother’ in Toronto. chs bothered MWW lice stoplaying. To ' kill the lice, take the aï¬ected chicken by the legs and sprinkle the powder in the open feathers. PRATTS LICE KILLER is harmless. son-irritating and mu- poisonous. but. kills the lice. Ask your dealt:- Imze tor Ill 'l'n’ PUULTYIYBDGK FREE PRAS’BI' ~00!) C043; CANADA Lira Car-law Av 3 aroAto B Hula m4 uemwrs an cvar Launch: ' wn-ze r.» p m Powmwgmx FREE! “HAN-n- an» an I ...._ _ Mï¬ï¬mflï¬ï¬ Candy Specials The Aristol Box, 600. And Fancy Baskets ï¬mï¬s’, Lansing Special Equipment For Balloon Tires 3452 Yonge Street Open Evenings 71 3Y3 Nod