ceased Sunday School workers nam- ely, Mr. John Dolson of Kettleby and Mr. William Cairns of Eversley was solemnized, Mr. Wesley Walls spoke in very kindly words of Mr. Dolson and Miss A. Ferguson on the unsel- ï¬sh warm hearted work of Mr. Cairns. Memorial service closed with prayer. The speaker for the afternoon ses- sion was the Rev. Dr. Fletcher of Oshawa his topic being, “Teachers Training,†and man teachers for teen age boys. Responded to and endors- ed by Rev. Mr. Roberts of King City who recommended'some kind of relig- ious education in the township short Course \for Agriculture. Session closed Wlth prayer by Rev. Mr. Robâ€" erts. Supper was provided and social hour was spent in the basement. The Ladies of the community‘being hos- tesses. Iwarning session was opened by de- votional services by Rev. A. Halbert, Pastor. Reports were received from the dif. ferent branches of the work as fol- lows;â€"From Mr. H. Hambly of King City on the Teen age boy. From Miss Audrey Patton of King City on the Teen age Girl. From Mr. Wes- ley Walls of Kettleby on the Home Department. From Mrs. Oram of Temperanceville on Temperance. Two other departments should have been reported, but those in charge had re- moved from the township. Round table talk concluded the morning ses- sions, mid~day lunch was prow'ded in the basement of the Church. The afternoon session was opened by devotional service conducted by Rev. Mr. Holmes of Kettloby. A short memorial service for two deâ€" Evening session commenced at 7.15 and was opened by a splendid song service by the Choir and ably assist- ed by Rev. Dr. Miller of King City. (Pastor and wife), and ‘Rev. Mr. Hol- mes of Kettleby. Devotional eziercises were conductâ€" ed by Rev. Mr. Miller of King City. Rev. Dr. Fletcher gave an address on “The Home as a religious Educat- or†and “Buildings for Religious Edu- cation.†Rev. A. E. Marshall of Newmarket gave a very instructive and interest- ingwaddgess p_n “What a’bqy is worth.†7The President’ then calied for the report of the resolutions committee which was as- followsâ€" Laskay United Church, November 24th, 1926 The resolutions commit- tee of the Ontario Religious Educa- tio Council of the Township of King be to submit the following resolu- tions viz.:â€"â€"â€" 1. That the hearty and sincere thanks of this convention be tendered to the church board for the use of the church and other conveniences for this convention. Also to the ladies for the sumptuous and hospitable manner in which we have been enter- tained. 6. That this;coxrvention go on record approving t e teaching of temperâ€" ance and ple ging to total abstinence of all members of the Sunday School with the object of ï¬nally attaining total prohibition. The report was ad- opted as re_ad. 'Meeting closed with song and ben- ediction . N. B.â€"â€"Your reporter wishes to mention that in the memorial service we inadvertently forgot to include our our reverd pioneer worker in_temper- ance, bible society and Sunday school work who passed out since 8111‘ last convention in the person of Mr. D. O‘Brien at the advanced age of 91 years and I wish on behalf of the Sunday schools of King to add this tribute. His life which was full of good works went out as the morning star which goeth not down in the darkened west but melts down in the away in the brightness 0f heaven. 5. That a hearty vote of thanks be tendered to our retiring pres. Miss Agnes Fer uson for the able manner in which 518 has conducted the exâ€" ecutive affairs of this ‘council during the past year, and presided over this convention and we believe her ex- ample is a challenge to other women in our township to aspire to leaderâ€" Ship; ‘The president elected for the en- suing year is. J. A. Marshall, Kettle- by P. 0. The 1926 Christmas Seals, In aid of the Muskoka and Toronto Hospitals for Consumptives. have Just. bcun Is- sued. These handsome seals, of dif- Ierent designs. are put up in assorted pagkets _ot>10. 35.330 ~a.nd_ 100. ‘ The National Sanitarium Associa- tion is in need 0! funds to carry on the work of its hospitals in Muskoka and at Weston. Every dollar received through the sale of Christmas Seals there. \Vhy not buy these seals in lieu of others? Not only will you get good value In return, but your money wlll be made to serve a. greater end. for it will go to help someone in distress. Look for the double-barred Red Cross on»every packet. None others gre genuine. For sale by school children and banks, or direct from Xmas Seal De- partment, Gaze Institute. Toronto 2. Ontario. 1926 Christmas Seals uséd for maintenance of patients the chair and the was opened by de- by Rev. A. Halbert, goo In a report handed in by Solicitor Thomas Urquhart it was stated that owing to the council at its last sesâ€" sion agreeing to pay 50 per cent. of the cost of the bridge, and any ad- ditional amount exceeding $4,000 it would therefore be necessary to again advertise the Bridge under clause 9 of the Local Improvement Act, also that the former notice was so radical that it could not express the intention of the council. The deputation of the council know why the question had come up for discussion again, when ‘the council had passed the by-law at its last sesion providing for the construction of the Bridge and what was the rea-~ son the work had not been started It was explained by Council that the debentures could not have been leg- ally sold i‘f the work had been com menced and completed, without re- advertising, but at present nothing could be, done until the advertising is up and construction by-law again pas- sed providing for _it_s construction.“ It was also explained that Mr. F. Orford who was opposed to the build- ing of the bridge in the ï¬rst place had not yet withdrawn his suit, and until this was done the work would be held up: _ 0 North on Monday 21 ion headed by H. A. Byâ€" wumr appeared before the cunnril in connection with the construction hf the Addingtun Avenue Bridge. Mr. Rywater stated Hint this pctitinn had been before mum-i1 for the past eight months and on behalf of the petiti‘ n- crs he would hit: to know what the council intended to do. “Reeve Hicks who had prepared a report asked the deputation to leave the platform while it was being read. In the report it was stated that the paving of Burnett Avenue to Walker Street had been commenced, the nec- essity for Addington Avenue as an outlet for the resident& in the por- tion of Wentworth Avenue. west of Addington Avenue does not now exâ€" ist because Burnett Avenue, as it is paved, affords the best practical out« let to Yonge Street for all parties concerned, providing a stone and gravel road is constructed from the ‘terminus of the pavement at Walker iStre t west as the ratepayers deter- mined and to be constructed as a lo- cal improvement upon a petition from the ratepayers to be benefited. It would eliminate the expenditure for a bridge, also abolish the injustice of compelling the twp. to pay that porâ€" tion of the cost in excess of $4,000 which would be possibly $5,000 and especially to those streets which have at their own expense constructed lpavements and stone and gravel roads p..- ......_7, , Councilor Carson said he thought it was too long a way out to use Bur- nett Avenue as an outlet. Solicitor Thomas Urquhart sugges- "ted that as soon as the advertising lwas up another special session should be held, and another construction by- law passed. Deputy reeve W W. Anderson thought it was unfair to ask'the res- idents of Burnett Avenue West of Walker street to petition for a stone 5nd gravel road, as it was indirectly asking them to pay for an outiet for the residents of Wentwortii Ayenue. At The Capitol Rarely does one ï¬nd such a com- bination of motion picture talent as First National has assembled in “Men of Steel,†the big steel photoplay, which comes to the Capitol Tl eatre this week with Milton Sills in the starring role. Doris Kenyon is featured in the leading feminine role. The rest of the cast includesâ€"Mae Allison. Geo- rge Fawcett, Frank Currier, Victor McLaglen, Taylor Graves, John Kolb, Evelyn Walsh Hall, Harry Lee, Henry West and Nick Thompson. Sills needs no introduction. His past work has stamped him in the minds and hearts of motion picture patrons as one of the screen’s ï¬nest actors. rifle couniériilï¬wras askedvto consider the contents of this repgrt. ‘ Mismates One of the strangest collections of oddities of human nature imaginable is seen on the screen in “Mismates,†next week’s Jttraction at the Capitol Theatre. which Charles Brabin dir- ected in New York for an Earl Hudj son unit of First National. ‘ Among the unusual types that were used in\one sequence of this picture were a giant standing seven feet eight inches, 3 bearded lady, a tiny midget, a man with skin like an alligator, a Tan with Spider legs and a woman weighing in the vicinity of ï¬ve hundred pounds Quite a collec« tion of peculiar types, to say the least. “Mismates†is the screen version of Myron Fagan’s stage play of the §ame title. Doris Kenyon and War- ner Baxter have the featured roles. In the cast are Philo McCullough, Mae Allison, Charlie Murray, John Kolb, Maude Turner Gordon, Nancy Kelley and Ollie Mack. Potatoes were $2.25 to $2.50 per bag; Apples $1.75 per bushel. 0th- er produce showed little change. Poultry next Saturday should be The producers’ market\ at the city limits dre‘w large crowds Saturday and Tuesday night. Fresh Cinacï¬an lettuce, radishes and mushrooms attracted attention because the prices‘woge reasonable. YORK MARKET FOR SALEâ€"â€"-Two good spn'inirers. Apply John Kirkland, Richmond Hili. ' LOST or Strayed about the 19th of of November from the premises of Milton Savage, 2 sow. Box. 115 Richmond Hill, Phone Maple 2349. TO RENTâ€"Farm, lot 12, Con. 8, Vaughan. Property of Maurice Evans, 94 acres, possession about April 1, fall wheat in ground and fall plowing all done. Woodbridge P. O. FOR SALEâ€"A couple of springers, bred to Royal Croft inca Alcurtra. son of a $50,000 bull, pure bred Holsteins. also one young bull. one year'old.. .Apply to D. Clubinc, R. R. Richmond Hill, Ont. FOR SALEâ€"Two pigs weight about 75 pounds a piece. George Taylor Richmond Street, Richmond Hill. FOR SAI;Eâ€"A Chesterï¬eld. Kitchen range, churn. butter bowl, and some milk pans. Apply to Mr. Laughton, Clo Mr. E. T. Stephens west farm. FOR SALEâ€"eMoï¬at 8011 Chef No. 8 cook stove. 6 rings burns coal or wood, in splendid condition. Will‘ sell cheap...;\lso 24 head of poul- 1 try. Apply W. Darwin, Burnett] Avenue, Lansing. E TO RENTâ€"7 room brick dwolling on Jackson Avenue, Maple; hard and soft water. .Terms moderate apply J. T. Saigcon, Maple. FOR SALEâ€"See the McClarys Stoves at Coopers Hardware, also Quebec heaters. Quebec Cookers and 3 way heaters. FOR SALEâ€"â€" Heintzman upright piano in ï¬rst class condition. Ap- , ply at Liberal Ofï¬ce. FOR SALEâ€"Clydesdale mare in foal and yearling Colt. ï¬lly. Cash, ap- ply evenings or Saturday afternoon. Thomas Wood. Elgin Mills. ' The above council held their elev- enth regular meeting for the year 1926 in the“ Institute Hall, Laskay, on Saturday the 20th day of November, all the members present with Reeve MacMurchy in the chair, minutes of the last meeting read and conï¬rmed, after which the Clerk read the several communications and was authorized to pay the following bills and ae- countszâ€"R. J. Morning, Road maint, $24.70; Metallic Roofing Co., culvert, $83.20; Burnel ' Graham, lumber, $18.19; W. H. Black, tile, $12.00; D. B. Davis, cement, $212.50; W. W. Mc- Callum. lighting, re Laskay Bridge, $6.00, Harry Kitchen, hardware, 81.54 Joseph Hodgins, maint, $8.20; Frank Jackson, maint., 15.60; Fred Hodgins, maint. $4.00; W. J. Harrington, maint $17.00; \Vm. Graham, maint. $15.00; Jos. Hodgins, hauling gravel, $10.40; Mark Allen, construction, $108.30, W. $17.00; Wm. Graham, maint. $15.00; Jos. Hodgins, hauling gravel, $10.40; Mark Allen, construction, $108.30, W. W. McCallum, supplies, $2.21; Naughâ€" ton & Jenkins, Account, 8100.00; Mark Allen, construction, $153.05. RESOLUTIONS Armstrong-Dugganzâ€" That Cecil Walker be paid the sum of orie hun- dred dollars on salary up to and in- cluding Saturday, November 27th, 1926. Duggan-Armstrongzâ€"That Thom- as Ellison be paid the sum of $50.00 foi‘ sheep killed by dogs. Dugg‘anJT. l‘dacMurchmâ€"that this Council pay P. M. Thompson the sum of $20.00 for burial of Helen Smart. Dugganâ€"Egan:â€"That this council advance the sum of $300.00 to Jas. McClement, Treasurer. King City Commission 'Board. T. MacMurchy-Duggan:~â€"That the Reeve and Treasurer be instructed to proceed with sale of Debentures for the Holland Marsh Drainage Scheme to advertise for sale of same etc. On motion Council adjourned to meet at Community Hall, Nobleton, on Saturday the 4th of December, when all bills must be presented as no bills will be paid after this meet- ing, by order of the Council. ‘Yorkshire White hog for service, Lot 49, Yonge Street, W. Robinson. T. Ma_cMurchyâ€"Egan: ~That the Women’s Institute of Laskay be paid the sum of $5.00 for use of hall for meeting held, payable to Mrs. Alex MacMurchy, Strange P. 0. By-Law No. 476:-â€"â€"To determine the place of holding nomination etc. re- ceived its several readings and pass- ed. Rich Christmas Cake One and one-half,pounds butter, one and three-quarters pounds sugar, eighteen eggs, four pounds raisins ï¬ve pounds currants, one pound Citron e pound of almonds, blanched and c opped, two pounds flour, two nut- megs, mace (same bulk as nutmeg), one cup fruit juice, one teaspoon lemâ€" on essence, (mixed with fruit juice.) one teaspoon soda in a little water. Cut butter in pieces, soften slightly and cream with sugar. Beat yolks of eggs and add. Beat again. Beat whites to a stiff froth and add. Sift flour ovér fruit, mix well and add to other ingredients. Last of all put in the Citron, nuts and soda. Half a pounds of candied cherries may also be used in this recipe. King Township Council ANTEDâ€"A few cattle to run to straw stack for winter, Apply tele- phone 461' Maple. “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISING--MAKE THE MOST OF IT†RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. Classified Advertising N OTECE NOTICS is hereby given that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Vaughan proposes on the 15th day of December, 1926, to pass a Byâ€"LaW to close up and dis- pose of a certain road allowance knOWn as “Old Yonge Street†in Thornhill, Ontario, and being the portion running easterly .from 'the original “01d Yonge Street†to Yonge street, and to open the said “Old Yonge Street†by giving a direct op- ening onto Centre street by the use of that portion of “Old Yonge Street" which was closed in 1901 and if deem- ed advisable to use in addition such portion of the adjoining land to widen the proposed extension to such width as may be deemed necessary. The proposed By-Law and Plan showing the lands to be affected may be seen at my ofï¬ce in the Village of Maple. 7 The Executors of John Sliney who departed this life on Sept. 21sï¬, 1926, will distribute the assets after. Dec- ember 15th, 1926, having regard only to claims of creditors ï¬led before that date with MRS. A. GIBBONS, Rich- The Council will hear in person or by his or her counsel or Agent any person who claims that his or her land will be prejudicially affected by the said By-Law and who applies to be heard. mond Hill The meeting of the Council will be held in‘ the Town Hall. Vellore at 11 o’clock forenoon on the 15th ovaec- ember 1926. TAKE NOTICE THAT:â€" LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE DON BOULEVARD BRIDGE 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Township of North York, in tends to construct as a local improve- ment a reinforced concrete bridge 18 feet wide, over the west branch of the Don River on Don Boulevard, and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the followzng land which is to be immediately beneï¬ted by the work. 3.A petition to the said Council will not avail to prevent its construction, but a petition against the work or the manner in which it has been under- taken, may be made pursuant tuVSec- tion 9, of the Local Improvement Act. to the Ontario Railway and Munici- pal Board, by a majority of the own- ers representing at least one-half of the value of the lots which are to be specially assessed. ' Dated at Willowdaleâ€"Nov. 30th, 1926 H. D. GOODE, GEORGE ALLAN SWIFT of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, Clerk, will apply to the Parliament of Canada, at the next session thereof, for a Bill of Divorce from his wife, AGNES SWIFT, of the City of Montreal, in the Province of Quebec, on the ground†of Adultery and Desertion. A. Both sides of Don. Blvd. from 200 feet north of the north street line of 30th Avenue, west to the ncrth limit of Lot 24, Plan 2069. B. Part of Township Lot 16, Con. 1 west, abutting on the north limit of the street. 2. The estimated cost of the work is $25,500.00 of which $2,750.00 is to be paid by the Corporation" .The es- timated special rate per foot frontage in Section A. is $1.00 and the estimat- ed special rate per foot frontage in Section B. is $7.56. The special assess- ment is to be, paid in ï¬fteen annual instalments of 10 cents per foot per year in Section A. and 75 and three- ï¬fths cents per foot per year in Sec- tion B. day of November. A. D. 1926 by his Solicitor, A. J. SNEATH, Hamilton Trust Building, 57 Queen Street, West, Tor- onto, Ontario, Canada. All Kinds of Boot and Shoe Repair- ing Neatly Done Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. Shop in Winterton’s. Old Stand Yonge St. Township Clérk. DATED the 10th day of November, FOR INSURANCE DATEDflAT TORONTO this 27th TEL. 118 RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO NOTIgIE is hereby igivyen that Public Notice FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT. SICKNESS, PLATE GLASS And AUTOMOBILE. NOT Township of North York. Boot and Shoe Repairer. A. G. SA VAGE’ TICE TO CREDITORS “GEORGE ALLAN SWIFT†NOTICE GEO. KIDD Notice Consult J. B. McLEAN, Clerk ADELMO MELECCI AND MISS‘ ROSALIND BUSH, L.T.C.M. Richmond Hill Phonesâ€"15 and 142 Night Phone 15 Branch Ofï¬ces Atâ€" THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE Prices Most Moderate Certiï¬cate piano tuning Corservatnry From the Toronto Conservalory of Music. will accept. a number 0! pupils in Piano Vocal and Theory. Richmond Hill - Friday and Suturdn: JOHN T. ANDERSON Piano Tuner 1 35 Years’ Practical Experience 378 Beresford Avenue. West Toronto Lyndhurst 2821 Telephone Glenn’s Drug Store, Rich- mond Hill. for appointment Popular throughout the district for music suitable for all kinds of dances. Open for engage'ments. Telephone: Thornhill 62. $95 ‘34 43:10 FUNERAL COMPLETE 43:13 Other Funerals to your requirements Courtesy and Consideration my Motto Telophones: Willowdale 69 and Hudson BGTGW Stop 5. Yonge Street. Lansing J. H. Prentice, 415 Balliol St, Toronto. Hud. 1347W. K. G. Prentice, Milliken. We are prepared to conduct sales of every description. Farms and farm stock sales a specialty. Farms bought and sold on commis- sion. All sales attended to on shortest notice. and conducted by the most improved methods. Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College Address: Yonge St., Richmond Hill Telephone 132 J. T. SAIGEON MAPLE Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales, attended to on shortest notice and at: reasonable rates. . Patronage solicited Express and Long Distance Moving Sand and Gravel Delivered Dump Trucks for Hire By Hour or Contract Telephone 1535 NORTH TORONTO Phone Hudson 0970.1 PIANO TUNER AND PLAYER EXPERT Undertaker and Ambulance Service MCDONALD’S ORCHESTRA THORNHILL County Pure Bred Stock CARTAGE AND EXPRESS Plowing and Garden Work Sand and Gravel. Concrete Work. SILVERSIDES & FARMER PRENTICE & PRENTICE AUCTIONEERS R. MACDONALD, B.V.Sc. A list of “Royal Richmond Feeds†sent on request. Phone 82 w. J. F. Burr All your ne'eds in Flour and Feeds. We sell wholesale and retail. Feed your laying fowl on “Staminax†mash and gather sweet flavoed eggs that will draw customers. Have your feed ground iresh so your stock can relish the so yc whole Speight 81 Van Nostrand Ontario Land Surveyors THE CHOPPING MILL A. STONEHOUSE City, Suburban and Farm Surveys. Forty Years Continuous Practice 703 Temple Building, Toronto 2. Phoneâ€"Adelaide 0096 JOHN R. CAMPBELL WRIGHT & TAYLOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Wl‘LSON'S CARTAGE PROFESSIONAL and BUSINESS DIRECTORY BERT HUMPHREY Licensed Auctioneers For Inlnrmntlcn Phone 581 MRS. MYLKS Veterinary Surgeon * THORNHILL ack or Grey Casket 48 Wohurn Avenue Phone 82 W. George Guy OAK RIDGES Phone 2703 STOUFFVILLE MUSICAL BUSINESS J. F. Burr MAPLE of York Sales 3 Specialty. Friday and Saturday $95 Ofï¬ce hours: 9 to 11 a.m. 6 to 8 p.m., and by appointment. Ofï¬ce: Centre and Church Sts., Richmond Hill. Phone North Yonge DR. ROLPH L DR. CHARLES S. DUNNING Ofï¬ce hours: DR. LILLIAN C DR. w. T. IvrcINTbSH Dentist RICHMOND HILL. ONT. Ofï¬ce: Over Dar 63’ Dry Goods Store TELEPHONE llI. DR. L. R. BELL Dentist Ofï¬ce: Trench Block. two doors north of Standard Bank. Hours: 9 am. to 5.30 pm. Telephone 32 Ofï¬ce Hours MONDAY only 7 1: MAPLE HP:ny s. MULLQWNEY, MA. WILLIAM COOK, COO.“ A. CAMERON MacNAUGHTON BARRISTER 511 McKinnon Building, Corner Jordan & Melinda Streets vv. nun vuu- Thomas Delany) Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Toronto Ofï¬ce: 816 Federal Building. 85 Richmond St. Wait Richmond Hill ()ï¬ice (Liberal omce) every Thursday forennon. Maple, Thursday utter- HOOIL \Voodbridge, Smut-any ulternoon. ' Money to loan at. Current Rate noon Elgln .5301 Banister, Solicitor, Notary {aim Toronto Office: Standard Bank Building, 2468 Yonge 'St. (Eglinton Bnlmh). Phone Hudson 3218 Richmond Hill Oï¬ï¬ce: Over Davie. Dry Goods Storeâ€"Every Saturday Money to Loan at Currant Baton Phone Richmond Hill 119 Kine." WEI Gwillimbury Walter S. .1 J. {Larry Phone 195 Willowdale Exchange (David Kendal-Q); Qflice hours 9 £1.11". Evenings by Appointmefl-t‘ Telephone 80 Toronto. Phone: Elgin 4,879 Denton, Macdonald & Denton Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Manning Arcade, King St. West, Toronto, Canadl, Telephone Main 0311 Cable Address: “Dodo†Arthur A. Macdouald. Frank Dontw‘ Laura Demon, B.A. A. C. HENDERSON PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING Hot Water Heating and General Repairs THORNHILL. ONT. (Diseases 0 Ouice hour. Ofï¬ce hours: 12-1.]5; 6-7 Capitol deg.. Yonge St Hud. 1133; Rand. 2121. Ofï¬ce hours: 8.30; 2-5; 7. Omens HENDERSON Solicitors NA_UGHTON 8: JENKINS Dr. Wiliard Armstrong Dental Surgeon J. B. FARLEY DR. W. L. FINLAY Standard Bank Building Thornhill Oflices (W'iHiam Cook DENTIS Whit mbury. Barristers, Solicitog's, Ertc‘ | 1', DR. J. 1’. WILSON Barristers, Solicitors; 17:6:qu Telephone Adelaide 2108 .‘SZ 85 Richmond St. West, T01 Naughton Block. Aurora items for: Aurora, Richmont Whitrhuruh. Markham and DRS. LAN GSTAFF Poyntz Ave Willow DR. MACLAREN as: 93-95 Sun Lite' Building. Adelaide and Victoria Sta. ork Done Quickly Bank of Commerce, Opposite EATONS I only 7 12â€"830 p.m. Telephoneâ€"Maple 3 7.215 Extraction. Electrician Lansing MEDICAL Nuughtnn, Re Res. Phane 1 James Rojas)- DENTAL DENTIST LEGAL Phone 100 it. - Richmond HEP] l.;\NGSTAFFâ€"â€"~ TORONTO \V l) "18 n 10 5.111. and LANGS’I‘A FF- to 5 p.m. Lansing 140. 21. Richmond Hm. khnxu and North Gordon Cook K 8: DELANY MCGUIRE West, Toronw \V: H. Med 115?. ESTIMATES FREE. e Hill. 5048 1“in Milli. hildren ONTARIO 6:8 p.m 6-7.15 7.30â€"9 5302