Maintain and Strengthen the 0. T. Ag Retain the 0. T. A. P. W. PEARSON WILCOX LAKE BRICK CO. LIMITED Oï¬ice Richmond Hill Telephone 92. Yonge St. A meeting will be held in Township Hall, Willowdale, Tuesday, Nov. 30th The Candidate and others will speak. Vqting Day, December COVERING CANADA’S : BEST SUBURBAN DISTRICT EAST YORK WARDEN OF YORK COUNTY Candidate in North York. Manufacturers of Marbelite Brick Vol. XLIX. Election Day, Dec. lst RICHMOND HILL, ONT. W. H. LEGGE, Manager VOTE FOR Progressives and Prohibitionists -â€"FORâ€" &W 2§ Residenc‘e,’Nights and Holidays Telephone 2r12. Levi E9 Annis ENDORSED BY LIBERA LS Prohibition Candidate VOTE “In Essentials, Unity; I71 Nonâ€"assent During the three years three hundred and sevcnt sons were committed to j fences against the Act. 1 her of this year there wer dred convictions for offenc liquor laws the greatest any month in the hist( Province, As to - bootleggingâ€"our records show that under Government Control lawlessness in the sale of liquor has greatly increased. There is a vast increase in bootlég‘ging. Listenâ€"ev- ery brewery in the province stands a convicted bootlegger. 'Fortyâ€"one out o? of fortyâ€"ï¬ve beer stations were ‘0 sed by the Government for illicit selling. In two years the conviction for bootlegging reached the enormous total of over one thousand eight hun- dred and thirty-two, with ï¬nes am.- ounting to $274,050.00. According to a return to the prov- incial Legislature 6173 per cent. of the beer manufactured in the Pro ince was handled by bottleggers. 7 Before passing the act there were no distillcries in the province, now there are two. Under Liquor Control Act the distribution of both beer and hard liquor has enormously increased in the province. Beer by the truck load has been delivered from eight breweries through city, town and vil- lage, and distributed from forty-ï¬ve beer stations throughout the provirice. Three thousand dollars worth of hard liquor has been sold to one man by the commission in two days, forty cases to another in one day. The stream of liquor flows unimpeded and uncontrolled throughout the cities, toWns, villages and rural com- munities of the province. tea or and p stitute ration. Here are a few facts which cannot be again said and can be veriï¬ed. Before passing of the Liquor Conâ€" trol Act there were six breweries in Manitoba now there are eight. It was claimed here also that law- leSSness was due to Prohibitory leg- islation and would disappear with Government Control... but these facts show that is false. ing†is blamed for hi else a mean dispositi inherited from his fat dations of many a ca are childhood candie Editor, Richmond Hill, Liberal. Dear Sir:â€" The writer of a short letter in your esteemed paper signing himself “Nev- er Again†should look abroad to those provinces which have had a try at “Government Control.†The very things he says were said all over Manitoba before we adopted this sys- 'dulg The records of the courts show that general lawlessness 'is increas; ing. , health of the country "children is inâ€" ferior to that of city children. One cause, not touched upon by your correspondents as yet, is im- proper diet in the homes. Very few country mothers realize that a child's digestion isn’t equal to handling the food provided for the men who are doing hard outdoor labor. This in- judicious feeding often begins in b.1- byhood when a fond parent gives the ï¬ve or six month old baby a taste of everything on the table. Then the child screams with colic and “teeth- ing†is blamed for his crossnessâ€"or The convictions in 1925 for all of- fences reached the highest point dur- ing the history of the province. This ought to be enough for our old Ontario friend. I have been interested in the dis- cussion in your pages as to why ‘the health of the country "children is in- ferior to that of city children. \, Editor, 5 ‘7 The Liberal, Richmond Hill Slr;â€", Chil Letters From the Peop‘:e RICHMOND HILL, ONT., ilglren need pom-id '5‘; meat once a da‘ coffee! H the 1m thrive Ar .cichmond Hi1], Ont. November 9th, 1926 D. FLEMING, Winnipeg, Man his own eed Proper Diet 'ee years 1923â€"1925 nd seventy-ï¬ve perâ€" itted to jail for of- 1e Act. In Sepetm- there were one hun- for offences against greatest number in the history of the nlimite if their owner sut oï¬'ee for their mil ire! a cas Winnipeg, Man November 18, 192 on th her. drinking ould the c that he has The foun~ of dyspepsia allowing the food and in- frui .vn lKing' tile, $52.90; W. E. Dale, Hardware, $3.65; W. Davis, Balance on account, $36.00; W. H. Rogers, Cutting weeds, $10.50; Wm. Heaslip, Cutting weeds 1/2 to E. G., $11.50; D. A. Rawlin s, repairs to road and culvert, $32. 5; Chas. F. Doan, Road maint., $12.15; Peter Catania. ditching, $43.75; John Anning, Cutting weeds, and Culvert, $11.75; A. Brooks, Reps. to 3 culverts culvert, $6.20, Jas. Sheardown, main- tenance 1/2 to Albion, $23.15; E. Tin- line, Gravel for road, $35.00; John Smith, Road maint., $14.20; E. J. White, repairs to culvert $1.70: John Black, team on grader. $3.90; Joseph Webster, Team on grader, 83.00; F. A. Egan, handcuffs, $5.00; Geo. Fer- guson, belt for stone crusher, $13.00; McDonald and Son, Nails and grease, $1.60: John Botham, Wire fence, $20. 10;' W. T. Shaw, Teaming cement, $7.50; Mark Allen, Construction. $106.65; R. M. Archibald, repairs to culvert $9.00; James Trainer, Const- ruction, $138.27. T. MacMurchy-Egamâ€" That the Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay the account 70f J. M. Walton, for En- Resolutions Duggan - Armstrong:-â€" That the trustees of Toronto General Hospital be paid the sum of $27.00 re mainten- ance of Minnie Skinner. Dugg‘an-T. MacMurchy:â€"that this council pay to Dr. Kay for profession- al services re Raney Burke, since de- ceased the sum of $12.00. Armstrong - Dugganzâ€"That this council pay to Mr. Mallindine the sum of $5.20 for meat supplied to W. Rol- ling. grogging', checking, scheduling etc., the sum of $25.00 and for interest on school Section No. 16 D entures dat- ing from Oct. 29th to ec. lat for the sum of $15.78, and the sum of $2.50 to J. L. Jenkins for registering By-Law No. 474, in connection with said Debentures re said school sec- tion. ' Armstrong - Dugg‘anzâ€"That the Reeve and Clerk be paid the sum of $5.00 each 1'e‘sale of Debentures re School Section No. 16, according with By-Law N0. 474. ' T. MasMurchy-E anzâ€" That A. MacMurchy, Henry . Webb and Roy Boak, each be paid the sum of $10.00, and J. L. Jenkins the sum of $20.00 for services as local selectors of Jurâ€" ors for 1927. and that the Reeve A. vMacMurclly be paid the sum of $5.00 in arranging loans from the Banks in Schomberg for Township purposes. Egan-Dugg‘amâ€"{That' the Schom- berg Agricultural Society be paid the sum of $35.00 payable to W. L. Mc- Leod, Treasurer, and the King and Vaughan Plowmen’s Association the sum of $25.00, payable to A. B. Wells, Treasurer and to the Junior farmers $10.00 payable to R. J. Rogers, New- murket. ' While You Wait NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS THE “‘ELLMAN BLOCK QUALITY WORKMANSHIP (GUARANTEED â€" PROMPT SERVICE â€" da King City, all members present, Reeve MacMur'chy in the chair, the ninutes of the last meeting read and conï¬rmed, a ter'which the Treasurer was authorized to pay the following Bills and Accounts:â€"â€" Cecil Walker, duplicate keys, $1.50; George Williams tile, $52.90; W. E. Dale, Hardware, Egan-Armstrong:eThat John S. Lawson and Jas. E. Burns be paid the sum of $2.00 being for services as fencevieWers in arbitrating the line fence between David Doin and Robert Gelletly. Egaï¬-Armstrongzâ€"That Cecil Walâ€" ker be paid the sum of $125.00 re services as Constable to Oct. 3lst, 1926. - ials, Liberty; In All Things, Charity.†T. MacMurchy-Eg‘an:â€"-That Walter Sloan_ be paid the sum of $14.00 for Egan-MacM cil grant the : pended on hi] Lots 15 and directly north T. MacMun of the corporation resolution. By-Law No. 476 Drainage Scheme, reading and passed reading and passed‘ On motion the Cc meet on Saturday, Laskay Institute H bread, simple puddings, and a quart of milk a day. either to drink or take in the form of soups or puddings. When we have school nurses visit- ing; our rural schools a great step will have been taken toward improvngr the health of the rising generation. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1926 have been the health ( Thanking Richmond Hill Shoe Repairing the balam being $10 presented, ing, ad'w drawing E Goods Called For And Delivered The above council held their tenth gular meeting on Saturday the 30th ,y of October at Armstrong’s Hall, Lng‘ City, all members present, :eve MacMur'chy in the chair, the inutes of the last meeting read and ‘awmg g Township Council S. BELGRADE the reasu 1’s Association the able to A. B. Wells, the Junior farmers R. J. Rogers, New- .uncil adjourned to November 20th at re Holland Marsh received its third said debentures so ‘. expenses. when cssing and check- registering‘ and 3. 474 and the seal )9 attached to this Your Tru A. CRANK {Save yourself hi our ï¬xpense Lakeside 5280 House Phoneâ€"G rover 4963 STONEâ€"for Concrete or Roads GRA VELâ€"Screened or Pit Run H CEMENTâ€"by the Car Load SAY you’re in a hurry for your coal and watch us hustle up your order. We have all sizes right nozv and can deliver as many tons as you want if you don’t delay. i. D. RAMER If you will have laundr'y read} when driver calls, you will assTst us in giving gund selvi:e_ If you only have driver call when phoned. for. can up as ezuly as convenient to insure prompt attention. . VIE i n; 1E Telephone Thornhill Nights, Richmond Hill 110] 51-r-12 'E1{17 ,US FOR SEEQV’ICE Coke-Coal-Wood WELL 054/0: Yoa!¢}_ Don’t try to do the heavy parts of the fam- ily wash. let us help you. This new plan! was designed and equipped for that very purpose and can give you as much or little help as you desire by means of five differ- ent kinds of laundry service---all moderately priced. We use only soft water and pure. soaps, etc lilo marking, no starching, and each wash done separately. WE CALL IN RICHMOND HILL DISTRICT Wednesday and Saturday angstaff Supply Co., Ltd G. H. DUNCAN, Manager Richmond Hill J()N. \\7. El». _C()USINS >57 QUEEN STREET,'WEST, TORONTO. We handle Poultry Feed of all kinds Egg Mash and Scratch Feed. Bran and Shorts GLAZED TILE AND LIME GENERAL BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES iImemWMJNBï¬E-T Materials delivered wheii required SINGLE COPY, 3c $1.50 'PER YEAR IN ADVANCE 175 Ossington Ava, Tore; Ofï¬ce Phoneâ€"Adelaide5605 A Car of Glutin’mea‘l also a supply of Brari, and Shorts, Cracked Corn and Corn Meal. Dealers Scratch feed at $2.50 cwt. Solvay Coke. ! Cut Hardwood & Cu Slabs. For Good Service Order From the Elevator " Regent Laping Mash one of the best laying mash, at $2.75. Also Blatchfords and Purnia Feeds. Best grade of Bread Flour and Polar Bear Pastry. Pocahontas Coal a Notice