m some sm: rope abo‘ out. as w the poies ready for :1 PASTIMES small loop “Then y en, ï¬nd tw allow the rope from six ground eight ‘11 SR} 3 don soups in; a pail coffee, and 2» fr; cook the ï¬sh. '1 almOst every nee A good heavv Ill‘e spoons and YOU need for plate, a ‘mm “'nrlls. nn nports of any kind, or japorï¬ng tnnivs. ountrflunmi ‘0 thin deparfment of Young Canada. Bright, [mm-ties! artlvlen are wanted. and all articles published (exclusive nt letters) will be paid [or at the above: rate. The oner is open to all alike. am- ateurs and prufr-auionaln. Corrcaponflencn in hn'itm] on any matter relating to sports. Did You “"eeK im- the best 1 80!) wards, nu "ports spot-flux (unit‘s. con department or Younx Two dollars week im- tho awy ient a, coarse f the groum u just as c‘ spring ma Wil abou anal! uite w blank )u Al ‘01) Of 0 mil to occupation. -+++~ wit nee< Bird Sketchduzok. making ever 11 I menti tree ,ent seven 7m 21! ‘omf httr iin mkmg trying- 011E N :ton. I: at the h, with ant, can will be paid each H‘s! article of chat" x, without. any side >ping right to it!“ four sides of the tencl : bottom, fasten some and studying 911 cov >rtabh7 st >0!) fle and ten‘sils you will porridge and the xich to boil your m in which to three will supply 39 cocking lme. ‘ grey blanket is one. or two can en the folds of 51 st of the bed can ick layer of the )r balsam. or of arm-ken. it you avered you will rly as you wouid “thE ‘teh theâ€"tent 'eight down your tent is Canadian. a just as good orcelain as if na. You will your party a. a knife, tori; Besides these Sesit pm made it si; it six or and six any side to tha ‘leasme and