THE YORK MARKET YONGE STREET The Producers of the district and householders of North York and North Toronto will ï¬nd this a splendid market. Richmond Street RICHMOND HILL BRANCH. RANGE â€" SELECTIVITY â€"- POWER PAGE ,‘ To save money may require that you. make some sacriï¬ce, but if a stated sum is placed in a Savings Bank account at regular intervals, your money, with the interest it earns soon grows and you experience the joy of accom- plishment. There is a Savings Bank Depart- ment at every branch of this Bank. 4. Blocks Made To Order 0r From Our Stock At Yards RICHMQND HILL MOTORS AUTHORIZED DEALERS MARCONI AND U. S. L. RADIO Come in and Hear or Ask For Home DEMONSTRATION. IMPERIAL BANK Open Every Saturday Morning ATSO’CLOCK AND TUESDAYS 6-9 P.M. AT THE CITY LIMITS 3479 YONGE STREET Linens, Hosiery, Stamped Goods, Materials, Fancy China, Flannelettes, Cottons, Millinery, Ladies Dresses, Dgesses Children’s 'Dresses, Broadcloths, Play Suits, Ginghams, Etc. vs. 25 to 50 per cent Reduction on All Lines L5‘3xv1‘3: .L .3. Trencg fl wti'w. GET OUR PRICES ON ()13 Nl E? N'l‘ VV ( )RK IT WILL PAY YOU U. S. L. 6 Tubes Just Out. The Joy of Accomplishment G. S. REAMAN breet ] CEMENT MIXERS FOR RENT Marconiâ€"4â€"5â€"8 Tubes All Well Known '0 make upwfor the weather and bad condition of ï¬he roads during the past week, we will continue our STOCK RE ‘UCING SALE Take advantage of this, its your opportunity to save some money. Read the following partial list : A. T. MINNIE, Manager. Richmond Hill. For Another 10 Days THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. l Miss-A'gnes‘Barr ha; retlfrned af- ‘ter spending several months in St. Thomas. A few of the members of the Ladies Aid of the United Church here atten- ded the Ladies Aid meeting at Mrs. G. R. Goulding’s home, Newtonbrook, last Wednesday afternoon, March 30. A very interesting talk and de on- stration was given by the wearger aluminum company. The ladies re- port having spent a very interesting afternoon. Mis‘s Lillian Francis attended a bridge given by Miss Amie Dove of Eglinton, last Saturday afternoon, March 20th. Miss Hewison Addressed The C.G.I.T. Miss Hewison from the Health of- fice, Elm Street. Toronto, spoke to the Canadian Girls in Training of this village last Wednesday evening, March 23rd. Miss Hewison’s address was enjoyed by all the girls present. Installation Of Lights To Start In Two Months. Work will be started on the lightâ€" ing of this village _in about two months. This decision was arrived at, ata recent meeting held here in the Victoria; Hall, when a petition was signed by the property owners in the village to install lights on Yonge street from the foot of Morgan’s Hill north to the public school at Langstaï¬', a distance of about a mile, also on the main streets in the vill- age. These lights will be installed along Yonge Street similar to those through North York, on the radial poles about 400 feet apart. Yonge street will have fifteen. while thirt- een are to be installed throughout the village. The cost of this lighting scheme is estimated at about $2,200. The petition was presented to the Vaughan and Markham township councils, and after getting their ap- proval was handed to the Hydro Commission. Mrs. Cameron Little of Toronto entertained last Saturday afternoon, March 26th. Among the guests were some old friends from Thornhill and vicinity:â€" Mrs. W. J. Morrison, Mrs. Teare, Mrs. Smellie. Mrs. G. R. Goul- ding and Mrs. O. D. Bales. ‘ Langstalf Hill Club Met The Langstaff Hill Club met at the home of Mrs. F. Simpson last, Tues- day evening, March 29th. The prize winners Were:â€"â€"Ladies, Mrs. John Breakey and gents Mr. Walter Lues- by. Refreshments were served, a good time being enjoyed by all. Miss Mabel Brillinger has beenI laid up for several days with quinsy. Returned Missionary From Korea Spoke In United Church. Dr. Grierson who is home on fur- lough from Korea after having spent twenty-four years in that country, spoke at the evening service in the United Church here, he also addreSS« ed the Sunday school in the after- noon of March 27th. , The Langstaff School Re-Opened The Langstaff school reopened last Thursday after being closed several days on account of an epidemic of chicken pox. 7 V I Thornhill Please watch this paper for further announcements. Refreshments were served and the balance of the evening spent in danc- ing. The Rosewood Novelty Orches- tra provided the music. Northcrest Lodge No. 476, I. O. O. F‘. take this opportunity of thanking all the fri- ends who have helped to make these Weekly euchres a success also to the members and friends who loaned their' homes for the purpose of holding the, euclires and especially to those who dor ated prizes. Successful Checker Tournament A very successful checker tourna- ment was held in the Jersey Farm Building at Lansing on Wednesday‘ evening, March 23rd. Mr. Burgess of Neville Park, New- tonbrook, was acclaimed the 'champ- ion by virtue of his magniï¬cent play- ing over Mr. Moore of the Lansing weatherstrip Co. in the ï¬nal. Cigars were provided and at the close of the evening Mr. Burgess was presented with a magniï¬cent case containing two briar pipes with amb- er stems and gold bands, one amber cigarette holder with gold band and one amber cigar holder with gold band. A latâ€"rge number of checker enthus- iasts were on hand and some very gopfi playing was eyjdeyce: Mr. Burgess in receiving the presâ€" entation thanked Mr. Percy Clough the promoter for the beautiful prize and also commented on the splendid- ly organized arrangements. The sixty persons who were pres- ent expressed their desire that an- other checker tournament be arrang- ed at some future date. I The Northcrest,Lodge No. 476, I. 0. O. F. were entertained to a euchre and dance, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Humphrey, Stop 5, Yonge Street, Lansing, on Friday evening, March 25th. There were sixty per- sons present at this event which was the ï¬nal‘igtlichre of the season. There were 14 bles used for the euchre land the following were the successful prize winnerszâ€"Ladies lst, Mrs. Men; zie; Ladies 2nd, Mrs. W. Spracklin; Consolation,» Mrs. F. Gamble. Gents. lst, Mr. T. Hughes; Gents 2nd, Mr. H. Glover; Consolation, Master Geor- ge Corwall. Miss Emma and John Clubine of Bradford, Ontario spent the week-end with Mrs. J. Wells, Thornhil]. WzmM. S. Col‘lec_ti0n‘ Algoqnts To $160} The annual thank-offering meeting of the Women’s Missionary society of the United Church was held in the Sunday school room last Tuesday af- ternoon, March 29th. Mrs. (Rev.) J. W. McIntosh of Richmond Hill gave a very pleasing and interesting ad- dress on missions. The thank-offer- ing collection amounted to $160.00. Banquet Held In United Sunday , School. The teachers and ofï¬cers of the Un- ited Sunday School entertained the parents of the scholars to a dinner on Wednesday_ evening March 30th. v Mrs. J.‘J. Eatoï¬ of Toronto spoke to the parents in a very pleasing- manner. Lansing A. D. Corrie & Co., Ltd 2061-2065 Yonge St. HU9171 North Toronto Branch For Guaranteed Phone Your Appointments, 119 DAVIES’ DRY GOODS STORE, R: Our operator, MISS DENBY, holds a ï¬rst clas diploma for Marcelling, Water Waving, Hair Tinting, Shampooing, Bob Hair Cutting, Scalp and Facial Treatment, Manicuring, Etc. Beauty Parlor Closes, Monday And Thursday At 6 pm. And Wed- nesday, at 12 o’clock noon. Tuesday, Friday and Saturday open until 9. 30 pm. Thanking you kindly for past pat- ronage, and soliciting a continuance of the same, we areâ€" HOTEL RICHMOND are pleased to announce that they have installed a UNI- VERSAL COOLER for their patrons, and are handling NEILSON’S ICE CREAM ex- clusivelyâ€"in Bulk, Bricks and Eskimo Pies â€"the latter, that dainty chocolate-coated satisï¬er. The COOLER is sanitary in ev- ery respect and keeps the ice cream at a de- lightfully even temperatureâ€"not too hard and not too soft. ' Um Hairdressing Parlour MVHES’ DRY GGGDS STGRE Annguncement THURSDAY. MARCH 31. 1927. SEE Richmond Hi1 Ont. Yours truly, GRANT BROS. RICHMOND HILL. and