INSURANCE is absolutely essential to Credit. INSURANCE is refused to those who are not of GOOD CHARACTER INSURANCE is valued by all our leading men whom we are proud to recognize as GOOD CITIZENS. Electrician Corner, Richmond and Elizabeth Sts Richmond Hill See My Catalogue Of Electrical Fixtures. AUCTIONEER, VALUATOR AND REAL ESTATE "AGENT RICHMOND HILL and INSURANCE is, an essential part of THRIFT OPTOMETRISTS EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS {borough Eye Examinations and Glasses That Fit Perfectly. Special Attention to Children’s Eyes. Open Evenings. Phone Hudson 0461 for Appointment. THE BIND OPTICAL CO. 2513 Yonge St. North Toronto. (Opposite the Capitol Theatre) W. Warzi Price All Kinds 111 King Street West, Toronto RICHMOND Iiliil' " ONTARIO OPTOMETRIST AND OPTIC‘IAN 167 Yonge Street, Toronto 2. (Upstairs Opposite Simpson’s) Elzin 4820 Shop FOR INSURANCE We carry a full line of Quality Groceries and Pro- visions and solicit your patronage. We assure you of prompt and courteous service at all times. Groceries and Prov1310ns ‘ GLASSES IF REQUIRED AT RIGHT PRICES ARTIFICIAL EYES FITTED. Tubes AT REDUCED PRICES TERES Richmond Hill W. J. SNlDER 8: SON Schomberg~ J unction~ Phone King 306 Groceries, Confectionery Flour, Feed, Etc. BY THE MOST MODERN METHODS. Eyes Examined-- Hall’s Service Station 30 x 3%,â€" Firestone $7.95 each Boot and Shoe Repairer. A. G. SAVAGE 29 x 4. 40 Balloon $12.50 each is of Boot and Shoe Repair- ing Neatly Done Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. in Winterton’s Old Stand Yonge St. F. E. LUKE THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1927. WE DELIVER GEO. KIDD WM. GOULD TEL. 118 $1.65 each Ontario Miss Helen Clubine of Bradford is ,visiting with Mrs. Wills this week. Rev. John Colbourne of Toronto {spoke at the evening service in the {United Church also addressed the Sunday school in the afternoon, April 17th. “ : Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nelles of Forâ€" est Ontario spent the Week-end vith his Mother Mrs. John' Breakey. ‘ ‘ The regular monthly meeting of, the Ladies Aid Society of the United Church was held at the home of Mrs. J. Wills, last Wednesday aï¬ternoon April 13th, The assisting hostesses in charge were Mrs. A. A. Brillinger and Mrs. Ness. After the business part of the meeting was transacted a very interesting program was put on consisting of vocal solos by Miss Almeda Clubine and Miss Ruth Strangwa s, a violin solo by Dorothy Stokes a d recitations by Little James Hislop. Supper was served and a social hoï¬ris’pent. Mr. Jack Brillinger a horse was kicked in has been conï¬ned to several days. * MET-Charlton of Colbourne Street has purchased the late Mrs. Shuter’s house and will Wmove in §h_ortly. The Thornhill Curling Club will hold a social and euchre party in the public school next Friday evening April 21nd, at 8.15 pm. Good priz- es and refreshments. Mr? and Mrs. Robson Farr of Cha- tham, Ontario with their daughter, Phyllis have been visiting Mrs. Thom- as Bowes for several days. Lecture to Young Ladies Miss Hewison from the Health De- partment, Elm Street, Toronto will show. pictures and speak to Miss R. Strangways and Mrs. W. Luesby’s Classes of Young Ladies ‘in the Unit- ed Sunday school, Thursday evening (tonight) April let. United Church Choir Assist in Union Services The Thornhill United Church choir supplied the music at the union ser- vice in Newtonbrook, United church, Good Friday morning. Two anthems were rendered by the choir entitled, “Seek ye the Lord†and Yea though I Walk.†\au unu -v--y -., ‘ Miss Mar] me Féfr is spending her holidays in immins, Ontario with her sister, Miss Florenee_Farr.l -vu _-. Y. P. S. Meeting In the absence of the Citizenship vice preside,nt Mrs. B. Irwin the president Neil McDonald planed a very successful meeting last Monday evening April 18th. The Rev. B. R. Strangways gave a very interesting Easter talk. Miss Madeline Ellacott and Miss Marion Ground favored the members with a duet accompanied by Miss Ruth Strangways. Jean McDon- old then gave a reading entitled, “First Canadian Easter.†A delight- ful piano duet was th n rendered by Misses isobel Farr an _Edith Davies. Wsz-‘f‘ï¬lo’tcrher Piper of Toronto vis- ited last week with Mr. and Mrs. D. Boyle. - _ A_. nm “VJ .y. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Piper of Toronâ€" to spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. Boyie. u;.u~v- __ - .- Next Monday evenings meeting, April 25th will be under the leadership of the social vice president, Marion Smellie. There will be a very inter- esting and amusing contest put on entitled “childhood days,†each mem- ber is requested to bring a picture of him or herself taken when six years of age or under. Prizes will be aw- arded to the winners, there will also be other items of interest on‘ the pro- gram. Refreshments will be served all members are requested tofbe pres- ‘ï¬l‘s. J. \Vills sp'ent the Easter week end with her brother Mr. W. Clubine at Bradford, OgtatrAio. .“ 1:- 1 ent. The monthly meeting of the Wom- en’s Institute was held on Wednesâ€" day at the home of Mrs. Wm. Oliver. Miss McLellan, District Secretary and Miss L. McNeil district president were present and took part in the program. A feature of the proceed- ings was a guessing contest in which Mrs. J. B. McLean won the prize. Miss Mary Manning was appointed idelegate to the convention at Guelph. hlerserivkggvand Mr. and Mrs. W. Rees and little son of Weston visited last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Keys. Eé's'iér' services with appropriate music were held in the different churâ€" ches on Sunday. u A . a... -- Mr. and Mré. T. H. Keys and Mrs. T. Cousins attended the Golden Wed- ding reception of Mr. and Mrs. W. Davis at Richvale on Saturday. The Sacrement of the Lord’s Supp- er was administered in the United Church on Sunday evening to a large number of communicnnts. MiSS'Laidlaw of Toronto visited ov- er Sunday with friends in the village. " Miss Jéan Matheson who-has spent the past six months with friends in Glammis returned home last week. ‘â€" Migé‘râ€"M: v E: iMerrison returned on Monday after spending the winter with friends in Markdale. "-ï¬riwfï¬aiï¬eébh of Ottawa visited over Sunday at his home here. At the annual meeting of the Lake Marie and King Athletic Association held in the Masonic Hall on Thurs- day/ last week it was decided to hold a celebration on Friday, July lst at the summer home of Sir H. M. Pell- att, Lake Marie Farm. There will be all kinds of ï¬eld sports followed by a dance and entertainment. As this is Jubilee year a big day is-ex- pected. A. C. HENDERSON PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING Hot Water Heating and General Repairs THORNHILL, ONT. lur Thornhill King City ling Club Euchre Maple while éhoeing‘ the ankle and his home for The ideal weather of the past week gives notice that the time has come for recalling the prediction of the weather prophets last fall that 1927 was to be a year Without a summer. Of course, the summer of 1927 is not yet over, and it is possible that any- thing yet may ha en, but conditions so far are agai the summerless prediction. Conditions so far age. in Summerless Summer Was Idle Prophesy EQSi'nof an early summer and plenty of it. But should the predictions fail we may be sure that the weather proâ€" phets will not go out of business. The expert prophets who make use of all the aids of science can give them, assure us that it is not possible to forecast the weather for more than a few hourse ahead, and even then they deal in probabilities rather than a certanties; but the weather prophets are no more deterred by the limita- tions of science than they are by their own failures. The theory seems to be that if one keeps guessing all the time he is likely to‘ hit it right once in a While, and the lucky guesses are remembered while the failures are forgotten. PATRONIZE YOUR PAPER We have frequently endeav- ored to point out the advantâ€" ages of newspaper advertising as compared to handbills, and this week we have had com- plaints which bear out our con- tention. Householders though- out the town are complaining of the bills delivered around town which are littering the lawns to such an extent that they have become a nuisance around the town and are very unsightly. The town foreman recently had occasion to inves- tigate a culvert which was ï¬ll- ed in and failed to function. To his surprise he found that bun- ches of handbills deposited there were the cause-of the trouble. It is poor business for merchants and business men to spend money on this type of so-called advertising. Admittedly the hills which are practically littering the streets and lawns are not read and we have no evidence that the town foreman patronized the store whose bills he found in the cul- vert. Moralâ€" ADVERTISE IN’ "YOUR LOCAL PAPER AND GET RESULTS. Durant Motors of Canada, Limitgd Toronto,Canada THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. New Star Car Features Red Seal "Lâ€â€"/Jcad Continental Motor Full Pressure Lubrication Morse Silent C/Jaiu Drive Ibermostatically Controlled Cooling System Whirlwind Aa‘alcralion Locomotive-type Brakes Su,‘>er-Sensiti1'c Steering N74 .4 And Other Quality Foaturcs Cold Rivettcd Chassis Frame =â€"â€"â€"â€"mes smsm J56 flrz'stocmz‘ gf a?“ 2776 @w Price ï¬eld 339’ .f‘ o DAVID HILL, nghmond Hill, Ont. 'ation-wide Service Facilities John Dunlap & Son Thornhill Richmond Hill We solicit orders for cut flowers for all 0c- casions which will be promptly and cheer- fully ï¬lled. ADDRESS COMMUNIQ‘ATIONS TO WILFRED R. DEAN Professional Graduate of Owen A. Smiley Studio. CONCERT ENTERTAINER AND Thornhill Field Day July Ist Miss Marguerite Boyle V . rzsfocmt, -' nhill - Ontario Telephone 23 r 2 ELOC U TI 0N Boyle Studio Telephone 54 R 2. FLORISTS Thornhill 17011125 ENTERTAINER AND TEACHER ADDRESS Every mile means The New Star Car is Canadian built and coniprms to a standard of quality that is essential for Canadian weather and road conditions. Its re-sale value is higher than other motor cars for two reasons, ï¬rst, because of a stable factory and sales policy; second, because the nurnber of Star Car owners desiring to sell is proportionately smaller than that of any other auto- mobile in its class! Ont. VERY dollar in a New Star Cat means 100 cents worth of value. Every hour means 60 minutes of comfort. erv mile means 5,280 feet of satisfaction. DELIVERS TUES. EACH WEEK Richmond Street GRINDING A SPECIALTY used and Recommended by Dr. Ante of Bathursc Poultry Farm. Flour and Feeds, Bran, Shorts and Gluten Corn, Feed and Seed Oats, Baled Hay and Straw Noted “Staminax†Chic Mash Blocks Made To Order 0r From Our Stock At Yards Car Load of Salt just Arrived. Prices Right. THE MILL GET OUR PRICES ON 5. ,- 13 3E EN'l‘ ‘V ()IIIK IT WILL PAY YOU G. S. REAMAN breet ] CEMENT MIXERS FOR RENT J. F. BURR Richmond Hill. PAGE SEVEN PHONE 139 M days 82 W Eve. 9-537.