MONDAY, TUESDAY: Election Returns DEFOREST CROSLEY Midnight Show * AND DANCE THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Dec. 30, 31, Jan. Ist. Vol. XLIX. New Year’s Night, Sat, Jan. lst Comedy: “A Dippy Tar †Capitol News. Holiday Matinee 2.30 pm. In Capitol Assembly Hall. One Admission to Show and Dance : Admission 47c. Tax 3c. Lodges 70C. Tax 5c. Comedy: “ Telling Nothing.†Topics - Fables. Richmond Hill BIG VAUDEVILLE ACTS The Eagï¬e of the Sea CHEVROLET AFTER SHOW DANCE and FROLIC COVERING CANADA’S BEST SUBURBAN DISTRICT Good Band in Attendance AREN A COMING-F“ We’re in the Navy Now. NORTH TORONTO New Year’s Night. \l‘ THEATRE 2492 YONGE, AT CASTLEFIELD Favours and Noise Makers To All. New Year’s Eve A Vote Fm Anna Nilsson in Commencing at 11 p.m. FUESDAY and W January 3rd, 4th, 5th. :apitol W. G. BALDOCK, Chairman of Committee GO DON SLOAN In grateful appreciation of your patronage during the past year We extend to one and all The Compliments of the Season. ‘ “In Essentials, Unity; In Nonâ€"essentials. Libertv: In All Things, Charity.†IS A VOTE FOR PROGRESS. I agree with Sir Henry Thornton who said the other day that, “If I have a message to young Canadians abroad that message is: “Come back now before it is too late‘.†HARRY SIFTON. SUCCESS. A few moments consideration of the present position of Canada is enough to make anybody most enthusiastic about our country. There is no doubt whatever that we are on the threshhold of a great period of expansion and I have great pleasure in wishing you and the people of North York the greatest possible success and happiness for the coming year. That very citizen of this great riding shall enjoy throughout the coming year the utmost happiness and pros- perity is my greatest wish. This augers well for the year over whose threshhold we are now passing. Let us make 1927 a banner year in achievement and enterprise. Let us put our shoulders to the wheel. Let us keep alive and flourishing those kindly feelings that make for the best in life and bring out the very best that is in all of us. Christmas has come and ‘gone and New Years is' with us once again. The friendly, truly Christian spirit has, I think, been more apparent on this Christmas than on any other that I can recall. As the New Year approaches, we are apt to take a glance backward over the year that is passing, seeking for what we have accomplished. 1926 for Canadians genâ€" erally, has meant some progress. Our peopte should feel thankful for the advancement that Canada has made. There is at least some improvement in business and general employment, but we trust that next year will show much greater improvement. We live in a country of great promise and many opportunities. I would bespeak for all a feeling: of hope and assurance that a year hence we may feel even more satisfaction with the result of the year’s activities than we do at the present time. I want to thank you for the invitation extended through your paper to give a word of greeting to your readers. I earnestly hope that the New Year will bring happi- ness and prosperity to the people of Ontario as well as to Canadians everywhere. The exchange of cordial. greet- ings at this time throughout the length and breadth of the land means much for the welfare of our country. It breath- es the spirit of good-will and co-operation, so essential to the realization of national unity and the highest ideals of citizenship. May we go forward during the coming year with conï¬dence to greater and better achievements in every ï¬eld of human effort. , Once again we are in the midst of the joyous Yuletide Season with all its happy associations of home and friends. Soon we shall greet the rising dawn of a new year. Let us face the coming twelemonth with a strong determination to make it one of advancement and progress for Canada. My heartiest greetings and best Awisvhes to all for health happiness, contentment and success in 1927. At no time in its history have Canadians had greater cause to share with pride therecord of our country’s past, or to greet its future with greater conï¬dence. The Dia- mond Jubilee of Confederation comes as a special gift of 1927 to the people of Canada. It is this great pride in the past and conï¬dence in the future of 'our land which it is the privilege as well 'as the highest duty of all to assert. A IleGioc LIMITED . I am happy to avail myself of the opportunity afforded by “The Liberal†to extenfl New Year greetings fo the people of quk County. ' New Year Greaiings Extended To Our Readers RICHMOND HILL, 0NT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1926. FROM THE MINISTER OF HIGHWAYS FROM OUR FEDERAL MEMBER FROM OPPOSITION LEADER FROM PREMIER FERGUSON FROM HARRY SIFTON FROM THE PREMIER G. H. FERGUSON. W. L. MACKENZIE KING. GEO. S. HENRY. H. GUTHRIE. T. H. LENNOX. Starring TIM MCCOY ' Pauline Starke and Karl Dane Comedy Perils of Petershore. You Never Know Women “wawggï¬Ã©ï¬mï¬md at either the Bedford Sculppooxsï¬gï¬g; or the Capitol Theatre Complete Election Returns at This Theatre on Saturday Night; BEDFORD m h r'r‘nr‘ Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Jan. 3, 4, 5th. Florence Vidor in IN THE HEART OF BEDFORD PARK Hudson 5437 Thursday, Dec. 30 “ SILVERSTREAK †Juvenile Comedy “ My Kid KING OF DOG ACTORS. for Councillor. THEATRE SERIAL No. 1 Friday, Dec. 31 OAKLAND ATWATER KENT Pathe Review Events Exceptional SINGLE COPY, 3c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Saturday Jan. lst No. 27