Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Nov 1926, p. 1

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MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Nov. 29, 30, Dec. 1 THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Nov. 25, 26 and 27th R d' SEE: Atwaler Kent 3 10 SUPPLIES Deforest-Crosley Better than Bonds COMING : Milton Sills .“ Men of Steel.” Regular Saturday Matinee 2.30 p.m. COMEDY Charlie Chaplin “ In A Dogs Life. COVERING CANADA’S BEST SUBURBAN DISTRICT m PLA)’ Vol. XLIX. COMEDY “ The White Waigo Bride. WWW NORTH TORONTO U THEATRE 2492 YONGE, AT CASTLEFIELD fapfiml IN 7 BELLE BENNETT “In Essentials. Unity; In Nonâ€"essentials. Liberty: In All Things. Charity.” “We hear a lot about the wife who has no economic independence," said the speaker, “but to be quite frank my sympathy goes out to the many fine husbands with extravagant wives who are placed in this embarrassing position. Budgetting in any house- hold should be the result of confer- ence between husband and wife. There should be an understanding as to income and expenditures. Lawy- ers say that in their experience the average married man is usually quite willing to provide adequately for his wife and household and it is to be re- membered in this connection that to- day when standards are so high and young Wives demand so much ibis means a tremendous responsibility. The married man needs to have cour- age in whatever walk of life he may be. For the extravagant wife does An enthusiastic and largely attend- ed meeting of the North York Pro- ducer's Association was held in the Market building at the City Limits on Wednesday night. President J. H. Young presided and the various reâ€" ports showed a large increase in the membership but it is hoped in a short time to have signed up all the produc- ers in the district. The membership fee is only.$1.00 per year and may be paid to the secretary Robert Pool R. R. Eglinton. Encouraging reports were received concerning the market which has showed a steady and continuous growth since it was opened on June Encouraging reports were received concerning the market which has showed a steady and continuous growth since it was opened on June 19th. To date there has been 1953 sellers and fees collected abounted to $572.75. It is confidently expected that in a short time the whole venture will be self sustaining. The success of the market has been clearly evi- denced by the increasing number of producers each week and the liberal patronage of customers. Miss Hunter in explaining the law on these subjects made some trench- ant remarks on the extravagance of many modern Wives, on their unduly high standards in “keeping up with the ,Joneses” on‘the tyranny of fashion which drlves many light headed woâ€" men to unreasonable expenditures and on the painful position in which the husbands of such women find themselves when they are faced with the alternative of paying huge bills or of forcefully restraining their wivâ€" es at home by assuming complete con» trol of the purse strings, or of taking these inconsiderate ladies to court. Extensive plans were discussed for the Christmas Market which will be held on Tuesday evening, Thursday afternoon and evening and all day Friday of Christmas week. Committees Were appointed to make all the arangements and com- plete details for a competition in which prizes will be awarded for various articles of produce. The folâ€" lowing were appointed2-Finance com- mittee to appeal to municipalities for co-operation R. Pinder Markham; L. Hicks Vaughan; C. Taylor, Scarboro; ‘A. Lund Etobicoke, S. Herdman, N. lYork; C. Lawton, King; H. Heise, .Whitchurch; H. Davis, Richmond Hill] .Management Committee, Mrs. Pinder Miss Kerby, Mrs. Moyniham, Mrs. Taylor, S. Herdman, R. Pinder, J. H. Young, H. Davis, S. Schmidt, with Robert. Pool as secretary Miss Grace Hunter, B. A. and Buch- elér of Law was the speaker at the first educational meeting arranged between the Home and School Club and the Women’s Institute for the winter season. The meeting took place in the High School Gymnasium on Tuesday evening at eight o’clock and the subect of the address wasâ€" “To what extent may a wife pledge her husband’s‘ credit”â€"â€"and it a‘lso covered the legal status of the mar- ried woman and the deserted mother. PRODUCERS PLAN CHRISTMAS MARKET Reeve Gohn of Markham, Reeve Hicks of North York and Reeve Lit- tle of Scarboro who were present promised to give every consideration to the requests of the committee. A It was unanimously decided that one of the prizes would be given by the asociation but the details will be decided by the committee. We Has No Legafi Right ‘ h Pieflge Husband’s Credit RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1926 “ Keeping Up With The Jones ” A Problem of Our ‘ Home Life. We have been dealers for Atwater Kent Radio ever since its inception and we are still satisfied there is none better. This year many new models to choose from 5, 6 and 7 tube receivers, single control. ‘ Prices range from $85 up. The annual election of officers of L. O. L. 2368 was held on’Wednes- day night. Wor. Bro. A. C. B. Nicol, District Master of Centre York con; ducted the election The officers e1â€" ected were as follows :â€"I. P. M.. Wor. Bro. A. M. Nicol; W. M., Bro. J. Saun- ders; D. M.,’Bro. Geo. Masters: Chap. Bro. Roy Dibb; Rec. Sec., Wor, Bro. R. Beatty; Fin. Sec., Wor. Bro. F. Hopper; Treas., Wor. Bro., J. H. San- derson; Mars., Bro. Hawkes: lst Lect, Bro. C. Beatty; Dep. Lect., R. Boynton; lst Com., Wor. Bro. W. T. Tyndall; 2nd Com. Bro. L. Saunders; 3rd Com., Wor. Bro. R. J. Beatty; 4th Com. Wor. Bro. J. Armstrong; 5th Com., Bro. Gostlin; Tyler, Bro. H. Graham; Auditors, Wor. Bro. F. Hop- per, Bro. R. Cooper; Com. to visit Sick, Wor. Bro. J. Armstrong, R. Beatty, Wor. Bro. W. T. Tyndall. Then today we have women who are trying to be both, single and mar- ried women. They want careers out- side the home and careers inside. They want support from their husâ€" band and complete control of all they themselves earn and this too very often leads to disaster. I was sur- prised at the conference of Universi- ty women at Amsterdam this year to find this point of View put forward as reasonable. It is unreasonable. The Married Women’s Property Act mark- ed a revolution when it was passed. It is one of the finest flowers of civ- ilization that a man is compelled by law to support his wife and if women now by their unreasonable demands cause damage to this Act by taking an unfair advantage of its provisions they will have only themselves to blame if the legal status of the wife is finally jeopardized.” ‘ Dr. Lillian Langstafl“ at the clpse of the address moved a hearty vote of thanks to the speaker which was seconded by Mr. W. Ward Price and Dr. Rolph Langstafl" both of whom made some humorous comments («11 instances of the “Jonesy” type of wife with whom they had come in contact. A very pleasant feature of the ev- ening was a duet “The Gypsy Count- ess” sung-by Mrs. R.‘ Macdonald and Mr. Ward Price. l Wo'ri Bro. A. c. B. Nic‘ol District Master gave a few remarks on the Orange; Association. A pleasant feature of the evening was the presentation of a Walking Cane to Wor. Bro. J. H. Sanderson to commemorate the fiftieth anniver- sary of his joining the Orange Lodge. Wor. Bro. A. C. B. Nicol made the presentation on behalf of L. O. L. 2368. Wor. Bro. Sanderson replied in a few well chosen words and contrasted the Orangemen of today with those of 50 years ago. A special meeting in the interests of temperance and the good name of the Young People of Ontario will be held in the United Church, Sunday. November 28 at 7 p.m. Mr. A. E. Wall and others will speak. The Young People’s League will have charge of the meeting. no conferring. She just spends. Yet wives have no right under the law to pledge their husband’s credit at all. The husband is required by law to support his wife and that is interpret- ed as meaning. providing the neces- saries according to their status. But it is just here that much of the trou- ble comes in because when a teams- ters Wife takes it into her head to live and dress like a fashionable lady, and a fashionable lady makes up her mind that she must live like a prin- cess both husbands are to be equally pitied because eventually they are likely to land in the courts to settle the subsequent financial difficulties. Annual Election The most successful bazaar in con- nection with the church was held Wednesday afternoon and a very pleasant time was enjoyed by all. Miss Barker sang several solos and the Thornhill orchestra rendered very acceptable music. Rev and Mrs. Fra- lick, former pastor and his wife were present, also Rev. Mr. McIntosh of Richmond Hill. The bazaar was op- ened by Mrs. Henry and the proceeds amounted to over two hundred dol- lars. Thornhill L 0. L. Officers s iiii Elsewhere in this issue is the officâ€" ial announcement of the opening of the Bedford Theatre situated on North Yonge Street at Glen Forest. The new theatm is modern in every re-- spect and is handy for the people of the North Yonge Street district as it is only three blocks from the ter- minal Radial station at the City Lim- its. The large number of fans from this section who have freely patron- ized the Capitol and have come to re- gard it as their own ideal home of en- tertainment now have another up-to- date theatre to serve them. The bus- iness foresight of the management in providing such excellent theatres for the people of this section is sincerely appreciated and the subject of much favorable comment. New Theatre Opened In North Toronto i The monthly meeting of the Young Women's Auxiliary of the United Church was held at the home of Mrs. W. Mortson on Tuesday, Nov. 16. Mrs. MacIntosh gave a very interest- ing and inspiring talk to the girls on “Their duties as members of the Y. _H6fwfiCé-I:SVEIS fbllo{Ns:flPres. Mrs. Bed- ford, Ist vice, Miss M. Smith, Rec. sec., Miss M. Brown, VCorr_â€"S<_e<_:. Miss E. Neill, Press Sec.. Miss L Mortley, Mess Sec., Miss V. Donner, Supply Sec., Mrs. W. Wellman, Christian Steward Sec., Miss S. Gee, Strangers Sec., Miss V. Hunt, Mrs. Webster, Treas., Miss M. Sims, Pianist, Miss C. Mortson, Miss O, Mortson. "'- society was organized accord- ing to the plan set by the United Church. rxffer the election a very pleasa social hour was spent. 7 Women’s Auxilliary The Ladies Aid bazaar and enter- tainment on Wednesday evening was a splendid success. The manner in which the young people of the church presented the play. “A Case of Sus- pension” is deserving of great praise. They ought to repeat it somewhere Everyone ought to hear Mrs. A. Wal- ker of Toronto one of Canada’s most gifted _\_v0m_en, next Sunday evening in Egiffille chui'ch .young And old 'are cordially invited. The first lady to purchase Ticket will be presented with a 5 pound box of Chocolates, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Nov. 29, 30,Dec. l “ The Waltz Dredm ” ‘ BEBE DANIELS Badfm‘d Theatre Iv * LIMITED " I Chevrolet and Oakland Dealers OPENING I'D-NIGHT BEDFORD PARK YONGE AT GLENFOREST Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Nov. 25, 26, 27 Comedy ‘” Honest Injun ” Comedy “ Smith’s Baby ” CARRVILLE THELMA BATEMAN, Soprano Soloist. in the“Campus Flirt” Annual Meeting Thursday, November 25th an» As the meeting will be addressed by officers of the Central organization in Toronto, 2. large turnout is ex- pected._ A rare treat is in store for those who come to hear Mrs. A. Walker one of Canada’s most gifted speakers next Sunday afternoon at 3. 30 um. Auction sale of farm stock and imple- ments, hay, and grain will be sold by public auction, Lot 14, rear Con. 3, Vaughan, 11/2 miles south of Maple, the property of John Foster, Thurs- day, December 9, sale at 1 o’clock p. m. Terms, Hay, Grain and ensilage roots and calves and all sums of $20 and under cash; over that amount 10 months credit on approved joint notes 5% off for cash. No reserve. In addition to a rewrganization and an election of officers a revival of the charter of the club is contemplated. Owing to an imcomplete mailing list, any members of the old club not receiving a notice will please accept this press notice and govern themsel- ves accordingly. Auction sale on Friday, December 3rd, farm stock, implements, and fur- niture the property of Wesley Sim- monds West half of lot 13, Con. 7, Vaughan, 1 mile north of Woodbridge. Terms 9 months credit on approved joint notes. J. T. SAIGEON, Auction- eer. Auction Sale. on Saturday, Novem- ber 27, at 1 o’clock about 200 cords mixed slabs, about 100 cords, beech maple, elm and oak cordwood, elso 10 acres standing timber to be sold in half acre lots. Terms, 3 months credit on wood and eleven months on imber, 6% 01? for cash. The proper- y of J. H. Brillinger Lot 13, con. 6, King: An important meeting of the Rich- mond Hill U. F. 0. club wil be held in Stong’s Hall on Monday evenihg November 29th at 8 o’clock sharp. Auction Sale, December 14, of H01- steins. the property of 0. T. Bales & Son. Stop 4 Yonge Street. Richmond Hill U. F. 0. Club to Re-Organize SINGLE COPY, 3c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE The ladies are invited to be present F. A. EGAN, Auctioneer J. T. SAIGEON, Auctioneer SALE REGISTER Richvale

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