Vol. XLIX. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Feb. 14 Feb. 15 Feb. 16 HELLO FOLKS l‘llUbL IS a radio Without a flaw, nonesuy built. it never needs service. With its sixtubes, it gives you command of the air waves. HlGEL will thrill you with all the joys of radio for years to come. Low in cost because of coast. to-coast sales. PROVIDE them with entertainment from all the great Cities of the Continent. Consult us for Electrical Repairs, Electric Fixtures of every description. A large stock on hand of Toasters, Lamps, Batteries, Tubes, Skates, Sleighs, Snowshoes, or anything in the line of hardware. Compare Our Prices. COVERING CANADA’S BEST SUBURBAN DISTRICT CHEVROLET Redford ' Radio» and Electric Studio All reconstructed and prices set to Toronto Automobile Trade Association Prices. 1925 Chevrolete Sedan in Al Condition. 1926 Chevrolet Coach. Oakland 1923 Touring $375 Bargain These are just a sample of our complete stock. GOOd 35 new- See this one- Thursday, Friday and Saturday February 10, 11,12 Special ’ TOPICS and FABLES Regular Saturday Matinee 2.30 pm. omedy “ Remember ‘Whenf’ CAPITOL NEWS Redford Park Radix: By BRUCE BAIRNSFATHER If you knows of a Better Show go to it. 2492 YONGE STREET, AT CASTLEFIELD AS OLD BILL in the BRAND NEW PRODUCTION SHARE your success with your family, 3281 Yonge St. at Redford Theatre Block Hudson 8454 HIGEL i HIGEL TSd’éE Super Neutrodyne Radio Receivers PARKER & MANNAN, Proprietors. “It Speaks For Itself†SID CHAPLIN APETOL Attraction BEDFORD BLOCK THEATR E radio Without a The ORPHEUS MALE QUARTET MOVIELAND Well Known Radio Entertainers. COMEDY USED CARS flaw, honestly its six tubes, it “In Essentials, Unity; In Non-essentials. Liberty: In All Things, Charity: The members of the Vaughan Town- ship Council in regular session on Monday expressed themselves unani- mously in favor of T. T. C. operation of the radials and also in favor of changing the gauge to correspond with the tracks of the city. It was felt that it was only by the increased (on- vcnience of direct service to the heart of the city of Toronto, without chang- ing that the lines would ever be a pay- ing proposition and result in greater development along Yonge Street and throughout Vaughan Township. Reeve Kellam is a member of the committee appointed by the County Council to dnterview the T. T. C. but he is direc- ‘tly opposed to any action which will influence the commission to leave things as they are at present. All the members of the council expressed conâ€" ï¬dence in the members of the T. '1‘. C. and are conï¬dent that the commission are working in the best interests of the people and will do all in their power to render increased service to this district. -~ Feel That Direct Service To Tornnto In Best Interests Of The Town- shipâ€"Council Considering Pur- chase Of Truck For Road Work. Vaughan Favors The township is considering the ad- visabilityhof purchasing a heavy truck for Road work and representatives of the Whyte and International were present pointing out the advantage of their particular makes. The truck under consideration is one of three ton capacity will cost in the neigh- borhood of $4,800 to $5,500. The council are still considering the inat- ter and did not take any deï¬nite ac- tion. The tbwnship has hired trucks for haulmg on several occasmns and in many instances, especially in the case of long hauls it is_conside12_1blx cheap- - .s_.° ".H,,, er than teams. In considering the gravelling of a stretch of road three eights of a mile in length, on the Tes- ton sideroad between the ï¬fth and sixth concession it was estimated that the cost by teams would be $1.10 per yard and by the use of trucks the job ‘ could be done for .60 per yard. This would mean a saving on the job of $250. The council are anxious that the ratepayers shall have the beneï¬t of any money expended on roads in the township if at all possible but when the difference in cost of using teams and the use of trucks is so 1great it was felt that possibly it was {better business in the interests of all the ratepayers to abide by the policy of getting the most value for every dollar expended. It was pointed out also that the department in giving grants to the township on work dene, demanded that the work be done on a competitive basis. m . .. 1 u n The matter was left in the hands of the road superintendent to have the work done as he saw ï¬t. It is under- stood that the teamsters who “are contemplating the work have offered to do two days gratis if given the work. A petition was received for a side- walk on the Thornhill sideroad in Thornhill, signed by sixty-one resi- dents. The matter was laid over un- til spring fox: cgnsideration. v Tï¬os. Mitchell in a communication called attention to the condition of the second concession, north of .lflgin Mills Jefferson asked that a ’proper app- roach to Yonge Street be given them. A petition was received from the residents of Rumble Avenue asking that the streets be taken over by the township. There are fourteen resi- dents on the street and it is under- stood that it is in a good state of re- pair. The township will probably take it over although no deï¬nite ac- tion was taken at the meeting. W. O. McDonald township superin- tendent was appointed to at‘end the annual convention of the Ontario good roads association in Toronto on Feb- ruary 21, 22, 23 The residents of Maple AVenue, EICHMOND HILL, 0NT.. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10,1927 Evem of The Seamn WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEB. 16 Champion Skaters of Canada and the World Also PHIL JOBIN, Toronto's best Clown on Skates Watch efor bill displaying full details and names of ChampiOns. Change of Gauge Speed and Fancy Skating Exhibition will be Staged in the Richmond Hill Arena New member of shiprCiouncil for Meeting Thinks Hydro Estimate High Thornhill Considers Street Lighting A joint meeting of the Vaughan and ‘ Markham councils and the ratepayers interested in the installation of a lighting system in Thornhill was held in Victoria Hall on Wednesday after- noon. An estimate was received from the Hydro of $2.269 for installation and $21 per 200 watt lamp per year and $10 per 100 watt lamp per year ‘for operation. The proposed system would include 15 200 watt lamps on Yonge Street and 13 100 watt lamps on side streets. Vaughan Township have expressed a willingness to as- sume one third of the cost of opera- tion but no share of the cost of in- stallation and it is understood that Markham township will do the same. The cost of installation will be spread over a period of twenty years and it is claimed that the yearly cost would not be a burden to any taxpayer. The petition asking for the‘improvement ,,_L__.‘..A..- :vgs-"sï¬iiénred b3? ï¬fty-eight ratepayers in Markham and Forty-one in Van-1 gh_an. fl .1 , .A. _AA3...‘. It was the opinion of the meeting: that the estimated cost of installation was high in view of the fact that the poles are already in place and it was decided to ask the Hydro to reconsid- er their ï¬gures. A committee com- posed of Messrs. J. E. Francis, S. B. Elson, and W. Riddell was also app- ointed to have the lighted area prop- erly deï¬ned showing the exact area to be assessed and the townships aâ€" greed to assume the cost of any pro- fessional services required. The meeting adjourned until Tuesday Mar. 15 at 8 p.m. when the matter will be considered further. Mr. Norman Bowes is kept busy with his truck hauling cattle to mm:- ket n\. u. Charlie Cooper had his ears badly frost bitten during the cold snap last week. We hope he will soon be befâ€" ter‘ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Locke had a very narrow escape from serious in- jury when their car slewed on the icy road and plunged over an embank- ment jgst opposite their own gate. Mr. T. A. Keffer is making prepar- ations for enlarging his service stat- tion on corner of Keele Street. Miss Dorothy Mortson spent the week end at home. Mr. Harry .Fisher has bought a house in North Toronto where he will reside in the near future. Bauldwin Avenue has been re-sur- faced with a new coat of cinders. We are glad to see Miss Bessie Duncan able to be out again.. Mr. Carson Smith is busy unloading feed and coal for the Farmers Club. Owing to the continual growth of business and as a convenience to customers in Toronto and the south- ern part of the County, Mr. J. A. Greene of Richmond Tailors, this week announces the opening of a branch at 2587 Yonge Street, North branch Toronto Concord Station WM. J. JOHNSON Extending Business OAKLAND the Vaughan Town- 1927. BEDFORD “The Cmmtry Beyand†Redford News - Sidgspliting Corned y -»ANDâ€" with OLIVE BORDEN RALPH GRAVES GERTR VAUDEVILLE Comedy-“Aiice Be Goodâ€--Serial No. 7.--Review The word “POWER†itself immediately Creates in one’s mind an idea of stability and safety, and hydro-electric power plays no mean part in the development of CANADA’S natural resources, which is so essential to the welfare of the Dominion. One might say that reasonably priced power is necessary for the economical operation of newsprint, mining and countless other industries. It will be conceded without argument that the investor in PUBLIC UTILITY securities in general and HYDRO-ELECTRIC securities in particular have been singularly fortunate in Canada. Not only have these securities proven to be a safe form of investment but in a great many cases they have shown the investor a hand- some proï¬t. This we believe has been caused by the fundamental characteristics of the business. In the ï¬rst place they are selling a product for which there is a universal and ever increasing demand: their business is on a cash basis and there are no inventories to write down, and in the case of straight hydro-electrics there is little 01' no labor; consequently they are relieved from any labor difliculties. The use of electricityjs expanding so widely, that in our opinion, the future holds even more promise than the past. We recommend for investment ï¬rst mortgage bonds of the OTTAWAJVIONTREAL POWER CO., LTD., due 1949 to yield about 6%. These bonds are widely distributed and always in demand, and should the purchaser desire at any time to sell, there would be no delay in converting holdings into cash. WRITE or PHONE 87. The Invesi'mént with a Future, Now - Thurs, Fri., Sat, Feb. 10, 11, 12 Yonge and Glenforest The Home of High-Class Entertainment The Bevelapment of Canada’s w, Natural Resamces. Canadian Water Powerâ€" Investment Securities Yonge Street Ri< James Oliver Curwood Phone, THE ATR E HUD. 5437 Irving Cummings Production story by LIMITED ‘ 24 Hour Service 0ming Attraction Alf’s Button . Herrington â€"andâ€" SINGLE COPY, 3c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE GERTRUDE ASTOR Richmond Hill Ian Keith Reata Hoyt/ John St. Polis With Belle Bennett No. 33.