Davies’ Dry Goods Store . .55"; at: ‘ b m ‘ _, ,._._1 - mamw RICHMOND HILL BRANCH, ONE DAY ONLY Silver Bright Salmon, whole fish 160 per 1b., half tish' 180. per 1b. Sliced 22c. per 1b. Georgian Bay White fish. 2 or 3 lbs each â€" ‘ - 20¢. per lb National Haddie Fillets Lugless Haddie - Fresh Sea Herring - Degley Herrings, 2% lbs. net Mild Cured Bloaters Kipperd Earrings - Freshly Made Money Gives Confidence As conducted by us last Christmas we are advised asking our customers to Collect cash register re December 4th to Friday, Dec. 24th inclusive Receipts presented may not necessar lected by competitor. , To the'person bringing us receipts purchases we will present the Our operator, Miss M. Denby. holds : Waving. Hair Tinting, Shampooing Treatment For Appointment Telephone 119 During Christmas week our Hairdressing parlor will be open Monday until 6 pm and following evenings until 9 pm. Make your appointments early. IMPENAL BANK FANIIIJY BU'I‘C.HEI{ Choice Meats and Provisions Santa Claus is Coming Feed your chickens Crushed Green Bone, Fresh Ground Daily, 5c per pound. . J.MANSBRIDGE M Richmond Hill Ontario We Close Every Wednesday Afternoon MOUNT ALBERT CREAMERY BUTTER CEDAR CHES TNow on Display in our window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40c per 1b. (The ï¬nest butter that's made) Those who have money carry on their work in life with greater conï¬- dence. A Savings Account with this Bank if added to regularly even with small sums will soon give you the conï¬dence that only the possession of money can give. There is a Sav- ings Bank Department at every branch of this Bank. “ Ladies Fish Special Guessing Competitions Three Yeast Cakes 2i Day for Health 4 Cents Each. Hairdressing Parlor Phone .97 A. T. MINNIS, Manager. ï¬rst Bob ‘ Mani< ï¬rst-class ] ;0b and Hair ( anicuring, Etc showing 220 per 1b. 16c. per lb. 100. per lb. 25c. per box 2 for 15c. 12% per pair one 2d are illegal, V receipts, from purchaser the Diploma Cutting, At the regular meeting of the North York Township Council on Monday, December 6th a report was read wherein it was stated that the De- partment of Highways would consid- er the building of a high level bridge over Hoggs Hollow, and consider coin- mencing construction of same in the spring of 1927. The Department of highways have arranged for a meeting on Friday afternoon December 10th, when renâ€" resentatives of the municipality will be present to discuss with the De- partment the location and type of structure and other items which it is deemed necessary in conjunction with icontruction. Reeve Hicks and Councillor Carson were appointed representatives to the Highways Department on Decem- ber 10th. Several weeks 2110 W. Wallace of Ellerslie Avenue, Willowdale. was a- warded by Council $100 for the cutt- ing down of a hedge on his property to allow for the widening of the road In this connection, Thos. Bridge of Ellerslie Avenue appeared before council to protest against the award and explained that if this award was allowed to go through it was possible that it might cost the Township $8,000 to $10,000 on Ellerslie Ave and Duplex Avenue. Residents on Ellerslie Avenue also protested against the award. It was explained by Deputy-roeve Muirhead, that if! Mr. Wallace sued the township for damages the question was as to costs and not as to winning the case against Mr. Wallace. The following by-laWs were passed: the construction of water mains on Byng Avenue and the construction of street lights on Yonge Street from the City Limits to Old Yonge Street. Xionï¬e foot strip of land on 3the north side of Bishop Avenue was reserved and by-law No. 412 read for the ï¬rst time. During the discussion of the Ad- dington Avenue bridge on November 15th J. H. Warren made cerï¬lin statements in connection with Mr. Orford and before to-day’s session he made verbal apology. Rice and raisin pudding or baked apples will be nice for a change. Loans with the Standard Bank of Canada for $6,000, on Water Supply system account, $10,000 on Hydro ac- count, and $30,000 on ‘local improve- ment account, The Reeve and Clerk were instruct- ed to make the necessary arrange- ments for the loans. Two or three cooked sausage will flavor a jar of boiled rice. largest North York for Marceling, Water Scalp and Facial but \V e total e are therefore Saturday last, may amount col The members of the C. G. I. T. met in the Sunday School room of the United Church last; Wednesday evening, December lst. Supper was served at 6.30 o’clock and a social hour spent after which they prepared scrap books and other articles for the hospitals in the west. Much credit is due to Miss R. Strangways leader of the girls for the way she has carried on the work since they were organiz- ed. Late Mrs. John McLean After a lingering illness of nearly three years the‘ death occured on Thursday morning, December 2nd of Elizabeth Riddell beloved wife of John McLean, Langstaï¬". 'Rev. B. R. Strangways assisted by Rev. R. S. iFralick (former pastor) conducted the funeral services at the family res- idence on Saturday December 4th at g2.30 o’clock, the burial took place at Richmoï¬d Hill cemetery. The many floral tributes showed the high esteem in which Mrs. McLean was held in the community. She is survived by her husband one daughter and two sons. Much sympathy is extended to Mr. McLean and family in this great ber- eavement. Successful Euchre The Thornhill Ladies Soft Ball Club held their ï¬rst Euchre party of the season in Fiï¬dley's Hall last Thurs- day evening, December 2nd. As ex- pected all tables were ï¬lled, the play started at 8.30 o’clock. After play- ing sixteen rounds the prizes were awarded. Ladies ï¬rst prize half doz- len sherbet glasses won by Mrs. James Fisher, sec0nd prize, cream and sugar set won by Mrs. Erwin. Gents ï¬rst prize necktie, won by Mr. T. Mc- Cormack second prize, pack .of play- ing cards won by Mr. W. Wallace, Willowdale. Refre shments were served and Manager Eaton was complimented on the success of the evening. Thought is turning to Christmas. Business is setting itself in readiness for the event. Students and teachers are looking forward to the event. The United Church is also feeling the thrill of its approach. The Sunday school is making ready its annual en- tertainment which promises to equal if not surpass former events of the same nature. 1 Last Sunday the pastor began a series of sermons in the evening preparatory to a right enjoyment of the great occasion. Next Sunday ev- ening his theme is announced to be for young men who want to approach the Christmas time in a way best to secure its true inspiration and mess- age. . .. n .. ‘vv ‘1 The story amongst these people,- their manner of life and their apprec- iation of the missionary was told by Miss Gardiner in a most pleasing and inspiring way. The members of the society were highly pleased wish the address, and went home thinking; how much more interesting facts are than fiction. On Monday evening in the Y. P. S. of the United Church a splendid pro- gram was provided by Miss Bird, vice-president of the Christian En- deavor department. Miss E. Barkerfs singing was greatly appreciated. Miss Davis’s piano solo was artistic and pleasing. Miss Gardner of Toronto spoke of her work as a missionary among the neglected mountaineers of Kentucky. Twenty young women have been doing work amongst the people of the Anglo Saxon origin who seem to have been missed in their se- cluded region. The inhabitants of an extensive territory have been cut off from world progress and are living in degraded pioneer conditions of two centuries gone by. They are Without transportation facilities, w i t h out machinery and without most all util- ities and necessities of modern life. The gospel is amongst them only as a tradition. The social amenities, and the comforts and conveniences of oth- er people have not even dawned upon their imagination. One of the most interesting meet- ings of the season is being planned for next Monday evening *by the President of the Y. P. S. A debate will be giv- enâ€"“Resolved that Poverty rather than riches tends to the building of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Charlton have returned from their honeymoon. after spending several days in Thedford. a mans character.†A11 young'beo- ple of the district are invited to atâ€" tend. The regular meeting of the W. M S. was held at the home of Mrs. N. J Smellie on Tuesday afternoon. Sev- eral members of the society gave ap‘ propriate missionary readings am Miss Barker sang a delightful solo The January meeting will be held a the home of Mrs. D.77B0yle, Mrs man served refreshments. Though Sunday was such a stormy day some ï¬fty people ventured out to Sunday School and church. All ladies wishing to contribute to the box for Evangel Hall will please leave same at Robinson’s store. . The} annual Sunday School meeting of St. Andrew’s church met in the school room on Tuesday evening. The usual business was transacted, and ofï¬cers for the ensuing year elected. Miss Barker The January the home 0 Cocking of '. meeting. the Ma] twenty 1 for the Reports given, ‘ the alloi than re: was gi‘ by Miss nes Mc bookâ€"L J ohnsto: Society $010 man Though day some Sunday E All lad The enty members w the ensuing' 1 )orts of oflicers en, and were allotment for t' n reached. A 5 given consist Miss Laurene H McLean, a p: rkâ€"Moslem W01 mston, an add 1e St. . Manse iety by I by Miss served (Special to the Liberal) (Special Thornhill ty Rev. B iSS M. M: ed refres Sunday ï¬fty peo .chool an em; for the year t bed. A splendid 1 consisting of p .aurene Hague anc ean, a paper on slem Women, by I an address on y Rev. Bowman 3 iss M. Manning. Andrew’s r sang a y meeting of Mrs. Toronto V MAPLE ew’s W. M. S. Wednesday 31 5 Were present ' year were ers for the ye re very encow the the will a venture church. to contr to contribute Hall will ple‘ m’s store. . Liberal) f piano : and Miss on the s by Mrs. V 11' be h Boyle, addtc encourag 1' being 11 [id prcg and the S. met at afternoon 1t, oï¬icers 'e elect/ed. year were touraging, Bing more program ano solos Miss Ag- the study BibL vocal Bow- Sev- ap- and solo. Mrs. the éééééééééééï¬â€™mmm Slippers Ties in Gift Boxes Neck Scarfs Sweaters, G10ves Fancy Socks Fancy Leather Belts Caps, Shoes Mackinaws , Motor Gauntlets Handkerchiefs Hockey Boots Fancy Shirts Ladies Shoes and Goipshes Do Your Christmas Shopping Early “and do it at Home This Store Will Remain Open Every Wednesday Afternoon. Gents Furnishing Store Telephone 86] Cor. of Yonge and Richmond Streets MW§§§§§§F€%Q§§§§§M For Men and Women at lowest Price‘s Possible. Yonge St. Telephoneâ€"Hudson 8214 COME IN AND BROUSE AROUND . Removals and Express Phone Hudson 5684 All our Candies made on the premises at one price onlyâ€" 60 cents per pound. We Serve Light Lunches, Dinners, Afternoon Teas andâ€" AFTER THEATRE SUPPERS During the tiresome moments of the Christmas Shopping Season we suggest that you drop in at theâ€" I wish to announce to the pe0p1e of this district that I have taken oVer the MASSEY-HARRIS Agency here and am ready to give prompt service at all times. Full Line of Repairs Carried and Repair Work Promptly Attended. 253 Yonge St. 3 DOORS SOUTH OF PANTAGES THEATRE. The Oldest Established Candy Store On Yonge Street Announce ment HARRY S. MATHEWS SUPERIOR CANDY Beauty Shop Marinello J. W. WELLMAN Opposite Terminal Station Telephone, Main 1669 (APPROVED) CITY LIMITS Ties in Gift Boxes Sweaters, G10ves Fancy Leather Belts Mackinaws , Handkerchiefs Fancy Shirts Candy Specials The Aristol Box, 60c. And Fancy Baskets 3452 Yonge Street Richmo n d Hiill