Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Apr 1927, p. 4

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Preparations for installing what Premier King has described as the “finest peal of bells to which the world has ever listened” in the peace Tower at the Parliament buildings in Ottawa are now under way. Some idea as to the size and weight of the bells maybe gathered from the fact that concrete footings fiftv feet in height are being constructed to carry the scaffolding to be used for hoisting the bells into place. Altogether there will be 53 bells, one of which is as nearly as can be similar in tone to Big Ben at Westminster. Once the installation is complete the people at Ottawa will hear the Westminster chimes ring out the quarter hours as they do in London, and the striking of the hours will also be identical. This will be a symbol of the relation of Canada’s Premier legislature to the Mother of Parliaments. A demonstration unique in the hisâ€" tory of the world is being planned to mark the celebration of the Diamond Jubilee of Confederation on July lst. On that day the full carillon will be rung out for the first time. His Ma- jesty the King is to be invited to press the button which will start the ring- ing, and by means of radio hook ups it is hoped that the bells will be heard not only in Great Britain and Ireland but also in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and India. 1 ~Giant Bells For The Ottawa Peace Tower “Should such prove tobe the case,‘ and the National Anthem be sounded PAGE FOUR DAVIES’ DRY GOODS STORE, RICHMOND HILL. Beauty Parlor Closes, Monday And Thursday At 6 pm. And Wed- nesday, at 12 o’clock noon. Tuesday, Friday and Saturday open until 9. 30 pm. Our operator, MISS DENBY, holds a first class diploma for Marcelling, Water Waving, Hair Tinting, Shampooing, Bob and Hair Cutting, Scalp and Facial Treatment, Manicuring, Etc. To Make Sure of Appointment for Saturday, Please _Phone Early. Phone Your Appointments, 119 A Fspecial showing of Gingham and Fancy Print House Dresses sizes 56 to 44 . . Davies’ Dry GoodsSfigg WEEK-END SPECIALS .’ "v A t .5. ‘7; 3M evroiet History ‘ ‘ v ‘ a “and moulding-n- imi‘ uquvm Our Hairdressing Parlour House Dresses TEE new Fisher-built bodies, finished l in the nest modish shadu of Duco â€"the mmive full-crown fendets. the {mart hullet~type lamps, the newly-damned radiatorâ€"the host of mechanical refine- ments. including AC oil-filter and AC am- dexnerâ€"the powerful. smooth and responsive Chevrolet engineâ€"all of these contribute to the deep, abiding sense of satisfaction which the owner of the Most Beautiful Chevrolet experiences. All that you Vrant in a moderately-priced cur, Chevrolet gives you at NEW. LOWER PRICES. the lowest for which Chevrolet has ever been sold in Canada . . . and no other car at or near the price cm give Kou all the advantages which make the list Beautiful Chevrolet the outstanding automobile achievement of the vent. hut in a moderatelyâ€"priced gives you at NEW, LOWER lowst for which Chevrolet sold in Canada . . . and no or near the price can give advantages which make the II Chevrolet the outstanding hicvemeut of the year. Millingry Saturday Next $2.29, $3.95, $4.98 Up -to-the-minute Specials for l Even if the missionaries are driven back home they’ll find plenty of heath- :en to work on. \ Old age takes its toll, and after a ‘while New York can’t boast of hav- ing the original cast: of “Abie’s Irish Rose.” f Health week in Illinois probably in- cludes sterilizing the machine-gun ybullets. \ Ipfs- easy to be a friend if you don‘t mind hearing the other fellow talk {about himself; ‘ The hard part is to give Ford’s edi- tor all the blame while giving Ford all the credit. o’er each continent and ocean,” Prem- ier King- has said, “we shall at last have discovered a fitting symbol of the Unity of the Empire to which we belong, that British Commonwealth of nations, composed of communities diverse in character in historical de- velopment and in potential power. en- joying a self-governing nation’s in- dividual expression to the full, but united by a common allegiance to the Crown and by a continuity of interest land a harmony of purpose and ideal gwhich it is the highest pride of all to maintain.” i In nearly all cities there is a police- man to get you ofr loitering any place except at a desk. | What a pleasure to buy from a green salesman who hasn’t learned to gush and flatter you as though you {were an idiot! We handle only well known and reliable makes of Hosiery. All new~ est shades, sizes 8% to 10% 1 $1.98 NEW LOWER PRICES rlC€S CF-3616 Correct this sentence: “ My com- panion has seen the show before,” said he, “but he didn’t whisper to tell me what was coming next.” fiéfi$fi§fifi§fi EEEEEEEEHiH-flfil-fifli ‘4'“ -. e f- l . 3; h .. _A . ‘ L9 1; .,' » :34- 5:4 THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. guy fihatgpare V3213 Naed Ballscn ................. $13-49 31 x 5.25 Balloon ..... $22.96 30 x 5.77 Balloon ..... $26.95 33 x 6.00 Balloon ..... $28.60 @ther sizes finest as low ,H‘he leaders in'e v e r 3; branch of industry know. fl‘hey’ve proved it, as you When tire trouble comes, it’s handy to be a customer of ours ing. Even on a small job' you’ll probably be sur- prised to find how using Long Distance enables you to get lowest prices. "W e bought all the mate« rial for a $75,000 build- ing by Long Distanceâ€"i,- it is the cheapest way”â€"-‘ writes a contractor in a? medium-sized town. “W e use Long Distch to get prices on materials before making estimates}- or contracts"â€"â€"writes anJ other. 30 X 3% All-Weather I Cord ..................... 29 x 4.4-9 Pathfinder Ba loan ................. 29 x 4.40 All-Weather Shall you be building this year? If so, profit by the experience of those who eave money when build- Are you building? Harold Reid’s Garagv 3V2 MORLEY S. HAMILTON Thomhill, Ont. Telephone 116 ELGIN MILLS. ’athfinder $12.10: $11.00 $8.60 Dorothy Sebastian handles a tem- pestuous role in a pleasing manner and Lionel Belmore appears every inch an outraged husband. Tenen Holtz, a newcomer to the screen, is seen to advantage in the role of the hero’s valet. Robert Z. Leonard dir- ected the film. Carmel Myers as the sophisticated Madame Girard, stepmother of the star, takes her defeat at the hands of her daughter in a very light but humorous manner. Her usual vam- Eish characterization seems to have een utterly abandoned for a new and lighter vein of acting which proves mosig pharmiug. As a young French school girl, sent home for her escapades, Norma has a role naive and wholesome, yet dar- ing' enough to keep up the tension throughout the entire picture. Cody’s transformation from the blase boule- vardier to a state'of utter helpless- nes at the hands of a school girl is one of the charms of this amazing and well-acted picture. The story, which is from the pens of F. Hugh Herbert, well-known British novelist, and Florence Ryer- son, is an original and was written especially for Miss Shearer and Cody. The authors have seen to it that both artists are offered ample opportunity to display their talent at whimsical farce comedy and both Miss Shearer and Cody have not let a chance slip. Chairman of the Divorce Committee who has introduced a bill in the Senate whereby the Courts of On- tario will have power to grant divorces. Miss Shearer and Cody, as a team, have been seen to advantage on the screen before in “His Secretary” and “A Slave of Fashion,” but they have never before had a real oppor- tunity“; to show their talent for com- edy‘ as they have_in‘ this "production. The cast, one of the strongest ever assembled by Universal, is headed by those two sterling young players. Marian Nixon and Robert Agnew and includes Ward Crane, Ena Gregory, Ben Hall, Jack Daugherty, Virginia True Boardman and Lincoln Plummer. Gerald Beaumont, the greatest master of sporting stories the world has known, penned a gripping story of just these moments in “Down the Stretch” and King Baggot faithfully depicted it on the screen. “The Demi-Bride,” a. Metro-Gold- wyn-Mayer picture, playing at the Capitol theatre next Monday Tuesday and Wednesday in which Norma is again starred with Lew Cody, proves to be one of the real comedies of the season. One of the .best pictures Norma Shreiairer has glven us for some time. Jockeys are not always whipping their horses across the finish line as winners nor do they wear their bright silks to dinner. The little fellows who ride the big thorough- breds have hearts and troubles and joys the same as those who crowd the stands on (ierby day. Not that King Baggot has not pro- vided a thrilling horse race in his picturization of Gerald Beaumont’s last story of the turf, for he has, but it is the human drama that takes place out of sight of the paying pub- lic that “Down the Stretch” is rich and different. “Down The Stretch" Is Drama 01’ Turf There is more drama enacted be- hind the grand stand than before it and that is the drama which goes to make “Down the Stretch,” the 'Uni- versal Jewel Production, which will be shown at the Capitol theatre on Fniday _and >Saturday. SENATOR W. B. WILLOUGHBY Capitol Theatre Norma Shearer at Her Best. GUARANTEED 25% Per. Dozen 95% FERTILITY CAN YOU BEAT THIS? Male birds direct from Wyckoff’s. Our birds are the large type of Leghorn laying the big white eggs. Baby chicks for may 25 cents each; for June 20 cents each. SATISFACTION FOR SALEâ€"Hatching eggs, 0. A. C. bred to lay, Barred Rock strain. 75 cents per doz. Apply D. T. Rum- ble, Box 68 Richmond Hill, Phone 1849 M. FOR SALEâ€" A quantity of seed oats White Wave, apply Lot 57, McNair Bros., Jefferson. GUARANTEED. FOR SALEâ€"White Blossom sweet clover seed. Government test. $5.00 a bushel... Oscar Cox, R. R. 1. Unionville. 2365 Yonge St. Hudson 2358 OPPOSITE POSTAL STATION K. POST OFFICE NORTH TORONTO Another kind of libel suit is the one that makes old dad look as though he were a complete failure. S. C. WHITE LEGHORN Eggs For Hatching Tractors, Thrashers, Silo Fillers, Bail- ing Presses, Plows, Harrows, Road Machinery and Tillage Tools for Fordson Tractors. ' KANE BROS. -â€" â€" â€" HEADFORD Saturday, April 23â€"Credit sale of a herd of choice dairy cattle, farm stock, implements, etc. on lot 26 Con. 3 Scarboro, Agincourt, the property of Bert Kennedy. Sale at 1 o’clock, 6 months credit. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. Travel is worth while if only to teach you that several other nations had part in the Great War. FOR SALEâ€"Eggs for Hatchingâ€" bred to lay Barred Rocks, 0. A. C. strain 60 cents per setting of 13, G. Yerex, Elgin Mills, Phone 249, Maple. Maple R. R. 2 FOR SALEâ€"Seed oats, O.A.C. N0. 144, Government Standard, No. 1, Germination 98%...Phone Maple, 1863, R. Page, Thornhill, Ont. W FOR SALEâ€"Mare and two three year old colts...Apply A. J. Read- ing, Stop 32 Yonge Street. FOR SALEâ€"8 Tons of timothy hay, Apply John Mortson, Victoria Squ- are, Phone Stoufl’vifie 9116. FOR SALEâ€"An iron bed, walnut fin- ish, mattress and springs all new. dresser to match...Also polished oak dining room table. Apply Mrs. Alfred Rumble, Maple. FOAR SALEâ€"A q_qan_tity_rof n_13ngojd_s FOR SALEâ€"â€"Red cow, fresh, April 5th and red sow due, April 30th, Apply H. Lloyd, Maple, Phone Maâ€" ple 1036.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FOR SALEâ€"Practically new house and lot on Station Street in Maple. Priced to sell, Apply Box 34 Liber~ al. T0 RENTâ€"Six room frame house on Richmond Street, Apply Mrs. Geo. Smith. FOR SALEâ€"1000 only cull cement brick. Just the thing for lining a well or cistern. $12.50 per M. at yard. Jones Lumber Company. FOR SALEâ€"About 200 bushels of alfalfa seed, Government tested, $11 per bushel in small lots, apply Mr. Moore, superintendent, Steph- en’s Farms, Stop 23 Yonge Street. FOR SALEâ€"One light delivery horse Apply M. L. Townsend, Langstaff, first store on Langstaff sideroad. Phone Thornhill 51 r 21. FOR SALEâ€"About ten loads of earth Apply Geo. Taylar, Richmond St. Richmond Hill. CASE I Power Farming Machinery I USED Singer Sewing Machines from $8.00 up Matt. L Pallister ANTEDâ€"A man for care of garden and lawn for the summer months, Apply J. H. Dunlop. Apply F. A. Clark, â€"Gormley,uTel 47 r 22. ANTEDâ€"Good cook general three adults in family, apply Mrs. J. H. Dunlop. SALE REGISTER “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISING--MAKE THE MOST OF IT” RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. Write For Literature. P. O.â€" R. R. 2, Gonnley. C. W. CANE Classifiefi Advertising THURSDAY, APRIL 14, I927. Ontario PURSUANT to the Statutes in that behalf, notice is hereby given that all parties having claims and demands against the Estate of the said Lillie May Russell, who died on or about the 26th day of November, 1926 at the Township of Vaughan, are re- quired on or before the 6th day of May 1927, to send by post, prepaid or deliver to Walter Henry Reaman and Hazel Ruby Reaman, Maple, 0n- tario, R. R., Executors of the said deâ€" ceased, full particulars of their claims in writing and the nature of the security, if any,_held by them. such last mentioned date the said. Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among' the parties entitledithereto having re- gard only to the claims of which they shall then have received notice, and that the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons no- tice of whose claim shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. the Township of Vaughan; in the County of VYggk, Widow, Deceased. Under the provisions of the Act, an! extra charge of 25c. will be made for license tags if payment is not made before April 15th; and further, own-- ers or harborers of dogs not report. ing same to assessors are liable to» severe penalties for not taking out. licenses for same, and the dogs sub- ject_to be destroyed. The assessors' are now on their rounds. IN THE MATTER of the Estate 9f LgLLIE; _MAYA RyssELL, late of l The license fees are as follows:â€"â€"- For each dog the sum of $1, if only one and $4 for each additional dog; $4 for each bitch, if only one, and $6; for each additional bitch. WILLIAM COOK; COOK & DELANY.’ Solicitors for the said Executors. DATED at Toronto this 151; day of April, 1927 NOTICE is hereby given that Es-- ther Brand of the City of Toronto in: the County of York in the Province of Ontario will apply to the Parlia- ment of Canada, at the present or next Session thereof, for a Bill of Divorce from her husband, Phillip Brand of the said City of Toronto in the County of York'in the province of Ontario, Barber, on the ground of adultery: Township of Markham Owners and harborers of dogs in the Township of Markham, are re- quested to have the money ready to ‘pay the license fee and procure tags ‘for 1927 from the assessors (A. J. ‘Camplin, east half; and J. A. Thomp- son, west half), when they are called upon. DATED at the City of Toronto in the County of York and Province of Ontario, this 15th day of March, A. D., 1927. Mortimer, Clark, Gray, Bairl and Cawthorne. 425 Confederation Life Building, Solicitors for Applicant. Bennets noted Sweet Pea Selection of Bright Colors 25 cents per packet. Blue Lace Flower Scabious Zinnia Collection. Larkspur, mixed colors All 10 cents per package. Wallflower mixed colors. Double Novelty Asters Single Novety Asters. Brussels Sprouts, Primo Cabbage. . Cauliflower, Hybrid Tomato Seeds. A Public Meeting will be held i Ellesmere school S. S. No. 5, Scarbor ‘4 mile west of Ellesmere on Tuesda evening, April 26, 1927 at 8 o’cloc when the question of establishing York County Market at the easterl City Yimits will be discussed. A interested are invited to attend. W. C. GOHI Markham Township Notice. Public Notice is hereby given tha said Act provides that during th months of March and April in eac year, vehicles operating or object being moved over or upon a puin highway, which is not within a cit or separated town, and having a cal rying‘ capacity exceeding one ton shall not be loaded in excess of out half the rated carrying capacity C such vehicle or object without a pel mites p_rovided by said Act. Notice is also hereby given tha the provisions of the said act will bi strictly enforced with respect to the highway under the jurisdiction of thd Township of Markham. Road Commissioners are hereby instructed to watch their respective sections for overloaded vehicles, ac cording to said Act, causing damages to the Township Roads, and act ac- cordingly. W. C. Gohn, . . ..G. A. M. Davison, Reeve. Twp. Clerk. It Pays to Watch Your The Act also provides that noi withstanding such permit, the owne driver or operator of such vehicle (1 object, is responsible for any damag caused to a highway by such vehic] or object. “Ps” & A penalty not exceeding $100 i provided for a contravention of an; offhe provisions of said Act. AND TAKE NOTICE tfiat after APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE Notice to Creditors ORDERS MAILED FREE. Stop 29 Yonge Street. “Brookside Valley Gardens." R. R. 1 ,Richmond Hill. G. A. M. DAVISON. Clerk NOTICE Chairman York County Markets Committe4 Notice in the Garden

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