Including 1 Tube and Two Sets Head Phones 5 AERIAL AND BATTERIES EXTRA Radiola,C Set $65 Deg 22315533503333? $160 T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES All our Candies made on the premises at one price onlyâ€" 60 cents per pound. We Serve Light Lunch‘es, Dinners, Afternoon Teas andâ€" AFTER THEATRE SUPPERS During the tiresome moments of the Christmas Shopping Season we suggest that you drop in at theâ€" REINFORCIN G STEEL FOR BRIDGESâ€"CULVERTSâ€"SIDEWALKSâ€"ETC. CUTâ€"BENTâ€"DELIVEREDâ€"TO YOUR ORDER We Supply Your Neighboring Municipality.â€"Why Not You? PHONE MAIN 7274 To all our patrons we Wish the best Christmas Greetings and prosperity in the New Year. BAINES & DAVID, Limi Richmond Hill The Oldest Established Candy Store 011 Yonge Street DOMINION STORES To Our Many Customers In This District WE EXTEND SINCERE Christmas Greetings Phone 33. Thornhill, Ont. Look for our specials in the next issue of this paper. We have the quality goods and can save you money 1 Tube Set, Westinghouse TORONTO STEEL YARDS AT FOOT OF CHERRY STREET Telephone 23 SUPERIOR CANDY 253 Ylonge St. 3 DOORS SOUTH OF PANTAGES THEATRE. There will be two deliveries on Friday, Dec. 24, morning and evening and no delivery on Christmas Day. The same arrangements will be made on New Year’s Day. W. H. BIRD, Manager Righmond Hill Dairy RADIOS Telephone, Main 1669 NOTICE Limited Candy Specials The AristoLBox, 60c. And Fancy Baskets Richmond Hill imited Ontario. Finally and most of all, let our celebration of Christmas be in harmony with our Christian faith. Let us give not only of material beneï¬ts, but of selfâ€"largely and wisely. The world needs sane counsel, unselï¬sh action, true hearts. It can never obtain them save as] all of us give our best. Let us therefore resolve on tomorrow to‘do a little more toâ€" ward lightening the burden of humanity, toward carrying tidings and the spirit of Bethlehem to all men. And so on Saturday, December 25th, when the light breaks on the greatest day of the year let the joy bells ring out. Let holly and mistletoe nod a gay welcome, let every- day care give way to brightness and stern prosaic duty to warmth and affection. Let the spirit of Santa Claus enter our hearts. and homes, brightening our own lives and the lives of little children, for whom Christmas means so much; let our sympathies broaden, our generous impulses quicken, our disinterestedness deepen; let the spirit of little children permeate our beings. V 7 _ _ 7_ “r r- Uhde'erydon management the system lost about $700,000.00 but if the T. T. C. coâ€"operate with the users of the road this deï¬cit should soon be wiped out. A great British statesman had said that in the pers- pective of history the present will stand out among the greatest periods of time. And ever progress is toward the right. Despite the quarrels of politicians, over most of humanity there is advancement toward peace, the welcom- ing of new truths into free minds, the disarming of old pre- judices, the promotion of principles supported by right rea- sons and the triumph of Standardskthat are higher and purer. {.7 City of Toronto will still own the lines but they will now be uniï¬ed with the city system all under the on management. ‘ IE is likely this tranfer will take place new years eve but it will be some months before the full beneï¬t will be appreciated along Yonge Street.‘ Friday last the council of the City of Toronto instruct- ed the oflicials to arrange for the transfer of the Metropolit- an Railway, the Mimico and Port Credit Railway and the Scarboro Railway from its present management; the Ontar- io Hydro Electric Power Commission to the Toronto Trans- portation Commission. 7 Christmas comes this year to a world nearer, we think to the teachings of Christ than any that has dawned for many« years. True, there is still much evil among men, much that seems a negation to everything that Christmas means, but also there is more of fruitful effort for higher purpose of life, keener consciousness of justice, greater striving for peace, and over all of humanity the Star of Bethlehem shines. Canada’s New Senator The appointment of Wm. H. McGuire to the Canadian Senate is of especial interest to the people of the County of York because for years he has been a resident of the 'county and interested in. the affairs of this district. ‘On Wednesday, December 29th at 11 a.m. the Rural School Sections will hold their annual meeting. Unfortunately of late years little interest is taken in these school meetings but it should not be so for support given the school meeting expresses interest in the local educational institutionâ€"the most important in our Whole system of education. Mr. McGuire is president of the Ontario Club and was one of the founders of the Toronto Men’s Liberal Associa- tion, president of the Liberal Printing 00., Richmond Hill and director of different business corporations. Mr. McGuire’s city home is at 17 Hawthorne Avenue Toronto but his heart is in the farm at Wexford in Scarboro Township where riding horses and Hungarian partridges are farm hobbies. Mr. McGuire was born at Peterboro his great grandfath- er having settled in Durham County in the year 1819 edu- cated in the primary school at Peterboro and the high school at Campbellford he graduated from the University of Toronto in 1903 and was called to the barat Osgoode Hall in 1906. He practiced law for a time at Niagara Falls but returned to Toronto and joined the law ï¬rm of Ferguson, Galt and O’Brian. Later the ï¬rm became Henderson and McGuire. ’Tisn’t so long ago that the shoe dealers’ windows were full of those elastic-sided boots with a sign that they were just the thing to give “him†for Christmas. “Annexation of Canada to the United States for many years a foolish dream, in which Americans and no Canad- ians indulge,†says the Boston Transcript, nevertheless we sometimes wish we could take over the Canadian system of criminal prosecution.†' The very best indication of good citizenship is loyalty 'to the community in which one lives. Nomination meetings will be held on Monday next and it is hoped that there will be a large crowd of citizens in attendance to hear the mem- bers of the 1926 council give an account of their steward- ship and hear the policies of aspiring candidates. The recent afnalgamationâ€"of two of Canada’s oldest newspapers, the Kingston Whig and the Kingston Standard, makes a total of 53 daily newspapers and 232 weeklies Which have given up the struggle against rising costs of produc- tion in the past ten years. Let us forget the past and start in to lay our plans for the future. The hands of the clock of time are point- ing towards prosperity. ,, It is the community which is awake to these possibilities which Will reap the beneï¬t. In these days when habits of thrift are not supposed to be as marked as they were in the days of our fore-fathers, it is encouraging to note that the aggregate savings depos- its in all our banks from coast to coast now amount to the huge total of $343,000,000, which is more than $80,000,000 larger than a year ago and exceeds all previous records in Canadian history. In addition to these savings, Canadians have been investing in government, municipal and corpora- tion bonds at the rate of approximately $250,000,000 per year. AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RICHMOND HILI. THE LIBERAL PRINTING C0., LTD. J. Eachern Smith, Manager ‘ Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. Subscription $1.50 per yearâ€"To the United States $2.00. Covering Canada’s Best Suburban Distrim Advertising Rates on Application. Thursday, December 23, 1926 Annual School Meetings RADIAL TRANSFER THE LIBERAL TELEPHONE 9. Established 1878 CHRISTMAS Save yourseï¬ï¬ at our expense Lakeside 5280 Fall and Winter Term Opens Friday September 10, 1926 â€"â€" Studioâ€"Mrs. A. L. Phipps, Richmond Street. -â€" Phone 13W. Information Regarding Terms and Appointments May Be Obtained At The Above Address. ATTENTION IS CALLED TO OUR SPECIAL SHOWING OF FICTION SUITABLE FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS. YOU WILL FIND IN THIS COLLECTION, BOOKS BY FAVOR- ITE AUTHORS, CERTAIN TO MEET THE TASTES OF YOUNG AND OLD. YONGE STREET ’ The Producers of the district and householders of North York and North Toronto will ï¬nd this a splendid market. Open Every Saturday Morning ATSO’CLOCK AND TUESDAYS 6-9 PM. AT THE CITY LIMITS Extends Season’s Greetings To All Gift Stationery, The Appropriate Gift In Fancy Gift Boxes From 30 cents to $3.50 , A Full Line Of Christmas Decorations For The Home And For Entertainments If you will have laundry ready when driver calls. you will assist us in giving good service. If you only have driver call when phoned for. call up as early as convenient to insure prompt, attention. DEMONSTRATION. U. S. L. 6 Tubes Just Out. RANGE â€" SELECTIVITY â€" POWER RICH1 “IOND HILL MOTORS Don’t try to do the heavy parts of the fam- ily wash Let us help you. This new plant was designed and equipped for that very purpose and can give you as much or little help as. you desire by means of live differ- ent kinds of laundry service---all moderately priced. We use only soft water and pure soaps, etc No marking, no starehing, and each wash done separately. WE CALL IN RICHMOND HILL DISTRICT Wednesday and Saturday Come in and Hear or Ask For Home GLENN ’8 Drug Store AUTHORIZED DEALERS MARCONI AND U. S. L. RADIO Richmond Hill--Phone 71, Sundays 25w. FREDERICK M. POLLETT PIAle-‘s'r THE FAMOUS REMBRAND'I' CHRISTMAS CARDS AND SEALS Waterman’s Gift Pens and Pencils. Wahl’s Pens and Pencils. Marconiâ€"4â€"5â€"8 Tubes All Well Known THE YORK MARKET 3479 YONGE STREET 175 Ossington Ave., Toronto