Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Mar 1927, p. 1

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____â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" COVERING CANADA’S BEST SUBURBAN DISTRICT “In Essentials, Unity: In .NO‘Il-L’SSEN ICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO l Vol. XLIX. R Presentation To Hockey Manager Members of Hockey Club Do Honor To Mr. “Wes” Middleton. THEATRE 2492 YONGE STREET, AT CASTLEFIELD On Thursday evening last when the members of the hockey club were being entertamed to a socral evening ely taken by surprise the recipient thanked the members for their splen- did gift and also for their co~opera- tion throughout the year. Mr. Mid- dleton has been active in local sport for a number of years and at all tim- es has given freely of his time and energy in the promotion of the we]â€" fare of local teams. The presenta- tion on Thursday last is evidence of the place he holds in the hearts of ' at the home of Mr. Wes. Middleto‘n ThurSday’ Frlday’ saturday the members of the club took advan- Mar, 3], Apr. 1 Apr_ 2 tage of the opportunity to show their ’ appreciation of the services of the ' - v , rm - . - .. , popular manager of the team. On in behalf of the club Mr. Chas. Cowie read an appropriate address and Mr. ' ‘ ‘ I Bruce Ross, captain of the team, pre- V‘ v sented Mr. Middleton with a hand- ? ,_ , I m , __ - ~ " some gold watch. Although completâ€" the players he has been associated with and was tribute to his services as manager of the .team. Progressive euchre was enjoyed during the evening, the prize winners being, first prize, John Hart, "Booby" prize Bert Cook. After the euchre dainty refreshemnts were served. h [M Stage Attraction FREDERECK & towns in Words and Music This Special Attraction for the Children Saturday Matinee Only Commencing at 2.30 pm. e . Young Women’s Auxiliary 'lleld Annual Meeting Had Very Sucessful Year. The annual meeting of the Young Women’s Auxiliary of the United Church, Richmond Hill was held at the home of Miss Evelyn Neill on Wednesday evening, March 23rd. The society have had a very suc- cessful year having exceeded their allocation of $105 and also sent a bale valued at $35 to a mission hos- pital in Western Canada. The suc- cess of the society was due to the l midis men “Pare .’ untiring efforts of our president and famm mum .E/P; \ honorary president, namely, Mrs. Bedford, Mrs. McIntosh and Mrs. W. Mortson who instilled the thought of greater service for the Master into the minds of the young women. The following are list of officers for the ensuing yearzâ€"Hon. Pres. Mrs. W. Mortson; Pres. M. Brown; 1st vice, M. Smith; 2nd vice, B. Fox; Rec. Sec., D. Hart; Corres. Sec., E. Neill; Treas, M. Sims; Supply Secs, Mrs. Wellman, M. Hunt, Mrs. Lumb; Sec Christian Stewardship, C. Gee; Strangers Sec., Mrs. Webster. V. Hunt; Press See, L. Mortley; Pianist C. Mortson; Assist. Pianist, O. Mort- son; Program Committee, G. Hardâ€" ing, 0. Mortson, M. Batty. TOPICS FABLES Monday, Tues, Wed.,Aprii 4 5, 6 Appeals For Support The Editor, Sir:â€" ‘The writer is desirous of furtherâ€" ing the cause of a first class band in zens are aware that bandmaster P. A. Drury and his bandsmen are practic- ing in Lorne Hall every Tuesday night. Every citizen is aware that considerable expense is involved in the organization and maintenance of a band and the writer would be pleas- ed to receive subscriptions from the merchants and citizens to provide the necessary funds for the organization. Yours truly, W. G. BALDOCK. SPECIAL COMEDY I STAGE ATTRACTION Maple St Andrew’s W. M. S. will hold a birthday tea on Wednesday evening April 6th commencing at 6.30 pm. in the school room of the church. A program will be given after and a social evening spent. Everybody we]- come. Come and bring your birth- day money, a cent for every year. _____é_.â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" We Recommend for Investment : Winnepeg Electric lst Mortgage 6‘}- Northern Canada Powerlst Mortgage 6% bonds due 1945 at 102.75 yielding 5.75"}. Ottawa River Power 15t Mortgage 612?}- bonds due 1953 at 104.50 yielding 6.15“). St. Lawrence Paper Co. lst MOl‘tgflge 6% bonds due 1946 at 100.00 yieldng 6.00%. SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE OR CHANGE IN PRICE. DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR ON REQUEST J. R. HERRINGTON INVESTMENT SECURITIES PHONE ST CAPITOL NEWS bonds due 1954 at 101.75 yielding 5.905}. YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL. ONT. For the information of prospectiVe buyers of new Chevrolet Automobiles we q Roadster $764 Roadster delivery $764 Touring $764 Sedan $980 Landau Sedan $1047 e front and rear bumpers. Spare tire and license. We will give every THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CHEVROLET IN CHEVROLET “W I These prices includ THURSDAY, MARCH 81. 1927. Richmond Hill Band Richmond Hill and wonders if the citi- Coach $872 ____â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"' SINGLE COPY, 3c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE tin/5. Librrfv: In #1] Things. Charity.” NO. 40. E ,:.,~.-., "ll r‘w- .-..I Li ' Yonge and Glenforest. HUdson 5437 Novy SHOWING ~ .~. .“J‘ . .v B New Church Parlor Formally Opened v Through the efforts of the women of the Presbyterian church. Richmond Hill, a room in the basement of the church has been converted into .‘I. very comfortable parlor. It has been newly furnished and decorated and will supply a long-felt want. To mark the occasion the execuâ€" tive committee of the V’Vomen’s Ass- ociation held a reception there on Tuesday afternoon from three till five o’clock. After the refreshments a stor: program was given. It consisted of . violin solos by Miss Aileen Atkinson. Humorous reading by Mrs. Sncdden also piano seelctions by Lucy Yerex and Frances Drury. Victoria Square Victoria Square, March 30â€"Mr. Henry Heise of Palatine, Illinois was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Heise .. of Victoria Square over Sunday, Mar. " 20th Mr. Heise was taken to the place of his birth, being the home owned by Mr. Robert Gee, Lot 25, concession 3, Markham. This property was purchased from the government in the year 1830 the , eleventh year of the reign of King -_ George IV. The price paid was 100 “ pound for one hundred acres. The deed was signed by Sir John Colborne on behalf of the King. Mr. Heise returned for a brief vis- it with friends and relatives in Markâ€" ham, Vaughan and Whitchurch Town- ships after an absence of fifty years. He spent twenty-five years in the banking business in the Chicago dis- trict and now has retired from active business life and will have as a hobby one hundred kips of bees. BUTTONVILLE The people of the community had a delightful time at the home of Miss Drew Kelly, Friday evening, March 25 on the occasion of her annual birth- day party. There was a quilting bee in the afternoon followed by a delic- ious dinner. The evening was spent playing progressive euchre, the prize being won by Mrs. R. L. Stiver and Mr. Jack Ash. The home was pro- fusely decorated with roses and daff- odils. Friends from Cashel and Tor- onto were also present. The roads are still in bad condi- tion owing to the recent wet weather. The regular bi-weekly euchre was held in the hall on March 11. The first prizes were won by Miss Edith McClymont and Russell Brillinger. The consolatiorts by Miss La)erta Hood and E. Walton. Friends from Newmarket called on Mr. and Mrs. Allen Meyer on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Brillinger and Mr. Walter Craig had tea with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Meyer Sunday even- mg. >5 :1: .-;< :1: 5; Lewis Stone, Billie Dove, Lloyd Hughes No. 2 T. MAT Opportunity CORRâ€"SIâ€" SA I edford Park Radio BEDFORD BLOCK >k>l=ilils>lrfl=***>i<*$>i<** .S25.00 Offered To Any Society ' In This District. ; SIX The Toronto Wet Wash Laun- dry Company, Limited. will give a donation of $25.00 to any society in Richmond Hill District who will get together 100 Ladies to visit their plant in Toronto, transportation be- ing furnished free of charge both ways by the company. Telephone 9, Richmond Hill for particulars. Super Neutrodyne Radio Receivers The Pinnacle of Radio Perfection. INVEST IN A HIGEL Glidden Endurance Paint EVERYWHERE ON EVERYTHING r. y * .x. ~14 -:-:- 1,: at i}: at -x‘ -x- -x- i=>l==t==1<rk$>kt¢ k=Â¥**=k=‘s*>k Glidden Endurance Paint is cheap at any Price, for in the long run a paint of inferior quality costs many times the price of Endurance Paint. It is a durable and econo- mical linseed oil paint of lasting THIS CREST APPEARS ON THE SOLE OF EVERY GENUINE I-IURLBUT SHOE quality, because it has been so carefully made of selected raw materials scientifically combined. Hurlbut Shoes are bench- built by men who have studied child foot comfort for over a quarter of a century. There is increased grace in the walk of a child shod with IIurlbuts. There is a sure- iooted steadiness that gives A full line of Hard- ware always in stock. Consult us for your confidence- d 1 1 Electrical Repairs. .. “'7' Let our trainc sa espcop e , . . ‘fitchfld- '5 Redford Radio and Electric Studio 3281 Yonge St. at Bedford Theatre Block Hudson 8454 PARKER & MANNAN, Proprietors. SREPPARR’S 2597 Yonge St. NORTH TORONTO H L' DSON 1485 note the following prices : Coupe $893 Cabriolet $1006 purchaser a good tire cover free HISTORY W°G - A h w a LIMITED 24 Hour Service e:

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