.â€", PROFESSIONAL and BUSINESS DIRECTORY MUSICAL ‘ MEDICAL ADELMO MELECCI AND MISS'l DR- J- 1’- WILSON ROSALIND BUSH, L_T,C_M, Office hours: 9 to 11 a.m. Classified Advertising “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISING-JslAKE THE MOST OF IT†' RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for ï¬rst insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra Duavies’ Dry Goods Store RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Santa Claus Makes His Annual Visitto our Town. Watch for announcement We are now showing a large variety Of merchandise of all kinds suitable for Christmas presents. From now on as here-to~fore we will lay aside your early selections Ladies’ Hairdressing Parlor Miss M. Denby, Diploma for Marceling, Water Waving, Hair Tinting, Our operator, Shampooing, Bob and Hair Treatment, Manicuring, Etc. 1 For Appointment Beauty Parlor Closes Monday and Thursday at 6 p.m. and Wednesday at 12 o’clock, noon. of day and time of arrival. until needed. holds a ï¬rst-class Cutting, Scalp and 'Facial Telephone 119 SIMPLE INDOOR AERIAL King Radio Engineer Describes Efï¬c- ient Antenna for Indoor Installa- tion in Listeners Attic, .v . â€"' u l 3: I ( \\‘\II ms muonwm‘: ,1 .- 5 , r . nwlbâ€˜ï¬ (My) arm-IAN.) ,l N: is in SLM.’ M II “There are many radio listeners who are not able to have an outdoor acrâ€" ial,†says H. A. Gates, Chief Radio Engineer of the King Radio, “and for those a simple but effective indoor installation is recommended. This in- stallation requires ‘no special tools or equipment; the screen wire can be bought at any hardware store and the other material can be secured at the [eminent medical and scientific men in radio store, or the antenna can be in- the States. stalled complete by the radio dealer. “The materials required are:â€" 25 feet of galvanized (not painted or en- ameled) fly screen, 2% or 3 feet wide, insulators and lead-in wire. The wire should be supported on the insulators at the highest point in the home, with the flat surface of the screen parallel to the ground. This antenna is in- tended for attic installation, but in some instances has given excellent re- sults on lower floors. by being separ- ated into two or three pieces and placed under the rugs. Of course, it is necessary to electrically connect the pieces When connecting the Iead~in. solder it to the most con- venient point on the screen. This type of antenna will not work satis- factorily under a metal roof: for that matter, even the outdoor aerial should be kept away from metal roofs and other grounded objects." Mr. Gates is the designer of the famous 61 and 02 many of which together. 5 0 King Radios. re being installed by <. Have You Made Your Saurkraut In the past, sauerkraut hageen a 'much misunderstood food but now is coming to the fore and being used It used to be cal- led indigestible but if one suffered more extensively. from indigestion after indulging in sauerkraut it was more likely the a- mount of pork consumed at the same time which causes the trouble. Doc- tors are becoming very enthusiastic about it now as being one of the best To quote Dr. Wm. Brady, a well-known American diet- foods obtainable. icianâ€"“Sauerkraut is rich in calcium (lime) content, the deï¬cient in calcium. average diet is It contains also lactic acid. The same acid as in but- termilk, which causes lactic fermion-- tationâ€"a healthful process which keeps conditions unfavorable for put~ refactive decomposition.†There is other food possibly no which has the endorsement of so many In the words of many of them no other food contributes so much to the general well-being of the human race. Besides all these there is the fact that sauerkraut pro- perly prepared food. stores handle raw sauerkraut now as recommendajons is a most delicious t Most. oi“ he well as the canned variety but it is ’ much more economical to make it at home. Select ï¬rm cabbages. cut it in two lengthwise and remove hearts. Shred fine using kraut cutter for large quantities or a sharp carving knife for smaller lots If making a barrel full put four inches of shredded cab- lbage in the bottom of the barrel. sprinkle with one half cup of salt and pound with a wooden mallet until III-3 Use masher for pounding smaller ouan juice beins to run. :1 potato tilies. Repeat process until the burn rel is full cover with a thin ch'h. then a wooden lid and weight it with chat. stones. Let stand in z‘. r; IIall‘s Service Station, Richmond llill. warm place for about two Nietw's‘ with great satisfaction to their «.wn- when it will be ready for use. Keep ers. Daily deironstrarious are Irving'in u- l m... held and radio fans are invited o T? yo". Ll"ill like thc numr >i‘.‘.lL‘l‘- make this their lie-.Illqlmrters and call Iil‘:ll2’. call 2': Liberty Cabbage as they for the latest in radio lilful‘!ll(‘.‘.lli!l. did in die State: during iii" wot. i l I larger grocery‘ I E: ‘ . . each insertion. FOR SALEâ€"See the McClarys Stoves at Coopers Hardware, also Quebec heaters, Quebec Cookers and 3 way heaters. FOR SALEâ€" Cheap. 1 baby‘s up- holstered white enamelled high chair that can be turned into a low chair with table in front to hold Babys toys, also 1 reed stroller in good condition and 1 white enamel- led bed...Mrs. Edmunds, Rosevmw Avenue, Richmond Hill. TO RENTâ€"7 room brick dwelling on Jackson Avenue, Maple; hard and soft water. .Terms moderate apply J. T. Saigeon, Maple. FOR SALEâ€"Good Top Buggy, steel tires, good cutter, Trench Make, and set single harness. Apply Chas. Clark, Phone 59, Richmond Hill. FOR SALEâ€"Fordson Tractor and Plow, little worse than new or ex- , change for horses or cattle, com- plete with pulley and governor. Write Box 79, Thornhill. FOR SALEâ€"A couple of springers, bred to Royal Croft Inca Alcartra. son of a 350,000 bull, pure bred Holsteins, also one young bull, one year old.. .Apply to D. Clubinc, R. R. Richmond Hill, Ont. FOR SALEâ€"A chesterï¬eld, Kitchen range, churn, butter bowl, and some milk pans. Apply to Mr. Laughton, Clo Mr. E. T. Stephens west farm. FOR SALEâ€"One Pearl Oak Heater, nearly new, One hanging lamp. Wm. G. Horner, Centre St. E. Rich- mond Hill. WANTEDâ€"A few cattle to run to straw stack for winter, Apply tele- Maple. phone 46 i The Third Instalment of TAXES for the current year is due on December ist ' Payment on or before'lï¬] December I5th’_wlll secure § discodnt of Fivezper cent. , , A. Jul-IUME Village Treasurer .1 r7 .6; ‘1'. viii TI'NNEY‘S LATEST PICTURE Gene Tunney, the heavyweight champion, is spending a holiday in Bermuda. and proved a great drawâ€" in;r card at a beneï¬t concert for the dependents of the sailors lost in H. )1. S. Valerian. Every seat in the house was sold. HEALTH HINTS All you little children To grow wise and good Must keep your teeth clean So you can chew your food: So use your little tooth brush And mind what you're about Or the dentist will get you If you don't watch out! If you read your school books All of you must know That milk is the best food [To make children grow; So take some every mealtime, And mind what you’re about Or you won‘t grow tall and strong If you don't watch out! Then in rainy weather When you go to school Don't get your feet wet “'ading in each pool. You‘d better wear your rubbers And mind what you‘re about Or pneumonia germs will get you. If you don‘t watch outf If your mouth hangs cpen And yl-ur I.‘.'cathing so ________.______~ Adenoids and tonsil grow: Sn le‘c‘zlil‘.‘ through \‘tur noses And mind v." -" re about Or the Specialist will get you If you dwn't watch Mltl NOTICE TO CREDITORS I The Executors of John Sliney who departed this life on Sept. 21st, 1.9th, . will distribute the assets after. Dec-' ember 15th, 1926, having regard only to claims of creditors ï¬led before that date with MRS. A. GIBBONS, Rich- mond Hill. I Public Notice | l I 4 I NOTICS is hereby given that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Vaughan proposes on the 15th day of December, 1926, to pass a By-Law to close up and dis- pose of a certain road allowance known as “Old Yonge Street" in Thornhill, Ontario, and being the portion running easterly from the original “Old Yonge Street" to Yonge :street, and to open the said “Old ' JYonge Street†by giving a direct op- ening onto Centre street by the use of that portion of “Old Yonge Street†which was closed in 1901 and if deem- ed advisable to use in addition such ,portion of the adjoining land to widen lthe proposed extension to such width as may be deemed neCessary. l The proposed By-Law and Plan showing the lands to be affected may be seen at my ofï¬ce in the Village of Maple. I The Council will hear in person or by his or her counsel or Agent any person who claims that his or her ,land will be prejudicially affected by the said By-Law and who applies to be heard. The meeting of the Council will be held in the Town Hall. Vellore at 11 o’clock forenoon on the 15th of Dec- ember 1928. , I I J. B. McLEAN, Township Clerk. DATED the 10th day of November, ‘ 1926. Clerk’s Notice of First Posting of Voters’ List Voters’ Lists, 1926. Municipality of Richmond Hill, County of York. Notice is hereby given that I have .complied with section 9 of the Voters’ .Lists Act and that I have posted up at my ofï¬ce at Richmond Hill, on the 10th day of November, 1926, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality for members of ‘IParliament (or, as the case/may be, at municipal elections) and that\ such list remains there for inspection. l And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions correct- ed according to law, the last day for appeal being the ï¬rst day of Decem- ber, 1926. DATED November 10, 1926. A. J. HUME, Clerk of Rich‘rnond Hill. I TENDERS Tenders will be received up to ‘Nov- ember 27, 1926, by the undersigned for supplying the Indu‘trial home of the County 01' York, for the year com- {mencing Jan. 1st, 1927, to the end of the year. with dry goods boots. shoes, lgroceries, beef, bread, etc. Forms 01' tender may be procured from Mr. T. I). Stoddart, at his ofï¬- cc on Yonge Street. No. tenders necâ€" 'essarily accepted. T. J. SPAULDING, Inspector, Aurora. FOR INSURANCE FIRE, ACCIDENT. SICKNESS, PLATE GLASS AUTOMOBILE. LIF-E, And ‘ Consult A. G. SAVAGE ‘ TEL. 118 RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO School Teacher I on Big Job ' l S t “.63 v ‘ nty-one. Yet she :ion and e. htl‘. career From. now is [H :i the f... :lit 'From the Toronto Conservatory of Music. Will accept it number of pupils in Pinuo.‘ Vocal and Theory. Richmond Hill - Friday and Saturday For Information Phone 58] MRS. MYLKS McDONALD’S ORCHESTRA THORNIIILL Popular throughout the district for music suitable for all kinds of dances. Open for engagements. Telephone: Thornhi1162. JOHN T. ANDERSON Piano Tuner 35 Years’ Practical Experience 378 Beresford Avenue. West Toronto Lyndhurst 2821 Telephone. Glenn’s Drug Store, Rich- mond Hill, for appointment George Guy 48 Woburn Avenue. NORTH TORONTO Phone Hudson 0970J PIANO TUNER AND PLAYER EXPERT Certiï¬cate piano tuning Conservatory BUSINES WRIGHT & TAYLOR / Undertakers RICHMOND HILL - UNIONVILLE I 'and THORNHILL BERT HUMPHREY Undertaker and Ambulance Service $9 Black or Grey Casket FUNERAL COMPLETE Other Funerals to your requirements. Courtesy and Consideration my Motto. Telephones: Willowdale 69 and Hudson 3676VV Stop 5, Yonge Street, Lansing JOHN R. CAMPBELL Veterinary Surgeon THORNIIILL R. MACDONALD, B.V.Sc.' Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College Address: Telephone 132 J. T. SAIGEON MAPLE Licensed Auctioneer for the County ' of York ' Sales attended to on. shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited PRENTICE & PRENTICE AUCTI ONEERS J. H. Prentice, 415 Balliol St., TorOnto. Hud.1347W. K. G. Prentice, Milliken. We are prepared to conduct sales of every description. Farms and farm stock sales a specialty. Farms bought and sold on commis- sion. All sales attended to on shortest notice, and conducted by the Innsr. anpromd methods. SILVERSIDES & FARMER Licensed Auctioneers County of York Pure Bred Stock Sales a Specialty. Phone 2703 STOUFFVILLE WILSON ‘S CARTAGE Express and Long Distance Moving Sand and Gravel Delivered Dump Trucks for Hire By Hour or Contract MAPLE Telephone 1535 All Kinds of Boot and Shoe Repair- ing Neatly Done Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. Shop in Winterton’s Old Stand Yonge St. GEO. KIDD- Boot and Shoe Repairer. Speight 8: Van Nostrand Ontario Land Surveyors City, Suburban and Farm Surveys. Forty Years Continuous Practice 703 Temple Building, Toronto 2. Phoneâ€"Adelaide 0096 THE CIIOPPING MILL All your needs in Flour and Feeds. We sell wholesale and retail. Feed your laying fowl on “Staminax†main and gather sweet flavoed eggs that will draw customers. Have your feed ground fresh so stock can relish the whole. ( A list of “toyal Richmond Feeds†sent on request. Phone 82 w. J. F. Burr J. F. Burr Phone 82 W. your Yonge St., Richmond Hill 6 to 8 p.m.. and by appointment. Ofï¬ce: Centre and Church Sts.. Richmond Hill. I’hone N DRS. LANGSTAFF North Yonge St. Richmond Hill DR. ROLI’II li LANGSTAFFâ€" Ollice hours: S: 10 “.11). “lid '6: B p.m. DR. LILLIAN' C. LANGS'I‘AFFâ€" I (Diseases of women and cliildrenl Ofï¬ce hours: 1:3 p.m. Phone 100 a DR. CHARLES S. DUNNING Poyntz Ave., Lansing. Willow. 140. Ofï¬ce hours: 12-115; 6-7.15. Capitol Bldg. Yonge St. Bud. 1133; Rand. 2121. Ofï¬ce hours: 8.30; 2-5; 7.30-9. __ gmth DR. W. T. McINTOSH Dentist RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Ofï¬ce: Over Dav’es' Dry Goods Store TELEPHONE Ill. DR. L. R. BELL Dentist » Ofï¬ce: Trench Block. two doors north of Standard Bank. Hours: 9 am. to 5.30 p.m. Telephone 32 I Ofï¬ce. hours 9 am. to 5 p.m. , Evenings by Appointment. Telephone 80 Dr. Willard Armstrong. Dental Surgeon “3 Gas Extraction. I Standard Bank Building Thornhill DR. MACLAREN D a N TI s T 7 I Work Done Quickly Bank of Commerce, Opposite EATONS d DR. W. L. FINLAY 1. DENTIST '1, ONTARIO“. Ofï¬ce I Hours ' MONDAY only 12â€"330 p.m.l Telephoneâ€"Maple 3 MAPLE LEGAL WILLIAM COOK, COOK & DELANY (\Villiam Cook -F, Gordon Cook Thomas Deliiny) Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Toronto Ofï¬ce: 816 Federal Building. _ 85 Richmond St. West Richmond Hill (mica (Liberal Ofï¬ce) every Tlilirsdnv forenoon \inple Thursd _ _ . I . a after- noon. Wnnrlbridrc, Saturday afternoiin. Money to loan at Current Rate ï¬x NAUGHTON 8; JENKINS. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Telephone Adelaide 2108 Ofï¬ces: R5 Richmond St. West, Toronto Naughlon Block, Aurora “Solicitors for: Aurora, Richmond Hill I\lll;:. Whirl-Lurch, liarlihluu and Nortl; ’ Gwillimbury. Walter S. .ll"lilll“'. Res. Phone Hill. 5048. J. IIurry IJIiughlnn, Iii-s. T'l'lili Mills, lies. Phone 127.2 __.‘ HENDERSON & MCGUIRE Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. (David Henderson W, H. McGuL-o James A. Boles) Ofï¬ces: 93-95 Sun Life Building, Adelaide and Victoria Sta. Elgin 5301 - 3181.11 5303 TORONTO HENRY S. MULLOWNEY, M.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Toronto Oflice: Standard Bank Bunting. 2453 Yonge St. (Egllnton Branch). Phone Hudson 8218 Richmond Hill once: Over Davlel Dry Goods Storeâ€"Every Saturday Money to Loan at Current Rates Phone Richmond Hill 119 A. CAMERON MacNAUGHTON BARRISTER 511 McKinnon Building, Corner Jordan & Melinda Street! Toronto. Phone: Elgin 4,879 Denton, Macdonald & Denton Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Manning Arcade, King St. West, Toronto, Canadr. Telephone Main 0311 Cable Address: “Dede†Arthur A. Macdonald. Frank Donn? Laura Demon. B.A. J. B. F A R L E Y Electrician Lansing ESTIMATES FREE. Phone 195 \‘y'illowrlnlc Exchange. A. (I HENDERSON PLUMBING AND 'l‘INSD’IITHING Hot Water Heating and General Repairs TIIORNIIILL. ONT. I» I I I l