Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Apr 1927, p. 5

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Holiness Meeting . . . . . . . . Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . . Salvation meeting . . . . . . . . Meetings Held In Lorm Everyone Invited A UORDIAL WELCOME EXTENDED TO ALL Rev. B. R. Strangway. B. A., B MINISTER SALVATMN ARMY the popular price of . .$2.00 to $2.75 Men’s Fine Quality Arrow Shirts at A Wonderful Range Of Ties At $1.00 Headquarters for Hats and Caps. Oxfords For The Men $5.00 to $6.00. Spring Shoes For The Ladies. The Richmond Hill Furnishing Store NORMAN J. GLASS REMEMBER WE ARE AGENTS RICHMOND HILL CORPS District Sergeant Major Butler Sunday Services 11 n.m. Holy Communion 7.30 pm. Self Importance. SEE US ABOUT THAT NEW SPRINGASUIT AND TO? 60M Richmond Hill ‘ ()1 2587 YONGE STREET â€" NORTH TORONTO. HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN. RICHMOND TAELGRS Sunday Services Sunday Schoolâ€"2.30. UNITED CHURCH THORNHILL EXCLUSIVE GOODS, CORRECTLY TAILORED BY CANADA‘S MOST EXCLUSIVE TAILORS FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN. J. A. GREENE Telephone 5j or Residence 49w varied assortment of ready-made work trousels at very low prlces. FOR THE THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1927. Work Trousers Lorne Hall. pm. pm. 8.111. Late Emily Ada Schell. Emily Ada Schell passed away at her home in Aurora on April 14th after a lingering illness of consider- able duration. She bore her sufl’er- ing very patiently and seemed very bright and cheerful through it all. Those left to mourn her death are her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Schell, Aurora. and two-“sis- ters, Mrs. B. Boston, Victoria Square and Mrs. H. T. Jackson, Maple, Ont. And one brother, Rev. R. G. Schell of Boston, Mass. Interment took place in Cober’s cemetery on ‘the 3rd concession, Vaughan, on Sunday afternoon, April 17th. ‘ Late Wm. Thompson The death occurred on Tuesday, April 26 at his son’s residence Lans- ing, Ontario of William Thompson in his 68th year. The late Mr. Thomp- son farmed for years in the Lake Wilâ€" cox district moving away about eight years ago. He was prominent in many local endeavors and was well known in this district. The funeral was held on Thursday afternoon and linterment followed at Aurora Cemet- ery. Mayvbe swell-head is just nature’s frantic effort to fill a vacuum. I Aphorism of industry: The less you need a boss, the less you hate one. E promise you fair treatment w if you will call upon us. We will advise you to the best of our ability if you consult us about your lumber problem. We will sell you merchandise that will make you pleased that you purchased it of us. Phone 133 Richmond Street 'pleasant to ten MONEY'S woRT'H'Sor camcâ€" §§I 3111512110»: THE EARTH FROMlSE YOU YOUR. H. WOOLNOUGH Cor. Queen and Ontario Streets. Toronto. Conducts an up-to-date har- ness business and is prepared to look after the needs of farmers and teamsters in this district for new harness, and harness repairs. Richmond Hi1] Cartage [l 1 L. INNES & SONS â€" MOVING ~â€" LONG DISTANCE HAULING. Phone Richmond Hill 5:. QUICK SERVICE OBITUARY E. SLINEY I Mr. and Mrs. Hugh E. Stevenson {and daughter of Niagara Falls, N. Y. 'were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Thompson last week. Miss F. M. Brown attended the an- nual meeting of the Huntsville Old Boys and Girls in the Oddfellow’s fiall Bathurst Street, Toronto last Friday evening. About 350 were present, including former residents i __________ g SOCIAL and PE] . Mr .and Mrs. Charles E. Moyle of Toronto visited over Sunday with Miss A. Moyle. (3f the {own and some who had mot- ored from Huntsville to meet their old friends. Train Discontinued ’Canadian National Railways an- nounce that elfective May first their Torontoâ€"Beaverton train will be discontinued. The leaving time of this’ train from Richmond Hill at present is 4.07 p.1n. northbound and 10.35 am. southbound. Y. W. A. Meeting The monthly meeting of they Y.W'. A. of the United Church, Richmond Hill will meet at the home of Miss Olive Mortson on Tuesday, May 3rd at 8 pm. Mrs. Hague of Victoria Square will give an address on “Home Missions". Mrs. Hague has spent a number of years in Western Canada in the mission fields and the, society wish all members and others to be present to learn of this work. Special'music will be given. Bargains in Garage Doors Four pair only, garage doors, made of Ontario soft white pine, well man- ufactured and standard pattern. 6 lights, sash and 4 upright panells. Regular price, $17.00 now sell for $12.85, tax free, apply Jones Lumber Richmond Hill. Get A Premium The offer already announced by the Horticultural Society of a premium given this spring to the members still holds good. Notify the secretary, Mrs. Hume, which of the premiums below you would like for yours this signifying that you are becoming a member fee ($1.00). Forsythia, Hydrangia, Syringia, Spirea, Snowball, Weiglia, Climbing Rose (Dorothy Perkins or Rugosa). Where there are two members in the family you may have a French Lilac, you must call for your premium at the Endean Nurseries next Monday or Tuesday, May 2nd or 3rd A Suggestion It has been suggested to The Lib- eral that the best way Richmond Hill could celebrate Jubilee ,year would he to hold a street'dance to markth‘e opening of our new paved street. tainmcnt in tho (former) Methodist Church, Buttonville on Thursday ev- ening May 5, at eight o’clock.‘ The program will consist of a. play “Breezy Point” to be given by the Young Ladies of Richmond Hill Unit- ed Church, W. M. S. Admission ad- ults 35 cents, Children 10 cents. Sale of Cars G. A. M. Dayison, Unionville is go- ing to sell agout 50 used cars and trucks at Unionville Von Saturday, May let by auction you will buy them at you own price as everything will be sold without reserve. Classified “Ads.” Read‘ our classified ads. They are always up to date and you may find what you want there at a bargain. If you have anything you want or have something for sale, which many households have at this time of the Will Present Play. The Young People’s League of Victoria Square will hold an enter- year, use our classified ad section. Results are assured and the charge is very small. Oakville Demands Recording Thermometer. » Important amendments to the milk by-law calculated to make. it possible for the local householder to obtain milk as free from impurities as is possible were, passed by the Oakville Council last week. The three amendâ€" ments as recommended by the Board of Health, include the pasteurization of cream, the obtaining of all milk to be sold in town from duly accredited herds and the installation of self re- cording thermometers in the dairies such as are used in the pasteurization process. It was pointed out that the pasteurization of cream was fully as important in the interests of health as was that of milk. as was the Alas! Most of the people who itch to tell the truth have something un- SOCIAL and PERSONAL THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. LOCAL N EWSY ITEMS >0--- Girls Team Organized An organization meeting of the Richmond Hill girl’s Baseball team was held at the Richmond Hotel on Tuesday evening and there was a} splendid turnout of the girls. Thel enthusiasm displayed was a convincJ ing denial that the girls were not go- ing to be heard from this year. A team has been entered in the Yonge Street League and under the capable management of “Bert” Johnston should make their presence felt. Practices are to be held every Tuesâ€" }day and Friday at the Public School 6.45 sharp. The following officers grounds until further notice, the first practice being Friday, April 29 at were electedzâ€"Honorary president, J. A. Greene, Honorary vice president E. T. Stephens; President Mrs. W. Middleton; Vice-president, L. H. Clement, Manager Bert Johnston, Coach B. White, Secretary-Treasurer, Miss G. G. Grant. Special Great reduction in price of Gypsum board. Did you know No. 1 Gypsum Board in 32 in. x 36 in. sheets had been reduced from $32 to $25 per M. tax free. This is yard price only. Jones Lumber Co. Ladies Softball Officers Elected A meeting of the Yonge Street Ladies Soft ball League was held in the Victoria Hall last Friday even- ing, April 22nd. Representatives were present from Aurora, Elgin Mills, Maple Richmond Hill and Thornhill. At this meeting the elec- :tion of officers took place which re- lsulted as follows:â€"President, B. H. lEaton, Thornhill; lst Vice-President, iMrs. Whitten, Elgin Mills; 2nd vice Ipresident, Mr. Grimley, Newmarket; ‘ISecretary, Gladys Hooper, Thornhill; Hill The following double schedule was drawn up at this meeting. l I l Diay Blay Dday “lay hIay Blay Blay June June June June June June June June June June June June June June June July July July July July July July July July J uly Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug Aug Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug 16â€"â€"4Xurora at Blaple. 18â€"Thornhill at Elgin Mills 20â€"Newmarket at Richm’d Hill 23â€"Elgin Mills at Aurora 25â€"â€"Rkflnnond Ilfll at Thornhfll 27â€"Maple at Newmarket 30â€"Newmarket at Thornhill lâ€"Aurora at Richmond Hill 3 Elgin Mills at Maple’ 6 Aurora at Newmarket 8 Richmond Hill atlfllgin Mills 10 Maple at Thornhill 13 Thornhill at Aurora 13â€"â€"ThornhiH at Aurora 15 Richmond Hill at Maple 17â€"Elgin Mills at Newmarket 20â€"Maple at Elgin Mills . 22â€"Richmond Hill at Aurora 24â€"Thornhill at Newmarket 27â€"Elgin Mills at Richinond H’l 29â€"Newmarket at Maple. 30â€"â€"Aurora at Thornhfll 4â€"Newmarket at Elg'in Mills -6-â€"nlaple at Ilurora 8 Thornhill at Richmond Hill . 11â€"-1FhornhiH at Blaple 13â€"Richmond Hill at Newm’ket Iiiâ€"Aurora at Elgin Mills 18â€"Map1e 5+. Richmond Hill ZOâ€"Elgin Mills at Thornhill 22â€"Newmarket at Aurora 25 and 27â€"lst and 2nd home and '5 home games. 2ND HALF 1â€"Maple at Newmarket 3â€"Thornliill at Aurora 5 Elgin Mills at Richmond Hill 8 Newmarket at Thornh‘ll. 10â€"Am‘ora at Elgin M3115 12â€"Richmord Hill at Maple .15â€"Thornhill at Richmond lIil‘ 17â€"â€"Dlaple at.1lurora. 19â€"Elgin Mills at Newmarket 22â€"Newmarket at Elgin Mills Aug. lâ€"Maple at Nexvmquet Aug. 3â€"Thornliill at Aurora Aug. 5 Elgin Mills at Richmond Hill Aug. 8 Newmarket at Thornh'il. Aug 10â€"Aurora at E1gin.l\i?iis Aug 12â€"Riclimord Hill at Maple Aug..15â€"Thornhill at Richmond Hi1? Aug. 17â€"Maple at .Aurora . Aug. 19â€"Elgin Mills at ‘Newmarket Aug 22â€"Newmarket at Elgin Mills Aug. 24â€"Aurora at Richmond Hill Aug. 26â€"Maple at Thornhill Aug. 29 and 31 1st and 2nd Teafn play sudden death game on neutral grounds. Sept. 2â€"2 winners of first and sec- ond series home and home games. ' ‘It Pays To Advertise. ‘ Advertising seems to be an art yet to be discovered _by some people. That is the practical part of it. A constant stream of water from one or more fire engines will soon extin- guish or get under control a very large fire, while a few buckets of water dashed on here and there have little or no. effect. The modern fire department is practical and has out- grown the bucket system, and so with modern advertisingâ€"plenty of it, used in a practical, common sense and ju- dicious manner, pays. If you want to catch a certain kind of fish you use 'a certain kind of bait; not all fish bitevat all kinds of bait. Not all people respond to every ad- vertisement. The newspaper is a me- dium indispensable to the majority of advertisers, because of its wide and repeating circulation. As a promoter of trade and profit newspaper advert- ising is no longer an open question; that is, when done in a practical and intelligent manner, and pays because of its eflectivenes and cheapness. 24â€"Aurora at Richmond Hill 26â€"Map1e at Thornhill 29 and 31 151; and 2nd Teafn sudden death game on neutral League Schedule lST HALF Quaiity Shoppe LADIES DRESSES regufiar values $18.90 to $25.00 Play Suits for Boys and Girls Curtain Materials - Wall Papers Hosiery in. all New Styles and :hades, from 490 to $2 THIS WEEK â€"- Phone 53 Buying a Used Ford Car or Truck see our big Assortment on our Used Car Lot located at 2369 Yonge Street, Corner Broadway. HUdson 4201 RICHMOND HILL Speciais Em TEfis Week Dr. THUNA Balsam Remedé 2555 Yonge St. RHEUMATISM ‘Come in or 'phone in for Thuna's Herbal Rheumatic Treatment Easy Terms Inl[the‘:Millinery lDepal‘tment:yOleWill find the‘ very latestg in Spring Styles at Popular Prices. $2.95 up. HUdson 7303 Bargains Every Day as our Space ileimited and we are takmg in a lot of Cars on new ones Daily so the used cues House Dresses and Aprons Stiffness and Sore- ness of Mu:cles Pains in Hips and Down the Legs. Mrs. Norman Batty ’NGRTH END MOTORS Limited SCIATICA, GOUT Acute, Chronic or -MuScular BEFORE Show Rooms and Repair Shop at Very Attractive Prices $5M ta) $21.0G MUST BE SOLD TONSILS Diseased or Enlargedâ€" quickly corrected by Thuna’s Tonsil and Adenoid Tablets; pleasant to take, safe and certain in their action. Ad- alts size $1.75; Child’s $1.00 postpaid. Save an operation. Tender and Swollen Joints Shooting Pains in Different Parts of the Body Cor. Sherwood Ave. Guaranteed Title 1391 Yonge Street PAGE FIVE Trench B10cn iesiimé ADENOIDS

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