PAGE EIGHT Rev. E. R. Young will preach at both services next Sunday. In the morning he will take as his textâ€"â€" “The Irreparable Past†in the even- ingâ€"“Friends With God.†A special union service will be held in Newtonbrook United Church on Good Friday, at 11 A. M. The preacher on this occasion will be Rev. A. Mac Gillivray, D. D., of Toronto and Rev. E. R. Young will a1â€" so take pgrt in this service. WE SPEAK THE TRUTH ABOUT OUR USED CARS HERE ARE A FEW TO CHOOSE FROM Ford Coupe $140 - Ferd Coupe $225 Overland Sedan 150 - Overland Sedan 250 Overland Tour., Balloon Tires $175 Oldsmobile Tour. $275 Chev. 1-2 Ton Truck $75 Chev. Baby Grand Touring $100 SPECIAL:- 1926 Model, Six Cylinder $775 Used Ford Cars RICHMOND HILL BRANCH. Phone HM. 6960 The mixâ€"sic for this service will be Money Gives Confidence 1M PE . is? Newtonbrook Wilson 81 Hargrave, Saturday April 99 Is Your Last Chance to take advantage of the Sénsational Savings Offered In Our Great Stock Reducing Sale. 25 to 50 per Cent Reduction on all Lines Dress Goods, Linens, Hosiery, Stamped Goods, Curtain, Materials, Fancy China, Flannelettes, COttOns, Millinery, ‘ Ladies Dresses, House Dresses Chiidren’s Dresses, Broadcloths, Children’s Play Suits, Ginghams, Etc. PhoneS3 Trench Block Those who have money carry on their work in life with greater conï¬- dence. A Savings Account with this Bank if added to regularly even with small sums will soon give you the conï¬dence that only the possession of money can give. There is a Sav- ings Bank Department at every branch of this Bank. 4; 3419 YONGE STREET City Limits Just at Top of the Hill Chrysler 60 Sedan, Demonstrator Big Reduction. Overland Coach, given by the choir of Thornhill Un- Iited Church. The subject for this meeting will be “Horticulture†other program Willi also be given. i Plans were made for the meeting: on April 18th. {the school room. The executive meeting of the Home and School Club was held on Monday evening last. The executive of “The Young Men’s Club met last night (Thursday) in Take advantage of this, its your opportunity to save some money. Read the following partial list : A. T. MINNIS, Manager. CHRYSLER DEALERS Phone HM. 6960 THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Presentations Two farewell parties were held in our community in the past week to bid good-bye to two of our highly esteemed families who are movlrg from our midst. Mr. Har- vey Ness and family are moving to Toronto and Mr. Fred Vanhorn and family have moved to Jefferson. A very enjoyable time was spent at the two respective homes, cards and mus- 1c wereï¬horoughly enjoyed by all present. At Mr. Ness’ a suitable adâ€" idress was given by Mr. G. Padget and the presentation of an electric iron was made by 'Mr. C. Boynton. At er. Fred Vanhorn’s an address was read by Mr. Herb Smith and the pres- entation of an electric lamp made by Mr. E. Gohn on behalf of the com- .munity. i The bride looked charming in a dress of pink flat crepe and carried a sheaf of sweet heart roses. The brides-maid, Miss Grace Leuschner, ‘sister of the bride wore pale pink crepe de chine with pink hat to match ishe also carried sweetheart roses. er. Walter Leuschner brother of the bride acted as best man. After the ceremony a reception was held at the lhome of the bride’s parents. The ;bride and groom were the recipients ‘of many beautiful and useful presents lamong them was a bible from the members of the church board. Among the invited guests present were:â€" ‘Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. Dodd, Mrs. Smith, Miss Smith, Miss Sutton, Miss M. Leuschner, Miss Shillinger, Mis Evelyn Madill, Mrs. Smithe, Mr. and Mrs. Matthews, Mr. A. Dodd, Mr. W. Johnston, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. G. Quantz, Aurora, Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. Leuschner, Mrs. C. Brodie, Mr. and Mrs. N. Brodie, Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith, Miss Gwen Smith, Mrs. A. Henricks, Miss Mary Henricks, Mr. C. B. Boynton, Miss Ellen Boynton, Miss Palmer, Mr. F. Barker, Mr. G. Barker and Mr. J. Curtis, Headford. The Young People’s Society met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Helmkay MUM FORDâ€"LEUSCHNER. A pretty wedding was solemnized on Saturday, March 19 in Headfcrd United Church when Elsie, daughter of Mr .and Mrs. William Leuschner was united in marriage to Mr. Gil- bert Mumford. Rev. J. W. Fox, pas- tor of the Church ofï¬ciated. The bride entered the church on the arm- of her father to the strains 0[ Lohengrins bridal chorus played by Miss Mary Henri_cks_. last week. HEADFORD Jr. IIIâ€"Myrtle Avison 98, Marion Nichols 94, Marion Lilley 94. Eloise Perkins 92, Adeline Reaman 86, Vio- let Cripps, 71, AdaniflBrown 60. ‘ Heiée, Peter Reaman. Results in Spglling S.US_. N_o._7. " ’IV. Classâ€"‘Lueï¬'a Heise 100, Ruby Avison 99, Willie Brown 97, Marion Fuller 94. wII.‘’(s‘ié55â€"14mm Nichols 100, Ed- gar Heise 97, Milton Heise 96, Ed- gar Fuller 90, Norman Reamnn 77, Ralph Reaman 59. Average marks 89. Jr; ise. 7 Sr. IIIâ€"Elsie Cripps 99, Aura Klinck 91, Doris Perkins 81. Jr. III.â€"Mary Lilley, Eloise Â¥er~ kins, Adam Brown, Violet Cripps, A- deline Reaman, Marion Nicholls, Myrtle Avison. Sr. IIâ€"Edgar Heise, Norman Rea- man, Edgar Fuller, Ralph Reaman. Jr. IIâ€"Archie Nichols, Milton He- United Church Services. The Sacrement of the Lords Supper will be observed in the United Church next Sunday at 11 am. The preparâ€" atory service will be combined with the regular mid-week meeting this (Thursday) evening at 7.30 o’clock. For March. Sr. IV.â€"â€"Wesley Baker, Elizabeth Campbell, Dorothy Wilson. Jr. IVâ€"Elaine Beatty. Sr. IIIâ€"George Baker, Helen Hu- ghes, Robert Campbell, Ivan Bond. Jr. IIIâ€"Muray Wideman, James McCague, Henry Robinson, Isaac Hu- ghes. Sr. IIâ€"Bessie Hughes, Lloyd.Beat- ty, Nona Campbell, Herbert Nelson, Doris Knapp. Jr. IIâ€"Harold Wideman. First Classâ€"Beryl Farquharson, Harold Doner, Hazel Nelson, Wallace Bond, Lillian Homer, David Hughes. Teacherâ€"E. A. Caswell. Report For S. S. No. 6. Sr. IV in order of standing in class Ruby Avison, Luella Heise, Willie Brown. Jr. IVâ€"Marion Fuller. Sr. IIIâ€"Elsie Cripps, Aura Klinck, Doris Perkins. Watch next week’s issue for a striking testimonial of the famous Dr. Thuna Goitre Cure. Every generation produces a great critic, who is merely an impudent boy throwing rocks at a church. The tragedy of age is the increas- ing number of things that won’t af- ford a kick. A representative government thr- ough all the storm and stress, contriv- es loyally to represent the same old crowd. Example of double jeopardy: Hav- ing both a wife and a 14 year-old daughter. Antfther thing that teaches a boy to stand ï¬rm on his own feet is 1:6 haev rel tives poor as dirt. Report of S. S. No. 4, Markham School Reports Iâ€"Margaret Avison, Orville You can find a good used car to suit you here. A . wide range of models at prices that will please you A. D. GORRIE & C0,, Limited North End Branch 2061 - 2065 Yonge St. P]! 1925 Overland Coach . $495 1925 Chevrolet Coach $550 1926 Chev. Coupe - $625 1925 Dec. Chevrolet Coupe $585 1926 Ford Tudor - $475 Ford Coupes $135 to $350 1922 to 1925 Tord Tourings in good running order $75 to $150 CASH OR TERMS We Tell The Truth About Our Used Cars. Your present car considered in trade at full market value. STAN DAKD BANK BANKING FIFTY OF CANADA RICHMOND HILL BRANCHâ€"~17. Hoover, Manager THORNHILL BRANCHâ€"S. B. Elson, Manager NORTH END BRANCH Branches nllo at Aurora. Lanlinz, Maple The whereabouts of your valu- ables is nobod’s business but your own and for that reason they should be placed beyond the reach of med- dling persons, thieves or elements which compromise their security. Use a safety deposit box in_your nearest branch of the Standard Bank. It is the most convenient method of safe keeping for documents, jewels and other small objects 0 fvalue. Where do You Keep Your Valuable Papers THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1927 Riuhmond Hi1 Ont. Phone HU. 9171